Soul Evolution System

Chapter 209: Others’ situation (Part 1)

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(POV-3rd person-Capital of the Delna Kingdom)

In what looked like an abandoned building, at this moment, the little prince of this kingdom was watching his two bodyguards who always accompanied him fight, and there was also the sub-leader of “his” guild too. Unfortunately, it wasn't because they wanted to do an exhibition or show him their skills so he can learn something from them watching them fight...

They had come because a letter asking for ransom for a “damsel in distress” had reached the little prince's hands recently… despite the warnings from the men mentioned before telling him that this was most likely a trap, in the end, he not could discard the letter as he believed that there was a possibility that it might be true and that a damsel needed his help.

...unfortunately for the three men who were against it, the words of his recent friend resounded constantly in his head even now. He had said to him that it was the responsibility of a man rescuing a woman in distress!!

...Well, he had also said that after the girl had been rescued, it was now her responsibility to give her hero a great reward. At that time he had disproved his words by saying that it was not right to ask someone for money after you've saved them, but then this friend began to explain some things that just left him confused...

Even though he did not understand very well what his friend was referring to and that it was not money what he was asking for, he did not find anything wrong and couldn’t refute what he said... although if his guards had listened to it, they would probably have told him that that was worse than asking for money.

So without being able to stop the prince, those three men had no choice but to accompany him here... well, only two of them had that responsibility. The other had no choice because if something bad happened to the prince, his fate would be even worse than facing the problems they had now.

"Hahaha, I really didn't thought this stupid plan would be successful! Who would have thought that the prince's guards were idiots and gullible?! ”

"Hahaha, I told you that I had seen the prince in a small guild acting as an adventurer. I should stay with a bigger part from what we will get because of this!”

" We must take care of these three first, and then we will discuss things more calmly later"

"Certainly. Although all of us are on the 9th limit just like them, the two guards are really hard to deal with even with 2 of us fighting each of them. ”

"Hehehe, but they won't be able to do much after their energy runs out, it's only a matter of time."

" " ... " "

The three of them of course weren't fools, they knew that everything written in the letter was most likely product of someone trying to lure the prince to that place for an obscure motive, so the first thing they did was to check if there was indeed someone who needed help.

It was a pity that these 5 men they were fighting now, took the trouble to kidnap a little girl who they probably took from the streets of the capital randomly, and they not only send the letter waiting without a plan. So when the prince saw that someone was indeed gagged inside, they knew it would be difficult to convince him to withdraw.

… Well, maybe they have a little fault too. When they investigate first, they only saw 3 of these men. So, having confidence in their abilities, the royal guards thought that it would not be difficult for each of them to take care of one of the evildoers while Rulnemt entertained the last one... that way they could defeat them, and they would not abandon the little girl either.

But then when they started fighting, two other men showed up complicating the whole thing. When these men joined, things had become difficult for them having to go against two of them at the same time... also, Rulnemt had just entered the 9th limit just recently, so it was obvious that he was at a disadvantage against someone who has been several years at that level of strength.

It was exactly as one of those men said, the more time they spent crashing their weapons, things for them would became worse...

"Hahaha, I've got you!!"

After fighting for a while, the guard who looked a little older than the other was cornered by his two attackers...

"No... I got you"

"Gueg !!"

But when the sword of one of his opponents was about to pierce his armor, a glow appeared for a second stopping the attack and leaving the man shouting with glee surprised for a second. At that instant, the guard's sword pierces his enemy's chest instead.

"D-Damn it... be careful! Don't be careless and remember that they are royal guards after all… they probably have some dangerous items with them. ”

"Treko stop hiding!! We need help here!!"

“Tch… you all are useless. I told you that I and my men would only be in charge of watching the surroundings so that no one else came to this building and then all of you had to take care of things here ”

Seeing that one of his team had lost one men and it would be much more difficult to go one-on-one against the guards, someone yells as he directs his vision to a dark place of the building. A few seconds later after his voice echo through construction, three men showed making the faces of the 3 from the Prince’s group to become somber.

