Soul Evolution System

Chapter 202: Day 2 (Part 6)

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(POV Alexander )

After walking through the jungle for a while, I finally detect 5 people in my domain who were heading right towards us. I'm grateful that this place is a jungle because this had shortened quite its previous extension from what it could reach, they could have noticed us long ago if this place was plain.

"5 people are coming here, so get ready"

"W-Won't we talk to them first? Perhaps we can try to convince them not to fight us… ”

" Girl... they have bombs, remember? So I don't want to be too close to them to talk. I think it is better that we take care of them quickly and thus avoid any problem”

"Well... we will not kill them without first observing them a bit. After observing them, then we will decide what to do with these people”

I was more in agreement with Revy's point of view, but probably I also will feel bad if the other people are defenseless beautiful women or children… so after thinking about it for a moment, I decided to first see what kind of people they were, and if they are bad people, this way it may help Emilia-chan to make the decision to kill someone... I really hope that she can do it, otherwise, that would cause us more problems in the future.

With that in mind, we prepared to meet those 5. Seeing the direction in which they walk, I place several [Remote control BIM] and then go back a bit to wait for them.

It will not take long for them to get inside that place that had now become a minefield. Now that they are closer to us, I could see their auras and evaluate them... well, among them, 2 men have very dark auras. The rest on the other hand, only have black threads on them... quite possibly this is due to everything that is happening on this island than instead of being bad people.

Besides, I can also see that in 3 of them it added to what was written over their heads a +2, a +1, and another +1... 

"They have killed people already, so we can forget about talking to them, that would be too risky"

" ...I won't ask how you know that, but it's good that we go with my idea of killing them before they notice us, that's much easier "


"Wait, let's not use the bombs yet, Revy... let me take care of one first."

Some may have been just unfortunate people who got involved in this crazy game, but unfortunately for them, they had now also become a risk to us if we acted softly.

Knowing that Revy had decided to help us, before when we were walking in the forest, I gave several bombs to her and Mary. So, when I see that she is about to use one, I stop her and take my spear.

I target the man with the +2 over his head since he would be probably the most dangerous of them, in the next instant, he was dying on the ground while screaming.

"Oh! It seems you have good aim, damned brat. ”

"That was a great, master. You ended up with one of them on the first try"


Of the girls next to me, two of them don't seem to care much about this and they even praise my aim a little...the other one tremble a bit and seem that can't take her eyes off the man who is writhing on the ground.

"A-A spear? Who is the damn idiot who uses a spear when you have bombs? Are you a damn caveman?!! ”

"Hehehe, they are making fun of you, Alex-chan"

"I can assure you that the guy who writhes on the ground does not think the same of my ‘Ben Dover- 2’ "

"...’B-Ben Dover- 2’? What are you? A child?"

“ I am 12 years old, remember? Furthermore, we should take care of other people”

"Tch... fine"

"Yes Master"

With my words, Revy and Mary target someone and then start heading towards them. Emilia-chan, on the other hand, stays still without moving...

"Emilia!! Stop spacing out and focus, or a bomb could end up killing you! ”

"E-eh? Y-yes ! ”

After making her back on herself, I put my eyes to others and I can see that one of them turns around and runs trying to get away from us... it's good that I had placed the [Remote Control BIMs] as a way to avoid them from escaping. So pressing the button on the bracelet in my wrist, I prevent him from escaping.

[Boom !!]

"I-I-I don't want to die !!"

[Boom boom boom!!]

"S-Shit! T-That damn woman went crazy! ”

Revy had chosen a woman to take care of and was walking in her direction, she has to stop when the woman starts throwing bombs everywhere… it's good that she wasn't too close to that woman yet, or things would have been really bad for her.

Well, it's nice to see that while being bombarded she does not loses control and instead hides behind a tree to protect herself and as if waiting for an opportunity to make her move, occasionally glances at the woman who was throwing bombs.

"Ah... Noooo!"


"Damn crazy bitch... you really scare me"

...this girl is quite ruthless. When the woman notices the [Timer BIM] that Revy had thrown after cover behind the tree, she tries to run away from there, but it was too late. Now there is only the person who ran away and Mary followed, and the other one coming in this direction remaining...

