Soul Evolution System

Chapter 207: Day 2 (Part 11 )

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After looking a bit around the construction and examining it with my domain, we all move towards it... well, except for the person who is dragged while complaining and trying to convince us not to do this.

"Fuck! Didn't you hear that I will pay you a lot of money if you stop this?! Y-You, it seems that you are more reasonable than her... y-you wanted jewelry and gold, right? I'll give you that, so let me go! ”

"If you don't have it with you, then forget it... I don't think we'll be able to go get those things now."

"... You better leave it, even if you had jewelry or gold with you, this woman would have taken them already and would still hand you over to Alexander-senpai"

“ That's obvious, why the hell should I help him if I can just take his things on my own? ”

Apparently, Emilia-chan has become more used to calling me that, it is nice to have someone speaking to you with respect and at the same time it was a loving and not so formal way. On the other hand, the words she mentions are not without foundation.

Previously, when the guy had said to Revy that he would pay us to free him and help him, she had completely rustle through him looking if she could find anything of value. Unfortunately for her, he had nothing except the clothes he is wearing… It is good that her greed does not go so far as to take these and try to sell them when she has a chance... I did not want to see a naked guy after all.

Besides, it would also be awkward to hand over a naked guy… who knows, that woman might think that we are some perverts and did something strange to him. 

"Damn it, I'm not so desperate as to strip a guy for money! Besides… I don't think I will get much for those clothes if I did either . ”

"... the only pervert here, is you... Alexander-senpai"

Oh! It seems I was thinking out loud...

"Let's go in there. I think it's getting late already, so the best thing to do is spend the night in this place ”

Ignoring the complaints of both girls, I advance towards the entrance of the building and they do the same no long after. Inside, it was just an abandoned ruined place with nothing flashy, although at least I think it will serve us to spend the night as I said.

Apparently any group had come here yet, and the place was empty. No... because of my domain. I can feel someone moving and watching us while thinking that we have not noticed it.

"I know you're there, so show yourself. We didn't come looking for troubles, I just thought you would be happy to meet someone… ”

Obviously, the person moving in the shadows was the one we came looking for. I wait a few seconds to see if she shows up, but as time passed and she didn't want to make contact with us, then I decided to speak to her.

To motivate her to show herself, I motion to Mary who was carrying the guy to drop him off in front of us so she can see him better.

" ... Who are you and what do you want?"

That seemed to work and soon a voice was heard surprising mainly Emilia-chan and the doctor who seemed to be the only ones who had not noticed anything and who had been looking at me with some doubt while I was speaking.

"... t-that voice..."

Or maybe he was more surprised because he seemed to recognize the woman's voice.

"I just came to deliver a package, do not worry because someone paid for it already and you just have to accept it for everyone of us to continue following our own path"

"Why are you doing this... isn't he your partner?"

" ...It looks to you that he's my partner? Let's say that someone told me that you two had some business to discuss, and so I brought him here. ”


The truth is that I was just waiting for the notification from the system indicating that is finished, but I don't know if it's because I have to give her the guy in her hands or because she still distrusted us and she doesn't let us see her, but it has not happened yet.

Then after a few seconds of silence, she decides to show herself at last. She was skinny, with long disheveled hair, and wore clothes like a tramp… no, perhaps a better comparison would be one of those female spirits that appear in horror movies… I think if I ran into her in this jungle for the night, she would give me a great scare and I could only see her as a soul in pain of a woman!

Well... she has been by herself in this place for a long time, it is a great merit to be still alive, so maybe I could not say anything about's not like there are beauty shops in this place after all.

" S-Shiki... a-are you alive? ”

"Oh~ I'm really surprised you remember me... Date."

Although her appearance caused Mary, Revi, and Emilia-chan to be on guard when they saw that she was holding a small scythe. The most surprised of the group was the doctor who was on the floor and looked at her as if he could not believe who was in front of his eyes... I think it really seems like he's seeing a ghost, and I don't think it's because of her appearance.

“I-I'm so glad you're alive Shiki… p-please help me! These women hurt me, look! ”

"…help you? Damn bastard… don't you remember that it was you who almost killed me before?! I trusted you, but in the end, you betrayed me so you could leave this damn island by yourself!! ”

"Th-that's... th-that's a misunderstanding... 

Don't you remember? I loved you! I really don't understand how things ended like this, but I still love you !! ”

Waah~ This guy really is a great actor... I think he was wrong about the choice of his profession as a doctor. If he had decided on acting, he might even have plenty of Oscars by now. 

