Soul Evolution System

Chapter 218 Battle at Gaia (Part 2)

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(POV Rika)

A week had passed since Alexander left, and today was finally the time to solve the problem that had arisen a few days ago. This morning, Vrana- chan had come to inform me that a large number of people were heading to this place...

Apparently, the leaders of the organizations that visited us recently could not wait any longer or had just finished making all the necessary preparations to try to take this place... no, that was probably not the only thing they wanted... surely some have some dirty thoughts about us too.

"Hihihi, this time all of you seem to be having quite a bit of trouble, girl. 

By the way, where is my foolish disciple? I have taken the trouble to come all the way here and he has not even come to greet his master”

"Lena-san... Alexander is not here at the moment, he had to go out to do some things before”

As I finished making preparations for what was about to happen, the old woman next to me speaks. She had come upon learning that various organizations had met in the city of Barl, and so she came here to inform us too.

"Okay, do not worry. If things go wrong, I can at least assure you that I will help you all to escape from here. ”

"Thank you Lena-san, but I don't intend for us to escape from here. We will protect this place from anyone who tries to take it, otherwise, I would be a little embarrassed to have to tell Alexander that our home was taken from us by other people. ”

"Hihihi, it seems like that brat is pretty lucky to have women with strong character as you. But you shouldn't underestimate them, girl..."

His words make my face blush a bit, but I'm glad she doesn't say something strange like the age difference between me and him… well, from what I've heard from Shisuka, this woman, when she was a little younger didn't hesitate to pick on men 50 years younger... so, something like the age difference is probably a trivial thing for her.

On the other hand, I understand her words well and it's not that I underestimate our enemies, it's just that we have several advantages and if we make them well use of all these, then we shouldn't have much difficulty protecting this place.

After all, Alexander has left us with enough things to protect us… but still, I nod at her words to let her know that I won't take things lightly.

"Kurisu,  Were you able to adjust all the vehicles to work?"

"Yes, there was no problem with that. I and Saya-chan are done with that. ”

“Well, I need you to stay near my side in case we need to use heavy weapons. All the others of you, do not forget that we are not only fighting for this place, if we lose, then there probably will be no shortage of men who want to take us as slaves. 

So think about it when you pull the trigger… ”

" understand..."

"It would be a shame if we lost the place where we are creating our home, and also, since Alexander-san left me in charge of building it, I cannot allow it to be taken from us without even showing it finished to him."

"Fufufu, I will cut off anyone who has a bad idea about my body... I've already decided who to given it over to, so I won't let anyone touch me."

“ I will not allow someone to take something that belongs to my Master!”

"Yes, yes~ Vrana will end all enemies, roock~"

"Hmp~ I'll treat anyone who has bad thoughts about me the same as zombies."

"I have made several potions in case someone gets hurt, although I hope nobody needs them~"

Kurisu, Saya, Saeko, Leona, Vrana-chan, Rei, and Shisuka speak with encouragement and also seemed determined after they hear my discourse. Some of them still seem a little nervous about what will happen soon and what they will have to do, but it is good that at least they look willing to fight.

The only one keeping silent from the girls here is Scythe, who was just watching us, but I know that I don't have to worry about her the moment the fight breaks out.

"Well, it seems that our guests have arrived... Everyone, take your places and prepare for the fight!!"

Soon, along the path of the forest that had been created by constantly using it to transport materials and escort the workers to build this place, we could observe several people heading towards here. 

Then with each passing second, more and more can be observed… it seems that those leaders actually gathered quite a few people. Without a doubt, being only just over 50 people on this side of the wall, the thought that we have to face that number of enemies is something a bit intimidating and even somewhat discouraging.

That should be the main feeling of the girls who had been rescued and were born into this world. But I can't blame them for that, if this world is more similar to one in the middle age, then the struggles in this world depend a lot on numerical superiority after all.

From what I understand, that only changes when the strength of one individual is much higher than the other side... actually, I still find it surprising that a single man can handle more than 100 individuals physically, but apparently, that is possible in this place.

