Soul Evolution System

Chapter 208: Meanwhile in Gaia

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(POV Rika)

It had been a few days since Alexander left, everything was in order and going as planned, but then, there wasn’t long before troubles came...

The first trouble was Alexander's “Monsters”… the truth is that I had become so used to Scythe and Vrana, that it's hard for me to think of them that way. I'm sure I am not the only one with that thought.

When he previously went to the kingdom's capital, Vrana and his plant stayed here with us and did not seemed to react differently than they always do, but this time their attitude changed slightly... I think since this time they were separated by a greater distance... or the dimension between two worlds, affected them more.

Well, it is not as if they had revolt against us and attacked us as soon as he left, it was just that they seemed a little more temperamental than before.

"I want to go with master, I want to go with master, I want to go with master, roock~!!"

"Vrana-chan... remember that he is gone for a while and he will be back soon, so you just have to wait for a little. "

"Stop screaming birdy girl! You should have asked him to take you with him if you were going to miss him so much after he left! Hmp~ although he would probably still say the same excuse that he couldn't do it…  I’m sure that brat must be trying to conquer some other girl wherever he is now ”

"You should go exercise with that stick like you always do! You're still fat… you have those big useless fat balls that only bounce in your chest, roock~!! ”

"I-I'm not fat!!"

"Well... I think it wasn't entirely an excuse what Alex said this time, Rei. After all, I don't think he would have minded taking us with him… besides, even with our presence there, he would probably still do the same. ”

"I agree with Kurisu-san... although he wanted to hide it, I could see that he probably didn't take us there because that place was dangerous... seemingly even more than our world."


Right now Vrana was doing one of her routine tantrums, this started after Alexander left. Although she always seemed to be a little childish, now she was even more, and she was throwing tantrums asking us to take her with him constantly... well, given her appearance, I don't think this is so abnormal.

Seeing her act this way, the girl who had the least patience among us reaches her limit and ends up arguing with her. Well, I agree with what Kurisu and Saeko said, the most likely reason why the boy didn't take anyone with him, must be because that place has its risks.

"Vrana-chan, why don't you go hunt something in the forest? Surely if Alexander-san sees that when he gets back, he will praise you very much for that ”

"Oh, that 's true! I'll go now and hunt down a lot of monsters then, roock~! ”

Noticing that the discussion between the two girls would only get worse if  continues like this, the one who intervenes is Saya telling Vrana to go hunting. This is the way we've found for her to calm down a bit and get distracted.

Although due to this she can sometimes be a bit annoying, she is not the one that worries me the most. According to Alexander, Vrana may be the strongest girl of all of us, but perhaps due to her appearance and attitude, it is a little difficult to see her that way.

The one that causes me the most fear instead, is the girl with gray pigtails who usually just stands near us while watching us… Scythe always had a dark atmosphere around her, and now with the Alexander absence, it has intensified. To me, she is even more intimidating than Vrana-chan…

Seriously, when she looks at me with those red and violet eyes, it makes my body shake a little... no, probably everyone here feels the same and that's why they stay away from her too. The only one who usually comes closer and has more contact with her is just Saeko.

It is curious that out of the boy's “Monsters”, the one with the most appearance of an actual monster is the calmest so far after his departure. His plant had no big change, and it is only dedicated to gobble up all the bodies of the monsters that we give it.

Actually that it is very helpful, if not for it, I would not know what to do with all the bodies of the monsters gathered by Saeko and the female soldiers when training, Vrana-chan's hunting, and those who attack us to try to claim this territory.

"Alex-kun is so bad~ Why didn't he say goodbye to me? When he returns, I will give him a punishment~ ”

Well... not just Vrana-chan is the only one who has been throwing tantrums. Shisuka, who came because she wanted to spend time with us and take a break from doing alchemy, when she found out that Alexander was gone, has been complaining to us about it ever since.

"Please don't do that, Shisuka-sensei... if you do, I know that somehow you will be the one who will be spanked by that brat in front of us again."


"Yes... I still have nightmares about it some nights"

"...Are you sure are “nightmares”, Rei?"

