Soul Evolution System

Chapter 229: Returning To Gaia (Part 2)

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(POV Saya)

"This place will belong to the organization ‘Demon Ape Annihilators’ from now on!!"


Waah~ These guys are even more direct than the previous ones, they put any attempts to negotiate behind and went straight to claim this place as their own. I don't know if it's because they're more idiotic than the guys from before, or they're more confident than them...

"Well, that tell us the reason why they came now... as we thought, they did not come with good intentions"

“Well… this also makes things easier for us. Everyone, take your respective positions and protect this place!! "

As Kurisu-san says, this completely proves why this group came here... so without wasting time, Rika-san stops paying attention to those people for a moment, and then she gives orders to all the girls to quickly begin to move. On the other hand, she puts on the glasses that Alexander-san gave her, and she was evaluating these individuals with them now.

Seeing this, I also remember that I had an object similar to hers and so I put one of my hands in my ear to activate my earrings. Right away, a holographic screen was shown in front of my eyes, and in it, I could see some data of our attackers... this was similar to what world guild card did, but my earrings had a [Evaluation] function that made them even more useful.

"These people... t-this organization seems to be stronger than the previous group that attacked us."

"Saya is right... most of these people are in the 4th limit... plus, there are many who exceed the 5th too..."

“N-Not only that, Rika-san… th-those 4 people are at the 9th limit! Isn't that supposed to be the highest level of strength in this Area? "

“Hmmm… it's true. Perhaps this is a bit more complicated than I originally thought. All of you, don't be careless just because they are fewer people than the previous time!! "

"Yes, Rika-sama!"

The first thing I try to see on the holographic screen was the strength level of these people. After doing so, I am a bit surprised by what I see and I can't help but exclaim out loud...

As a result of this, several of the girls around me who hear my words get a little nervous… well, I think that's normal since there were 4 men with the highest strength that a person can reach in this Area.

...although perhaps for most of us, this surprise is more due to the simple fact of how it sounds since it is not as if we know very well how different a person on that level is compared with others.

No… if I remember correctly, Alexander-san had told us that Lena-san was a person at that level of strength...

"What’s up, girl? Do you want to know how this lady remains so young despite her age? "


Thinking about this, I can't help but put my eyes on Lena-san who was here, then she noticed my gaze and tells me that... I-I certainly can't deny her words. For someone about 150 years old, she probably looks "just" about 100 years... maybe 90? W-Without a doubt, having the appearance of someone 60 years younger is a reason to be proud as a woman.

Leaving that aside, maybe a person on the 9th limit is not such a big deal as I thought? I don't see much of a difference between Lena-san and others. Well, maybe because of this and Rika-san's calm demeanor, the rest of us can calm down.

Well...there are also other girls who also didn't seem to care much about the fact that we would face people in the 9th limit.

“Fufufu, this is good… maybe now I can fully test the improvement that I reach in these months. furthermore, this will not just be a friendly confrontation… this will be a kill or get killed situation "

“ I cannot allow Master’s women to die, Saeko-san! So I'll take care of them"

"What is 9th limit? Roock~ Are they more delicious? "

“ Strong… are… they……maybe?"

Saeko-san upon hearing that some people were at the 9th limit, seemed to be more motivated. No… it wasn't just that… it seems like a strange switch in her flipped. Well, at least I feel more at ease with Leona-san's words, she is one of the strongest girls in our group after all.

...S-She considers me Alexander-san woman, right? I-I'd like to ask her, but it's too embarrassing for me to do in front of so many people! I-I should do it later maybe...

O-On the other hand, I'm a bit worried about what the last two girls said... t-they haven't attacked more adventurers while we weren't seeing them, right? They haven't eaten people, have they?!! Having been separate from Alexander-san for a month, their attitudes have become a little more violent! 

Although it is not as if they attacked us...

O-Only once did Vrana-chan bring back an adventurer flying while saying that it was the prey she captured that day... it's good that he only had minor injuries and giving him a small compensation, he left happily.

Furthermore, I also found out that Saeko-san had to stop Scythe from rushing to attack other adventurers they came across and who looked at the two of them, and Rei who was there too, with bad eyes. S-She told me that she stopped her, but… seeing that their weapons were stained with red blood, those men probably didn't leave unscathed.

