Soul Evolution System

Chapter 215: Day 3 (Part 4)

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(POV Emilia)

After Alexander leave, I am left alone on the side of the stairs. Not long after that, I start hearing some explosions in various parts of this place... this really made me nervous, but also made me feel like if I was the only useless one because, while the others were fighting for their lives, I was here doing nothing.

Due to these emotions, even though Alexander had asked me to stay here, I decide to go down to where the others should be fighting... there should be something I could do, right?

"I-I'm really sorry... I-I didn't want to kill you, it was an accident... sorry"

I walk down the stairs slowly and so, I have to go through the body of the man who was on the ground in a strange position without moving... t-this was the second person that I've killed... I had decided to kill the fist person since that man would surely hurt me and to some extent, I didn't feel so guilty because of it.

This person on the other hand, although as Alexander said he was most likely no different than the previous one, he had not given me a reason to do kill him. I don’t know what made me feel worse... to kill someone because I was forced to do it or kill someone by accident.

W-Well, I saw Alexander get quite a few crystals from this man, so I guess he was not a good person either.

…Perhaps, everything that is happening on the island is changing everyone... and I am no exception. I know that I should feel even worse about killing someone, but now my biggest concern is what might happen to the others who were with me.

I have heard somewhere that after killing someone, it is easier to do it again after that... I think that perhaps it is because when you kill someone something in you breaks too. I think one of the main reasons that prevent a person from doing it is the fear of what others might think of you, or that you could be sent to prison.

So, being in a place where the laws do not apply and having people next to you who do not seem to worry about this, I must say that the weight for doing something like that is much less than I had thought...

Once I was on the first floor, I tried to search for the others, but now the explosions seemed to be moving quickly and I don’t know which way to go...

"Oh, it's you…

Shouldn't you be with Alex-can? Did you separate from him? ”

"Eh? R-Revy... y-yes, after I killed someone we both separated"


Did you kill someone? Hehehe, he forced you to do it again? "

"N-No ... t-that person died from an accident..."

"What? An accident? 

...How the hell does a person die in an accident in a place where everyone is killing others with bombs?

Well… forget it, let's just think it's good that we have one less person to deal with. That saves us a lot of trouble… ”

If I told her that he died because of my breasts, she would probably tease me about it, so let's skip that. Moreover, maybe she is the cause that I don't feel so bad anyone… it's a bit cruel to think like this but I think that at least, I'm a better person than her… at least I don't think I can treat people’s life like it was nothing like her.

"Where is the brat?"

"Alexander-senpai said that he would take care of the last person in this building ... he seemed to know where everyone was, and he headed to where that person should be."

“Hehehe, so the boy realized that you were only a hindrance and decided to leave you to your own devices? It seems like his head took control of his body again instead of just moving around because of his crotch.

Well... with those huge breasts of yours, I think it's normal for any man to base his actions on his penis.”

"H-He didn't abandon me... he said it was safer for me to stay where I was before."

Her words bother me a bit since I believed to a certain extent that what she said had a certain truth in it, even I know that maybe if I had gone with Alexander, then I might have become a distraction or a hindrance if he had to fight… and most likely that was what would end up happening.

It was a good idea not to tell her that the man died because of my breasts...even without bringing these up on my own to our talk, she did it on her own. It seems that this bothers her, although I do not understand very well why... without a doubt, there have been times before when some girls looked at me with envy because of these, but unlike them, it is not as if Revy was small in that regard.

" If he told you to stay where you two were before, then what are you doing here? ”

"Th-That's... I couldn't just stay in that place doing nothing, so I decided to look for him to see if I could help him with anything."


After saying that, she stares at me for a while without saying anything while squinting. I do not know if this bothers her more or if she finds my words unbelievable,  but what I am sure is that she will not praise my decision...

“Well, then let's not stay here and go look for that boy. There have been some explosions being heard in that direction for some time now, so let's go there. ”

In the end, Revy only decides to change the subject and start walking in the direction where the explosions came from as she said.

