Soul Evolution System

Chapter 216 Day 3 (Part 5 )

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(POV Alexander)

Invaded by anger, I had charged towards Idiot-san and before I knew it, I had broken two of his limbs.... this really surprised me, since I did not expect my body to react so well due to the state in which it was a few seconds ago.

Well, although I feel better than before, it seems that I still have some sequels from the previous explosion... my ears have not stopped ringing yet, and my vision is still a little blurred.

Because I had vent myself a bit by breaking this guy's hand and foot, now I started to think about the reason why this. So after considering it for a few seconds, I realized that it must be the new ability that I received at the end of the mission to survive 6 months in HOTD.


Passive: (Only active in life or death situations)

It provides the user with a sixth sense alerting him to the danger that may cause his dead, increase reflexes, and helps optimize decisions in order to survive against an enemy.

Increases the user's strength by a limit, in addition to blocking all pain receptors. (This does not mean that the user has recovered from his previous wounds, so the user should be aware that after activation, his condition may worsen due to the overstrain that this ability involves. Prolonged use may lead the user to death even more quickly, and therefore it is recommended he do not depend on this ability so much)]

Ghe... I really don't know whether to classify this skill as good or bad... no, since it has rescued me from this problem, so let's think positively and consider it a good thing... also, it's not like I want to wait until I'm totally screwed up to then take charge of my enemies.

If I can take care of all my opponents without having an injury, then for me that's much better. As I've mentioned several times, it's not like I'm a masochist...

So with this skill combined with the [Hero] one, then the strength of my body should be of someone in the 9th limit... that explains why I feel myself even more faster than before... 

So that's how someone in the 9 limit feel? It's not a bad feeling, I really feel like I've reached the maximum level of strength that a human can have... if I have this feeling now, then what will it feel like to raise my soul to a level 2? Well, I will surely find out later, for now, I should heed the skill recommendation and not drag this out.

“Damn brat!! I'll kill you! I'll kill you and get out of here alive!! ”

Rolling my eyes at Idiot-san, it seems like he was saying something... unfortunately for him, I can't hear anything he says. Although I think he is lucky since I know very well about what he is complaining now, so I try to answer to his words.

“ You really did make things difficult… Emilia-chan is great girl, so much so that you can even kill for her. So I understand that you are upset because I took her from your side, but...I think I'm not so irrational as to take her away from you if she would have chosen you, you know?”

"What the hell are you talking about, Damn bitch?!! I'll kill you... just wait and then you will see it! "

[I don't think that's the reason why he's yelling at you now, Alexander. I think his anger is instead because you have broken several bones from him...]

Well…  that may also be the reason for his screaming. Although if you ask me,  I would certainly be mad if someone breaks me a bone, but probably I would be even angrier if someone would take my girl from my side.

[Well… I don't think you should think that all people have the same ideology as you, Alexander.]


"Ahhh !!!"

Since he tries to take one of his bombs, I also broke his other arm. Even though I could have done it without causing him as much damage, I still didn't forgotten that this damn bastard had detonated several bombs in front of my face. So if he gives me a reason to mistreat him, I'll be happy about that.

Well, although I would like to break more of his bones, I don't want to risk my wounds getting worse since right now I am straining my body, so it is time to end this.

"When you tried to blow me up before, you asked for this yourself, so don't resent me for what awaits you..."

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you... Kuh!"

Since he couldn't move, I just threw him to the ground and started to walk away from him while taking one of the square bombs, but when I put my eyes on the small screen I can only make out that it emits light... well, I just have to throw it before I count to ten after activating it, it's not a big problem either.

I just hope my eyesight and hearing recover later...



[Alexander level up +5]

After feeling the vibrations of the explosion I hear the notification from the system making sure that I was done with that guy… it's good that an angel or something like that didn't come down to save him.

So when I was addressing the three silhouettes that should be the girls, having relaxed after hearing the system notification, I suddenly feel like if I was moving my body at the bottom of a pool now.

Kuh! D-Damn it… again my whole body hurts… ”

[Although you were able to avoid damage due to the heat and fire from the bombs thanks to your immunity to this element, the shock waves actually caused a lot of internal damage to your body. 

Furthermore, it is not as if that ability allowed you to move until now without pain and helped to treat them... in fact, it just made you not to feel like they were getting worse.

So if you don't treat yourself now, then you will die!]

I-I know that, Aurora... shit, that guy really screwed me up a lot!

As I reply to Aurora to reassure her and complain about the guy I just killed, I take one of the little bottles to drink it… it seems that the normal potions I had saved in the pockets from my clothes to use in case it was needed, had burst due to the explosions from before… I can actually smell a strong herbal aroma from my clothes.

The good news is that the bottle I sought was still intact, it seems that being a medicine of superior rank,  it's bottle also is better... this was the elixir I had obtained from the mission to conquer Shisuka, so no doubt this is much stronger medicine than normal positions.

Feeling my vision gets darker and darker, I quickly uncapped the bottle and drank the entire contents… its taste was certainly much better than the potions and in fact it was quite pleasant. Then after drink it, instantly, I feel like the coldness spreading throughout my body is replaced by a warmth feeling the next instant.

Unfortunately, I cannot feel what other effects this has because when I feelt better, it seems that my conscience also relaxes, and then I lose consciousness while the last thing I saw are the girls approach me...

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(POV Takanohashi)

Damn it, damn it, damn it!!

Since the appearance of that redhead girl, there has been a non-stop to come about problems in this game!! A few moments ago I had to resist the complaints of all the people who watched this show... the reason is that, what must have been a great and final show for them where several people were killed, they could not see anything...they could only see how the people in those fights were eliminated by being marked as dead since the crystals stopped sending a signal because someone remove the crystals from their bodies.

