Soul Evolution System

Chapter 206: Day 2 (Part 10)

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(POV Date)

"By the way... what happened to your friend who needs help ?"

"Eh? Th-That... ”


When I ask that question, both girls stop. The blonde girl seems to still doubt us, she gets nervous and doesn't want to tell us about her friend. The redhead just sets her eyes on her as if waiting for her to make the decision to say it...

"Don't worry, I just want to get an idea of what I will have to do to help your friend."

"W-Well... she..."

"You can tell him, Emilia-chan. Date-san is a good person, right?"

"…Of course"

"" Yes, that it is so, little girl""

Trying to gain their trust, I speak again. The blonde does not seem to want to say it yet, but then the little girl takes the floor calling everyone's attention, including her who quickly sets her eyes on her she hears the little girl... it seems that she is very attentive to what the redhead says, maybe she doesn’t want to talk too much about the condition of their friend.

“My friend was bitten by a snake! But... I think I did a good job sucking the poison out! ”

" W-Why do you tell him that?!!”

Listening to the redhead, the blonde girl gets upset... it seems she really didn't want us to know this since she seems to get nervous when she hears that... it will certainly be more difficult to gain her trust. Well, she's just a girl anyway, so it's going to be easier than dealing with a grown man.

“Well, you better not argue with each other and hurry up to where your friend is. If she was bitten by a snake, then we have to act quickly... also, as a doctor I must warn you not to do something stupid like sucking the poison again, you will only get poisoned yourself if you do that"

"... heee~ But that was great, I really wouldn't mind doing it again."

" I-Idiot... "

While saying that, the little redhead turns around and leads the way again with her partner's reproachful gaze on her for telling us this. But listening to what she says, it seems that my luck continues to increase, surely their friend will die soon and I will be able to obtain that crystal!

It is a pity that the redhead did not get poisoned by what she did, since the truth is that I do not really like having to kill a little girl. But well, you have to do what you have to do.

"Well, it looks like we have arrived..."

"Gueh !!"

"Aaah !!"

"Kuah !!"

"Don't move, or I'll drop the bomb!"

Suddenly the red-haired girl stops next to me and says that, and the next thing I know is that I was holding my stomach kneeling on the floor due to a strong pain... I-I think this damn bitch kicked me... f-fuck ... n-no, I can’t breathe!

Besides, out of nowhere 2 other girls older than these appear and each one hits the men and quickly disables them.  By the time the girl who came with us wanted to act after all the sudden events, the blonde who had been with us already had a bomb in her hand and threatened her to do nothing.

“Wooh~ It really worked… I thought you would be killed as soon as they saw you, but it seems like I was wrong. ”

“If so, you shouldn't have complained so much and should have just followed master's plans. This was so much easier than your silly idea about putting lianas on the ground and wait for them to stand on them and then hang them from a tree. ”

"T-That work in movies, doesn't it?... Besides, I wasn't the one who wanted to catch that guy alive! It would have been even easier to kill them all ”

"Stop arguing you two... what matters is that everything turned out well."

When they start to check and remove the bombs from the other 3, the girls who suddenly appeared argue among themselves, and then the redhead stops them while taking the bombs from my waist...

H-How the hell can this bitch hit that hard? I can only see how I was removed from my bombs because right now I could only keep trying to breathe air to recuperate, but...  it is useless and I am not capable of do it...

"Y-Youuu!! Fucking bitch, you cheated us... There is no person who was bitten by a snake, right? "

“Oh, about that… actually, she really was recently bitten by a snake. But don't worry, I already sucked the poison out as I told you earlier! So she is fine”

"S-Stop saying that!!"

“Hehehe, that was funny… when the guy asked about the sick person, I thought they would find out you two, and then it would all go wrong . You really didn't think about what to say in case someone asked what the sick person had, did you?

But on the other hand... I don't know whether to praise you for saying that so quickly, or to believe that you are just a big pervert for thinking about it the moment you had trouble. ”

"Seriously... of all the things you could say, why did that have to be that? I'm trying to forget all of that, but if you keep mentioning it all the time, then there is no way I can! Besides, you should also forget it! ”

“Well… it was something that happened recently and is firmly imprinted in my brain with great force. So, it stands to reason that I thought about that, right? And so... for that reason it is impossible for me to forget it, so I'm sorry Emilia-chan "

"Y-You are a stupid pervert..."

" W-What the hell are you saying, bitches? !! What does all this mean and why are you attacking us? !! ”

"Y-Yes ... w-why are you taking our bombs?"

