Soul Evolution System

Chapter 212: Day 3 (Part 1)

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(POV Alexander)

" ...What's going on?"


“ I-Is something wrong, Alexander-senpai? ”

"... It seems we have company"

Very early in the morning, I suddenly felt some presence moving in my domain so I quickly stand up from where I was lying and direct my vision to where I was feeling people moving…

Noticing my sudden action, the girls, who were close to me, also become alert and ask me that... then, while I answer them, I start walking holding my spear towards one of the windows to have a look about who they were, a few seconds later I hear their footsteps following me.

"... It seems that we finally meet Emilia-chan’s husband"

"I-I don't have a husband! T-That was only in the game and it wasn't real… w-we don't even know each other in real life...”

"What do we do, Alex-chan? Do you want to make the girl a widow? ”

When I look out the window, I could see several men approaching the building where we were and notice that among them was also the protagonist of this world...  now, I don't know if I should be happy or upset since he only showed until now...

If he had appeared long before, I might don't care much of him staying with Emilia-chan, but... now I really didn't like that idea very much. It's his fault for being so slow, and because of that, I am now seriously considering what Revy tells me... well, it was also because on top of his head he had a number of [+4] and his aura was not as stable as I thought it would be when.

So… killing him means I could raise 5 levels in an instant… that was a damn half limit! This really was a great encouragement to do it... besides, it wasn't just him, everyone in his group seemed to have killed some people... the smallest only had a [+1].

"The guy you're looking for is the skinny guy who looks somewhat hysterical looking everywhere"

“I-I wasn't looking for him… what will we do? Will we fight them? ”

Emilia-chan who came to my side seemed to be watching each of the guys there as if, according to their appearance, she hoped to be able to identify the person who had been with her in the virtual world. So I pointed it out to make things easier for her.

Maybe it is just that the word ‘husband’ makes her nervous and that's why it seems to bother her, but I think she is really grateful to him because he was her only friend when she was in a bad moment... that makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Haaa... well, we will have to see who she chooses since I don't think it is a good idea to fight against that group now... apart from him, I remember that the boy next to him is quite dangerous, so it would not be very good if we had to fight against them.

"... I think we can dialogue with them, so it would be best if we avoided fighting. Emilia-chan’s husband should be a sensible person from what I know… ”

"C-Could you stop calling him that... Alexander-senpai"

I also didn't really like calling him so, but every time she told me not to call him that, it makes me feel a little better and it was worth putting up with that little discomfort in exchange for this.

After considering it for a while, I decide it's best for them to join our team. Although the auras of those guys had dark tones, I think most of the people who are still alive on this island would be the same as them. At least they are not like the doctor from before.

"Master... I think one of them started to aim a bomb at us"

" ”

"S-Shit! Didn't you say they would be sensible people? Then, why the hell did they start throwing bombs at us as soon as they saw us?!!

D-Don't tell me that the girl's husband found out you had oral sex with his wife? ”

"O-Oral sex?"

When that group notices us, a fat man points a tracking bomb at us... and it seems that the protagonist of this anime does nothing to stop him. Fuck! Shouldn't he be someone sensible who only kills in self-defense?!


"Damn you fatty! Shouldn’t you have turned into lizard food by now?! Why are you still alive?”

[I think that your presence in this place altered many things in the history that you knew, Alexander. From your memories, the blonde girl must have been like an anchor to maintain the sanity of that guy... not having found her, most likely, the pressure of everything that happened on this island caused his personality to develop in a different way]

“S-Shit… is this the butterfly effect? Is that? "

" Damn it!  What does it matter if they are a group of gay men? We must take care of that bastard who wants to make us fly to the sky fast!! 

"... t-the butterfly effect has nothing to do with being gay... I think it is something related to time travel... "

"...W-What does it matter now?!!"

I really wanted to tell Revy that her comment was somewhat homophobic as well, but looking at the fat guy making the adjustments to drop the bomb, I didn't have time for that and so I quickly grab my "Ben Dover-2" and throw it at that man.

" Gueh!!"

Because we were on the second floor of the building I can aim better and get the man spliced on the ground without being able to throw the bomb he was holding, then it falls to the ground while he is writhing in pain... it seems that we avoid danger.

"Y-You killed Taira-san, damn bastard!!"

"What the hell did you expect? That we let him send us flying through the air? Are you stupid?!!"

Seeing that his partner was now dying, the protagonist of this world yells at me with obvious anger on his face. Unfortunately for him,  I was not in the best of the moods either right now...

Besides... what the hell was that guy named? Well... anyway, because of his previous comment, he has earned that I call him Idiot-san!