Well, a biggest group defeating a smaller group should be the normal logic almost anywhere... although this changed in our world thanks to technology and weapons.

"Do not worry! Everyone should have seen the power of the weapons in your hands, so trust them. "


Yes, technology was what changed this, and more precisely the weapons that we all now held. So, seeing a bit of unease in some of the 50 girls, I speak to remind them of what they must have understood when they used them before.

"Previously I have seen the boy and all of you carry those strange objects and I found it a bit curious, but... is it true that these things are as powerful as you say? I don't feel any energy from them… ”

"Energy? Well... the energy or power of these is not obtained by crystals or similar things. ”

"Hihihi, then I will have to see with my own eyes how good are these weapons that you trust so much"

Finishing my words, Lena-san peers closely at the M-16 Assault Rifle that I was holding in my hands. This was no longer a surprise since most people in this world should think of these weapons as just a strangely shaped piece of metal.

All the girls were holding a firearm in their hands now, but they were mainly two types. Assault rifles like mine, or sniper rifles like those held by Kurisu and Rei. In addition to this, on the recently created wall, there were also small hut in this... 4 on each side of this square.

In these 4 huts, a heavy machine gun that Alexander had brought had been placed there, and next to these was a woman waiting for the order to open fire… so this place had become more of a fortified castle now.

Without a doubt, these were powerful weapons that we had for the protection of this place, and perhaps the only disadvantage was that these girls had not been able to practice much with them. Although because its use is quite simple, there is probably no problem with it.

"This is the last chance for you to reconsider things... if you don't, then you will have to accept the consequences of your foolish acts!!"

Being on top of the protective wall, when it seems that the people on the other side had also finished making their preparations for the fight, a small group of men approaches to shout that loudly. Seeing their attitude a little arrogant and carefree, it seems that they are quite confident about their victory...

“W are the ones who found this place it, so it belongs to us and we will not accept some stupid request. 

Also, let me give you one last warning from my part, for those who don't want to die it is better for you to leave here now,  we will consider anyone who remains in front of our territory as an enemy and we will not hesitate to end their lives!”

"You... you all will regret this!!"

" That is something to be seen..."

Failing in the last negotiations... well, I don't think this was a negotiation and it was more like a request for surrender. But with this failing, the prelude to this fight had begun.

"Everyone get ready!! Finish anyone who tries to get close here!! ”


Putting on the glasses that Alexander had given me, I take a quick look as I give orders. Actually, these sports glasses were pretty good... since I always had some similar with me, Alexander had to choose these as a gift for me because of that.

They were probably similar to those seen in science fiction movies, and they had the function of a binocular, night vision, thermal vision... and not only that, similar to Saya's earrings, this one had some artificial intelligence to recognize enemies and provide me with a bit of information about them.

Seeing those people through these glasses, I could see that the vast majority were at the 1st to the 3rd limit...  I could also see a small group gathered a little farther, they were more strong and excelled among all these people being at 4th to the 6th limit. Most likely, those were the leaders and the high ranking men in their organizations...


After that group of men say something to motivate their subordinates, a wave of adventurers begins to rush towards us. I feel a bit like someone on those shows or historical re-enactments, as some of those men were carrying up some stairs to use to climb the walls.

"Well, let's start this too..."

Leaving my M-16 leaning against the wall and lifting my glasses to place them on my head, I took a sniper rifle that I had also laid on here before. So, the next thing I do is direct the gun barrel towards where I had seen the group of leaders who were next to a vehicle.


And then, the first shot from our side sounds all over the place...

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(POV leader of the Alliance of Organizations)

Finishing up by positioning ourselves in front of the protective wall that had been built around the area we wanted, I and the other leaders sent some men over to give that group of women one last chance.

I really hoped that by seeing all the people we had gathered, then they would stop their useless resistance. But unfortunately, those men we sent returned with bitter faces to tell us that they seemed to want to fight rather than to give up that territory.

That was a shame, but they just delayed the inevitable and made things a little more complicated for us. Although this was not outside our expectations either, and so we continued with the plan.