"W-What are you going to do with us?"

“ I-I'm like you, I-I'm also a woman, so let's us just take care of those men only… y-yeah? ”

When I finally catch my breath and try to get confirmation of what I thought this was, they start arguing about some nonsense that I don't understand and that only causes my anger to increase.

"Well, now we should move on to the next..."

"W-What do you intend to do? I- I'm a doctor, I can be of help! I-I will surely be very useful for you! I-If you want the crystals, then take theirs...”

Seeing the other blonde girl handing what looked like a spear to the redhead, my anger disappears and fear invades me... n-now I understood that these women were crazy and they didn't seem to care a bit about us... n-no doubt they can kill us without batting an eye!

"... Don't worry, I won't kill you"

Noticing that, all I cared about now was looking useful for them so they wouldn't kill me. Having lowered my head with the hands on the ground to beg for my life seemed to have worked and managed to convince them.

Hearing her words, I feel great relief. I thought I had managed to keep my life, but then... her next action simply contradicted this.


"Gyaaaa !! M-My... M-My hand!!”

" " Hiiiiii! " "

Before I could even react, she had moved her spear into one of my hands and without the slightest doubt about what she was doing, she cut it. For a moment I could only stand there without fully understanding what had just happened, but seconds later when the pain was transmitted to my brain, then I could only scream while I squeezed the wound to try to stop the bleeding with my other hand.

"W-Why?!! Didn't you say you wouldn't kill me?!! ”

“You won't die from just cutting your hand, right? …so don't worry. Even if I didn't kill you, I still had to take your crystal. ”

"Stupid bitch!! Don't you know the meaning of the word bleed out?!!”

"Hehehe, he called you a bitch and stupid, Alex-chan"

"Revy, stop wasting time and hold on him, it would be troublesome if he really died."

"Tch, fine"

"Gyaaa !!"

"...W-What are you doing Mary-chan?"

"Hmn? Master wants the crystals that these people have in their hands, right? So I thought about taking this man's hand too. "

"W-Well... I think it's easier if you use this spear... so stop pulling on that man's hand"

"It is not necessary, master. 

...I think if I pull a little harder, then I can tear off his arm"

The scream of another person makes me stop my complaints, and when I see what is happening, I only meet the woman that this redhead referred to as Mary pulling the arm of one of the men with whom I had met a while ago while using one of her feet as support.

... what kind of crazy women did meet? Damn it! Who in their right mind thinks of amputating a person's limb with just brute force?

"A-Alexander ... senpai. I-I don't think it was necessary for you to cut off his hand if you only wanted the crystal... "

" Eh? ....Oh, it 's true… I think I made a mistake earlier… I think I should apologize to someone.”

"Damn bitch, you realize it until now!! Do you really think an apology will fix this?!”

"Hmn? Don't be so mad, man. Besides, I wasn't talking about you... I would have cut off your hand even if it wasn't necessary”

", I think it is normal for a person to get angry if you cut off his hand, Alex-chan"

“Tch, it seems like you really plan to use that suffix to address me, eh Revy… well, it doesn't matter. And you, stop complaining so much, I'm sure you had already planned to kill all of us here, so don't pretend to be a victim here ”

"H-How do you know?"


Shit! Because of everything that has happened and that he seemed to know to exactly what I had planned, those words came out of my mouth before I notice it. So the other people who their bodies were shaking and have pale faces from witnessing my hand gotten cut, perhaps because they thought they would be the next that would happen to them, now showed surprise at what they heard.

“Well… let's say I can read minds. But that doesn't matter now, now we should stop the bleeding in your hand because if not, you will really die and that would be problematic for me. Meanwhile, you should try to remove the crystals from the rest.

Let me give you a hand with that... "

“… Did you seriously say that to a person you just cut off a hand? You are someone crueler than me ”

"Ok, master"


"W-What are you planning to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you..."

" D-do you think I'll believe you, bitch?! The last time you said something similar, you ended up cutting my hand!!"


Not caring what I say, this red-haired bitch squats close to me and then takes my injured hand and pour the contents of a bottle that she takes out of her backpack.

She is a devil! After cutting off my hand, will she now poison me?

That's what I thought, but after the fluid covers my wound, the bleeding stops and the pain also goes down a lot... I don't know what that fluid was, but apparently, this time is true that she wanted to help me.