“They said they were from the organization called 'Demon Ape Slayers', right? If I remember correctly, that is an organization with a bit of fame in the capital... also, it seems that it’s strength increased a little more after the auction that we went up before.

Apparently, their leader managed to obtain 3 limit-break pills that were auctioned there, so he and his two most trusted men managed to enter the 9th limit "

"Oh! You know a lot, Bartol! "

“W-Well, it is my duty to be informed of what is happening in the kingdom, pri-… Leader-san. 

Although... it seems some organizations continue to gain courage to attack us... if the king finds out about this, he will surely get even more upset than last time"

"Well, this time it's not like this organization is targeting us directly, and it's more like we only crossed paths with them."

“…You're right, Vernet-san. Although… doesn't that mean that we've had to much bad luck lately? "


"W-Why don't we see it as if they are the ones who have had bad luck? T-That sounds much better, doesn't it? 

"Sub- Leader... I'm glad you are so positive even though you, Vernet-san, and Bartol-san were near death and were able to fully recover and could finally leave the bed just a few days ago."

Suddenly the other group that was close to us started arguing among themselves, and then we also could hear various things. The truth is, I'm still a bit surprised that the royal family is here next to us now… this is as if I met the family of the prime minister of Japan in person!

Well, I have to say that perhaps of the girls here, I am the one who has the most experience in dealing with high-status people since my family always had ties with important people, but this still seems to be somewhat impressive... so, I think that it's normal for the others to be a little nervous and that Kurisu-san almost suffocated Rei because of this. 

Also, it seems that Alexander-san actually became quite friendly with the little prince...

Putting that aside for now, it seems we now know why these people are stronger than the previous ones. This was not an organization from the edges of the kingdom, but rather one that has their base in the capital...

"Oh! That person... that person has a very high reward"

"Eh? How do you know that, Rika?~ "

"Shisuka, unlike you who don't know how dangerous the world is, I on the other hand understand it very well and so I try to find as much information as possible "

“Mooh~ You're being mean to me, Rika~ I'm going to complain to Alex-kun when he comes back!~ "

Listening to the discussion of the two older girls in our group, I also put my eyes on the place that Rika-san was paying attention to. And right away on the hologram screen, as she had said, I can see that there was more data next to the face of one of these men...

[Mission / Urgent: “Search and capture of Treko”

Responsible for the attempted kidnapping of the prince of Delna, a leader in the 9th limit of the organization "Warriors of Delna". The kingdom will offer a great reward to anyone who captures him alive or presents his body to any branch of the world’s guild.

Location: Delna Kingdom, Nureld Continent

Area: Inimp (Level 1 )

Requirements: Capture or kill Treko

Mission Range: H

Reward, alive: 150 million G

Bounty, dead: 50 million G ]

A-Actually Rika-san wasn't lying when she said that this man had a pretty high reward… no! More importantly...

"Ah! That's the villain who attacked us last time!! "

"I-I see... so that's the bastard who put my little brother at risk..."

“… T-That damn bastard! I'll make him pay for what he put us through last time! "

"Calm down, Bartol... I told you that you should always stay calm"

When the prince sees the enlarged image of that person in the hologram showed by my earrings, he raises his voice pointing at it with his finger. Then immediately the other people who were with him also put their eyes on him and then each one has a different reaction...

The princess who seemed to have a cheerful and polite personality, commensurate with her social status, suddenly, the atmosphere around her turns into something a bit gloomy...

Also, the two people that Kurisu-san tolt us were the prince's guards, the one with the name Bartol seems to erupt in fury when he sees that man's face... on the other hand, the man next to him named Vernet, though he seems to be calmer than the first one, I can still see how he clenches his hands on his crossed arms as he says that to the other.

All these people now seemed like they wanted to rush forward to fight the wanted man...

“Hihihi girl, calm down a bit… you are affecting the others around you. You two too. 

I can understand the girl since she probably reached the 9th limit recently, but you guys are looking like inexperienced people. "

I-I think now I understand a little better the difference in strength between a person who has entered the 9th limit compared to the others... t-the atmosphere around these people suddenly became heavier causing my legs to shake a bit and it is a little difficult for me to breathe.

"I-I'm sorry, I got a little upset..."


After hearing Lena-san's words, the princess makes a slightly embarrassed face and then apologizes to us. The guards simply nod their heads to indicate that they understood, and then they also calm down a bit. Apparently I was not the only one who felt the change of atmosphere before, and other girls were also a little affected by this.