Fuck!! I will find out who was the idiot who deactivated the cameras in that area and I will skin him myself!!

It seems that the whole group of Murall turned out to be useless! Well… since they couldn't even do their job well about making sure no one entered the island, then, perhaps I shouldn't have had much hope for them since the beginning.

"S-Sir ... you have a call in your office from the Investors in this project..."

While looking at the monitors that still had images around the facility where several explosions could be observed until recently in the hope that someone would show up to be able to vent my anger on a specific person, the voice of one of the employees calls me.

"I understand... I'll go right now"

Damn it! the complaints should have reached them... these "Investors" that this person was talking about, were none other than the quite influential people who made possible this B-Tooom game in real life... although each of them had different reasons to support this project.

I really did not want to have to answer this call, but I had no alternative... not only that, but I also had to accelerate my steps so as not to make them wait.

Soon I was in my office, and when I sat in my chair in front of the monitor, through this one there were 3 people with quite serious faces on them... no, they even seemed to be annoyed. This certainly will not be backslapping and compliments for my work...

"Takanohashi, what the hell is going on in that Island?! ”

"S-Some unexpected unforeseen events have occurred, sir-"

“I can see that for myself! What I want to know is why haven't you solved that?!! ”

" He is right, there can be no problems with what is happening in that place... if that gets out of our hand, then it would be quite problematic for all of us"

The first to talk from the 3 of them, it was a man and a woman of somewhat advanced age... the man was surrounded by several naked girls who seemed to be under the influence of some narcotic... since he was also not dressed from what I could see, surely he was enjoying his time...

This man was not much different than our clients to whom we provided our entertainment “Program”… if he had any difference with them, it was just that he had more power and wealth than they did. So his reason for investing in this project was probably only because he could do it...

The woman on the other hand, although the influence that she had was not less than that man's, I understood that her reason for being part of this group was different than his. In her case, she used this to acquired connections with other influential people and increase her wealth and power much more.

As for the last man who remained silent, he also had different reasons to support this game... only by looking at his appearance, you could understand why. So he probably didn't care much about what was happening on this island as long as his goal was accomplished, and given his next words, I could confirm this...

"What interests me is that if all this affected in any way our agreement for the agreed merchandise. Sufficient tests should have been carried out and the agreed time for the delivery of the bombs that would be delivered to us is about to expire ”

This man was a military man with a cold and serious face, and as he says, he was only interested in being able to obtain these bombs as weapons for the militia of his country. Most likely because he had the backing of an entire country behind him, he didn't much care that things here were discovered since he could just deny that or say he was just buying weapons without knowing what was going on here…

“You can't just ignore what's going on there! If this is discovered, then all of us are fuck! ”


"That does not interest me, your stupid game has nothing to do with our agreement. What my country cares about are the weapons... Speaking of which, it seems you were testing other types of weapons, right? ...can I get these too? ”

...surely those who would be fucking up to their necks if this is discovered, it would be that man who screams with obvious anger at the military's man disinterest, and the woman who remains silent. After all, their reputations will be badly affected and they could lose everything because this... public opinion is a terrifying monster indeed.

…Although surely before they were affected, I would be the first to have bad luck. So I quickly speak to try to calm these people down.

“G-Gentlemen and madam, don't worry… they are just small setbacks, nothing big and that's worth to you all worry so much about. The island is fully guarded and we will not take long to catch those people who suddenly appeared.

Regarding the weapons, as we agreed, the first order has been completed and we can even deliver it before the agreed time. About the other weapons… these are still being tested and we need more time for us to be able to provide them, but we will soon let you know when we can do it ”

"...well, that's a good thing to hear."

"Bullshit!! You are fucking useless!! 

Several days have passed since those people were detected there, and you have been unable to do anything!! I'll go right there to fix that personally!! 

So if you do not want to be another damn candidate for the next "game", then is better for you that you get these girls caught and have all the information from them by the time I arrived there!!"

“I also can't afford to just wait and see what's going on, so I'll go there too. Takanohashi… you must understand that you are someone very easy to replace, so if you don't want that to happen, I hope you can do what our other partner says ”



[Crashh !!]

Shit!!! Those damn bitches!!

With the call ended, I tossed everything that was on the desk to the floor... I understood very well that the words of those two people who said that they would come here were not a simple threat... in fact even if I solve this problem, I may still run some risk.

...but it's also not like I can escape from here. Those people probably will not be long before they find me if I do that... maybe the best thing is to take all the weapons data and ask for help to the military man? No… probably after getting the weapons, then he would just kill me… it's not like I'm the scientist who created them after all.

My only chance is to find to these women and give them those two people... may decide to download all their fury on them instead of me... especially that old man, they are quite beautiful women and maybe that would managed to distract him a little.

“Gather all the men in charge of the security of the Island now!! They will go directly to the place where these women were the last time, and then they will seek under every stone until find those damn bitches!!

The other people in charge of watching the game will use all the cameras to see if they appear anywhere else!! ”

I go back to the place where the game was being monitored and quickly give instructions to all the men present here, these men were now just talking to each other in a relaxed way since the game was practically over... if things are bad for me, then I will make sure to kill all these useless first.

"Takanohashi-san... only the Oda group remains on the island, what shall we do with them?"

"Leave those idiots there!! Since it seems that they think they were only sent there to enjoy the beaches and the tropical climate, then let them do it until they starve to death!! ”

Following my words and seeing that I was now quite angry, everyone followed my orders quickly and began to examine every inch of the Island.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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