" Y-You're Treko-san from the brotherhood “Warriors Delna"... why you're here? ”

As a former guild leader, Rulnem instantly recognized the men emerging from the shadows. They were members of one of the 3 strongest organizations in the kingdom, so their face was well known after all.

“ You must be Rulnemt… it is no wonder that your small organization grew so much in such a short time, it even seems that you reached the 9th limit. But well, since you were hiding the little prince there, that wouldn't be so difficult to accomplish.

You shouldn't be so surprised, it is only that just like you I also want to get some advantages from him”

" Do you understand what you are doing?! After this, your group would be finished, the King will surely want all your heads! ”

“Hehehe, that will only happen if the people of the royal household find out about this… by the time we ask and take our rewards in exchange for the prince, I will have already moved my guild to a different place… well, the most important people at least.

If the king wants to vent his anger with the useless people I'll leave behind, then he is free to do so. The only regret... or rather, the only annoyance is that I will have to change the name of my organization in the future... hehehe, as your last words, I can hear some of your suggestions for it. ”

Seeing as the situation had worsened, the guard who was shot by Alexander earlier discharged his anger with screams at the new people who appeared. It was a pity that with these men joining, it will not take a long time for him and Rulnemt to be covered in wounds and in the ground unable to move.

"Ha ... Ha ... this was actually more difficult than I thought..."

"P- Prince... ha ... ha ... use the teleportation scroll!!"

"B-But then you all..."

“ He is right, if you escape, I will kill these men, do you understand? 

No... if you escape, then should I torture them first and then kill them? After all, surely some of those who are still alive here will have some resentment with them. ”

Of the 7 enemies in the 9th limit, now only 4 were still alive. As they had said, the guards had several resources with them with which they achieved this result despite being at a disadvantage... besides, of that 4, only 2 could move well... even the one who spoke, Treko, had lost one of his men and the other was now seriously injured. So if they tortured them, he would probably be the first to do it so he could release his frustration.

"I-I will not escape... I-I will not abandon my friends and a girl! I-I'll take care of all you!! ”

"Oooh ~! That's admirable, little one. Even I'm a little moved to see you act that way. ”


Vernet, being the only one who could still move a bit from the prince's group, truly found the little prince's words admirable and not something laughable like that man. But the truth is that he would have preferred that this time he listened to his words instead and went away from here

Of course, the words he said were spoken to the prince by his only friend before, although adding some things for himself to making it sound like a better phrase.

The man named Treko was worried that the Prince changed his mind and escape using the scroll, so he decided to leave the last guard that still could move a little and instead went to him who was now with the little girl they take from the streets.

Since she actually didn’t mattered in the plan, when the prince approached to free her, they simply let him do what he wanted. As long as he did not try to leave, everything was fine for them.

“Hehehe, little one, do you really intend to fight me? I'm strong, you know? The proof is that your guards are on the ground now"

The prince's subsequent actions could only make the leader of the organization to smile... now the prince stood in front of the girl as if protecting her. He really seemed to want to imitate the heroes of the stories opposing his enemies with his sword... well, the only thing different from those scenes described was that instead of a sword, in his hand the prince held a foreign object for him.

But seeing that this was not a scroll and it not emitted the same aura from a magical object, he thought that it was simply some toy that he carried with him...

“Hehehe, so will you fight me? Okay, go ahead, give me your best blow~! ”

"Hahaha, tell me, little prince, what is that? A weapon that will throw lightning bolts and end your enemies magically? ”

Watching the prince trembling as he held that weapon or "toy" and pointed it at them, the two remaining men couldn't help but mocking him a little. But then... what happened next left them open-mouthed.

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]


" D-Damn it!! W-what the hell is that weapon?! Why didn't it emit any magic aura?!!! Kuh! ”

The prince's nervousness and fear this time played a very beneficial role for him since his doubts about shooting only allowed that pair of men to get even closer to him. Well, the main reason for the misfortune for these men was having overestimated the weapon in his hands, even this confidence caused them to inflate their chest to prepare for the blow while mocking him.

The weapon that the prince had drawn from his waist, was a "baretta" as his friend told him it was called... plus, he also had put a magazine full of expanding bullets. Although, the only thing he understood from what this person told him from this was that these were stronger projectiles.

