Soul Evolution System

Chapter 220: Battle at Gaia ( Part 4 )

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(POV Rika)

While observing the battle through my glasses, suddenly, several notifications appear indicating that our enemies were about to use magic weapons. So without wasting a single second, I turn around and yell at a couple of girls who had stayed near the energy shield tower for them to activate it.

Just like in our world, a translucent layer covers the entire place. It seems like we made it just in time because in the next second, a lot of magic attacks rain down on it.

It really would have been pretty bad if those attacks hit us directly... I remember that together with Alexander we used some similar scrolls before, and as a result of this, about 10,000 zombies were wiped out. So I don't think any of the girls here can resist a single one of those attacks… besides, some seemed to be even stronger than the ones I saw on that occasion.

The strongest was like a kind of laser that directly hit the shield and made its entire structure flicker a little. It was something very striking and resplendent that even seemed that it would damage the pupils of whoever looked at it directly...

...every attack that hit the energy shield seemed to create ripples on it, but thank God nothing else happened and it resisted perfectly.

Well, based on what Kurisu told me about it, the strength of the shield depends on the amount of energy provided to it. So as almost all of the crystals that the girls got from killing monsters were used in it, and since this one also absorbs energy from its surroundings and this place seems to be rich in that regard, all that should have helped a lot.

"Well... I think even the environment of this place changed a bit due to the activation of that shield as it absorbed a lot of energy.

...I wonder if this will return to normal later?"

"Hihihi, don't worry about it, girl. This area will probably return to normal in a couple of hours... leaving that aside, that gave me a good scare. I don't expect these organizations to use all of their hidden cards against you all… I thought that if you cornered them enough, they would just withdraw.

It is good that it seems that you were prepared in advance, or else, we would be in a bad situation now. ”

"Lena-san... well, Alexander had left a million crystals for us to use in that shield before he left. Although, I think he did it to feel more reassured while he was not here"

That was why the shield withstood all that number of attacks. As I said, the other girls also collected a fair amount, but probably it was only about 100,000...

“Hehehe, it's good that the brat is not stingy with all of you in that regard. Well, I think those people still don’t give up, in fact, I think they are pretty persistent... hihihi, I wonder if some leaders among them are in love with any of you and that's why they are so determined?

...What will you do now, girl?”

"Of course we will finish them. Even if what drives these people is something like love, unfortunately for them, it is not something mutual ”

As Lena-san says, this group is quite persistent... they must have understood by now that their losses will simply grow, so they should withdraw. 

But since they want to continue with this nonsense, then I will accompany them until they are satisfied.

"Finish them!!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Rika!!"

Just a moment ago, seeing that many attacks, all the girls watched with fear in their eyes and sweat running down their foreheads as if they expected the shield to yield at any moment. But now that they saw it enduring all the attacks, they answer my words with encouragement.

It was a pity, but it seems that this group learned a lesson from what happened before, and this time, they don't just carelessly and unprotected charge against us. This time, several vehicles move forward like a shield against the bullets while the other men follow closely and advance safely.

Well… there weren't that many people now and most members of these groups were lifeless on the ground right now. The only thing that was perhaps more problematic is that the remaining ones were probably the important members of these organizations, and therefore the strongest.

"...Kurisu, hand me "that" that we talked about earlier"


Honestly, although what our enemies were doing now seemed effective, the truth is that I think all their efforts would be useless in the end. This place is surrounded with a wall, so they will have to stop the vehicles and they will not be able to reach a place ahead from there. And if they leave the protection of these shields, then the previous rain of bullets will be repeated.

The same happens if they want to use the vehicles as weapons to break the wall by hitting them against it. They may end up making an opening in it, but the cost would be the vehicles protecting them now.

Either way, I wasn't going to let them implement whatever they had in mind. So, for that reason I address Kurisu who was near me.

She comes closer, and from within her interdimensional ring, she passes me “that” that I asked for…

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(POV Leader of the enemy alliance)

I did not expect those girls to had the time to put an energy shield in this place... actually, seeing how all our magic weapons had been stopped by this, I simply wanted to stop this fight and withdraw...

