Soul Evolution System

Chapter 210: Others’ situation (Part 2).

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(Kingdom of  Delna, POV-Vernet)

The day after what happened in the abandoned building, I was now in front of the King... haaa, I think we will be punished again. I really think Bartol was lucky this time since he was still unconscious and could avoid meeting His Majesty...

" What do you have to say in your defense, Vernet? ”

"I cannot say anything in my defense, my King... it was entirely our fault that the prince was at risk this time, so we are ready to accept any punishment!"

“You don't have to be so formal, Vernet. We are not in an audience so you can call me by my name, also, I am not mad this time.

I can see from your actions that you were truly willing to die fulfilling your duty to protect my son, and I was the one who had allowed him to take over a guild to gain some experience leading people. So I knew there could be some situations that would happen because of that…”

"T-Thank you, my lord Fertt. I do not deserve those words... "

"Okay, now explain to me what exactly happened there..."

"Y-yes ..."

Still nervous about being in front of the King, I manage to start telling him everything that happened at that time. I also do not forget to mention the participation of the organization " Warriors of Delna " led by the man named Treko, although he probably has escaped already. 

I don't think he's stupid enough to stay in the capital, no…in the whole Kingdom.

"Hahaha, I see, I see... so there are people who think of us as someone weak who they can try to intimidate... it seems that being passive for a while makes people forget some things."

Although the King seemed in a good mood and was smiling as he said that, my knees go down and I can only kneel on the spot... the respect and fear that I have for this man is not only because he is the King, this is due to something more simple, it was because he was a lot stronger than me, he was a man with a strength of someone with a level 2 soul after all!

So due to the pressure he was releasing, my knees touch the ground... no, I think that even I feel like my wounds from before are opening.

"D-Dad... I-If you know now everything, th-then I will retire"

"Stop, Lorens. I 'll talk to you after this "

“… Y-Yes. Vernet, that's why I told you not to tell my father this… ”

I was not the only one here, the prince was also present, but seeing that his father looked angry now, he tries to escape... then being stopped by His Majesty, seems to be I'm the one which he decides to put his complaints.

…He certainly asked me for that, and to be honest, I wish could have done that. Unfortunately that was impossible! How could I hide that I was carrying two seriously injured men and that I could barely stand up myself?!

“… Vernet, there is something I find difficult to believe about what you said. Could this little boy really kill a man in the 9th limit and badly injure another? Aren't you just trying to make him look good in your story? I think it's more logical that he kept hiding in one place while trembling.

…Even if he didn't pee on himself it would be already a great achievement, not to mention killing someone on the 9th limit. ”

"I-I already stopped wetting my bed !! B-Besides, it's true that I took care of those 2 criminals!! ”

"You be quiet!"


" Even if it were true, you shouldn't have done something so stupid, you should have listened to Vernet and escaped with the teleportation scroll!"

"B-But then they would be- "

"Fool! Once you reported what happened, then I would send someone to rescue them. At least they would have a better chance of survival that way rather than being you the only who could fight!! ”

Listening to the King's words, it seems that he touched an old wound of the prince that makes him forget his fear for his father's fury and tries to defend his honor. It's a shame for him that it only manages to make His Majesty even angrier...

It may seem he is only bothering the little prince, but I know it's quite the opposite and only cares about him. Although...perhaps since he is a male, he is a little harder with him and even sometimes tends to tease him like now.

...but I think that is compensated since the prince is quite appreciated by the queen and her older sister... the King may even treat him that way because he is a little envious of because of that.

About what His Majesty said about what happened yesterday, I'm not against it, in fact, on that occasion I really wanted the prince to escape with the scroll. It certainly was very possible that if he had done that, then the three of us who had accompanied him and the little girl would not get out of there alive...

But my duty was to keep him safe after all, so it's not like I have any complaints about that either. In fact, I am even more afraid to think that something might have happened to the prince and then, I would have to go back to report it...

Anyway, back to what happened in the abandoned building, once again I explained to the king what happened in more detail and even the prince shows the weapon the boy called Alexander gave him before.

“…So you are saying that this weapon can kill a person in the 9th limit? I don't feel any energy from this… aren't you two trying to fool me? ”

"O-Of course not Fertt-sama, I wouldn't dare!!"