"Well, since those women are so stubborn, we have no choice but to continue the siege."

“Hehehe, well, it's not all that bad. In this way, by defeating them, we can make them our slaves in a justified way ”

With the words of that man who had a big smile on his face, the others around me also agree with good humor since his words were true. In fights between organizations, it was normal for the defeated to suffer that punishment, after all, there were many justifications for doing so.

Probably the most used and the one we will use in this case, it is a way to them pay for the losses we had in the battle. Although it is a bother to have to use excuses and not be able to do it simply because we are stronger, the public image of an organization is important after all, and we cannot afford to mess it up too much.

“So let's try to capture as many alive as we can… especially for those who appear to be the leaders. They are all first-class women... their beauty may even be matched by what rumors say about the Princess of Delna! ”

The first time we got together to discuss with them, even I was a little surprised finding women like them hidden in this forest… the fact that this area was level 10 was already an excellent reason to fight, but to be able to put your hands on one of those women could even motivate more any man than anything else.

"Let's start with this, then after we're done we'll fine-tune the last details of our deal."


With this said, each leader addresses his group of subordinates and begins making a short speech to motivate them in this fight. After finishing, the people who would be cannon fodder in each group head forward while shouting.

…It was almost impossible for organizations to be made up of elites, so there are always a good number of those people in each one. Not everything is so bad for them, since if they can survive for a few years, then they will be able to accumulate some experience and strength to be able to rise to be someone more important in their groups.

Well... the truth is that those who manage to achieve something like that are very few in number. The ones with the best abilities to be adventurers are the ones who end up excelling.

With the group of expendable men from each guild charging forward with enough enthusiasm, the leaders gathered again to observe the development. We had no hope that things would end so quickly since in a siege the defending side always has the advantage, but at least they could drain both the energy of those girls and the resources they have for this fight.

"Hehehe, if those women end up succumbing to the first wave of attacks, then that will be somewhat disappointing."

“Well, from the rumors we hear, they do have some pretty strong weapons, so as long as those men help us wear down these, that will be enough help. After that, the strongest members of each of our groups and the men that survive will be able to enter the fight without taking so much risk. ”

When two of the leaders who approached me said that, I affirm their words as that was our plan after all. Unexpectedly the first man to fall in this fight was not one of those who were running towards the wall...


A few seconds after that strange sound is heard, suddenly, the head of one of those leaders who spoke and who was close to me... explode. In a second that man was happily smiling, and in the next blink of my eyes, now there was only a body without head.


Immediately what takes me out of that trance, is the blood and meat remains that had stained my face, and in addition that sound being repeated and what had happened before happens again with another one of these leaders.

"Shit!! Those women have some kind of long-range weapon that launches projectiles!! Activate the damn shield from the vehicle!!! ”

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

In the next second, while I scream that, I crawl on the ground and then my subordinate who was in the vehicle quickly obeys my instructions. Unfortunately, every second he took to do so meant the death of another leader of this alliance!

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

F-Four leaders of our alliance had died in just seconds after this fight began... t-the only good thing was that after the energy shield is activated, then those projectiles are stopped by it.

"W-What the hell was that?!"

"Th-those must be the weapons we heard about before... i-it seems they are more powerful weapons than we expected "

"I-It seems that we underestimated those weapons a little... well, if they are so strong, then their use should have more restrictions... that is why perhaps they thought to end us, the leaders, at the beginning of the fight to create chaos between our subordinates.

The good news is that their plan failed, those weapons don't seem to be strong enough to pierce through my vehicle's shield. So if they want to use them against each of those men, they probably can't eliminate 10% of them before those weapons become useless. ”

"... y-yes, that has to be so"

"Let's see if they reuse those weapons or let our men break through their defenses."

"Hehehe, however it may be, their plan failing can only mean that it is our victory."

This certainly surprised us quite a bit, but I quickly take over to reassure the other leaders. My words take effect quickly, and the smile returns to most of the other leaders, but...

Something that we could only describe as unreal happens before our eyes... the images that we are witnessing were worse than the most fearsome nightmares that we had experienced.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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