"Emilia-kun... the guy who comes this way is a pretty bad person, in fact, I think he's the type of the men you hate the most... so you better take care of him before he kills you... or he ends up doing something much worse to you"

"E-eh? B-But… ”

Without saying anything more, I move a little away from this place... of everyone in that group, I think he was one of the worst since apart from his aura being black, added to that color  also had a sick pink one as if he was excited all the time...

Noticing this, I believed that this guy was the best option for Emilia-chan to decide to use her bombs against someone... I do not intend to abandon her, and I will try to help her from the side if things go wrong... although l the weapons that used in this place are bombs, so I can't guarantee that nothing would happen to her.

I don't really like the idea either, but I have to push her a bit if I want her to at least try to protect herself...

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(POV Emilia)

After telling me that, Alexander heads towards some trees until I lose sight of him… then not long after, I hear the sound of someone approaching here while running, and a moment later, a man was in front of me.

"D-Damn it !! S-So it was you who killed everyone... damn bitch, I'll make you pay for this!!”

"N-No ... i-it w-was not me... I-I think it is better not to fight against us and seek a way to-"

" W-What the hell are you talking about, bitch? !! Are you saying we should talk to each other after you've killed everyone else? Do you really think I will believe your words? ”

Right after seeing me, that man starts shouting at me. When I hear him, I can only blame Alexander a little since he was partly right and so I can't find words to contradict what he said...

But then, when he tries to find one of his bombs and tries to catch his breath a bit, he starts to look at me more closely and then his next words make me stop blaming Alexander and instead can't help but see this man with displeasure.

"W-Well ... i-if you don't want me to hurt you, then you will have to do everything I tell you... don't move or otherwise I will blow you up bitch!"

The fear and anger that this man had, now when seeing me, seems to have been suppressed by another emotion... now in his eyes that looked to various specific parts of my body, I could see that these were full of lust, and so I knew very well what he would probably ask me to do now...

"I-I told you not to move bitch! Tch… this will be a waste ”

In my head, any desire to discuss had disappeared now, and besides, my body was moving by itself and was looking to take one of the bombs that I had in my waist bags.

It was a shame that man had already taken one of his bombs before me, and then upon noticing my actions he activated this one... this was a bomb of the type that pulled out a small propeller and flew towards a target that was aimed with this, Alexander called [Homing BIM]. Logically, I was the target this was heading for while making a small buzz.

Seeing this, my body freezes for a second trying to choose between continuing to look for a bomb or running from here, but unfortunately given the distance between the two of us, that time was very crucial.

Then when I believed that soon my life would end, in the next instant, something seems to be thrown from the trees and hits the bomb...




As a result of that , the explosion knocks both of us ... I was the one who ran with more luck because the bomb was closer to him than me.

"D-Damn! You are not alone? I-I see... you were just a bait”

As we both try to stand up, the man who now had some slight burns from the explosion draws his own conclusions from this…I don't think Alexander used me as bait, because if he wanted to kill this guy, he probably would have done it without doing that.

...that he is still alive, it is only because he wants me to take care of him by myself.

A part of me wants to complain to him for forcing me to do this... but another knows that with this occasion, this is the third time he has saved me... if I do nothing, then I will only become a burden.

This guy wanted to do to me the same thing that the other men have tried to do... besides, he has even tried to kill me... also thinking about what could have happened if Alexander did not intervene, my body begins to shake more.

I- If I don't kill him, then I'm afraid that maybe the next time Alexander tries to help me will be too late...

"W-Well ... w- we should talk things over like you said before. I-I can help you get more crystals if you let me join you! ”

"... I-I don't want you are close to me ... s-so ... please disappear!"



Standing and holding the bomb that I had taken before the explosion, I observe the man that was in front of me and that now realizing that I was not alone, or perhaps remembering it, he begins to beg while looking at me and the surroundings as if he wanted to find Alexander.

…The thought of having him close to me and having to be vigilant of him all the time, it was enough to even while my hand trembling a little, I was able to make up my mind to drop the bomb on him and end his life.

"Well done, Emilia-chan. It looks like you've approved! ”

[Pan] [Pan] [Pan] [Pan]

" Hehehe, it looks like you lost the bet, Revy "

“ Hmp ~ If it hadn't been for the boy, then she would be dead now. The result was manipulated, so the bet does not count.

