Soul Evolution System

Chapter 214: Day 3 (Part 3)

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(POV Alexander)

After picking up the crystals and bombs from the man that Emilia-chan killed, I walked in the direction where Idiot-san should be. Come to think of it, I wonder if that guy was the first man to die due to a pair of breasts? No... I don't think he was the first and only, after all, I myself have been on the verge of moving on to the next world due to Shisuka's breasts that almost suffocate me... seriously, those can be quite fearsome weapons against men.

I also have begun to think that Emilia-chan’s luck skill is actually focused on her breasts... they have rescued her from a couple of dangerous situations after all... well, one of them perhaps did not happen due to my presence... I really have a conflicting feeling of wanting to see the scene of a bomb bouncing off her breasts, but I also don't want to put her in danger… should I throw something at her breasts that is not so dangerous to satisfy that curiosity of mine?

[I would say that's just silly, but seeing the resent events, that logic of yours may not be baseless... well, at least that girl should be happy that her breasts have another function than being simply being ornaments]

Aurora... that's something so cruel, breasts are not just decorations you now?! They have many functions... in addition to being milk producers for children, they are also instruments to make men's imaginations grow!


I am curious why some girls sometimes seem to resent having them? Certainly if they are very large it can cause stiffness in their shoulders from what I have heard, but I know that less gifted girls would be willing to endure that inconvenience as long as their breasts become larger, after all if it wasn't that way, then there wouldn’t be transplants to increase their size.

[Fufufu, if you like them so much, then why don't you try to put on a pair, the system could surely help you with that.]

N-no... I guess my liking for them is rather similar to a wine taster that just like to taste wine, and not for this he has to create one himself to enjoy it.

[Well, if I did get a body of my own, I wouldn't mind if it had a good pair… fufufu, would you be happy if that happens, Alexander?]

“Well… I would certainly like that very much. Although first, I think we should find a way to do that… do you have an idea of how to do it, Aurora? ”

[Unfortunately for you to see my pair of breasts, then you will have to wait, Alexander. At least we would need you to be able to control your own soul more, and also to have more knowledge on those topics… probably until you reach a level 3 soul we may consider moving on with that topic.]

I already had a similar discussion with her about this issue previously. the truth is I feel a bit sorry for her being trapped inside my mind and so I think it would be good that she could interact with others with a real a body... well, perhaps because she was previously an artificial intelligence made her very curious about sexual issues, and most likely she wants to experience this herself physically, I cannot deny that it also motivates me to seek a solution to this problem quickly.

You could say that she's the girl who more time has been interacting with me, and probably if I could see her affection, then I’m sure it would be the highest among the girls who are beside me. There's also the fact that she, as ex-AI, her goal still lingers. So I'm sure if she wanted to experience such things with her body, I know that I would most likely be her first choice...

Well, let's think about that when the time is right, for now, let's focus on dealing with Idiot- san… for some reason, I feel that of all the people here he would be the most troublesome.

[That must be because his fate is quite strong… you might think that he is one of the favorite individuals for this world, so it is true that you should be careful with him ]

...that doesn't sound good at all. Well... let's say that I have the support of a superior being, so maybe that's better than having the support of a world... but that being said, he tell me he would not intervene after sending me to Gaia, so maybe I should not rely on it and have high expectations.

"Seriously? Won't you even say hello to me or something like that?! ”


Finally I reached where my domain indicated me where idiot-san was, I thought that I would have the advantage of not having a crystal and in that way he would not notice me, but the guy seemed to be quite attentive to everything around him and when I walked down a hallway he noticed me, and without even saying anything throws a [Cracker BIM] at me and therefore I had no other choice but to jump away to avoid the blast while complaining.


Of course, I did not stay without doing anything and I also threw a similar bomb at him, but unfortunately, he had already moved from where he was...

This guy is quite agile... well, probably not as agile as me. But what bothers me a bit is that if I remember correctly, he must have spent most of his time sitting behind a damn screen... so this is abnormal!

Even one of the scenes that surprised me the most in the anime, was when he escaped through a small hole like if he was the damn Yakie Chan...

