Soul Evolution System

Chapter 226 Day 7 (Part 6)

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"Wooh~ fucking hell! I found the treasure of this Island!! ”

"Th-There really are quite a few bombs..."

"W-Why are there so many? If they only use them for this crazy game, then they shouldn't have that many, right? ”

"Could those people have played this damn game many times in a single year?"

"…I do not think so. From the game I was in before to this one where you all arrived, several months had passed. Furthermore, even if these people are powerful, kidnapping many individuals at once in such a constant way without raising suspicions is almost impossible. ”

The warehouse to where the man who looked like a scientist leads us was full of bombs, the same bombs as those that were given to each of the participants in the game that was carried out on the other Island. They were placed on several shelves in an organized way, and separated by the type of each bomb too... then as I looked around the place, I noticed that apparently the amounts of the type of each bomb varied a little.

The [Cracker BIMs], the [Homing BIMs], the [Timer BIMs], the [Remote Control BIMs], and the [Blazing Gas BIMs] were the ones with the most amount here… probably 10,000 of each type are here. As for the [Implosion BIMs] and [Barrier BIMs], these were much less and there should be probably only about 1,000 of each of these.

These last two are a little more difficult make... but thinking about what they do, I think that finding a thousand of each of these is already a pretty good thing.

"Well, it doesn't matter why there are so many bombs. The only thing that matters is that all of them are now mine! These things will be quite useful to me!! ”

"Well... that's true. Since the creators of this game are dead now, this will no longer be repeated"


Previously, when we were checking other buildings while disarming and gathering all the people of the Island in one place, we also went to the room where Takanohashi exploded... that place had really turned into a disaster... and of course, Takanohashi had spread all over the place.

Listening to one of those who were still alive after the explosion, apparently, the three leaders who gave the orders had died in that place that looked like a surveillance center. So, those who had been forced to participate in this game were quite relieved after learning that.

Although I do not agree with the words that Oda said at the end. Maybe he is right since the guys responsible for all this disappeared, then things will be quiet for a while. Unfortunately, it is very likely that other people will try to do something just as crazy afterward, after all, the nature of some people is somewhat dark.

But as for me, I didn't care much about what happened to those guys or what might happen next in this world, I just wanted the things I came here for. With that in mind, it is best to continue with my plans.

"Hey, you. Now take me to the place where they store all the information about the weapons ”

"Y-yes! B-But there is another warehouse with other weapons that were being created recently… don't you want to go there first ”

"Oh! Seriously? Well let's go there first ”

Addressing the guy who was completely open-mouthed when he saw me put all the shelves in my inter-dimensional storage, he tells me that apparently there were still some good things somewhere else and so we quickly followed him to the next place.

There what had were more of the same robots that we had seen before ... well, it seemed that they only had been arming them and what had more this place were only pieces of these. Well, surely Kurisu and Saya will have fun putting them together, so let's also take them...

" These are just pieces... why aren't there any assembled? ”

"T-Those who were fully armed were used in the fight from before..."

Revy complains to the man about what I was just thinking, and so we found out why there were only pieces to assemble the robots... even so, my harvest was quite good.

12,047x Cracker BIMs

12,065x Homing BIMs

12,028x Remote Control BIMs

12,033x Timer BIMs

12,041x Blazing Gas BIMs

1,011x Implosion BIMs

1,009x Barrier BIMs

15x Remote Control Robots (Pieces)

1x BIMs Production Line (Cracker, Timer, Blazing Gas, Homing.)

Yes, there was also a production line for most of the bombs! The only unfortunate thing is that the process to do the Implosion and Barrier Type, as I had thought, were not so simple and some things had to be done manually and with expert staff on some issues.

Now I just hope that the investigation department in HOTD that we have has these people and we can make these bombs with them, if not... I think Kurisu can understand the documents of these bombs and explain it to a group of people for them to make them later.

In addition to all of that, there was also a lot of stuff to make more bombs that obviously I also take and store with me. With this, I will surely have another great batch of bombs. We also discovered that those robots were not automats and were instead controlled by people with something akin to virtual reality systems.