[Level up +2]

“Well… I think that this can only mean divorce, girl. Now you will have to fight and try to take everything away from him... rejoice, you will not have to get a lawyer for that and you just have to kill him. I’m sure you can carry out every women's dream... "

"... he -he 's quite different from what I imagined he would be..."

It seems that Emilia-chan’s surprise at meeting her virtual husband is so great that it even makes her don’t hear Revy’s taunts. Well, she seems to have found out why internet relationships almost always end when both people meet in real life… although this time it may be due more to my presence in this world than other things.

"C-Captain, someone came before us... what do we do?"

"It is not obvious? We have to collect the crystals from those other people too ”

"He's right, plus, we can't allow the girls to be killed before we get the information from them, or we won't get extra pay otherwise"

"Yes, captain!"

So when the other three people from Idiot-san's group seem to have decided to enter the building, more men appear in the place making them stop to observe these newcomers...

"H-Hey Alex-chan... it seems that these men specifically come for us... actually how many people more you've fucked up in this place?!"

" Damn it! I do not know those people and never had seen them in my life!!"

As Revy says, these men seem to target us as soon as they saw us. Also, they all looked quite troublesome… they had the same aura as the Rambo guy I killed earlier! In fact, when I use my evaluation on them, they all had [Mercenary] on their heads and were above level 40!

Furthermore, they all have quite high death numbers on their heads... they have actually killed many people on this island, maybe ¼ of all the participants were killed by them. The only thing salvageable from this was that those two groups don't seem to want to ally with each other, if so, then our situation would be really fuck up.

"Tch, whoever catches a girl will belong to him!"

"C-Captain, that man is heading towards those girls!"

"Damn it! If he kills them, then it will be bad. We have to capture them first”

Then, one of the men from Idiot-san's group starts running to the entrance of the building while yelling his companions. Seeing this, one of the other group also begins to run in the same direction... although I must say that it seems that the objective of this man and the mercenaries is not to obtain our crystals...

Being closer to the entrance, the mercenary enters the building first.



As soon as he enters, I bring my hand to my bracelet, and then, when the one who seems to be the leader of that group notices my movements, he quickly tries to warn his partner about this. Unfortunately for him, it was too late and his words are overshadowed by the loud sound of an explosion... moreover, pieces of his body along with dust and smoke are scattered on the spot.

Before we went to rest, I had placed some bombs in case someone visited us at night with malicious intent, it was certainly a good idea.


[Level up +4 ]

“S-Shit… that was close. Hahaha, that happens to you for being careless!! ”

...No, I think you should not make fun of that guy... if it had not been because he was closer, then the pieces of meat scattered everywhere would be yours.

"Hahaha, it seems my luck is good and I will be the first to take a girl"

When the dust settles a little, the guy who now had some bloodstains on him for being close to the explosion returns to his way happily...





[Level up +3 ]

…Someone should have told him that there is no rule about just put one bomb in the same place. I think that this guy was alive until now just by pure luck... and I'm not talking about surviving on this island, I mean that it's a surprise that he reached adulthood.

"...let's find another entrance"

"...that seems to be the best"

Well, things were not so bad, in a few minutes I almost managed to raise a full limit... I almost got the benefits of a limit-break pill in just a few seconds! Unfortunately, it seems that now things will not be so simple... the two groups seem want to find a way to enter here than to fight between them.

...The truth is that if they went again through that place, there would be no more bombs there. I did not believe that someone would fell 3 times in the same trick... two was already good enough so I did not think it worked anymore.

"Master, what do we do?"

" ...They won't take long in entering here"

“Well… let's split and deal with them. Mary and Revy, you will go on your own, do you have any objection to that? ”

"No, master. I can take care of them by myself ”

"...fine, I'm not a girl who needs protection, so that's fine to me I guess "

"w-what do I do?"

"You will come with me, Emilia-chan"


It was inevitable that they would enter, there were various entrances such as windows and other doors, and  it was impossible to cover all of these with bombs. So after thinking about it for a bit, I assume that was the best plan. If we are all together, then we will only be a bigger target after all.

With that said, Revy and Mary take different paths and quickly disappear from my vision... I hope they are fine. Despite the fact that they are at higher limits than other people, this does not make them immune to the bombs… well, Revy must have been in similar situations in her world, so maybe she can manage this by herself.

As for Blue Mary, looking how relaxed she seems to be in this situation, that reassures me a bit... it seems like she doesn't care much about this and thinks that she can take care of her enemies easily.

After they leave here, Emilia-chan and I also start walking through the construction... I wonder who will be the first one we meet? Well, whoever he is, he will help me climb a few more levels.


