Soul Evolution System

Chapter 225: Day 7 (Part 5 )


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(POV Alexander)

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]… [Boom!]

We continue to move forward encountering some resistance along the way, but thanks to our weapons and bombs this wasn't much of a problem… no, perhaps what helped the most was that Revy was actually pretty good with guns.

Virtually any enemy she aimed for would be shot down and neutralized… well, this shouldn't be hard to imagine happening since Revy's abilities were focused on the use of firearms after all.

Now that she has that pair of berettas in her hands, she's only showing her full potential now. Perhaps the only regrettable thing is that we are not gaining any level for the people we kill now… the “bonus” the system offered before was only for the participants of the game, and even though we have to be careful when dealing with these people since they are using firearms and bombs, they are not high level and cannot give us much experience so we can’t level up killing them.

But even with this being the case, there was one thing that made me happy. Apparently, the people with whom Mary and Revy fight previously had some [Barrier BIMs], and the little girl who came with Oda had some too. So I could finally get my hands on these!

Actually, that these bombs were quite useful. The shield they generated was much stronger than the one my grimoire produced since it could even withstand the detonation of the bombs.

…I really wished that my grimoire could do this too. If so, then what happened several days ago could have been prevented. Perhaps I should feed it a lot of crystals to make it level up a little… maybe it shield may not reach the level of these bombs, but it will certainly be much stronger at least.

These bombs were of great help since I could activate one and without worrying too much, I could move forward eliminating the men in front of us. This truly made it possible for us to fast-forward and then get to the place on this Island were the highest concentration of buildings are.

"It seems that the number of people here is greater than the ones we have faced so far..."

"Well, that place should be the operations center for this group of people, so this is normal... the good thing is that once we get past these defenses, everything else should be easier. ”

“The problem is that there are too many men shooting at us! We will not be able to get out of this place and attack them this way!! ”

As Revy says, upon arriving here a hail of bullets descended on us and we had no choice but to defend ourselves taking cover to be safe. I wanted to do the same thing as before and use a [Barrier BIM] to get out and kill as many people as possible, but I also wanted to keep several of these in case of an emergency.

The only bad thing about these bombs was that apparently, these were the ones that were distributed to a lesser extent between the participants on the other island. Well, since the objective of these guys was to see how they killed each other, it was logical that it was that way.

But because of that, I had few of these… plus, handing some out to the girls in my group for their safety, made it even less.

“Well… I wonder if I should try to carry out my plan already? No… I'll wait a little longer… for now, let's just get out of this situation with some heavy weapons. ”

"…What plan? And, what do you mean by heavy weapons?”

Without explaining what I was about to do to Revy that was next to me, I take some items from my storage and proceed to give it to her while I also took one.

"I mean "this" for heavy weapons"

"S-Shit... now I really want to search all over your body to see if you are not hiding other good stuffs... "

Even if she searches all over my body, she won't find anything... but I wouldn't mind letting her do it... no, this woman may squeeze my balls again thinking that she can get something out of there! 

In fact, it is correct that she can get something out of there, but that is not the proper way to do it! least she needs to do it with affection.

"The stuffs I have are stored in another space... just think that you won't find anything in my body even if you search every inch of it.

But you do not need to think about this now, the important thing now is if you can use such weapon? ”

"Hmp~ Who do you think I am?"

Giving Revy a smile for her question, we both quickly grabbed the RPGs and proceeded to target the place where there were groups of people shooting at us. Immediately the small rocket is launched, and then that place blows to pieces making the shots that came from there stop.

In HOTD these weapons piled up a lot, since using them against zombies would have been a waste. So I had brought quite a few of these with me, I also left some of these with the girls that were in Gaia just in case… these were pretty good weapons to deal with groups of people and armored vehicles after all.

Taking out more shells, we fired anywhere until soon the number of shots heard was almost nil. Unfortunately despite having taken care of almost all enemies, something unexpected arises...

"W-What the hell are those things?!"