He almost convinces me of what he says... so I'm not surprised that the anger the woman named Shiki had shown so far changes, and now she shows an expression as if she had a difficult choice between believing him or not.

"No... I'm sorry to disagree, but someone throwing bombs at you making you lose a hand, that can't be a misunderstanding. This guy just probably picked up your wrist so he could take the crystal without worrying about the rest of the body.

I am pretty sure that now he is thinking about how to be able to take the crystals that we have and how to leave the hell out of here ”

"S-She is lying!

... A-Although it is true that if we collect the crystals from them between both of us, the two of us can leave this damn island and have a happy life! ”

“Man~… couldn't you really wait any longer to confirm the boy's words? For a moment I thought that maybe something happened that force you to separated from each other, but it seems that you are only a bastard... can I kill him now?”

“She is right, better you take care of him or we do it. It is getting dark, and I want to be able to sleep peacefully without having to worry about being attacked while I sleep. ”

“D-Don't listen to them, Shiki. These women are crazy! Y-You have to remember all the moments we spent together… ”

"I also love you Date ... or better said, I loved you. But when you tried to kill me before, I could see in your eyes that there was no doubt about what you were doing... in addition, asking me to kill two girls so young without appearing to care much about this... that's why I can understand very well the type of person you are "

"S-Shiki... w-what are you doing? What do you intend to do ?! D-Don't believe what that redhead girl said, she's a demon with human skin!! ”

For a moment I thought she would believe everything this guy was saying, so I had to step in before he continued to poke into her brain. On the other hand, I must say that this guy is quite rude, I do not think I was such a bad person... well, although certainly I'm not a saint either... therefore, could we leave it as if I am a normal person?

"Haaa!! B-Bitch... I-I should have made sure you were dead before!" ”

The woman lifts the little scythe and then even though she still seems to hesitate a little, she drops her hand and cuts the part between the neck and the doctor's shoulder. Then being hurt and knowing that he would die soon, he stops his performance, and all the love he said he felt for her becomes hate that he does not hesitate to express.


[Mission / Optional " Another Person's Revenge " Completed]

With the death of the doctor, the mission finally ends and a small chest immediately appears in front of me. Most likely since my inter-dimensional inventory is sealed, this is the way the system chose to give me my reward.

"... Where did that chest come from ?"

"... I don't know, it just appeared there"

"Well, this is heavens rewarding me for helping someone. "

"" ...I don't think that man / doctor thought the same thing ""

Under the look of intrigue from the woman and surprise from Revy and Emilia-chan, I take the box in my hands and proceed to open it immediately. Also, even though both girls have been arguing for some time, it seems like they both have the same thought this time...

Inside there is nothing unexpected since it only contained the things that the system had mentioned to me. So, looking out the window I can see that the night would not take long to fall, moving to get away from this place I speak to the woman who was observing the now lifeless body of the doctor.

"We will stay here tonight and leave in the morning if you have no problem with that."

"…you can do whatever you want"

It is not as if I want to get along with her, I just wanted to carry out the system mission. So with this completed, each of us should go their way as I said before. With that in mind, I try to find a place for us to spend the night.

Today was also a good day, with the 5 crystals that I just received a moment ago, now I have a total of 26… now I have completed the objective that I had originally, so it is probably not as impossible to reach 50 as I had thought before... especially if I can get those from Emilia-chan's mission.

Speaking of her, thanks to the first group we met, she was able to reach the 5th limit now. That's good, but... I can't help but think that's a little unfair!

Damn it! It took me several months to get to that level... plus, I also had several advantages to do it! Well... at least this way I feel that paying 1 million crystals to receive the benefits of this world was worth it.

" W-What's wrong?

…Why are you looking at me? ”

“Hehehe, do you want to suck the girl's poison again, Alex-chan? ”

“I wouldn't mind doing it, but it's not that. I was just seeing that Emilia-chan seems to have gotten stronger. ”


… d-do you really believe it? ”

"Of course"

"Hmp~ I just keep seeing her as  the same dumb girl I saw when I got here."

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

(POV 3rd person)

The second day of this game was about to end, of course, this was not the only thing that came to an end and the lives a lot of people on the island had also ended. The participants had been greatly reduced and there are only a few groups left that had formed… without a doubt, if they make an effort the next day then they could obtain the requirements to leave the island.

"How was the performance of our beloved contestants today?"