" W-what do you mean, Saya? It can only be nightmares! ”

When Rei responds like that to Shisuka's sudden comment, I can't help but ask. Then listening to her answer as I see the others agree strongly, and also noticing Shisuka’s face beginning to blush... I can only conclude that something intense happened before I met the boy.

"T-Then let's put the punishment aside… if Alex-kun spanks my butt again, it may actually end up being a very bad thing~… "

Th-That sounds dangerous in a totally different way! I wanted to say something to Shisuka as her friend before she developed a strange taste, but seeing how the others look at her as if she were a lost cause, I think it was too late for that...

But it is good that at least she changes the subject by herself. Unfortunately, her next words weren't much better and these instead make the atmosphere different.

“ How many sisters do you think will bring us Alex-kun this time~? ”

"" ... ""

“I-It really amazes me how tolerant you can be, Shisuka. Do you really not care if the boy brings more girls? ”

"Heee~? But we are all like one big family, right?~ 

Also, Lena-sensei told me that polygamy is normal here and that in fact, it is a way to protect yourself from others. She says that the bonds of affection are usually much stronger than others, and that is why these groups are usually more united and it is more difficult for one person to betray another~ ”

""Th-that's... ""

“Fufufu, that may be true, our situation is now much easier thanks to the fact that there are several of us that we can trust. If we were on our own, no doubt everything would be much more difficult ”

"Yes, yes, it's like Saeko-chan says~"

Hearing the words that are based on the logic of this world, the rest of us cannot say anything. Well, after being the tenth girl to join this group, I think it was too late to worry much about it... probably for most of us, it was just that is still a little hard to talk about it so openly like Shisuka.

In fact, for me, that's not my biggest concern. I don't know if the others forgot it or if they just stopped thinking about it, but... For the love of God! We are talking about a 12-year-old boy, you know?!

That is why it is so difficult for me to perform the ritual that Alexander wants us to do! That would be like marrying a little boy… a-although at least he's not an 8-year-old child… haaa, I feel like I've lost something important having that as a consolation.

With Saeko, another girl with a slightly more open mind supporting Shisuka, the rest of us could only sigh and accept the facts. Then, noticing that no one else seemed to want to refute her words, she continues the topic.

“ So Saeko-chan, how many sisters do you think Alex-kun will brings from the world he went to? ”

"Well... since he said he would be in that place for about a month, then I don't think he has much time to interact with many girls. So I don't think there are that many… probably 5? ”

"F-Five? ... h -how come that number doesn't seem like much to you, Saeko-san?! It is half of what he brought from your world! I-I think he won’t bring 5... or rather... I really hope he does not bring 5 other girls... "

Saeko's estimation seems like it manages to upset and make Kurisu nervous, no, it wasn't just her. I can also hear several girls swallowing saliva in their mouth upon hearing that. 

Although it seems that other girls do not agree with that either, but... unfortunately it was not because they thought 5 were many.

"No, I think Alex-kun can bring about 7 girls with him~ After all, he's pretty cute~!"

" Hmp~ All of you are naive! That brat probably has no problem bringing 10 other girls from that world!

He is dangerous to any girl... that innocent appearance he has that makes you let your guard down, p-plus that he is also quite handsome ... those are powerful weapons that brat possesses and that can make a girl fall into his claws before they realize it!

By the time they notices it, then they will already fully grasped in those claws... and... if they want to free themselves, they would only manage to get even more entangled.

So time is not an impediment for him... don't forget that on a trip of about a month, he managed to get more than 50 women to show up here! ”

"... Was that what happened to you Rei?"

"E-eh? N-No... you-you can see that just by observing his actions!! Who would fall for a womanizer and pervert brat like him?!! ”

"All the girls here~?"


... a while ago we had understood to interpret Rei's words when it came to her and Alexander's relationship. The stronger she denied it, we could only see that her feelings towards him were stronger. 

If it wasn't that way, then why would she follow him here? Or also, would she sleep in the same bed as him if not feeling something? Her mouth may say that, but her actions say something very different. Saya always takes advantage of these contradictions to make fun of her a little.