No... probably was not only me who had that thought, and all the leaders must also have felt the same about this fight by now... in fact, several of our subordinates have decided to flee without paying attention to our orders.

…I'm really thinking now that being the leader of an organization is not such a good thing either and I would also like to do the same and just escape from this place! Unfortunately, if I retire now, I could only live hiding all the time… besides, I don't know for how long I could do this since the organization of these women must be quite influential and they will find me in the end.

So, this the only thing that I can do now... and for the other leaders too. We can only insist a little more and see if we can somehow kill these women. With that in mind, we gather the vehicles we have, and in an arrow formation advance forward.

We had already verified that the shields in the vehicles could resist the projectiles of their weapons, seeing how they bounced off the shield, we have some relief and continue advancing.

…Unfortunately for us, that group of women also show weapons that tore apart all of our plans.

Suddenly, from the wall, a strange object that was powered by a small flame begins to move through the air leaving a trail of smoke behind it. Managing to see this with the naked eye, people would think that it is not something so bad, but... having gone through everything that happened before, that strange object made a chill run down my back.

Then, I soon discovered that my instincts were not deceiving me...


The only positive thing about this is that it seems my luck is not over yet. No… it was probably the right thing not to lead this charge and that's what saved my ass. The vehicle that was at tip of the arrow had now overturned and was on fire… besides, it was not just that one, even though the people in the adjacent vehicles probably survived, their vehicles had overturned due to the explosion that strange object made too.

"Turn around!! Let's get out of here!!”

I don't know if those women had more of those objects that simply ignored the vehicle's shield defenses, but I wasn't going to stay to find out either!

Maybe if I escape now, I will only be able to extend my life a few more days, but that is better than having to die now without a doubt!

With that thought in mind, I yell at the driver of the vehicle to run away at full speed... who knows, if I go to a remote area from here or if I become a simple peasant from a place of no importance, then I will be able to preserve my life!

And it seems like I wasn't the only one who thought that. Even before my vehicle turn back, I could see others change course away from this place.

…Now I am really envious of those two who retired before we started this plan. Perhaps if we had listened to their words, then none of this would have happened.

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(POV Rika)

The "thing" that I had asked Kurisu for, it was none other than an RPG-7. The truth is that I had a bit of doubt that this thing could pierce the energy shields of those vehicles, but since theoretically these were designed to pierce heavily armored vehicles, then I believed that it would not be useless... in my head I calculate a 70 - 30 of this to succeed or fail.

Seeing the result, then it seems like I was right...

"Waah~ If Alexander-san were here, then I’m sure he would be yelling at you now, Rika-san..."

"Hmn? I don't think the boy would complain about using an RPG, Saya ”

"Yes... you're right about that, and certainly he would not mind if we use all weapons he has given to us. It's just... those vehicles are pretty valuable and he probably would have wanted us to take those away from them.

Right now several million Gold are burning… ”


"...That's true, that brat is quite greedy"

"Rika-sama! We have finished checking everything! There are no wounded on our side and the walls are intact!

T-The only bad thing is that it seems that more than half of the energy was used in the energy shield tower. Also, it seems that the enemies are escaping!

What do you want us to do?"

Seeing that the enemy group had gathered on one side for one last attack, the other girls had been left with nothing to do since their weapons were not effective against them now. Because of this, I had ordered some of them to search for damage and casualties on our side while the others awaited orders.

Well... that last part was more of a formality, I knew there should be no casualties since our enemies did not manage to approach even a few meters from the protective wall. But well, it could be that due to nervousness or malfunctioning of the weapons there could have been an accident, so it was good to heard that didn't happen either.

Still... it really seems like the shield uses quite a bit of energy... if it uses more than half of its reserves, then that means it's over 500 thousand crystals... I-I think I should listen to Saya and not blow up the other vehicles, and it's better if we capture them to reimburse our expenses a little too.

I do not want that when the boy returns and sees that I have used almost all the resources he left us, thinks that I am a wasteful woman...

"Prepare our vehicles! We will go after those guys!! ”


What followed after this battle was even less complicated than the fight itself. With the vehicles that Kurisu and Saya had repaired, several groups quickly separated and blocked the way for those escaping men.

