Soul Evolution System

Chapter 230: Returning to Gaia (Part 3)

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(POV Alexander)

"E-Eh? G-Go back to your world? ”

"Yes, I have completed all the things that I came to this world for, So there is no reason for me to stay here any longer."


“…So you only came to this world to create troubles for the people who owned those Islands… I don't know if I should feel sorry for those guys. Well, given all the things they did, it's not like the world would cry for them either. "

Hearing me say that I would go back to my world, Emilia-chan’s face fills with uncertainty as she look at me. On the other hand, I wonder what kind of concept Revy has of me on her mind… well, let's worry about the former for now, and continue with this conversation.

“It's not that I want to put you aside, Emilia-chan, and rather, I want to know what you want to do. If what you are looking for is a peaceful and quiet life, then the best thing would be for you to try to return to your home... or you  can make your life in any place of this world. 

I think there is still enough money from what we take from the Islands so you can to start a new life in any place you want in this world. "

“C-Can't we see each other anymore? Won't you come back to this world for real? O-Or rather, I think you could try to live in this world comfortably with that money too, right?! "


"...don't forget that you can't stay here, you owe me a good deal of gold!"

…If you put it that way, I could live very well for a long time in this world with that money… after all, is a lot more money than the money I made in all my years of work in my previous world.


"That doesn't sound bad at all, but... unfortunately, there are some things that keep me of doing that. First of all, there are people waiting for me back in my world. I can't just leave them there...

Maybe if I were in this position a few months earlier, I might seriously consider trying to have a good life in this world with the things I won on that Island... it's a pity that now I have a slightly different thought, and I cannot settle for just that. "

Although I previously said that society in a world like this can be a great bitch, it is also true that not all things are so bad. There have been many times when I have missed the simple things of a lifestyle like this... simply lying in your bed to watch a program you like, or waste time exploring the internet, or even the simple fact of going out with friends from work and get drunk and talk bad about your bosses while you do it… see the new girls who come into your company to see which one you can approach… those were things that made my life happy enough to continue living in that kind of world.

I can't deny that the lifestyle in a world like this was ingrained a bit in me... so, most likely if the first world I went to had been B-Tooom instead of an apocalyptic one like HOTD, maybe the thought of being able to return to my old lifestyle would be more present in my mind and in the end I will decide to try to get it back.

Although like I told Emilia-chan, my mentality has changed during this time of almost a year that I started my new life. Honestly, being stronger and having to rely on your strength to get the life you want isn't too bad either... in fact, it's something much simpler.

Probably the main reason that prevents me from staying in this world is something else... How could I stay in this world knowing that the girls I left in Gaia are waiting for me?!

God damn!  Even if someone told me that I would be the richest man in this world if I stayed here, I would not change it for being able to be with those girls!! After all, each of them is a person that I thought could only exist as a fantasy or fictional character and I could never met!

So now that I can be with them, how the hell would I even have the thought of changing that? And it is even more impossible while knowing that I can have a physical and emotional relationship with them!

Although... I may have to wait a little while to get to the physical stage with some... well, I can settle for now with deepening our relationship and having a bit of skinship for now... I can, right? This body is almost 13 years old after all.

Well...  how much I can withstand my sex drive will mainly depend on the girls themselves as well... if the other part is more reserved, then my arousal may stay in check, but... if the girl it's more proactive, I don't think this body can endure another year being a virgin... my body would end up exploding if I hold back too much!!

[…I think 99.9 percent of the reason you don't want to stay here is more than obvious because of those girls in Gaia, and .01 percent is the other things you said…

Well, no matter why, I'm glad you're continuing your search for more strength, Alexander. After all, the main reason I was created is to help you with that]

W-Well… I can't deny that, Aurora. But if you think about it, being something like the richest man in a world like this it is not bad since you could probably live as you want and surely you will not lack women, but in the end, there would be nothing higher to achieve either.

It is not difficult to imagine being a man of about 60 years old surrounded by several girls of about 25... it does not sound bad, but in the end, a part of you will always know that is only because of the money you have... instead, if someone gives me the choice to go to a world full of dangers but where I can have a life with several beautiful girls and their reasons for being with me are many other than just money, I would not hesitate to take this latter option! In fact, I already have!!

[Although I am curious to know why in your two examples you have to be surrounded by women, it is true that I also think that the second option is much better...]

“I see… that's true, you must have your family waiting for you in your world.

…So, this is a goodbye for us?"

The words that Emilia-chan says after being quiet for a while, bring my mind back to the topic I was dealing with now. I'm pretty sure she misunderstood when I said: “People” earlier… due to my physical appearance, she probably thought it would be my family like my parents or siblings that I meant by that.

Well… since we can say that she is not so wrong thinking that those people are now my family, then let's leave it at that. More important than that misunderstanding, it is better to correct the other one that she seems to have.

"Not necessarily. You also have the option of accompanying me to that world"

"E-Eh? C-Can I go to your world?!"

“Have you forgotten that this boy brought me from another world? If it were not possible for him to transport people from one world to another, then I would not be here now..."

"Ah! It is true…"

Before I can answer her question, Revy is the one to intervene. Then as if remembering the things that happened in the cabin when we were on the first Island, the slightly sad face she had, changed back to one of surprise as she sets her eyes on Revy and Mary.

“As Revy says, I can get people to travel with me to other worlds, though… I have to be clear with you about a few things first.

The world where I come from is very different from this, not just the world itself, the people in it are also very different and therefore cultures vary greatly. But what you have to keep in mind above all is that the dangers and risks that this place has are much greater than this place. 

