Soul Evolution System

Chapter 205 Day 2 (Part 9)

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"Fool!! Idiot!! Pervert!!!"

After leaving Emilia-chan on the ground she recovers a little from what happened, and a lot of insults rain down on me... she certainly seems a little upset.

Well... I think it is a great advantage that she only expresses anger and I do not see any bad emotion apart from this... although previously, the notifications that rang in my head were like a carousel that went from top to bottom constantly... at that moment I just ignored them, but it is good that in the end it remained at the same value of affection... no, I think it rose a little, now it was 80 (Trust-Angry).

Since I have a slightly clearer mind now, I understand that there was a great possibility that she would show hatred and revulsion towards me for having done this to her... well, let's say that everything went well and luck was on my side this time.

"Sorry, don't be mad. I just couldn't contain myself... ”

" You're a big pervert... even though I'm in trouble for being poisoned, you still did that..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, I can assure you that"

"How do you know that?! That snake could have been poisonous… a-also, I think I feel my legs numb now, the poison may be spreading through my body...”

“No… I think that is due to another reason, girl. As agitated as you were a moment ago, if it had been a deadly poison the snake injected you with, then you would not only feel the legs numb. So, like this boy, I think you should be fine… ”

"Yes, Revy is right, and in case you still feel uneasy about it, then I'll give you this. ”

"... W-What is that?"

"An antidote that works for various poisons"


Since Kurisu had an angry character, I had some experience dealing with angry girls. I had understood from experience that sometimes you just have to ignore them while you wait for them to calm down and then talk when they are calm, or you could also try to improve their mood with sweet words or gifts... that seems to help a lot to make their anger go away faster.

But now, if I ignored Emilia-chan, she will surely think that I don't care what she thinks, so the only alternative was to try to lessen her anger a little. Therefore after talking to her for a bit, I give her one of the antidotes I had brought… this shouldn't count as a good gift, but given the situation, I think it's the best I have to give her.

I didn’t remember if there were poisonous bombs, so I brought some. Now I know that only the [Blazing gas BIM] would kill you by melting your body rather than by poisoning.

“… If you had this, then why didn't you give it to me in the first place? ”

“Well… I tried to, but instead of listening to my words, you asked me to suck out the snake's poison. If I rejected you, I thought you might think that I didn't want to help you or that, like Revy, I didn't want to do that. So I just accepted ”

"I-Idiot, stop lying... you probably just wanted to take advantage of the situation"

That was a lousy excuse, so it was obvious that she didn't buy it, and therefore I can only answer her reproach with a lopsided smile. The good news is that it actually seems like it worked a bit, and her anger seemed to lessen as she consumed the potion.

Well, actually she does not need it, but if she can be calmer with this, I would not mind giving her all the potions I have. After all, I do not think that these are necessary here... well, there may be some true poisonous snakes in this jungle, so I should still keep some just in case.

"So what do we do with the one responsible for all this? Do we kill it"


"E-eh? W-Why? ”

"W-Well... it's a harmless animal who doesn't hurt anyone, right?"

"... Did you forget that this "harmless animal" bit me recently?"

Seeing that the environment had returned to normal, Revy points to the snake that had remained on the tree trunk as if basking in the sun... I must say that it is brave enough to stay as if it were the owner of the place despite everything that had happened, I thought it was already gone, but it seems to like this place quite a lot.

Either way, I quickly deny Revy’s proposal about what to do with the snake, it was my benefactor and I couldn't let it die, right? So I go up to it and grab it from the base of the head before this woman thinks it would make a good source of protein, and I quickly walk away from the scene.

I don't know if it's because it bit her or because she feels repulsed towards these animals, but Emilia-chan who recovers some of her strength in her legs turns away from me when she sees me holding the snake. The truth is that to me, reptiles do not displease me, in fact, I'd hate to have to touch a bug more than something like a snake... I think bugs are even nastier than the zombies in HOTD.

"Go, small buddy, stay away from the bombs... go and find another girl to nail your fangs in... I will also do the same "

If I wasn't in this situation right now, maybe I would have taken it with me and even built it a small terrarium so that it could live happily and have it as a pet. It is a pity that if I bring it with me, Emilia-chan will probably complain and It may also end up being killed by a bomb.

"Master, I have found some people. What do you want us to do?"

"Oh! You're back Mary, that's good "

"Yes... I have some time here already"

I didn't realize that... well, it looks like she brought good news. Let's see who those people are, and let's get more crystals.