“We have given you enough time to consider our words and open the doors for yourselves, this way the people in your group will not have to die unnecessarily.

But if you don't open the doors in the next minute, we will end the life of anyone who puts up a resistance against us!! "

“ Hihihi, it seems those guys finished making their preparations to fight. What are you girls going to do? “

""Of course we will fight!""

"Yes, there is no need to ask!"

“Hihihi, well, this time this group is a little stronger than the previous one, and they have 4 people at the 9th limit. But this side has 5, and your weapons are still quite effective with the remaining people that have only that level of strength. "

"Please, let us help. It seems that we also have some grudges with one of the guys who leads this group"

"Yes, I have to defeat that villain who escaped before!!"

"If the prin-... if Miss Cleirsa and  leader-san want to help, then we will too."

"I do not disagree with what Bartol-san said. I have to make that guy pay for leaving me in a bed for a month!"

"As you can see, Kurisu-san and Rika-san, the people in our group want to participate in this fight."

"... P-Palmir-san"

“Well… I have no problem with that, but… there is only one thing to make clear. O-Our group wants to capture that person alive to hand him over and take his reward of 150 million G!"

"" ... ""

With the words which seem to cost Rika-san a bit to say, there is a momentary silence... probably most of the girls in our group thought that it was not very good to ask something like that from the people involved in asking the guild for the capture mission. Besides, this perhaps looked a bit like extorting money from the royal family of this kingdom!

That certainly didn't sound good at all! But… upon hearing the amount of 150 million G, even Kurisu who looked like she was going to complain to Rika-san for fighting for the bounty with the royal family, had to swallow what she was going to say and stay dull.

After all, it was 150 million G!! I'm still not very used to the value of money in this world, but I know that Alexander-san spent 50 million previously to buy food for the camps in HOTD. According to what my mom told me, that amount of food could feed them for several months... this was 3 times the amount of money to feed about 100,000 people for several months!!

Who in their right mind would say something like "Yeah, no problem and please take that money"? So even though this is perhaps a bit inappropriate, I can understand why Rika-san brings up this topic. Also, if Alexander-san finds out that we gave away 150 million, then he would probably cry tears of blood!

"Fufufu well, as an adventurer, I think it would be impolite to claim the reward of another group after all."

Finally, the one who broke the awkward silence was Cleirsa-san. Although… honestly, I wanted to answer her with what she meant by “like an adventurer” since obviously almost all of us here knew that she was the princess of this Kingdom!

Well... since she is a princess, I think it is normal that she does not care much about that amount of money. So I think this is the best result.

So with all things sorted out and by not giving an answer to the men besieging this place, another fight for this territory was about to begin.

"Fine!! If all of you refuse our words, then we will do this the hard way!! "

“Well… let's see if I can take out some of their higher ups with my rifle like last time.

Hmn? "

" What is it, Rika-san? "

"N-No... I think I saw Something..."

With the two groups preparing their weapons to fight, suddenly something unexpected happens puzzling almost all the girls who were here...

"Wha~ I was thinking that I would come from my long journey and then my cute girls will receive me cheerfully throwing herself into my arms... this is depressing, Why the first thing I see after arriving here is a group of sweaty men saying they would kill everyone in my home?"

“This doesn’t surprise me... previously you went and screwed up several people in another world making them want to kill you, so it was a certainly that you did the same in this world too. 

So why does this surprise you?!?"

“That's cruel, Revy-tan~ Those people had unwarranted resentment towards me! I haven't been here in over a month, so it's almost impossible for me to be responsible for this! 

Do you think someone with this beautiful face could go all over the place causing trouble? 

Besides, I don't think my pretty girls did anything to cause this either... "

"D-Don't make that innocent face, that gives me chills ...

Don't you remember that fat guy you blew up? When we went to that room where he must have been, it had become a picture of hell!

Also, who the hell is Revy-tan? !! "

“I am a man who lives in the present, Revy! Not someone who cares about the past!! "

"Master is back, roock~!"


As everyone was preparing to fight, suddenly two voices echo throughout the place. T-That voice… it was unmistakable to many of the girls here. Also, with Vrana-chan and Scythe's words, then there was no doubt about this… Alexander-san...

Alexander-san had returned!!


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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