Perhaps to summarize it a bit and you understand it better, it is a world where what matters is strength above everything else."


“That doesn't sound too bad for me! Maybe I can become someone important in that place!"

“Well… that depends, Revy. In  thehe place we are going, your strength would certainly not be bad at all, but... "

This time it wasn't just Emilia-chan who seemed interested in Gaia, and Revy also pays full attention to what I say. So I begin to explain to both of them a little bit more and in more detail about things like strength levels and Areas on Gaia.

Hearing me, Revy frowns and seemed to be trying to understand the things I was saying. On the other hand, Emilia-chan got more and more nervous with everything I said until finally she can't seem to take it anymore and then she speaks.

"... I-if I go to that kind of place, then surely I would only be an hindrance to you, right?"

“…No, if what this boy said about that place is true, then with that body you could become an excellent sex slave or be the most requested girl in a brothel. 

Who knows? Maybe if your master or one of your client are influential people and if you manage to seduce them, then you can control them and make them do the things you want ”

"T-That's worse than being a hindrance!!"

Before Emilia-chan turned a bit dark again, due to Revy's words, this is avoided and she answers Revy with a little anger. Although the 3 girls here may not be the best of friends, it seems that by being together all this time, they have been able to get along a little better now... well, at least despite being constantly arguing, they don't seem to want to kill each other, That’s a progress, right?

On the other hand... I can't deny Revy's words! What she says is true and Emilia-chan could achieve it if she wanted to. Of course, that is if I allow it first!

"Don't worry, Emilia-chan. I assure you that I will kill anyone who tries to make you their slave! I would die before allowing something like that!!

Also... although I said that in that world most things are ruled by force, there are some exceptions. There are some professions that can allow a person to achieve high status despite not being physically strong.

For example, someone who is with me in that world is not very good at fighting but she has the [Alchemy] skill which is quite appreciated in that world."

“T-Thank you… Alexander-senpai.

I also appreciate that you tell me that so that I think that I will not be a hindrance there, but… I don't think I have such an ability… "

“Hmp~ I don't need to be protected! If someone tries to make me his slave, then I will shoot them in the balls until they stop having such silly thoughts about me! "

"F-Fuck! Don't use me as example and don’t point your gun to my treasure!! "

Seeing the barrel of the pistol Revy held in her hand aimed at my crotch, a shiver run down my spine and turn away from that direction! What if by accident the damn gun fire? A fucking sorry wouldn't fix things!

Also… if she shoots a guy in the balls, that would not only stop those kinds of thoughts from him, it would kill him too! Well... if someone does something like that and things end up that way, it doesn't matter much to me either.

"You certainly don't have the [Alchemy] skill, but Emilia-chan, don't you remember getting one when everything ended on those islands?"

"...Ah! T-That time... "

“I think the skill you gained that time was [Scrivener], right? That ability would probably be useless or not so impressive in this world, but I think on Gaia should be at the same level as the [Alchemy] I mentioned earlier."

I make sure Revy takes away her weapon,  then I continue to tell Emilia-chan something I had thought when I saw that she got that skill before. The truth is that I'm not entirely sure if this skill is as important as Alchemy, but when thinking about a few things, it would make sense that it was so.

Of the most expensive things that adventurers keep as trump cards or last alternative to survive, the most common thing that I saw them using were scrolls. I also know that these are not cheap... although it is not difficult to find one and even several adventurers have them in their possession, but compared to the potions and other objects that they seek, these are much smaller in numbers... and the more powerful they are, they will be more difficult to find and their cost has to be very high.

Unfortunately, the reason I cannot assure this is that in all the places I visited in the Kingdom of Delna, I did not see anything like a shop specialized in selling scrolls or creating them as with alchemists...

…Maybe Lena knows more about this, I will ask her when I return to Gaia.

"If I go with you, then I can't come to this world anymore... right?"

"Hmn? Emm, about that... I said that I probably would not return here, but the reason for this is not because I cannot do it and it is rather because I have no reason to return. 

If you want to come back here, I can bring you whenever you want."


I think Emilia-chan was almost determined to come when she heard me explain to her about her ability a bit, and that's why she start to think about what it meant to leave this world. She previously said that she did not have a very close relationship with her family, but they are still her family after all.

So hearing me say that last part, she was quite encouraged. Well, no matter how much time is spent on Gaia, I can probably return to this world selecting the option that it hasn't been long after we left here… I'd just have to spend a bit of crystals for that.

As for whether Emilia-chan has grown up during her time on Gaia and because of that her parents can't recognize her… I'm sure I can find a solution to that problem by then.

“Well, I think I've explained most of  Gaia stuff to you now. So it's time for you to tell me your decision, Emilia-chan.

Do you want to stay in this world? Or do you want to accompany me? "

"I-I ... if Alexander-senpai doesn't mind, then I'd like to accompany you!"

As I had thought, the words from earlier were the last push for her to decide to come with me. When I reach out my hand and say that to her, she takes it and answers that to me. Well, it seems it will be 4 people who will return to Gaia!

"Well then let's go !!"

"E-Eh? J-Just like that? "

"What did you want? A goodbye party?"

"Yes, Master!"

Since Emilia-chan had made her decision, then I summoned my grimoire and used its ability to create a dimensional portal that would lead us to Gaia. It's finally time to go back! It's been a little over a month since I haven't seen the other girls, so I'm really looking forward to hugging them!

With great emotion due to this thought, while pulling Emilia-chan’s hand, I walk towards the dimensional portal while she is surprised by the sudden turn of events and Revy and Mary follow us as they answer each of us respectively.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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