Although... I think most of these things will be more useful for HOTD soldiers, maybe I just keep all the Barrier BIMs and Implosion BIMs, and also some robots for our base in Gaia. The girls I rescue before will probably be able to use them too.

After all, I really do not think the strength of these two bombs is very necessary to use against zombies... but maybe if we make more Barrier BIMs, then I will also share some with the soldiers from HOTD.

Finally, the scientist took us to the place where they did their investigations and there I store all the documents and computers. It was there that I also found the production lines, the moment I saw them, made my heart beat faster!

"I think that with this, I have completed everything I wanted to do by coming to this place now..."


[ Mission / Main "Obtaining technological blueprints and Equipment”

Rank: “H"

Description: The search for technological improvement is a driving force for progress in lifestyle and protection for a civilization, and for this reason, it becomes one of the better sheltered secrets.

Objective: Obtain the technological advances in this world.

Failure Conditions: Destruction of the information and/or equipment, Death of The User.


25x Weapon Ticket: Air vehicles -H

50x Weapon ticket: Land vehicles -H

5M x Crystals [C]

50M x Gold [G]

Additional Reward : 

1x Interdimensional Door Blueprint (2/5 )

100x Energy Pills (E/N: This are the “Energy channel restoration pills” but the name sucks so I will leave it like this, if someone has a better name please say it)

5M x Crystals [C]

50M x Gold [G]

Great! I have also received many things to strengthen my base in HOTD or Gaia's and also increase my wealth. I just have a complex feeling now that the System gave me 100 energy pills… well, as Haruna said before, it's better to just think that it's a good thing getting something you've been searching for before.

The only bad thing is the pills are still few for the number of people who need them that are under my command... I will have to keep getting more of these.


[The user has completed all of the main missions in this world, as for the previous agreement, the world will provide an innate development skill for each member of your party.]

[Alexander skill [ Alchemy (Concoction) rank up ] ]

[Rebecca Lee learned skill [Ki Control] ]

[Emilia Mikogami learned skill [Scrivener] ]

[Blue Mary learned Skill [Thief] ]'s true, I had forgotten that I would also learn a skill after completing the main missions… I am honestly happy about that, just that… why it had to be my Alchemist skill?! It only made the skill go up one rank... no, it's now also an innate like Shisuka's, but...

Fuck! I am so envious of Revy!! She learned the skill that I have wanted for a while! 

...I'm happy for her, but that's unfair!! is true that I can buy that skill in the system, but... hell, is quite expensive! No... all skill orbs are! When I check them before, the more common and simple skills like [self-defense] cost 10 million crystals! Not to mention [Ki Control] which cost 100 million crystals… besides, these are not innates.

"E-eh? W-What is this?… I-I feel a little strange and unfamiliar information appeared in my head… why you're looking at me like that, brat? ”

"I-I feel the same too..."


“…You learned some skills, but we'll talk about that later... d-damn it Revy... you're so lucky"

"E-eh? W-why? ”

Just like me who suddenly had a lot of information about plants and mixing processes invading my head, the girls had to go through the same, and this cause them to act that way. The only one who acts calmly and only closes her eyes trying to understand all the information she receives was Mary.

Speaking of her, her ability matches her other abilities very well… she will certainly be able to get a lot out of it thanks to that. Besides, Emilia-chan’s skill is also not so bad... well, in this world it is probably somewhat useless. So, whether if it is useful for her or not, that will depend on what she decides in the end...

... I really feel like I'm the only one who was unlucky in receiving his skill. Is it because this world is angry with me because I killed one of its favorite people? I feel like there's a huge chance for that...

"So... Alex-chan, what shall we do now?"

"It's true... Oda, what are you planning to do now?"

"... I want to make public everything that happened in these two islands... I think that way those who died will be more peaceful"

"Is that so? Well, that does not matter to me. In fact, if you intend to do that, then I’ll better get out of this place as soon as possible... 

Oh! right. On the other Island there should be some survivors without crystals with them, that's why you couldn't find them before

I will leave the matters about them to you. Revy, do you know how to drive an helicopter? ”

"Of course not! Don’t think that it is something as easy to get as a car!! ”

"I-I think it would be very helpful if you also talk about the things that happened-"

“As I said, that doesn’t matter to me, Oda. You will have to do it yourself.

