Soul Evolution System

Chapter 203: Day 2 ( Part 7 )

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(POV Emilia)

"W-What did you say... girl? ”

With my words, Alexander is left with his mouth open as if he did not expect me to answer back to this woman... also the blonde girl to whom he addresses as Mary, observes this as if it were something entertaining.

Then the woman to whom my words were addressed turns slowly towards me, it really seems as if she did not understand my words or rather she did not believe that I said then, that is why she asks me to make me repeat my words...

"I-I said ... I said that if you say that from experience?!

…  if it's because you got tired of moving your ass for a man, and then you better decided to kill people instead?!! ”

"Hee~... little bitch, you have more guts than I thought... but now let's see how long you can maintain this posture, or if you return to be the little bitch that you are again..."

T-This woman's gaze was quite intimidating... no, not only this, her presence caused me fear and made my body tremble too. So, when she takes a few steps toward me, I can not help but step back a bit.

" Calm down Revy... as I said before, now we are in the same group, and so arguing between us will not help at all"

"...Why do you defend her?! If she has the guts to say that, then she has to take responsibility for her own words too! ”

“ Well… no matter how I look at it, seeing how a mercenary attacks a poor student is not very pleasant… that would be quite unfair, don't you think? ”

"Fine, Fine, I understand.

… Just make your little bitch keep her mouth shut. ”

When I thought she would hit me, Alexander stands between us... for a moment it seemed like she would push him aside, but when she sets her eyes on Mary-san who was also walking next to him while smiling, she decides to stop. 

To me, Mary-san seems like a girl I can talk to... at least more than with this woman. I don't know why, but for some reason, Revi seems to be on guard when she's around her...

Speaking of Mary, she is quite submissive to Alexander… from what I understood of everything that happened in that cabin, I think she is not human and has a kind of obligation to follow his orders.

... actually, now I think the things he said to me when we met do not seem so crazy anymore, and in fact, everything indicates that he is a person from another world... after all when Revy appeared, she said very similar things.

"Well... after we finish collecting all the useful things from here, then let's find a place to rest and relax a bit."

"T-Thank you... Alexander... senpai, also Mary-san "

"Do not worry"

"Hmn? Don't thank me. I only intervened because Master did it... I don't care much about what could happen to you. In fact, if both of you want to kill each other, then just do it in a place where you won't cause anybody trouble. 


"Haaa... let's just do what I said. Mary, help me collect the crystals and bombs these guys had. "

…Apparently, I was the only one who thought well of her. She certainly isn't as aggressive as Revy-san, but she doesn't seem to mind if something bad happens to me either… I think the only one who would help me from those in this place is Alexander. Considering this, it really seems like he was older than me, and someone who supported me. So, calling him “senpai” became a little less difficult.

“Revi, don't go too far! Remember that we are in a place with guys carrying bombs with them ”

"Oh? Now you care about me? ”

After making a sigh, Alexander goes to one of the bodies that were on the ground, but not before speaking to Revy who had started walking away from this place with an annoyed face.

Mary-san also does what he asked, and then a while later we all leave this place following Revy. Walking for a while, we stop at a place with some downed logs where we sit down to eat and drink something.

Then when looking for a place to sit, I end up taking one of the close sides of Alexander-senpai... I thought that I would never choose to approach a man on my own again, but among him, a girl who when she sees me shows quite a dislike, and another which seems to treat me like air, then I had no other option.

“This time we got 10 crystals! With the 7 I had before, now there are 17 in total… I think if we try hard, then we can get 25 before the end of the day! ”

"Yes Master"

"...Good for you, Alex-chan"

"That means killing 8 more people... you really don't care about that?

… What did you think when you killed the first time? ”

While Alexander was drinking water, he had taken out all the crystals he had gotten so far and counted them. By the way, this place was pretty hot, so even I have been constantly drinking from the bottles he gave me earlier.

Well, putting that aside, seeing that no one seemed to care about everything that happened just now, I can't help but ask this. Besides, even though I had addressed him, my eyes roam all who were here...

“Well… the first time I killed someone I didn't think about it much. The guy seemed to want to use me as his toy, and so I just killed him. ”

“Hahaha, so you stole a man's heart, Alex-chan? You are amazing~ ”

"Damn it Revy... if you didn't listened, you can tell I stole that guy's heart, literally"

“Well, maybe he left this world happy to die in the hands of the person he loved, hehehe.