In my previous life after several months of becoming a tie worker and having to be in a similar situation, it was truly a great achievement if I could run 100m without falling out from lack of air! How the hell does he have the physical condition of an athlete?!!

“ You really are quite aggressive, Idiot-san… didn't you even consider talking things out first? ”


“Talk? You killed Taira-san, so why should I speak with you?! ”

"Like I said, he attacked us first, so that was just self-defense."

[Boom!] [Boom!]

Maybe I was feeling a little guilty about him, after all, if I hadn't come here, then he would have the girl… so I think I had inadvertently screwed him up. Even in the beginning, I wanted us ally together and deal with the other participants if we had met earlier...

[No, I think you would end up screwing him even if you had met him first, Alexander. I very much doubt that you would have let him have the girl in the end…]

T-That hurts a little, Aurora. It seems as if you think that I try to conquer all the pretty girls in the world... or the worlds. But I must say that I met first with her and things ended this way, it can only be because fate wanted it that way. Actually if I had met those two when they had ties to each other, then I had thought not to intervene with them... I could probably do that... it would be difficult, but I would have tried... maybe I would have only delighted my eyes a little while observing Emilia-chan's body, but that's fine, right?… Perhaps I would just had a little skinship with her?

Well... things are the way they are now, so it's good that I don't have to worry about how things would have been if the events were different.

Although feeling a bit sorry for him, since he was throwing bombs, he did not leave me more alternatives than to do the same. So we kept doing this for several minutes as we ran through various hallways… even now, we had gone back up to the second floor via different stairs from the ones I came down.


[Revi level up +5]


It seems that she managed to kill someone... feeling the presence that disappeared in my domain, then she and the other person must have been the cause of the previous explosions that I have been hearing from the other side of the building for a while.

…But I am a little worried about the other two presences left. One of these must be Mary, and the other must belong to an enemy, but…is practically as if they were united. I wonder what is going on there? She wouldn't be caught by a kinky guy and he's trying to do something wrong to her, right?

[Boom boom boom!]

Shit! Now I am more concerned! I got to deal with this guy fast before something bad happens to her!

"Playtime is over... I've got you!"


After running all over the place, I finally managed to stop this guy's movements with two [Flammable BIM] blocking any escape route and so with no other way for him ti escape, I decided to drop the bomb that would end his life...



“D-Don't screw with me! This is unfair! He was already mine!! ”

" Kuh! Hahaha, luck seems to be on my side! I won't die so easy, I will get out of this damn place alive !! ”

When I thought this was finally over, the floor underneath his feet suddenly breaks and he falls avoiding the bomb I had dropped earlier. Apparently, all the bombs that we have been throwing weakened the structure of this building... damn it!!

Due to the fall, he was now covered in dust and some wounds, but that was certainly better than exploding to pieces… do I have to go all the way to find him? No, damn it, I don't have time for that.

Without much thought, I also jump through the same hole. This certainly was risky, but I was more worried about Mary, and so I had to finish this quickly... I could not let him roam free all over the place as there was the possibility that he would find Emilia-chan too.

As I had thought, as soon as I fall to the ground, I see him throwing a bomb at me with a big smile. I quickly took one of my bombs and throw it, but slightly and just a few meters from me.

Immediately in front of me, a black hole is created that swallows the bomb that went directly to the place where I was. Yes, the [Implosion BIM] could also be used as a shield, hehehe.

"Tch... damn it..."


[Blue Mary level up +6]

Oooh! Is good to hear that… it seems like she ended up winning somehow. 

Relieved by what the system notified me, I turn to look at Idiot-san... it seems that he was not so lucky in the fall because he should had twisted his ankle or something like that because he could not walk very well.

This practically ends things... without that agility he showed before, this will be very simple. Furthermore, now that he's quieter, I can see his abilities with my [Evaluation]... seriously, it was as if they were to clarify my doubts and silence the complaints that I had before.

[Ryota Sakamoto level 52] [Body Control-S] [Agility-S]

The world must have loved this guy quite a lot since he was quite generous with him... in fact, if the guy had chosen to do any sport, then I'm sure he would have stood out in this world. Well, everyone chooses how to live their lives, and so I'm not going to say anything about his decision to become a gamer.

