Soul Evolution System

Chapter 219: Battle at Gaia ( Part 3 )

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(POV Kurisu)

"Fire!! Finish off all the enemies in front of you!! ”

Rika-san, who had taken up a sniper rifle seeing that the men she was shooting had protected themselves behind an energy shield, stopped and instead gave orders for the other women to start shooting.

…It seems like she managed to take down several of those leaders before the fight started. Although I feel a little sorry for the death of those guys, I honestly wish that Rika-san could have killed them all. That way, this fight would last less and thus there would probably be far fewer deaths.

"Kurisu-san, those people also have a slightly higher strength than the others."

In the next moment, Saya-chan who was next to me points to another group of people who were not covered by an energy shield... thanks to the earrings that Alex gave her before, it allow her to know many useful things... it seems that Rika-san also got something similar, although I think hers is more focused on fighting.

Either way, the truth is that I feel a little envious of both girls... it is not as if the gift that Alex gave me during the ceremony we did was bad, in fact, it is also quite useful and I really like it.

Since I always found it great when Alex made things appear and disappear, when I got my inter-dimensional ring which had plenty of room in it, I was quite happy about it. Even Saeko-san borrows my ring from me when she goes out to train to keep the bodies of the monsters and then give them to our great plant, or also some girls asked me to keep some things for them within the ring.

So I can't complain that I received something bad, in fact, I don't think any girl who received a gift complained about it... it's just that Saya-chan and Rika-san's objects seem to be quite useful.

Also, I’m sure if I ask Alex for one, then he would give it to me. I just... I just don't want the other girls to see me as someone jealous because of also asking for the things they received.

Well, leaving that aside, I take up a position with my sniper rifle and then aim at the first target... first I see the person's face with a cross due to the sight, after frowning a bit, I decide to lower it a little more and I position the cross on the chest… but then when I pull the trigger, it was pointed at his legs.

[Bang] the end, it seems like I still can't just kill someone. Well, Alex asked me to only make sure I did if my life or that of the other girls was at risk... so even though we are fighting now, it is not as if we were in any danger that makes me have to kill someone.

Also, the other girls next to me don't find my actions like something bad either. Saya, after seeing me shoot and seeing that the man fell while screaming, only points to the next person without saying anything.

In fact, I think the only girls who can kill without much concern are Rika-san, Leona-san, Scythe, Vrana-chan, Saeko-san, and Rei.

The first one since she is a soldier, so for her it should be easier. The others, I think their mindsets are a bit different than a human's and so it's also not that strange. 

Saeko-san... I really sometimes do not understand what she is thinking, and I just know that she is quite a determined girl.

Perhaps the only one that surprises me of all of them, is the latter... I think she is the one who has adapted the way things are in this world the fastest.

Well, among them, the only ones who had started knocking down the men heading towards us were Rika-san, Leona-san, and Rei. Saeko and Scythe since fighting with sharp weapons had only been watching. On the other hand, Vrana-chan had flown when this started and was hanging in the air observing things here.

Well... they weren't the only ones who had started attacking and the girls who had been trained by Leona-s an and Rika-san had also started to open fire when the latter gave the order, and then they had an enemy within reach.

So the people who ran towards the protective wall fell one after another on several meters away without being able to approach it.

Seeing as his companions fell lifeless or while they agonize, it didn't take long for the first one to turn around and start running in the opposite direction to the wall. It was a pity for these people that their steps do not could match the speed of bullets, and so that, only the most fortunate from them that were at the end of these people were able to escape from the range of weapons.

“D-Don't focus on attacking only one side!! Go for the other walls!! ”


Probably what the men in charge of these people shout was the best tactic to use. Since our group was not that large, most of the women here were on this side of the wall that was heading towards the city of Barl.

Unfortunately for those men, they quickly discovered that it is not as if we had left those sides of the wall uncovered...

"Gyaaa !!"

"W-What the hell is this plant?"

"I-It ate Glen in an instant!"

"Geh! I-I can't move ... N-No! Someone, help me! Don't let it drag me into one of its mouths!! ”

It was a bit difficult to do without Alex, but in the end, we were able to get his plant to be placed mainly around the three other protective walls. So those men probably were able to get a little closer to almost touch those walls, but then they were quickly stopped by the Venus while it used its lianas, shot needles, released spores, or simply gobbled people up entirely by its mouths.