Then, after observing my wound and noticing my hand that was now on the ground, she lifts it, shakes it a little as if wanted to remove the dirt, and finally, she places it on my wound joining the two parts...


"Gyaa! That hurts!!

…W-What the hell are you doing? ”

"Well... I wanted to see if this potion could reunite separated members... Trust me, though it doesn’t seem like it, I am a doctor! A colleague of yours.

So far I have helped a person with a toothache, someone who was kicked and had his balls smashed, another that was wounded by a sharp weapon, and finally someone who was bitten by a snake.

...unfortunately for all of them, only the person who was bitten by a snake survived. Being a doctor is difficult, but you should understand me, right? ”

“… y-you won't forget that, do you? ”

"Damn you stupid brat!! Do you think that with a little glue this would be solved? !! Also, how the hell do you expect me to trust you if you put my damn hand in the wrong way!!!

My palm must be looking at me and not at you!! Also, of the people you say that you decided to help,  ¾  of them died!! How the hell is that someone dies from a toothache? ”

"...with a bullet in his head?"

"Bitch, then you didn't help him!! You just killed him!! ”


" Well... I was just doing an experiment, but it seems that it is impossible for this potion to join severed members "

After pressing to try to bring the two parts together, which causes me great pain, she gently releases it as she watches to see if it stays that way. Unfortunately… no, at first this was stupid. So after my screams, my hand falls to the ground again.


Right away as if she lost interest in this, she directs her eyes to the place where a person was screaming and her teammates are now, and with no other option, I also do the same.

"Stop moving! It will only make it harder for me to take out the crystal! You also stop just standing there and help me hold him down, or just do something!”

The two women who surprised us before, now one tried to remove the crystal from the back of a man's hand while the other after listening to the comment of one that speaks, stands behind him and with her hands seems to apply a wrestling maneuver to leave the man unconscious.

"W-We also have to go through that?"

"Well... is that or the alternative... "

P-Please miss, hurry to get the crystal out of that man so you can continue with me next!"

"Y-Yes, please!"

"Stop messing around and just wait!! ”

Seeing that what that pair of women did seemed like torture, the others who could now only observe everything that was happening, get restless and pale when they think that they would be next, and so the woman who was in my group doesn't seem to take it anymore and asks that.

The answer she gets while this redhead points out to me seems to help the two who were waiting in fear to even rush the girl who now had the spear and was trying to get the crystal out of the back of the man's hand to continue with them. I-I think they are afraid that these people will change their minds and instead decide to do things faster like with me...


"Well, you can find a place to hide. Mary, please take that guy, we have to get him somewhere. "

A while later, the other people were holding their hands while now had a bit of the same liquid that the boy used with me… and when I thought that I would finally get rid of these damn bitches, the redhead speaks to one of the blondes who approaches me and lifts me up like I'm a sack and then they all start walking behind her.

"D-Damn bitches, where are you taking me?!"

" To see an old acquaintance ."

A-An old acquaintance? Damn it, did someone who knows me also come to this island? This is bullshit... since I have more enemies than friends, and seeing that they treat me like I didn’t matter, then that person can only be someone who has some resentment with me...

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(POV Alexander)

After walking away from the three people accompanying this doctor, we started walking through the jungle once again… it was good that this time added to the mission information, a place was also marked on my map.

" Where are we going, Alex-chan? ”

" hand this man over to someone."

That is probably the place where the woman who was the companion of this doctor is... from what I remember from the anime, only she should be the one who has some resentment with this man now, and so she should be the person with the name of Shiki Murasaki to whom I have to deliver our package.

...I think she was a little crazy, so I hope there are no problems.

“D-Did they pay you to capture me? I-I can duplicate what that person paid you! Also if you help me out of this damn island, I can still give you more money!! I-I can forget everything that happened before, and I won't hold a grudge for that… ”

"Oh! Seriously? How much can you pay? ”

" Leave it Revy, the money doesn't matter to me"

"Maybe not to you, but I do!"

"Well... I hope you find a bank that can make inter-dimensional transactions"

"Ah! ...Tch, that is true… 

Do you have jewelry or gold with you? ”

"... yeah, I’m sure all the people carry gold with them all the time, especially when someone kidnapped them"

" You, don't mess around, blonde cow! ”

"B-blonde cow? Y-You are not flat from what I see, so you are not the one to say that… ”

"That is true, I can attest to that since I touched them several times before"

"Fuck you brat!!"

As the discussions began again, we arrived in front of a large abandoned building... here should be that woman.

"Come on, let's get this over with."


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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