Soul Evolution System

Chapter 213: Day 3 (Part 2)

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(POV Revi)

... seriously, this was not what I had expected. From a world where anyone could put a bullet in my head, now I’m in another world where people want to blow me up with bombs... no, I think this is even worse.

Well, just like in Roanapur, I just have to kill anyone who tries to screw me... nothing has changed in that regard. Well, maybe I can get a small fortune from that little brat... the way he said it before, it doesn't seem like he was lying when he told me that had enough gold, in fact, he seemed like a rich little young master and that makes his words even more credible.

...even if he lied, I'm sure I can sell him to a brothel for a good amount of money... Oh right, it seems that I need him if I want to leave this world... so it may not be possible. Besides that, the little slut in his side looks pretty dangerous... that sucks. I really hope that I can get something good out of all this in the end ...

For now, I think it is best to follow what he says and help him do what he wants to do in this place, after that I will think about what to do next.

With that in mind, I begin to walk in the construction where we had spent the night in search of one of the men who had entered here, and while I do this, I also take one of the bombs that the boy had given me... according to him, the squares explode after 10 seconds, the round ones when you throw them, the other round ones look for a target, and these ones... he told me that these were quite dangerous and that I should throw them as far away from me as I can...

Seriously, the people who made this crazy game must have pretty twisted minds. Why didn't they just give the guys they brought here one type of bombs to kill each other? In the end they just wanted to see how they were torn apart, didn't they? So many different bombs only make things more complicated..., I prefer to use my guns than the bombs to kill someone. Its use is much easier if you want to kill someone since you just have to point and pull the trigger, much easier, right?

… Damn brat, if he was going to summon me here, then at least he should have done it together with my two berettas!!

"Oh! I found someone… ”


As I walked through the halls, suddenly a strong man appeared in my vision when I turning around a hallway. Then as I cursed, I took one of the round bombs that explode on contact and threw it to where he was.


I wasn't like the blonde cow trying to find an excuse to kill someone after all, in fact there are only a few people that I couldn't kill, but obviously this guy right now wasn't one of these. In that sense, I really appreciate that Alex-chan and the other blonde girl were also sensible people, otherwise, it would really be fucked up to having to protect 3 people who do not want to kill others... no, why would I protect them? I would simply leave them to their own damn luck!

Unfortunately, I wasn't a baseball pitcher either and so I can't brag about my throw and that man's reflexes weren't bad either and he quickly returns the way he came avoiding the explosion...

"Tch, that's why I prefer pistols!"

"Hey girl... don't be so aggressive. Why don't we discuss things a bit, I just want to ask you some questions"

"Well... then why don't you go out so we can talk?"

“…No, I prefer to do it from here. Who are you and why did you and the other girls come to this island? ”

"I am your grandmother, asshole. I came here to enjoy the beaches of this island! ”



As I answered him, I took one of the same bombs from before and then throw it again... at the beginning I thought that it would better to stay away from him since after all, he also has the same weapons as me. But after seeing that he seemed more interested in talking than to kill me, I decide to drop bombs like the crazy woman that I kill before.



" Hey, hey, girl, are you scared? I really just want to talk, if you tell me  what I want to know, then I will leave you alive... your bombs will soon run out if you keep throwing them like that, you know? ”



“ It looks like you were following that little redhead girl, didn't you? Who is she? ”

"Hahaha, that 'little girl' is pretty enough, right? Unfortunately, even I don't know many things about "her" either."


With the last bomb I dropped, this time I took two different ones… one of the square ones, and one of the ones that the “little girl” that this man talks about told me that they were quite dangerous.

As I dropped the bombs and walked slowly to where the man was so as not to make a noise, I had reached a few meters away at the end of the corner of the T-corridor where he was hiding on to the right-hand side out of my sight… well, the front wall was now smashed and had a big hole in it, so now it was more of a corridor with four directions to go.

Taking the square bomb first that now had its counter at 4, I throw it and hits a wall and reaches the position where that man should be.


So, as I had expected to happen, the man leaves the place where he was hidden and appears in my vision again... it was a shame for him that almost at the same time that I dropped the square bomb, I also did it with the other one that I had in my other hand throwing it in the direction I'd anticipated he would come out of.


[Tssuuun !!]

The square bomb explodes, but ... the other just create darkness in the direction which the man was running to... then when he was aware of this, he already had introduced half body in the darkness... not even the screams could be heard from him after that.

Soon that darkness disappears and the only thing that remains is half of the man's body… damn! The brat really was right about those bombs being quite dangerous! What the hell was that?

"Shit! The crystal also disappeared… well, let's look in the other half of that man's body to see if he had more with him… hopefully, he should have more of those crystals than the boy wants. If so, then I won't have to tell him that I lost one.

In your next life you should consider not talking so much to people who have bombs with them, it also seems that you thought that because I was a woman, then I would be terrified of having to fight against you, but... I'm sorry to tell you that perhaps I have killed more people than you... Why the hell am I talking to a half dead body? He doesn't even have his head so his soul may not even hear me.

Oh! Bingo... i'm lucky that this guy actually had several crystals with him, this saved me some trouble with the boy. Let's go back to where he was, I've already taken care of someone and so he won't be able to say that I haven't done anything.”

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(POV 3rd person)

After the two groups came to the building where Alexander was, both groups had separated to look for a safer way to enter. Among those people, Kosuke Kira had chosen a window to enter after having ensured that it had no bombs, although there were too many of these and it was almost impossible to cover all. So if a bomb was really there, he only could say that he was very unlucky.

Once inside, the first thing he did was to reach out and use his radar to find the position of the girls he saw earlier on the second floor, but after doing so, he couldn't help but frown at what happened.