"Then we should go after them."


After saying that, Mary takes the lead and guides us to where those people were. A while later, we had a group of 4 people in front of us...

" Rararara~ "

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you move your tongue like that? 

Hehehe, do you perhaps have a bad taste in your mouth? ”

"No... my tongue is a little numb"

" Are you alright, Master? ”

"... shouldn't you take an antidote? I-It may be because you swallowed some poison before... "

…Well, I think sucking someone's poison is not highly recommended after all. If it had been fatal, it might have been dangerous. Since my status doesn't show that I'm poisoned, then I suppose that poison must have been more like paralyzing poison… or maybe my tongue feels tired from what I did? No... I don't think it was that, it was only a few minutes after all.

So the weakness in Emilia-chan’s legs may not have been entirely due to her having an orgasm. After Emilia-chan gives Revy a complaining look at her teasing, she still cares about me… I really don't think she's a bad girl.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Most importantly, it seems that this time there is someone I know in group who Mary found "

"Do you know any of them? Is he a friend or an enemy of yours?

Hehehe, could it be another former lover of yours, Alex-chan? ”

"... do you know who are all the people who are on this Island?"

"No, I do not know all the people who are on this Island, only some. By the way, there is also your boyfriend here...  or was husband? Well, here is your virtual boyfriend or husband ”

"E-eh? M-My virtual boyfriend or husband? ”

Let's ignore Revy's comment, maybe I’ll just take revenge on her a little while she sleeps... Or maybe not, she has bombs with her now after all, so it's better that we don't fight each other again.

Still, due to her words, I remember that I hadn't told Emilia-chan about the protagonist of this world. Since it was certain that our paths should meet sooner or later, there was little point in keeping this secret from her.

“He was the guy who was one of the best players in the game from where all this was based on, you should have met him online, right? ”

When I tell her this, she seems confused and so I explain more about it. Before, I had only thought of her as a pretty girl and I didn't really care about this, but now that I had done all that with her, I think it was inevitable that I would feel a little jealousy as I told her this.

"I-Is he here?"

" ...yes"

“Someone may have already killed him too. So you can probably no longer be reunited with your beloved husband. girl. Besides… you're pretty bitchy to think of another man after the boy did that to you.

Hehehe, I almost feel sorry for him ”

“T-That was just a game! ...I-It's not like it's real”

I don't know if she says that because she doesn't want me to think she has a boyfriend, or if it's to defend her dignity as a woman that Revy was insulting. But what I do know is that if I meet this guy now, I will not leave him the way free to take Emilia-chan as I had thought to do before...

"On this group, we can assume that they are all enemies"

But for now, he was not the person we ran into. So, deciding to return to the topic about what Revy asked me, I speak to them and the attention of the girls also returns to the group that was walking in the jungle.

Among them, whom I had recognized was the doctor who appears in the anime... the aura of this guy coincide very well with what I remember about him. Out of all the people I had seen so far, he was one of the blackest auras... no wonder he was selected 2 times to participate in this game.


[Mission / Optional "Another person's revenge”

Rank: “I”

Objective: Capture "Masahito Date" alive and deliver him to Shiki Murasaki.

Failure Condition: Death of The User, Death of Masahito Date and/or Shiki Murasaki before the mission is completed.


5 Radar Crystals

5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold]

"So, do we kill them too?"

"No... this time it seems like I need that guy alive."

"Why? Is easy to kill them doesn’t it?! "

"Just listen to me, if it wasn't necessary, then I wouldn't ask for it and we would go with your idea, Revy "

Along with the system notification for a new mission, Revy also speaks and so I have to stop her since she was already preparing to kill those people. Although she does not like the idea very much, Emilia on the contrary looked like my words reassure her a little.

"So what would we do?"

"I think it would be best to continue with the next plan. What we will do is… ”

Revy may not like the idea of having to capture a person since it was certainly a major nuisance, but she is not so stubborn either and after thinking a little about the things I remember about that guy, I start to tell them what will we do.

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(POV Masahito Date)

I really can't believe that I have to go through all this another time!! This is bullshit… how can my luck be that bad?

Well... not everything is so bad. The money I got that time was alot, so if I can get out of this damn game again, then I'll have another million to have fun for a while.

Besides, I have the experience of having previously participated in this, and things are not going badly either ... I have already found 3 participants... with 3 others, then I will have enough crystals to be able to leave this island!