In my case, the truth is that I don't remember it well… it's not that I lived in a good place, so when I was young there I understood that if I wanted to live, then I had to kill others.

And then at some point, I just did that. Since at the time I thought that was a necessary thing to do, I never thought much about it. "

" Hmn? Me? The person just now is the first one that I killed ... if I felt something when I kill him? ...Maybe just his neck breaking?”

"" ... ""

... I don't know whether to say that the mentality of these three people is quite strong, or simply that they were crazy... Also, Mary-san seems to be even more dangerous than I had thought... I certainly feel that if I make Revy angry, then she can kill me. But with Mary-san... she seems like she can kill me for no reason at all.

... I’m really starting to wonder if it would be safer to try to go on my own.

Well... while Alexander is here, Mary-san surely won't do anything to me. As for Revi, I just have to stay away from her.

Maybe the fact that they don't think too much about things like killing someone, to a certain extent has calmed me down, and the emotions I had felt for what I did have decreased a little... I think it's because I know that they won’t judge me and even look at me like I'm a normal girl.

" Stop drinking water by yourself and give me something!"


"D-Damned bastard! What are you doing?!"

"Well... I thought you wanted to have an indirect kiss, and so I thought it would be better for you this way"

"What are you? A child? ...forget it, just give me the stupid canteen "

"Mary, would you mind trying to find other people in the jungle while we get some rest?"


...when I thought of all that, Revi asks the canteen to Alexander and then this one before handing it, he starts licking the mouthpiece of this... seeing all this, I can only think that maybe I should not think about things too much.

" Are you feeling better now, Emilia-chan? ”


"About the thing from before, I'm not asking you to kill all the people you meet on your way, I only want that at least you consider defending yourself first rather than worrying about other people.""


“… Isn't that something obvious? I don't think this girl is so dumb to let someone kill her without doing anything, right? ”

“Not everyone grows up in a hostile environment like you, Revy. So not everyone will have as their first thought killing a person who hurts them "

"Hmp~  those people are dumb"

Although Revy-san says that, I can see that part of her understood that. I, on the other hand, listening to Alexander's words feel a great relief. At least it seems like it's not like he wants to force me to kill all the people we met or be like them...

I wonder what kind of world Alexander lived in? Sometimes he acts in a kind and considerate way, but other times he is cold and decisive... and also someone a little perverted.


When I felt calmer, I suddenly feel a prick, and when I look for the reason why, then, under my skirt I see that there was a snake there and instinctively due to fear I fall back from where I was sitting.

... t-this one must have left the trunk where I was sitting... t-these animals may cause me to fear, but now I had an even greater concern than this. So, my trembling now was due to another reason than just having seen the snake...

"Ooh girl~... it really seems like you're unlucky...

Or could it be good luck? Now you will not die from any bomb and instead, it will be from the poison. But maybe that is something much better? ”

"Hmn? That snake is n- "

"N-No... w-what should I do now?! ”

It was like Revy said, most likely that was a poisonous snake! If so, then I may die in a few minutes... or at best, perhaps a few hours.

Until now I thought I just had to worry about other people and the bombs they had, but then this happens... it's like it's a big joke of fate. Not knowing what to do and ignoring Revy's taunt and what Alexander was trying to say to possibly reassure me, I try to seek help from them.

But then the following words from her put me in even greater preaching...

"Well... why don't you try to get someone to suck out the poison? That's what you see in the movies, isn't it?......Although…"

"S-Suck the poison?" Th-that's… ”


I had certainly seen similar things like what she says in movies or TV shows, and although I didn't know if that works, there was another more important problem...

As I repeat what she says, the two of them bring their eyes to the place where the snake bit me... towards my skirt... or more precisely, to what was underneath it.

"R-Revy-san... would you mind helping me?"

“Hehehe, I'm sorry girl, but I'm not going to suck on a part that is under your skirt… besides, now that I remember it, they say that the person who does it can also be poisoned. ”

"... I don't mind taking that risk and sucking the poison out"

As Revy refused to help me and listen to what she said, I was only one more discouraged… then Alexander's voice made my body tremble again... although unfortunately, it was not because I recover my spirits and instead it was for another reason.

"Hehehe, girl, you should hurry or the poison will spread all over your body "

"Th-that's... glup"

"Well... I don't want to pressure you Emilia-chan, but you should make up your mind quickly."