According to his radar, there were only 4 people in this construction apart from him... one of these should be Ryota, his partner who had also entered. The other two that were also on the first floor, they had to be from the other men he had seen outside… so the last one must be from a person on the second floor.

But the problem was that the number of people on the second floor did not match which those he saw... he thought that there should be at least 3 other presences.

"Are they using their radar waves to hide? No...  if it were that way, then I should feel that my radar waves were blocked ... Maybe they have taken out the crystals of their hand?

Hahaha, well, it doesn't matter. Let's finish them all anyway, if I collect more crystals than Ryota, then it means I'm a better player! ”

After thinking for a few seconds, he decided to take the path that seemed to lead him to the second floor where the girls he saw should be. Apparently, the other group was also after them, so it was almost certain that he could meet the men in that group and kill them as well.

The truth was that long ago he had stopped considering that he had to collect only 7 crystals to be able to leave this Island, what he was looking for now, it was to be the best in this game and get as many crystals as he could. At some point in this game, in his mind, he was now inside the game that he had enjoyed before coming to this Island.

In fact, due to this reason, Ryota who was the best player in Japan had become the only real person who was in this place to him, while the others had become only crystals that he had to collect.

As for Ryota, Kosuke had a complex feeling about him… on one hand, he wanted to show that he was better than him and so killing him would be perhaps the easiest way to do it, but on the other hand, he was now his only companion. That's why a part of him wanted to kill him in order to demonstrate his superiority, but at the same time he was also afraid of losing the only person who could understand him... or at least that's what he thought.

[Boom boom boom!]…

"Whoo~! It seems like some people started having fun already, hahaha. Well, then I should hurry up. "

Walking for a couple of minutes inside the building, several explosions begin to be heard... from what he could tell by his radar, the person who was on the second floor should quickly find one of those who entered here.


As Kosuke continued on his way, he noticed that when those two points he was monitoring with his radar met, then one disappeared in the next instant. The weird thing was, he didn't seem to sense an explosion when that happened, so that made him wonder a little and stop for a second.

"Well... it seems that these girls are not as harmless as they appear... now that I think about it, one of them killed one of our group with a spear... they may have more weapons of that type, so the best thing would be not getting too close to them and kill them at a safe distance ”

Taking his way back through one of the hallways, he began to consider things better. He thought he must have been too excited to "win" this game and that led him to be a little sloppy about heading directly to where the girls were without any plans.

"Fufufu, I think it's too late for that, boy. But don't worry, the spear that my master had was the only weapon of that type that he had with him. ”



Along with the voice that Kosuke suddenly heard, from an adjacent room where he was walking, a hand suddenly came out breaking one glass and dragging him until facing a girl who now literally had him in her hands.

In appearance, she certainly was a pretty attractive girl. She was a blonde woman with short hair, and also wore a dress that remarked her curves which were already very noticeable by themselves... so having her so close and while showing a smile as she put her arms around his neck, probably would cause jealousy to other men if they see this.

Unfortunately for Kosuke, the smile that he had only a few centimeters away from his face now, could only be seen as something quite scary...

“Well, even if Master still had more weapons of that type, you shouldn't worry since I prefer to use my hands and feet to deal with my enemies… just like this.

As you can see, this is much more practical and simple... as you now should understand, the bombs can not be used when you are at such a short distance, well, unless you want to kill yourself...."

"D-Don't kill me... I-I don't want to die ..."


What’s wrong? Where did all that courage you had until a while ago went to? I've been following you for a while and you seemed quite happy to me before ”

It was as the girl said, at this moment he felt that death had come for him...  and he understood perfectly this when he saw the blonde's eyes... although when she spoke her voice sounded in a sweet tone and her smile made her seem someone friendly and kind, in his eyes, it didn't seem like she was looking at a person when she stared at him... her attitude showed that he was just a little doll that she had in her arms... something that maybe she could only use to have a little fun and then when she got bored, discard it.

Noticing this, his body inevitably began to shake… no, not only his body. The illusion that he was had formed, it was now lurched to break and he now realize that he could die too... it was no longer the fun game where he hung out until a few seconds ago.

Due to all that, his attitude and words were totally sincere, they were not an act or pretense to make the girl hesitate and have a chance to use his bombs, that was just his only wish and thought at this moment and nothing else. He knew that his life was now in the girl's hands, and he had no choice but to beg... and that was precisely what he continued to do.

"P-Please, d-don't kill me... I-I'm only 14 years old"

"Oh, seriously?! So you're older than me... I only have 1 day of being born, you know? You are very lucky to have lived so long... my master recently created me yesterday after all”


That was not what Kosuke expected to hear, he tried to appeal for compassion for being a minor, but now he knew that this girl was either crazy or was making fun of him... he could not believe that what she said was true.

“I'm sorry, little senpai~, but I don't want to have any problems for having to watch over you too so you don't hurt my Master, it is quite problematic to have a violent girl in our group already.

But don't worry… at least I'll do it so that you don't feel any pain ”

"I-I do not-"


"See? You shouldn't have felt anything, senpai ~. 

Master seemed to like someone calling him that, so he must have died happy, right? Well, let's go back to Master before that woman called Revy comes back first. ”

While checking the lifeless body of Kosuke who now had his face looking towards his back, Mary collects all the bombs and crystals that he had and then goes back to the way she had come.

It was a shame for Kosuke that the person he found out was her, since if it had been any of the other 3 in Alexander’s group instead, perhaps he would have had more chance of survival. For Mary, the only person who could not kill was her Master who had created her as she mentioned before, so the other humans for her were all the same and they were nothing special.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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