" Date-san, are you sure we should just hide? ”


Yes, that is the best we can do... we do not know what the others who are on this island will do. As I told you, I am a doctor, and by my oath, it is impossible for me to kill someone and so I don't want to participate in this crazy game.

So the best thing would be for us to hide until this is all over… if we don't participate in the things those people want us to do, then maybe they just set us free. ”

" Are you sure about that, Date-san? Maybe if we don't do what they want, they’ll just kill us.”

"... I don't think they would. If they wanted to kill us, then they would have done it when they kidnapped us"

I have to stop my thoughts since one of the men and the woman with whom I had met before speak. Moving away from the explosions I heard earlier, I ran into them... so, talking to them a bit and telling them I was a doctor, they quickly accepted me into their group... I really adore my profession, hahaha.

The woman's thoughts are not unfounded, I also think the same as her and I'm sure that if we do not continue with this crazy game, then they’ll kill us. Although I don't have to worry about it, I just have to follow my plans and everything will be fine.

Hahaha, medical oath? Silly stuff! I only became a doctor because I thought I could earn more money that wat! The only thing that matters to me about my dear "patients" is the size of their wallet!

Actually, they are only naive and stupid people, although I cannot complain about it, it benefits me more that way... hehehe, it will be easier to take care of them if they are stupid and naive, I just have to earn a little more of their trust and soon I will have these 3 crystals in my hands.

…Although perhaps I should do it before I meet with more people, since the greater the number of them, the greater the problems to be able to take their crystals. I think I should take care of them tonight while they think we are hiding from others.

" ...We must find a place to hide, it is dangerous to be walking in this jungle"

"" Okay, Date-san ""

If I remember correctly, I think that there should be an abandoned building in this area... that place will serve to separate these people and take care of them one by one.

Sadly, when we were heading there, we heard a couple of voices making us stop.

"Help! Someone, please help us!! ”

"We need help!"

Shit! I wanted to take care of these guys first! They really showed up at the worst time... this is very inconvenient.

" What do we do, Date-san? ”

“Y-You heard him speak before, he as a doctor and he will surely want to help a person in trouble!”

Damn it!! Who the hell would want to help someone in this situation? Does that guy's head work properly? Fuck!!

"Y-You are right... we must help people if they need it"

With no other alternative since it would seem strange that now I refuse to try to help someone, I start walking in the direction where the voices came from, and then the other 3 follow me. Soon two people appear as they run and when they see us, they stop while watching us...

"Help please!"

"... Please, a friend of ours needs help!"

Hahaha, damn, it seems like I was about to miss a great opportunity! My luck after coming to this damn island again has been really very good!

The people who appear in front of us were two pretty young girls, without a doubt it will be much easier for me to fool these two... also, listening to what they say, it seems that they have another member in their group who is injured.

Another 3 more crystals!! With all these, I have now my ticket out, and also along with this comes included 1 million yens, hahaha!!

"Don't worry and don't be afraid, I'm a doctor, so maybe I can help your friend"

"It's true, Date-san is a doctor! Also, he is a very good person ”.

"Yes, he is right!"

"Seriously?! That's great!"

Well, for the moment I must put those ideas aside and better focus on earning their trust like with the previous persons. So the first thing I do is to tell them my profession and then in the next instant, the little redhead shows a big smile of joy.

Besides, I am also helped by the words of the other two men who seem to be fighting to see who is the fastest to speak to them. Well, I can't blame them since both girls are quite beautiful...

But for me that doesn't matter, what I need now are their crystals. After I get them and with the money I'll earn, then I can have fun with many other girls... even though the blonde has a great body... maybe I can have fun with her a little before I take care of her.

The redhead, despite having a very beautiful face, she is very small and flat for my tastes...

"We must not waste time, we should try to help your friend the faster we can. Also, it may be very dangerous for her to be left alone in the jungle. ”

"Oh, that's right! please follow us... Date-san is really a good person, right? ”


After I say that, the little redhead turns around and starts walking in the direction the two of them came from. Actually, she is just a little fool to turn her back on some people she has just met...

It seems that the blonde is more sensible since she looks at the red-haired girl and immediately at us while she is silent, but after frowning when she sees the men begin to observe her body, she also turns around while closely following her friend.

Hahaha, it seems that I practically came to this island only to receive a suitcase full of money, and very soon I will be able to leave here and then have fun with it!!

With that thought in my mind, we began to follow the two girls as the redhead asks us to do...


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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