" seems that they come from above"


When walking for a while and seeing no sign of anyone, then she says the most obvious conclusion as she looks up. But before we could even search for some stairs to climb back up, we suddenly heard something collapse.

In the next instant to some distance from us, we could see the dust scattering a bit due to what had happened. So, after exchanging a glance between us for a few seconds, we headed straight there.

A minute later, there was Alexander and the guy that we had seen earlier through the building's window. Both of them looked a little agitated, although the latter in a greater seemed that he found it difficult to walk since he dragged one of his feet a little.

At that moment, seeing how Alexander looked like he was going to kill that guy, for a moment I was about to raise my voice to ask him to stop. Seeing that guy about to die, I couldn't help but think of the time we were in contact in the B-tooom game... at that time he was my only friend and he helped me a lot... so, at least I wanted to return that favor.

"Oh... fuck..."

But before I could even intervene, the next thing that happened completely changed all my thoughts, and whatever words I wanted to say earlier had been replaced by a scream...

[Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom !!!]


"Oh crap!"

"Hahaha, you deserve it, damn bastard !! I told you that I would be the one to get out of here alive!! ”

Suddenly several explosions take place right where Alexander was… along with these, almost at the same time, a type of shield appeared for a few seconds a couple of times, although this didn't seem to help him enough. I saw him using that before and I thought that it was like a type of bomb that produced a shield, but now I think that was not the case since that type of bomb, at least in the game, resisted the explosions of the others bombs unlike what he used.

For a second I saw some kind of big book appear...  maybe it is something from his original world.

Even so, what he tried to use to defend himself was not very effective and his body went from one place to another like a puppet manipulated by someone until he finally hits a wall with great force and falls to the ground.

For a moment I thought he was dead, but as my body trembled witnessing this, a small hope arises in me when I see him move again trying to get up. But then seeing him spit out a large amount of blood, nervousness invades me again.

"Hahaha, well, you were right about something... this is over"


"Hey, hey, don't go and die and drag me with you damn brat!!"

"Do not approach!!"

Seeing what happened, me and Revy tried to advance to where Alexander was, but then we were stopped by that guy because he was holding a bomb in his hand and threatened to drop it if we got closer.

Now the good feelings that I felt towards him had been replaced, and I could only look at him with resentment. He may have made me feel a little better when I talked with him on the internet, but I had met Alexander in person and he had also been nice to me… well, he certainly also bothered me a little bit sometimes, but the times he was concerned about me were more remarkable to me.

"Damned bastard, I will capture you and throw you into a goblin nest to become their toy! No… I will better look for a nest of Ogres, I’m sure you will enjoy it more that way!! ”

When I was finding a way to trying to help Alexander, he suddenly managed to get up and yells at the other guy with obvious anger... I really believed that was already quite impressive, after all, he had just been in the middle of several explosions. But...

Now that I look at him closely, although he seemed to have received some damage from the explosions, he did not seem to have any burns on his body... that was certainly surprising, but what happened next was even more surprising.

Along with his scream, his golden eyes seemed to shine and immediately the atmosphere in this whole place became heavy... now I felt that it was difficult for me to breathe and my body was heavier. Besides, it wasn't just me… looking at Revy next to me for a second, I could see that she was looking at Alexander with obvious surprise on her eyes…

But without any doubt, the person who was most affected by this environment was the guy that Alexander now observed with resentment... he seemed to have been paralyzed and his body trembled as he also stared at him.

Then, Alexander's physical condition seemed to improve greatly, his body no longer trembled and he stood up stably as if what happened before was a lie...

In the next instant without giving anyone here a chance to think about what was going on, Alexander moves forward at great speed and gets right in front of that guy in a second.

That really was fast… so I don't know if it was because of that or because he was still paralyzed by the atmosphere, but that guy doesn't make any movement when Alexander takes his hand which was holding the bomb and then turning it to expose his elbow and hit it right at that joint.



As a result of that, that guy's hand was bent in the wrong direction...



Alexander doesn't stop with that and in the next second, he kicks hard right on the guy's knee and the sound of something breaking echoes in the place… right now my body was shaking, but this time it wasn't due to worry from Alexander, and instead, it was because of the strange atmosphere and what was happening in front of me.