I should be happy that he wanted to take the risk, since as Revy says, he can also be poisoned by doing this. But... at least, I think he should not lick his lips like that while approaching me... that only makes things harder for me!

... I-I have no choice.

"P-Please ... h- help me ..."

" Do you want me to look for the bite... or would you tell me where the snake bit you? ”

"U-Ummm ... i-is here... "

Alexander gets on his knees in front of me and then asks me that... either option seemed bad to me, but in the end, I choose to lift my skirt on my own and tell him where the snake had bitten me.

...seriously, why the snake had to choose that place having all the space of my legs to nail its fangs?! This place was none other than the fold between my leg and my intimate area!! 

...for this reason, now I was practically showing Alexander my underwear!

"Glup... well, I think I can see it now... are you ready?"

"N-no... but I don't think I can calm down anyway, s-so... please just do it quickly"

Strangely, even though I should have been in similar situation to when I was almost raped before... now I felt no fear or disgust, instead, I was just nervous and very embarrassed... I think at least these emotions were a bit more manageable for me than what I felt at other times.

"Hehehe, this is quite interesting."

As Alexander slowly approached the place I indicated, Revy's voice reaches my ears. This damn woman... I would feel so much better now if she had decided to help me, but instead of doing that, now she is just watching at the side while having fun with what is happening.

"Hyaa~! W-Wait Alexander!

W-Why are you licking me ?! Ns-Shouldn't you suck the poison out?!”

"W-Well... people say saliva helps disinfect wounds, right?"

Suddenly, as I cast a reproachful glance at Revy-san, I feel the contact of Alexander's lips with my skin causing my body to react as if it had received an electric shock.

But in the next instant, instead of feeling the sensation of him trying to suck the poison out. I feel a tingling caused by his tongue moving around the place, and so I have no choice but to ask him what he was doing!

“…Do you remember what Revy said? You may be poisoned if you don't take this seriously! ”

" Well... that's a risk I'm willing to take. Also, they say that what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger. ”

“I think maybe you better enjoy the moment, girl. It may be the last one for you after all. ”

"F-Fool! S-Stop playing and just suck the poison out!

A-And you Revy-san, if you are not going to help, then don't get involved in this! ”


"Hmp~ I am the one who gave a solution to your problem, do you forget? 

Don't you think I've done enough already? ”

I wasn't foolish to believe the words he was saying to me, and  I knew full well that he was taking advantage of the situation. But instead of getting mad about this now, I was actually more concerned that he would poisoning himself because of me in case what Revy said was true.

" Nnn~ Hyaa!! W-Wait Alexander! D-Don't do it so hard... Nuaa~!! 

H-Hey, w-what are you doing?!! Mnnuaa! ~”

Then this time I do feel that he begins to suck the area where the bite was... a-also, I don't know if it was because he felt uncomfortable in that position or because he thought this way he could do it better, but right away I feel like with one hand he hugs my waist and with the other, he places one of my legs on his shoulder so he can get me up a little.

... T-This position is quite embarrassing!! C-couldn't he do it any other way?!

"Glup ... Glup ..."

“ Whoo ~ You seem to be motivated, boy… 

Eh? w-wait! Y-You're supposed to spit out the poison and not swallow it!! ”


N-Now that I think, he never separated her lips and spat the poison as I had seen on television, only he stopped to maybe take a breath for a little time and then he returns to sucking.

"A-Alexander... you must spit the poison out!"

"Sorry Emilia, but... I need to move this since I can't do it correctly like this"

"Eh? M-Move what?

W-Wait! Th-that's-  Hyaaa~!! ”

He didn't seem to listen to Revy-san's and my advice, and rather he seemed more concerned about other things... his words baffled me a bit, but then suddenly I had the feeling that my underwear was being swept to one side... with the hand that was not hugging my waist he had moved my underwear!

Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to complain about this since he sucks my skin again, and then the sensation of a tingling goes through my body again...

I-I didn't check it well, but I think one of the snake's fangs bit me in an exposed area while another goes through my underwear… if he had already started trying to suck the poison out like that, then there was no need to move my underwear!

N-Now he can clearly see a-all that place of me... n-not only that, being a fairly sensitive area, then every time he sucks on that place it makes my body shudder harder than before.

...I don't know if it's the poison that is taking effect or if it is something else, but now my body has started to go numb...


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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