Furthermore, there were also a few women guarding in case those men used any weapons that could affect the plant and stop them by shooting them.



"Hahahaha, come on, fly together with Vrana~ Just for today Vrana will fly with someone other than Master, roock~!"

“N-No, no, let me go! I don't want to fly !! ”

Then, suddenly I start to hear screams coming from the sky... when I put my eyes to the place where they came from, I find people falling from the sky and hitting the ground to never to get up again.

The person responsible for this obviously was Vrana-chan who was flying in the sky. When she found a target, she descended at high speed to immediately start flying again into the air where being several dozen meters from the ground, she proceeded to drop the person she had held with her claws.

…Contrary to how joyous she seemed to be, I'm sure that process was a very scary thing for all the unlucky ones she chose to “Fly with her”.

“…Those weapons are truly terrifying things. Even at my best, dealing with these would be quite troublesome… ”

While watching the fight for a bit and also taking down any enemy that Saya told me, Lena-san approaches where I and the other girls who had must be less busy were. Since almost all the strongest people hid behind the shields of the vehicles and had also dispersed all around us, our group had a more relaxed time compared to the other women who shot continuously.

Furthermore, Rika-san who was the one she was talking to earlier, was now quite busy observing the battle and giving orders accordingly. So, seeing that she couldn't answer his questions at the moment, Lena-san decided to come towards us. Well, since I had the time to speak, then I answer her question.

"These are weapons that we brought from... our place of origin. Although being honest I don't really like having to use them, as you can see these are quite efficient when it is necessary to fight. Furthermore, its use is quite simple and anyone should be able to use it regardless of its strength. ”

"I see, I see... that makes them even better. Leaving the weapons aside, that's a pretty good plant. 

Who of you is the tamer? I would like to take some of its needles and spores… from what I see, these would be effective against people in the 9th limit… no, maybe they can even cause discomfort to people with a level 2 soul and hinder their movements. ”

"I don't think there is a problem with that... although it is probably best to wait for Alex to come back since he is the tamer. Due to his absence, it has been a little restless and I think that will be the best to wait for that. ”

“I see… hihihi, that silly disciple of mine seems to have other pretty good things besides the girls at his side. This place is also pretty good, or at least for a Level 1 Area… ”

After peering closely at the rifle that I was holding in my hands, Lena-san sets her eyes on Alex's plant which could be seen devouring various people… honestly, I believed that it was only a rather gluttonous plant since the only thing it does is eating the bodies we gave it all day.

But listening to her say that this one could even cause quite a bit of trouble for a person in a ninth limit or someone even a little bit stronger, I think I should rectify my opinion of this plant a bit. 

The only people I have met from close with that force are Lena-san herself, and the guards of the little prince, but...

The first one probably because she always has a relaxed atmosphere around us I don't feel a difference that the other people coming from her. But the last 2 that I mentioned, when we met and were a little hostile because of their work to protect the prince, I could feel an atmosphere a little heavy and that generated me a bit of concern to stay around them.

So if the plant could be a difficult opponent for those two, then it is not just a glutton plant...

"Activate the energy shield!!"

Suddenly, Rika who watching the battle turns around looking a little more nervous than before and then yells at some women who were near a tower that was just like the ones we had placed on their world in our camps. After that, she quickly takes out a small sphere and points it towards the plant, then after a red laser is seen, the whole pant begins to dematerialize.

Seconds after her scream, a translucent layer could be seen beginning to surround the entire area around the protective wall. Then almost at the same time that this happens, on the other side where there were several small groups of people, we can see little sparkles...

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(POV Leader of the enemy Alliance)

[Tatatatata ... Tatatatata ...]

After several of the leaders died, immediately a lot of sounds similar to those from before can be heard all over this place...

Along with that sound, the men running towards the protective wall begins to fall one after the other as they scream while showing great suffering. Then taking an object to be able to see at greater distances, I could see that above the wall those girls were holding some type of weapon that was responsible for all this.

The problem was that contrary to our expectations, the weapons that we assumed they had and that we thought should be few and could not use them for so long, showed no sign of stoping...

Each of the girls I put my eyes on had one of these weapons... no, some even had more than one, although they seemed to be of different types... also, these women used them as if they did not worry that these ran out of energy.

As a result of all this, a large number of our men who made their way to try to pass the defenses of this place were now lying on the ground, lifeless...