"What I'm saying is true, dad! That weapon was given to me by my friend, and it is very powerful! ”

In the end, the prince has to make a small demonstration to the His Majesty to confirm his words. So when he sees the use of it, it seems that it surprises him as well and make him to furrow his brows.

"... I think I had seen some similar weapons before. Although I had thought that both their elaboration and that of the projectiles is quite complicated... that's why these types of weapons are not produced much. Among the few I have seen, this one undoubtedly has the best performance and is more compact.

It certainly seems a good weapon... that friend of yours seriously give it to you for nothing in return? "


"... Maybe you should introduce me to that friend of yours another time"

"E-eh? B-But he does not know that I am the Prince of this kingdom... "


When the Prince says that, then the King looks at me like asking it if that was true and I quickly shake my head to denied it. It is most likely that Alexander knew who the prince really is.

So, probably not wanting to break his son's illusion of having a normal friend without him knowing who he really is and treating him differently for that, the King continues with the following words.

"Well... just tell him that you know someone in the castle or that you have some business here, after all you are the leader of an organization, right?"

"O-Oh! It is true!!"

“Well, although we will probably have to wait for some time for that to happen… you will be punished for a good time little one!! You will not be able to leave the castle until you reach the 5th limit at least!! ”

"Heee! Why? You can't do that father!! I had to go with Alexander on an expedition to the Rozz Area in a month”

“Are you an idiot?! Someone almost killed you recently and now you want to head towards your death on your own?!! That Area is too dangerous for you and your little friend to play sightseeing there!! ”

"Nooo!!! I want to go!! I want to go!! I want to go!! ”


"Hic ... Hic ... Th-then... then I will tell my mom and sister that..."

"Ooh ~ ! Go ahead little one, go and tell them, they will surely have the same opinion as me about this, so it will be useless ”

The King stops the prince's tantrum and so he has no other choice but to name his two powerful allies... I really felt a little uncomfortable being here in this family dispute... either of them may release his frustrations on this poor servant!

Unfortunately for the prince, this time I think that would be useless since I also thought the same as the King and did not believe that the two of them would allow the prince to put himself at risk by going there... although I feel a little sorry for the prince since he finally made a friend and surely wanted to play with him... but I can only feel relief listening to the King's words, removing a weight from my shoulders that I had for a while now.

But then, the prince's next words were very different from what both of us had expected… even leaving the King silent with his mouth open…. No, I was also in the same situation!

"Hic ... Hic ... I will tell mom and my sister that you are harassing the maids!!"

"" ... ""

“Hic… I will tell them that you punished the maids pervertedly for their mistakes and that you also use things like candles or ropes when you do that!! ”

" Y-You ... b-brat, where did you hear that kind of thing?! Do you really understand what you're saying?!! ”

"I-I know that! T-Those are bad things, right? ”

"Y-You ..."

Hearing what the prince says, the King's body begins to tremble a little... although this time it was obviously not solely out of anger... I could even see a bit of sweat running down his forehead. If you think about it, it was really surprising that a person with a level 2 soul look with a little fear to someone who has not even opened his energy core...

But who could blame him for acting like this? All those who worked in the castle knew very well that the King was dominated by the Queen, and that he dotes too much his eldest daughter.

But most likely those words were only a threat from the prince since the His Majesty surely would not do any of those things for fear that his wife would get angry and that the princess would look at him with contempt...

About who he learned these things from, I have a very clear idea of who had been… previously, I think Alexander-kun had asked the prince about how his family was like on one occasion when they were together. At first I thought he was trying to get some information from the royal family, but after listening to his questions, I dismiss that possibility and didn’t thought were important.

These were questions such as that if the prince's sister was beautiful or that if his mother was too... if they had maids and if they were chosen for their beauty… if they could call the maids at night… if they were pervertedly punished when they made mistakes… Well… the things he kept asking only continued to increase in the level of perversion, so I just thought he was a little boy interested in those topics… although I think certainly maybe some things from those questions were too advanced for him... even I didn't understand some of his questions, you know?

But well, I thought it was normal for a boy of that age... I also went through that stage after all. Unfortunately it seems that what the prince learned from that conversation, he was now using it against his father at this time... haaa I'm sure this will not end well for me.