"S-Shit... ‘Skynet’ really came to kill me!!"

Suddenly, from inside a building, several strange things come out as they shoot and head towards us! These were some kind of robots with various weapons equipped on them, and with quite good mobility too!

...I don't remember seeing this kind of things in the B-Tooom anime! I-Is it because I used ‘Terminator’ references before, that now this is happening?!

" W-What is ‘Skynet’, Alexander-senpai? ”

"Emmm... the leader of the machines that will take over the world after a nuclear apocalypse?"

"E-eh? Nuclear a-apocalypse? ”

"Stop kidding and give me more of those rockets!!"

"Revy... that is useless... you need to ‘Arnold’ to counter these things..."


"...those do not seem to be so strong to me... they continue flying through the air easily with just a bomb"

“…Don't let your guard down. Maybe their parts will regroup like a Slime… ”

Well, leaving the jokes aside, although these machines are made of metal so that the bullets bounce off them, as I said earlier, RPGs are designed to pierce armor so it is normal that they cannot do anything against these weapons... not even a damn tank that is an iron fortress can escape these, seeing now some of these robots blown to pieces is something normal. 

"Well, let's get this over with..."

With only a couple of robots remaining, I pull out a [Barrier BIM] and activate it while leaving the hiding place where we had been cornered. Although they are not difficult to destroy, these robots have quite a few weapons on them and their rate of fire was high. So once they were all aimed at where we were, we were unable to continue shooting the RPGs.

[Tsuuun ...] [Tsuunnn ...]

Taking two [Implosion BIMs], I make the last two robots disappear in the dark... or most of their structure.

“Let's keep going, although... first of all, I don't want any more strange surprises. Therefore, it is better to create more disorder within this organization…”

"What are you going to do?"

"By now, that man called Takanohashi should be together with the important people of this place... I think it is time that I give them the gift that I prepared for them... "

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(POV- 3rd person)

"Damn it!! someone take care of those bitches!! ”

In a room where people were watching on the screen a group that had come to this place and keep moving forward, there were several people with different attitudes witnessing this.

Those who were simply workers, sweat ran down their foreheads when they felt the fury of their bosses when they saw everything that had been happening and that they could not stop those people no matter what they did.

"Takanohashi!! All of this is your fault!! How the hell can you allow a group of unknown people to infiltrate to these Islands?!! ”

“…And not only that, you even let them introduce weapons with them. You are incompetent, Takanohashi”

"N-No... t-that red-haired girl suddenly made weapons appear-"

“ Nonsense!! Leave your absurd excuses!! I want to know why the hell they can keep using the bombs?!! Aren't they supposed to have been disabled already?!!”

"S-Sir, we are looking for the problem, but... everything indicates that somehow they were able to hack the bombs and reactivate them... w-we have lost control of the bombs they are using"

“Everyone here are useless!! Is there not a single person here who can properly do his job?!!”

"It's true... next time we should pay more attention to the people we hire to do their jobs. Furthermore, the new weapons have been very disappointing… they could not even kill a person in their group”

"W-Well... these are still being tested. Furthermore, these are designed to deal with people with light weapons… t-they have bombs, rocket launchers, and also Barrier BIMs to protect them… it is difficult for those weapons to show their skill in that way...

"One after another just keep looking for excuses ... fuck, fuck, fuck!!"

"S-Sir ... i-it seems that girl wants to tell us something..."

While it seemed that the man who constantly shouted was going to have a heart attack due to fury, one of the men who was watching the monitors noticed that the group that had invaded the island went to a camera and the red-hair girl began to make signals as if she wanted to say something.

Seeing this, he immediately reported it to the three of his bosses who immediately glance at the monitor where a red-haired girl was on the shoulders of a man and was constantly making signals with her hands to the camera.

"What is that brat saying? It doesn't seem like they're surrendering… ”

"…I do not know either"


Because the cameras could only transmit images, no one could fully understand what that person was trying to say. The one who just looked like a red-haired girl to their eyes, she was pointing to a bracelet in her wrist and immediately made signs as if imitating an explosion with her hands...