“D-Don't focus on attacking only one side !! Go for the other walls !! ”

Seeing what had happened, it was obvious that it was useless to continue our attack in this way. If we continued in this way, we would only make the bodies that are stacked in front of the walls much larger. So all the leaders started to issue orders for them to attack from other sides… hopefully, those women would not have enough people to cover all sides.

"W-What the hell was that all about?!!"

"T-Those weapons are not at all what we expected..."


The leaders who were by my side begin to raise their complaints, but I also did not have an answer or consolation for them and I could only keep silent... we certainly did not expect to be able to take this easily, but this...

We lost a lot of men and they couldn't even touch that damn wall! Although it is true that these men were only cannon fodder, we did not expect them to die without achieving anything either. No doubt they could be replaced with some time, but if all our groups lose so many members at once, this would generate mistrust for new members to join...

Well... if we manage to get this territory, then this shouldn't matter... after all, people will fight to be able to join us and get the benefits of it.

" Damn!! Those damn bitches... when I capture them I will make them serve all the surviving men, I don't care if they die of exhaustion!!

Everyone get ready! We will attack from the other walls!! ”

One of the leaders who apparently loose his patience by witnessing all this, addresses his elite members and others who were on standby and immediately begins to organize them to attack from another side.

Probably no leader here expected to happily enjoy these women anymore, those emotions had been completely replaced by anger because of all this, so no one speaks to stop this man from killing them. Well... let's see if these women don't have other strange surprises.

There was a possibility that these women decided to pull out all of their cards up their sleeves… after a little thought, that was most likely. Unfortunately for the group that had decided to attack on their own, it seems that those women still had some things hidden.

No… before we attacked, one of the leaders who gave up had mentioned this. The other sides of the wall were covered with a strange plant, and that group together with the men who survived the first attack quickly discovered why these women had left those sides almost unguarded by any woman.

…That plant really should be the exact definition of “Man-eating plant”. It did not even leave the skeletons of the people it swallowed with its mouths!

"Ahhhh !!"

So, in the next moment I start to see how people were raining from the sky... at first I could only see a black silhouette that descended and rose continuously, but later it could be seen that this was also another monster...

" W-What the hell is a Harpy doing in a Level 1 Area?!! ”

That was the question that everyone who could recognize her was asking themselves… this was not a strange thing as it was well known that these monsters usually have a level 2 Soul!

Everyone here were adventurers, and so one of their jobs or things they have to do to survive is to know their enemies, and these were mainly the monsters after all.

Well... that was for a fully developed Harpy... and from what I could see, this one looked like a young one... no... this Harpy was still strange! Harpies are supposed to remain as monsters without high intelligence, and I had clearly listened this one talking!

"D-Damn… keep nothing away and use all your most powerful cards against these women!!"

Until a few seconds ago, I still remain a little calm even though our siege was being suppressed. But now looking at this Harpy, nervousness began to invade me greatly and so quite impatiently I turn to those who were still alive.

...I thought that this group of women did not have any influence supporting them, but seeing the weapons that they used, some doubt and concern began to arise in my mind. 

Looking at this Harpy, this confirmed my suspicions completely and left no doubt! This group of women had some influence behind them, and it should also be one that is based in a Level 2 Area!!

Most likely that is the reason why we did not find any organization from this Area supporting them when we investigated them! Our information sources also have no means of getting to Level 2 Areas after all!!

So understanding this, this damn territory didn't matter to me anymore! Now I just wanted to end those women so I could hide that we had attacked them!!

... I-I just hope these women can't communicate with their organization.

Surely the other leaders must have understood this too because they all had sweat running down their foreheads, and they did not hesitate to start ordering all their members to take out all the powerful objects they had.

Quickly, scrolls, magic weapons, and anything they could use to attack these women was in their hands and they began to do what was necessary to be able to use said objects.

Probably, if some members who died before saw that we use things like these now, then they would raise complaints without ceasing since if we used them in the beginning perhaps they would now be alive.

But any leader or high-ranking person in these organizations understood very well that using them was much more expensive than the lives of only a few adventurers.

Furthermore, it could be said that some of these objects were secret, and only in case of the possible annihilation of their organization would they be used. After all, if they become known to other people, then countermeasures can be carried out against them.

Well... there were also things like scrolls that weren't that rare, and it was just that their cost was too great.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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