They put up a bit of resistance, but when they saw the use of the machine guns that were on top of the vehicles, and in addition to treat…. I mean, using another RPG to prevent any resistance from them, in the end things ended in a good way. Of course, I made sure the RPG I used this time simply explode close to a vehicle without affecting it too much.

"Well... now, what do we do with all those who surrendered? Do we killed them?”


The only problem that arose in the end, was what we should do with the people who surrendered as Saeko asks me... this girl seems a bit bloody to me sometimes. While saying that, she had unsheathed her sword making the captives tremble a little... no, not only them, some of the girls in our group look at her with a little suspicion as well.

…I’m pretty sure that if I answer her question with a "yes", then heads will start to roll right away. Well,  it's not like I feel too much sympathy with these people either, after all, if we were the ones who were caught now, then our fate would be way worse.

… It didn't feel good to just release them only by saying something like "don't do something like this again". But on the other hand, I didn't feel good killing them in cold blood either...

It is good that Lena-san gives us an option that we could take and that would be more appropriate for this... and a little lucrative too. Although there was only one problem...

" Hihihi, why don’t you simply sell them as slaves? Some of them seem to have even opened their energy core, so they will have a good value ”

"Certainly... when Alex-san captured a bandit earlier when we went to the capital, he was able to sell him for a good amount of money."

"B-But... they aren't criminals. So even though these people attacked us, I don't think they are considered criminals only because of that… although I feel like that's a bit unfair now that I say it. ”

I had practically made a decision already listening to Lena-san and Saeko, but what Kurisu says seems like an impediment to carrying out that. As a separate topic, I think the other girls are getting used to this world too quickly not thinking too much about things like slavery… well, I'm not the exception to this either.

Also, the girls who have any discomfort with this due to their ideologies will surely think that this is a better alternative compared to the choice that Saeko mentioned earlier.

Well, if we can't sell them as slaves, we have the same problem again about what to do with all these people who attacked us...

"Hmn? No, that is something simple to solve.

All of you, choose… do you want to die now, or become slaves? ”

““ We-we chose the second option!!””

"You see? It was very simple, wasn't it? Hihihi ”

""... ""

"N-Now that I think about it, the guild girl said that a strong or influential person could make other people into slaves very easily... b-but I didn't thought it was that easy"

“Hihihi, well, in the case of these people, more than something unfair it can be said that it is the disgrace of the defeated instead. Although they are a little lucky since instead of becoming criminal slaves, they will be only debt slaves.

Having dealt with those subjects now, you should now think about taking all the belongings of these organizations. Hihihi, after all, a slave cannot have property of anything ”

"" ... ""

Now I understand what Alexander told me earlier about people who do not have strength can have tragic lives in this world...

Well... I should see this as the post-war deals between countries. The defeated part is always the one that suffers the greatest penalties. Also, if the defeated were the ones that initiated the conflicts, then it will be even greater.

"Everyone, get ready to go to the headquarters of these organizations!!"


"Rika-san, you should make the women you and Leona-san trained to create an organization in Barl... s-surely we can take all the deals and businesses from these groups and they can take care of that."

"…I get it"

...I think this girl inherited her mother's mind a bit, but what she says is true. These girls can not only live protecting our territory, and without a doubt that would also be good for our group to make itself known to prevent things like these from happening again. Also... the boy may be happy if there is an extra income for us.

After organizing things a little, we immediately formed 3 groups to go to the HQ of these organizations. One was led by me, one by Leona, and the last by Saeko and Rei. Furthermore, Lena-san offered to help us to take the enemies who had surrendered and sell them as slaves since she had to return to Barl.

After doing all of this, we actually made a small fortune… well, they were organizations with some time of history after all. We got 7 vehicles... 5 were in perfect condition, but two of them had some dents. For now we will keep them, and then, when Alexander returns we will decide what to do with them.

From the guilds' belongings, we simply sold everything unnecessary like equipment or properties. Besides, with the wealth that they had accumulated and added the amount for which the survivors were sold, in total we obtained almost 100 million Gold...

I think I don't have to worry about telling Alexander that we spent a lot while he wasn't here now…….


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

(Note: Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day we love you all x 2)

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