There's no choice, Revy, kidnap a pilot to get us out of here. "

"Oh~ I can do that"

"I-I don't think you need to kidnap him ... you can just ask him to take us to the place you want"

Since I had gotten everything I wanted from this place, for now I thought it was good for us to get away from here. Even if the leaders of these Islands died, there may still be people with enough influence involved behind all of this... and if they find out that I have stolen all their hard work, they surely will not be very happy.

Although perhaps they would only find out after Oda made public everything that happened here, and instead of wanting to regain control of these Islands again, at that time, they would probably just want to eliminate any type of evidence that involves them.

So despite Oda's insistence about my help, I simply reject him since I don't want to get involved with it, and for now, I just want to wait until I can leave this world.

…Now that I think about it, I have a lot of crystals with me. If I feed my grimoire with some of these, it will probably get a little stronger and that will bring me some benefits.

After Revy kindly asked a man for collaboration to get us out of here while she put a gun on his head, she, Mary, Emilia-chan and I quickly said goodbye to the others and all of us headed to a nearby country to hide for a while until I can open a portal and go to Gaia.

Emilia-chan seems to think about this a bit, but in the end, she also gets on the helicopter with us. Although maybe she just didn't want to stay in a place with only strangers… some time later when she is calmer, I will have to talk to Emilia-chan seriously.

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(POV Hidemi)


"T-They really just left like this..."


That boy's group... it seems that this boy was male because of the way the girls around him spoke before, they just left when they finished looting all the things that seemed important in this place...

Honestly, I think those things would have a lot of value if they were sold on something like the black market, but... I didn't want to argue with them about something like that. T-That boy was quite strange...

He could make things appear and disappear at his will! I really wanted to ask how the hell could he do something like that, but maybe I, like all of us here, didn't want to ask things that we shouldn't and end badly for that.

"That boy... he was someone dangerous"

“Hehehe, so you figured that out too, boy. I was with him for a while and I can assure you that if all the people who were here had made some inconvenient to him, he would not have hesitated to kill them. ”


“ Glup… w-weren't you in the same group as them? Why didn't you go with them? ”

"They seemed to have other plans and I just want to get out of this place so I can go back to my house, it can be said that my plans are more in line with yours"

The woman who did not have a hand and was with that group when we met, suddenly speaks after Oda's words. W-Well... I saw how that boy made someone swallow a bomb and then explode him without thinking much about it, so I don't doubt her words.

" What are we doing now, Oda?”

“… I wish we could help the people who stayed on the other Island, but they will have to wait for now. We are a few people compared to everyone around here, so it would be a little difficult to control them all.

I think that we must first contact some people, this place must have some means to communicate with others. You, come with me, I need you to tell me where I can make a call and the coordinates of this place. ”


"Oda-san really is a good person!"

That is true... it would be very troublesome for the people who were on this Island to rebel against us. The only thing that kept me calm was that the only weapons that boy left behind are the ones he gave us, in addition to the fact that the survivors were mostly just some scientists and people who should have worked here as common workers.

There were very few survivors who should have been in charge of the security of this Island… most of these people are scattered on the ground with holes in their bodies... or worst, they were torn to pieces by the previous explosions.

So as long as we keep a close watch on the survivors who have gathered in one place, we shouldn't have much trouble. Because this, in my mind there is another concern even greater than this...

Haaa~ This damn soft-hearted lolicon... doesn't he understand that we also killed some people?! Also, if we do that, then we may not be able to keep the bags of money that group left behind!

…Although that group was a little strange, it might have been better to go with them instead of staying here. No... that boy's golden eyes looked like they could see inside my soul... that's why it would be difficult to stay close to him.

Well, if I act like a victim when Oda makes known everything that happened here, then maybe I can free me from any complications. Besides, maybe I can also keep one of those suitcases hidden...

Yes, that is the best course of action! For now, I should be practicing my crying for when I have to speak in front of the cameras!!


Written By Drack

Edited by XArezzX

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