Well, I think we all think Rei's words about Alexander are a bit far-fetched… probably. Speaking about the more than 50 women, we can consider it a special case. Probably they came here because they had no alternative or were grateful for having been rescued... although it is certainly a bit disconcerting that it seems that they took as a reason to live to be of help for him after they got here.

So, I don't think that repeat again... unless he rescue a large number of women in that world too... well, maybe is not that exaggerated what Rei said after all. Well, I think the best thing is for us to change the subject... now Kurisu is not only nervous, but her face has also turned completely pale.

"We can only wait for Alexander to return to see how many girls are with him, we will deal with that matter when that happens. Now I think we should better focus on the problem that arose today, it is important that we solve it now. "

" You talk about those people, right Rika-san? ”


This was the other problem that had come up after Alexander left, but it wasn't that unexpected either. He already told me that this was very likely to happen at one point, so it only happened sooner than he had thought.

Today, a group made up of various leaders from some surrounding organizations had come here. In their words, they wanted us to share this place with them...

This was already a problem since I don’t think Alexander would agree to this, but then things got even worse... the leader, probably with the most influential organization among them, wanted us to give up the mansion that is being constructed…

Obviously if I couldn't accept the first condition, then this condition is even more impossible to accept. And not only because the boy would object to it, but I also won’t allow anyone to step on my head either!

" Rika-san, you should have let me cut those guys off right then! They not only wanted to take Master's territory, but they also had dishonorable wishes towards his women! ”

"I also agree with Leona-san's words, we simply should have eliminated that annoyance quickly"


I have also considered simply killing them at that moment, after all, as Leona says, seeing that we refuse to do that, they proposed a "solution" that would make both sides happy. Who leads this group wanted us to join his organization...

I could clearly see how he ran his unpleasant eyes on us, so more than as his subordinates, he wanted us for other purposes. If for some crazy reason we decided to accept, I'm sure it wouldn't take a minute for him to try to get his hands on us.

" Killing them at that time would not have been of much use to us, but don't worry you two, those guys are sure to come back... when they do, then it won't be too late to deal with them."

In the end seeing that we would not accept, they decided to withdraw for the moment. They probably just wanted to test whether they could carry out their goals without the need for much effort, so now that we rejected them, it is sure that they would try to use force to do so.

Honestly, I also thought the same as these two girls, Leona and Saeko, who were ready to fight at any time. But after considering things for a few moments, I think it would be more annoying if this were to be repeated constantly...

“If we killed them at that time, it wouldn't be long before we would have another group of those people knocking on our door asking for the same nonsense. So I think it's better if we make things a little flashy… ”

"Flashy? What do you mean, Rika ~? ”

“If we killed those leaders, the only thing that would happen is that another person from their organizations would end up taking their place, and then the same thing would repeat in a short time. 

So now I hope they ally themselves with several organizations and bring most of its members when they return... that way, we can eliminate all of them without giving them the possibility to return again"

“ Th-That won't be dangerous, Rika-san? ”

“… Did you saw the level of those guys, Saya? ”

When they were in front of us, I couldn't feel great pressure from them. Still, since this thing about strength level is still new to me, it was best if I relied on something else and not just my instincts. So to answer Kurisu's question which seems to have recovered a bit from the previous discussion, I decided to relay on Saya.

“The strongest of them was the one who had perverted eyes, he was a 5th limit according to the analysis of the earrings that Alexander gave me. The others were in the 4th. ”

... those earrings were really useful. Well, before he left, he also gave me a pair of glasses that would be used for the ritual he wanted us to do... these seem to have a similar function to Saya's earrings, but when I spoke to those guys I didn't have them with me.

“That's understandable, they didn't give me the same feeling as the little prince's guards after all. Besides, this is like a rural area, so it is not uncommon that the surrounding organizations are not that strong ”

“According to Alexander, all of us also exceed the 5th limit. Besides, we now have more than 50 allies, and above all, we all have our weapons. So... those people will surely be really surprised when they come back.

But for this, we will have to prepare a little first. ”

After Saeko's words, I continue to tell all the other girls about the advantages we possess, and then by listening to me, the ones who were most nervous seem to calm down while the others seemed motivated to fight.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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