"Lorens!! Lorens, where are you?!! "

"Eh? S-Sister?

… W-Why are you here? ”

"You're fine? Nothing happen to you, right? I came immediately when I found out that someone tried to kidnap you. ”

"M-My beautiful daughter... s-shouldn't you be in the sect?"

Suddenly two young girls enter the room where we were arguing... they were none other than Princess Cleirsa and her best friend and personal servant Turla, most likely as she said, she decided to come the moment she found out what had happened... that was pretty fast.

The two girls were quite beautiful, the princess I think is normal since the Queen and the King are quite good looking and having inherited their genes, their children were privileged in that regard. The other girl was perhaps more of a surprise in this aspect, since seeing her appearance knowing her parents it was... quite surprising in its own way.

She was the daughter of the Lord of Barl, a somewhat remote region of the Kingdom...  he was the one who recently sold large quantities of food to Alexander-kun. About that, it was actually more than the expected and we were a little surprised when we found out about this.

In fact, I think it would have been difficult even for a noble to get that amount of food but because his daughter is the personal maid of the princess, he has a lot support from the nobles surrounding him and it was not so difficult to achieve that transaction in the end.

"Father, how could you allow someone to try to kidnap little Lorens?! ”

“C-Cleirsa… shouldn't you first greet your father correctly? We haven't seen each other in a while after all. I can see that you have really improved a lot… you have been able to reach the 9th limit at that young age... you really make Dad feel proud ”

"It does not matter! What matters is that you must assign more guards next to Lorens!!

…What happened to the people who tried to do something wrong to my little brother? Did you make sure to punish all of them correctly? ”

"I-I was just going to take care of it, don't worry, Daddy will take care of everything and won't let them-"

"It is not necessary! I'll do it myself, I have to make sure all those people suffer… ”

As the King says, it is really surprising that she already reached the 9th limit with only 17 years old... besides, it was not just her. Turla is not far behind her at being in the 8th limit... it is not surprising that Count Barl complains a little to the King about all the nobles who seek to have an arranged marriage with her... she is not only beautiful but also has enough talent.

"Don't worry Lorens, your sister will take care of all those guys who tried to hurt you... when I come back from punishing those fools, then we'll talk. You surely have many things to tell to your sister "

"C-Cleirsa... dad was going to..."

So in the same abrupt way that they entered, they also leave like this, she really must be quite upset with what happened. Right away, without even turning another glance to His Majesty the Princess goes back to look for information from the ones responsables of this problem… the guild “Warriors of Delna” will be probably destroyed on this day.

"...I wonder if she has reached the rebellious stage? Well, for now I should send some people to make sure everything is okay.

Little brat... if you can convince your sister and mother to go to that place, then you can do it, maybe it's not such a bad idea that you go and experience some difficulties... 

Vernet, we will continue with this conversation later… you will have to answer some other questions at that moment”

"Seriously? Great!!"

"Y-Yes, my King."

Last time, when the things that happened at the auction house reached the ears of the King, Bartol and I had to spend a week secluded... I wonder how long it will be this time?

Maybe not much, after all, the King seems to have wanted to leave the problem of the prince's excursion to the area of Rozz to the Queen and the princess. He shouldn't want to take the risk about the prince  telling these things to two of them... so maybe the prince can convince them both if he insists for several days.

So several hours after the talk with His Majesty, the rumor that the princess along with some soldiers had destroyed one of the kingdom's largest organizations was quickly spread. The only strange thing was that the reason for this that the rumor said, was because someone from that organization tried to take the prince to a brothel and upon learning this, the princess invaded due to jealousy and decided to destroy them...

It was a shame that the leader actually managed to escape. When the princess went to the place where that organization was, they had only found normal members there... but still, this did not prevent her from unleashing her fury on all of them and most of them were captured to be sold as criminal slaves.

The truth is that this fight lasted less than when they try to kidnap the Prince, but since that organization had lost its strongest members in that fight, it was understandable that this happened. With several soldiers in the 9th limit accompanying the princess on the King's orders, everything was quickly solved.

It can be a bit cruel and perhaps many people there did not even know what was happening, but as members of an organization, they should know at least that the actions of their leaders could have an impact on them, so they can only blame having chosen the wrong person to follow.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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