As we walked through this facility, I suddenly feel a strange sensation that makes me frown... it was as if my body had pass through a thin layer of electricity...

Besides, it was not once, this feeling repeated several times... then observing that it was not just my imagination since Emilia-chan seemed confused as well, she must also have felt the same, I immediately remember that the crystals were not just something for the participants of this game to collect.

These were also radars! In fact... the name given to them by the system was radar crystals, it was just that no one had used this ability until now, so I had completely forgotten about it...

The good thing is that these only detect people who have a crystal embedded in their hands, so Mary and Revy should still have the advantage of being able to hide from these men... or at least, they will be in the same condition as the others since they also cannot detect the location of the other participants.

The bad thing is that although I should be in advantage since my domain does the same as these crystals, but with the benefit that it should not alert others, is not like this right now...

It seems that whoever used that function of the crystals has now been able to detect Emilia-chan’s location...

"W-What was that?"

"Someone has detected your position through your crystal..."

"E-eh?T-Then, what do I do? I-it seems that the others will now know where we are because of me… ”

"Well, don't worry Emilia-chan... let's just think that we are on an equal footing now. Although, I think the ones who used this crystal feature are the two guys from Idiot-san's group… from your virtual husband I mean.

I do not think the other group is used to using this function… they shouldn't be as used to the game this is based on, like those two.”


As I feel various presences move through my domain, I explain things to her. This is not just an assumption, I can feel two people moving towards us while the other two seem to have stopped their steps for a second when feeling the same sensation as us... although one of the latter seems to have some luck and was closer to us, most likely this person will be the first one who we would meet.

The one that I see in my domain being more cautious should be idiot-san...  so the other one should be the boy that came with him, seems like he wants to be the first to kill us since he is moving quickly towards here... although I think he will first run into one of the other two girls who should not have been detected by radar.

"I-I will not be a burden... I-I will not make them find you because of me..."

"Eh? That really doesn't… hey, wait!! ”

She probably misinterpreted my silence while looking at people in my domain, she must have been thinking that bothered me or maybe she just didn't want to cause me trouble, but without letting me finish my words, Emilia-chan turns around and starts running.

Shit!! To make it even worse, she was running straight to where the stairs were and where the guy who was closest to us came from...

Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!

If she didn't want to cause troubles, then she should just have stayed quietly beside me!!

With no other option, I start running after her... I wanted to yell at her to stop, but that would only alert the person who should be almost to reach the second floor by now...







[ Emilia level up +5 ]

The next thing happens, almost makes my jaw drop to the floor... in the end was inevitable that Emilia-chan will run into that guy, but he apparently did not expect her to appear either, and so they both end up bumping...

Unfortunately for the guy, that was very bad for him... her breasts acted as if they were springs and the two are thrown in opposite directions with a strong force... unluckily for the man, he was climbing the stairs... also, when falling, he did it in a very bad position hitting the ground with his head first...

T-That sound from before must have been his neck splitting in two...

"A-are you fine... Emilia-chan?"

"T-That man... "

" Yes... he-he's dead... good job"

"Eh? I-I didn't want to kill him... t-that was an accident! ”

“ Don't worry… if he wasn't dead now, then you would be in trouble. Also please, do not ever do something stupid like this again... this time you were lucky... or that guy was unlucky.”

"B-But I don't want to be a nuisance... if you died because of me, then..."

“I had told you before that I didn't want to regret anything in this life, right? If you died, then I would have to carry with that since I really don't want you to die… so, please don't die”



[Emilia Affection +5]

Recovering from what had happened, I then speak seriously to Emilia-chan. What I felt for her now was very different from when we met a couple of days ago… now if she died I know that would affect me emotionally, and I really didn't want to have to experience that.

…Even if she was a bit of a burden, it was better to have to bear that than to have to lose her.

“Well… I think there are only 3 people left now… now two of them should be fighting with Mary and Revy, or soon they will. So there is only one left who is on their own, I think I should take care of this one... "

"I-I'll help you too!"

“…No, I think you already took care of your opponent. So you better stay here, I'll take care of the rest ”

Saying that, I start to go down the stairs, when passing the guy who was now dead, I do not forget to take away all the usefulness things he had with him.  If I'm going to the only guy who can move freely now, then no one else could come here and therefore it was best for Emilia-chan to stay here, so I ask her to do just that.

"Oh, I almost forgot!

Emilia-chan… your breasts really are great... they are just as lethal as bombs! ”

"I-IDIOT!! ”

When I was about to disappear from her vision, I turned around and with the most serious face that I could make, I tell her that... I really had to tell her that!


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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