"Well, idiot-san, I think this is game over..."


Holding various Implosion BIMs, I walk slowly towards the protagonist of this world. As much as this world wanted to keep him alive, there should be a limit to what it could do... if the ground split again, now he could only descend to hell, right?

I don't think an angel or something like that would come down to rescue him… that can’t happen, right? If that actually happen, that would be very fucked up... and too unfair too! I hope that at least Cross considers helping me if the world decides to interfere like that… no, that guy would probably just say something like, “Poor useless, boring and inferior being. Well, let's find another fool to have fun with. ”

…Having those thoughts, aside from observing the guy in front of me who was trying to get away with difficulties due to the wound on his foot, I also focus on the surroundings and the sky…  I really hope I won’t be suddenly struck by a damn lightning or something.

“Hahaha… I will get out of here alive no matter what happens!! 

Hehehe, you don't think you're the only one with [Remote Control BIMs], do you? ”

"Oh... fuck... "

[Boom!] [Boom! Boom!]

Seeing his desperate and anxious face, I had thought that he had run out of ideas and just wanted to get away from here... then when I get ready to throw a bomb to end with him, he starts laughing in a somewhat maniacal way while saying that...

With the Implosion BIMs, I thought that I could just override any other that he threw at me like before... unfortunately, this idea had a very big drawback that I overlooked...

They can certainly make any bomb thrown at me disappear, but sadly if I was standing right next to a bomb, then there was nothing they could do against it... if I dropped one of these bombs where I was, the enemy bombs might not kill me but I would end up being absorbed by it and I would not escape from dying...

It's not that I hadn't thought about him having these types of BIMs, but when I visually checked him earlier, he didn't have a bracelet on his hand and so I didn't thought he had these types of BIMs…

So I was really surprised when he put a hand in one of the small bags on his waist and instead of taking out a bomb, what appeared before my eyes was a bracelet on and the instant he said that, he pressed several buttons.

In the next second I make my grimoire appear along with the protective shield, and several flashes appear in my field of vision... it was unfortunate that almost when it appeared, I immediately heard the sound of crystals breaking indicating that it had succumbed to the explosions.

The good thing is that due to the energy shield I am pushed back avoiding the center of the explosion, the bad thing was that that damn bastard seems to have decided to put all the bombs of that type that he had in this place... so after the first explosions others follow up and these did not seem to stop soon.

In the end, it seems that my [Bracelet of Sacrifice] was activated seconds later too, so I can avoid the direct impact of the other bombs, but unfortunately, this protection doesn't last long either...

I really felt like I was like a pin-pon ball going from one side to the other hitting anything that was in my way. D-Damn it! This really hurts...


"Oh crap!"

"Hahaha, you deserve this, damn bastard!! I told you that I would be the one to get out of here alive !! ”

After all those explosions I felt that my whole body hurt, my ears were ringing loudly, and my vision was a little blurry and at any moment everything would turn black... well, at least this indicates that I'm not dead yet...

I try to stand up while looking for where that Idiot was... the little compassion I had towards him had disappeared, and now I really wanted to kill him! And not with a bomb, I wanted to use my own hands to break his neck!

Unfortunately, I was really fucking bad and disoriented... while I try to sit up, I just get up a little and immediately a large amount of blood came out of my mouth. Also with every movement I made, I felt my bones creaking.

"Hahaha, well, you were right about something... this is over"

After seeing that I couldn't find it visually, I focus on my domain to search for his position, and because of this, I can successfully distinguish a silhouette of a person approaching me...


"Hey, hey, don't go and die and drag me with you damn it!!"

"Do not approach!!"

I can't hear anything due to the annoying ringing in my ears, but it seems that he was saying something... Damn it, I am not deaf now, right? 

Well, somehow watching how was acting the silhouette I was staring at now, I realize that we weren't the only ones here and apparently the girls were here too...

Shit, shit, shit! This guy has even managed to make me look pathetic in front of them... I really will not forgive him!

" Fuck, I will capture you and will throw you in a nest of goblins for you to become their toy! No...  I will better look for a nest of Ogres, you will surely enjoy it more that way!! ”


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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