Seeing this, everyone could only tilt their head at what the monitor transmitted. Well, of all the people there, probably only one person understood what this girl was trying to say...

"Is she making fun of us because they can use the bombs?"

"...that's most likely"


At that moment, when Takanohashi saw that girl making those signs, he felt his soul leaving his body. Until now, he knew that he would soon be dead because of everything that had happened on the two Islands, surely the two elderly people would hold him responsible for all this and decide eliminate him...

He understood this perfectly, but he also knew that it was impossible to escape now and all he wanted now was to see to that group of girls dying first... unfortunately for him, it seemed that was not possible anymore.

Seeing the girl's signs, he quickly remembered that he had been made swallow a bomb before. At that time, although that was quite unpleasant and he thought he would suffocate because of it, surviving after that and knowing that the bombs should be deactivated, then he didn't pay much attention to it. So, after escaping from them, he had forgotten about it...

"N-No ... S-shit!"


Hearing Takanohashi's voice, several people turn their eyes only to find a man completely bathed in sweat and with his face as pale as a ghost... then without paying attention to other people, the last image he saw was that of the redhead girl waving her hand as if saying goodbye while smiling


As for the people around Takanohashi, the last thing they saw was this man exploding. So, apart from the explosion that killed the closest people, the bones of this man acted as shrapnel that was thrown to the much more unfortunate people in this place...

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(POV Alexander)


In a building that was a little far from us, suddenly an explosion occurs on the top floor and soon smoke begins to emanate from that place.

"... so there is the place where Takanohashi was."

"I-I thought you wanted to give a message to the leaders of this Island when you wanted to look for a camera, but... don't tell me that explosion was..."

"...that was the red firework that I had prepared for the leaders of this place"

"" ... ""

I believed that those responsible for all this would most likely remain hidden until the end of this. So knowing that Takanohashi would surely run towards them once we released him, then I thought that I could finish them off at that moment.

...I just had to wait a while to make sure that my gift got to that place. So thinking the time was right for that now, I pressed the button on my bracelet to detonate the bomb that I had made Takanohashi swallow earlier.

If this was successful, then things would be much easier for us now. People say that an organization is like a living being, so as such if it loses its head, then it would not take long for the body to stop moving.

"Let's see if I was successful...

That explosion right now was where your leaders were. So now that they are gone, there should be no reason to continue this!! Well, unless you also want to end the same way that them… ”

Coming down from Oda's shoulders, we quickly headed towards some of the people who were still alive and aiming their guns at us. But seeing them acting as if they had lost communication with their leaders, it seems that my plan was a success.

"Those who do not want to die, lower your weapons and lie down on the ground! Otherwise, I will also make you fly through the air ”

[Boom] [Boom]

Some still seemed to hesitate to what to do now, but then seeing explode various bombs that I drop, the first one to abandon his weapons appear and later the others follow him.

"Well... Mary and Revy, make sure to disarm all the people and gather them in one place."

"Yes Master"

"Tch... I understand"

"I-Is it over? ...Is this really over? ”

"... honestly, I would have liked to end with my own hands those responsible for putting us in this place..."

"It does not matter, right? Now we can finally relax”

"That is true, Oda-san!"

After nodding at Emilia-chan’s words, she collapses on the ground and let out a big sigh. Also, other people seemed to have various emotions at the end of all this...

Well, now I can carry out my next objective without any problem. But first of all, I should make sure that there are no more surprises, so I also decide to help Revy and Mary.

The others also do the same and we began to gather anyone we found after checking that they had no weapons, but since apparently we already take care of most of the people in charge of the security of this place, now most of the people in the buildings seemed to be just management personnel or some investigators.

"Now is the time to collect my reward!!"

With that in mind, I quickly call one of the men who looked like scientific and start asking him where the good things were stored. Then, right away, that man directs us to what looks like some warehouses.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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