The result of that short hail of bullets was that now one of those men had been killed, and the other was seriously wounded. Although the prince closed his eyes at fire the weapon, even though his friend Alexander had warned him a lot not to do it, at being just a couple of meters away seemed not to matter much.

It was a shame for those men that previously in the fight they had used all their objects for protection. Although their armor put some resistance to bullets, his soft flesh could not do that.

The dead man had lost his life practically instantly without even being able to understand what had happened since he was hit by one of the bullets right in the head. The other was more lucky, his face remained intact and his armor managed to stop several bullets, but even so, he now had an unusable hand and needed to use the other to hold his neck to stop the bleeding... no doubt that man had paid dearly for his carelessness.


"E-eh? D-Did it worked? I-I won? ”

"Don't be distracted, prince! Keep shooting!! ”



Seeing that the prince was doing something with that strange weapon, the guild leader who was now the only man who could move didn't wait to see what else that weapon could do and so decided to run away while he still could. The plan had failed, now he was even in a worse state than the guard who yelled at the prince, and if he didn't treat the wounds soon, then he would probably die.

Now he thought that they had made the wrong choice, this time he had lost everything for nothing. He thought that they could extort the Kingdom for some restoration pills, after all, they should have several of these… he had been impatient at not being able to get one on the previous auction.

If he could get these pills, he could possibly get his soul level rise! This would undoubtedly be a huge benefit for just having to give up his reputation here. After all,  at being stronger then he could make an organization even stronger anywhere.

"Y-You won't escape!!"

"S-Stop prince, don't follow him... we must first help Bartol and Rulnemt."

"Y-You're right!!"

They had barely gotten out of this situation and Vernet did not want this man to change his mind and instead of fleeing, he decided to unload his frustrations against the prince. The weapon that he had was certainly powerful enough to cause him the pleasant surprise of a moment ago, but the greatest demerit of this weapon is that for it to be effective, it must first hit the target.

Those men were shot only because he caught them off guard, he was still a 9th limit and so evading the trajectory of the bullets even with his injuries would not be difficult once he was vigilant.

He also wanted that bastard to die, but he also couldn't put the prince at risk anymore. So when the prince tried to follow that man, he had to call him quickly and give it another thing to think so he wouldn't insist on going behind that man.

"A-Are you the prince?"

"E-eh? N-No… I am… I am the adventurer, Alexander!! ”


Previously being with Alexander, he had told him as a random comment that when a person tried to hide their identity, it was normal for them to change their name. So this time upon hearing the girl's question, he answered like that… but if his friend was here, he would say probably something like “Damn it! Don't use my name to hide your identity!! ”, but unfortunately he was in another world now.

Although... probably he was the only one here who thought he could continue to keep his identity secret after everything that had happened and what was said for those men and the others who were with him.

"W-Well ... T-Thanks prin... thanks Alexander-san "

So even though her question was more to confirm it than she hadn't realized her identity, the little girl still decided to pretend she had believed his words.

“ Vernet, you must keep hidden what happened here to my father. If he finds out about this... then he won't let me go on an expedition with Alexander! ”

"...I-I will try, prince. But for now, the important thing is that we treat the two that are on the ground or else they will not get up again"

Due to the girl's sudden interruption, the little prince had almost forgotten his earlier words of treating the two wounded. Even that he uses this as an excuse for him not to follow the enemy, he really was concerned about them and that is why he remind him.

"I-it's true!"

Hearing him say that again, the prince take three potions out of an object with interdimensional space, and right away he and the girl who had volunteered to help, make the two man on the floor to drink the potions after delivering one to Vernet.

Since they were potions of high rank, the breathing of the unconscious men and Vernet quickly stabilizes. Unfortunately, since their wounds were not light, even with these potions it would take many days for them to fully recover.

So, as is the custom or usually happens most of the time, some guards who were in charge of patrol appear on the scene minutes later... it must be a universal law or maybe the people chosen for these tasks have certain abilities to that, but it seems that they always appear when everything is over.

With their help, the prince's group retreats to the castle while Vernet also gives orders to escort the little girl to her home.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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