“Takanohashi-san… this time the contestants we brought seemed very determined. Leaving some trying to hide to avoid this, now there are only 4 teams left... if anyone meets another group, then they will be eligible to win the game.”

" Oh, is that so?... then it seems that this time our game will be shorter than the others.

What teams are the ones that remain? ”

"Yes. The remaining groups are… ”

With the words of the man who operated the computer, the screen immediately shows the first group he spoke of. This consisted of 4 male people who walked through the jungle most likely to find an area to rest for the night.

"The first group is from Ryota Sakamoto... one of the people you thought would be a great player here. With him are 3 more people, Kiyoshi Taira, Kosuke Kira, and Tomoaki Iwakura... they recently killed Toshiro Amakasu's group.

Previously, they had 5 members, but in that fight they lost 1. I think they did very well fighting with a larger group than them. "

"Good good good! Without a doubt he is one of the favorites to finish this game, so I did not expect him to be defeated just by having fewer people in his group, that would have been disappointing ”

With a big smile on his face, like he's watching his son get a job coveted by various people, Takanohashi talks about Sakamoto. He seemed to like the boy he saw on the screen walking with the others, although most likely more than affection or similar feelings, he regarded him more as a scientist who considered a laboratory rat more important than the other rats he had in his laboratory.

“The other group is from Heitaro Togo, with him are Kenya Uesugi, Shigemasa Kusunoki, and Yoko Higushi. They have also managed to get up to this point. "

"Not bad, not bad. But I think they should keep trying to get out of here alive. ”

“The 3rd group is led by Nobutaka Oda and he is accompanied by a girl named Kaguya and a woman by the name of Hidemi Kinoshita. It is the smallest group and the one that has killed the fewest people… they don't seem very interested in participating in the game and so far they have only acted in self-defense ”

"I see, I see... it seems that they are still somewhat insecure. Hopefully they change their thoughts soon and become more proactive, if not… well, if they don't, then that will be unfortunate for them. ”

About the people that the man mentions, Takanohashi does not have a great reaction and only watches them for a few seconds on the screen while giving his opinion or saying his thoughts out loud.

But when the man passed the last group, he can only see a black screen causing him to frown.

"What happen? Why is nothing seen? ”

"Takanohashi-san, the latter group is the one that is composed of the group of women with unknown origin... we could watch them until they came to this area, but inside it seems that the cameras failed or were disabled by someone"

" It wasn't them? ”

"No, that's how these were when they got there..."

Hearing the man say that, the expression on his face worsens. Now in his head the possibility of a strange group arriving on the island had increased, he thought that maybe they even used that place as their base and that's why they messed with the cameras.

" Sir, the doctor has finished implanting the chip in our hands. When do you want us to go there? ”

When he was thinking about what to do, the man who had the job from maintaining the security of the island is presented along with 4 other people. Seeing them, the smile returns to his face and then he speaks to them.

" Oh! Murall, so everything is ready? Well, then you will have to leave immediately... as a favor, I will let you arrive on the island with the cover of the night. That way you won't get the attention of other people there.

When you are there, you know what you have to do. Also, please remove all those participants who did not want to be part of our game. Lida-kun, give him the positions of those people. ”

"Y-yes! Do you want me to give him the position of the Oda group too? ”

“Mmm… let's give them a chance, after all, they have some crystals apart from their own too. Maybe tomorrow they will feel more motivated to participate in the game. ”

Although Takanohashi seemed to treat Murall's group in a good way, the truth was that he did not care much about them, he only hoped that they could take over the unknown group that was on the island. He sending them at night, was only because it was the best time for them to enter the game without those who watched the show noticing.

They might eventually find out, but he already had the perfect excuse for that. He would only tell them that they entered the game at the last moment since they were some of their workers who were sent to that island as punishment and for that reason they did not have that information.

He didn't think he would had many complaints about this because in the end, there were more people they could see die and with whom they could have fun watching them.

"Then we will go, sir"

"Yes, yes, do your best! Also… make sure you do what I asked you to do, or else you and your men can forget about being able to leave that island ”


"Well then, we can only wait to see what happens tomorrow!!"

"Apparently Sakamoto's group is close to the building where that group entered... so most likely they will meet tomorrow, Takanohashi-san"

"… If so, then to those 2 groups will also be joined by Murall's when they finish eliminating the deserters. No doubt tomorrow will be a very interesting day to watch, hahaha ”


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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