Also… what the hell are you doing damned brat? !! ”

With the death of that man, Alexander and the other two girls come out of the trees... apparently they had also finished with the people they took as targets... I really can't understand how they can look so calm after having killed someone ...

My body doesn't stop shaking, and the man's screams are still echoing in my ears… all I could think right now was that I had just killed a man!

It was certainly very possible that he would have hurt me if I was alone, b-but did I really have to do this?

My mind kept going around this question countless times until they showed up, and even now I can't totally stop asking me this… the only thing that made me distract myself a bit from this was what Alexander was doing when I saw him.

At the beginning I thought that he was clapping his hands as he says that as if praised me. But then, paying more attention and listening to the complaints of Revy-san, I realized what was wrong...

"... Sorry, I had a hand busy and wanted to applaud Emilia-chan’s achievement... and since you were close to me, I thought your butt would be a good replacement for my other hand.”

"Fuck you damned brat!

…you should be thankful that I don't have my weapons with me, or else I would shoot you now!! ”

While Alexander was holding a canteen with one hand, he was patting Revy-san's butt with the other and kept doing it until she complained to him about it... so what I thought was an applause, turned out to be the sound of spanking instead.

... seriously, I didn't know whether to get angry or laugh at how shameless this kid was.

"Are you okay Emilia-chan?"

“… I just took a person's life, so how can I be alright? ”

"Why do you worry so much, girl? He wanted to kill you first, right? Just think of that as self-defense. "

"E-Even so ..."

Perhaps seeing that I had stayed in the same place all this time without saying anything, Alexander decides to ask me that and Revy-san also joins the conversation. 

The words that she says to me are the same that I repeated to myself over and over again, but even doing this the feeling as if I had become the worst person in the world does not disappear...

“ Girl… just admit that you are screwed for being in this situation, and therefore you had to do that. Although if it bothers you so much to kill someone to survive, then you can take the alternative path, you know? ”

" ... The alternative path? ”

Seeing me act this way, it seems like this causes Revy-san to get upset about something, and then she says that to me with a mocking tone. Still, hearing her say that, then my gaze shifts between her and Alexander... he had told me that if I wanted to get out of here alive, then the best way was this, but... if there is another better way, then I would be a fool if I didn't I take it ... after all, I don't want to become a murderer ... or a serial murderer, since I have already killed someone.

... I just didn't wanted what I feel now to become even more intense.

Unfortunately, her next words make my body shake even more than my thoughts of killing a man.

"It 's simple... as I saw, you have a great body. I'm sure that if you become the sex doll of any men here, they may be happily accept to make the difficult part for you.

Perhaps it is easier for you to move your ass on a man than killing someone, right?

Also… I think you're in luck, I'm sure this brat would be willing to do that. ”


“ … You are wrong about that, I don't like to force anyone to have sex with me, nor take advantage of a woman because of her situation to just sleep with her. I have always believed that sex is something for both parties to fully enjoy ”

" She is not necessary for that, I can take care of those needs from him if Master wants "


"Of course, I have no problem for Master to vent with my body"

“Haaa… it seems like you don't understand it either, Mary-chan… the fact that I'm the only one who enjoys and wants to do it is not very different from rape, that's just boring. The best thing is that both parties strive to feel more pleasure ”

" that so ?"

"Hmp~ Why are you lying, brat? Haven't you been touching my whole body without my consent every time you can since we met? ”

"That is different! That is skinship! ”

"Fuck you !! W-What skinship?!! just admit you're a big damned pervert brat!! "

I can only hear some parts of the conversation between the three of them since at that moment, I was still thinking about the things that Revy-san … what that woman said to me. First, due to the similar situations that had happened to me, these caused unpleasant emotions to resurface, and then also some anger began to build up inside me.

...if I thought about it, her words also meant to become a prostitute or something like that, right? So, what she said was also an insult to me.

“ …Do you say it from experience? Did you get tired of moving your a-ass for a man, and then you better decided to kill people instead? ”

"" ... ""

I wasn't used to arguing with other people, but I also couldn't answer her anything and let her insult me like that... since I don't want to follow her advice, then I will follow Alexander's one and that's why I shouldn't let others mistreat me!

Even though I didn't say that very loudly, the discussion between three of them had stopped, and the place falls silent as they direct their eyes towards me...

"W-What did you say... girl? ”


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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