Even Revy who seemed to be someone rude, I could now see a bit of sweat running down her forehead as she also watched everything Alexander did.

"It seems that Master is really angry... what did that guy do to make him so angry?"

Suddenly another voice is heard and then I realize that Mary had also come to this place before I knew it… unfortunately for her, no one here seems to take the trouble to answer her question.

“Damn brat!! I'll kill you! I'll kill you and get out of here alive!! ”

“ You really did make things difficult… Emilia-chan is a great girl, so much so that you can even kill for her. So I understand that you are upset because I took her from your side, but...I think I'm not so irrational as to take her away from you if she would have chosen you, you know?”

"What the hell are you talking about, Damn bitch?!! I'll kill you... just wait and you will see it! "



While Alexander was holding the guy from his shirt close to his neck since it seemed that if he did not do it, then he could not hold himself. He tries to take one of the bombs that he had in one of the bags on his waist... it is a pity for him that this only causes Alexander to repeat what he did with his other arm.

I don't understand very well either why suddenly my name is mentioned in their conversation... since we only met on the internet, I don't think he recognized me after all.

Although, strangely when I hear Alexander's words, I feel my heart beat faster than before...

"Emmm... unless you know how to fly, then I doubt that you can do anything with your four broken limbs, you know? ”

After hearing that guy's screams, it seems like Revy couldn't help but comment about that... but what she says is true. I don't see how he could turn things to his favor again… Besides, by the short time that I've known Alexander, I know that he probably won't give him a chance to recover.

"When you tried to blow me up before, you look for this yourself. So don't resent me for what awaits you ..."

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you... Kuh!"

Finishing saying that, Alexander releases his clothes and he falls to the ground. Then, as if he lost interest in him, he starts walking in the direction where we were but taking several steps to us, he took one of the square bombs, and a few seconds before it detonated, he threw it to where this guy was.

"T-This can't end like this... D-Damn iiiiiiiiit!!"


This time I don't try to stop Alexander from doing this and I just turn my head to avoid seeing that guy's ending… besides, I don't think Alexander would have stopped if I intervened anyway.

On the other hand, that guy must have hated Alexander long after he broke several bones from him... so, if he really had a chance to get revenge, he would surely do it... And I wouldn't want to see Alexander almost dying again.

"Kuh! D- Damn it… my whole body hurts… ”

"Alexander !!"


"H-Hey boy… weren't you okay a few seconds ago?" What happened?”

After the explosion Alexander takes his way back to us, suddenly he groans and drops to his knees a few meters before reaching us. Seeing it, the three of us approached quickly to help him.

Ignoring our voices, he looks for something between his clothes and takes out a small bottle and drinks it’s content, in the next moment he falls to the ground.

"A-Alexander... A-Alexander-senpai?

...I-If you're kidding, then it's not funny"

"Relax, girl. It seems that he just lost consciousness"

"She is right, also, Master's breathing is stable and there should be no danger to his life"

Seeing him suddenly not moving, I couldn't help but think the worst. But then, the following words from the other girls reassure me... looking at him more carefully, it really seems that now he is only sleeping.

"What do we do now? We can't stay here until he wakes up, right? ”

"" ... ""

Feeling relieved, now Revy says something true but unfortunately neither I nor Mary had an answer for her... but then another voice sounds answering her question.

“… It is true that it is not safe for all of you to stay here. Other people may have listened to everything what happened here, and they will sure come in this direction… 

Since you helped me finish something from my past before, I will help you this time. ”

"... So you were still here. Why should we trust you? How do we know you won't attack us? ”

"... and what do I gain by attacking you? Well, it's your choice whether to stay here or come with me. "

That voice belonged to the woman we met the day before... I had completely forgotten about her, in fact like Revy, I had thought that she left long ago.

"Well, for now that is our best option... and if she tries something strange, then I will kill her"

"Tch, alright."

Taking a decision before Revy and me, Mary takes the unconscious Alexander in her arms and begins to walk behind the woman who had started to walk away. So with no other option, the two of us also followed them.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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