Soul Evolution System

Chapter 231: Returning to Gaia (Part 4)

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“… Where the hell are we? Don't tell me we are in another bloody tropical island? Although… the atmosphere here is much better than where we were before ”

“… I-It's true. I feel as if all the pores of my body have opened the moment we step on this place..."

After paying the corresponding fee to the system to transport us to Gaia, we all arrived at the Eltin forest where I had said goodbye to the girls before departing. This time, since Revy and Mary were treated as my summons by the system, I only had to pay a thousand crystals for Emilia-chan since her affection had exceeded the amount of 100.

Perhaps because they have a high level, Mary and Revy did not seem very affected by the change between worlds. Only Emilia-chan seemed a bit dizzy, but since I was next to her holding her hand, I was able to prevent her from falling.

Then, recovering of the surprise from the dimensional travel, all the girls begin to inspect their surroundings and express their impressions from what they saw.

“This is not a tropical island, this is… let's say it's the garden behind my home. Also, the reason you feel the environment is a little different from the previous world, it is because the energy in this world is higher compared to where we were before.

On the other hand... there may be monsters near, so don't get too far apart."

" M-Monsters?! "

" W-Why the hell are monsters in your fucking garden?! "

Seeing that they had some doubts, I decided to explain some things for them. Revy seemed interested that she was now in another world, so she quickly starts walking as if wanting to explore and see the differences in this world, but I have to stop her.

Well... I really don't think she has any problem dealing with the strongest monsters in this place which are ogres, but perhaps due to the shock of seeing them for the first time there may be some difficulties, so let's avoid it.

Besides, if I were to tell them that this place is Eltin Forest, I would have to explain about the Kingdom we are in and stuff like that… I don't want to and I think it's better for the other girls to explain those things to them. But well, I am not entirely wrong in saying that this place is like my garden...

… I will simply consider the adventurers who come here as people who are dedicated to doing pest control near my house.

“When you summoned me to this girl's world, it didn't seem very real since the atmosphere of that world was practically the same as mine. But... now I really have the feeling that I came to another world"

“…Technically, you were the one who decided to go to another world on your own. 

Well... that doesn't matter, for now, let's go to my home. "

When Revy gives me a sharp look for my words, I decide to change the subject and pull Emilia-chan’s hand who seemed to have gotten nervous after hearing that there were monsters here, and then the four of us started walking in the direction that I had marked on the map the system was showing me.

I've been away from this world for over a month, so it's not like I remember where the north was and where exactly we were now. Once we move forward a bit, we can see a path that seemed to lead directly to the mansion. This one wasn't there when I left Gaia before, so the girls must had create it or ask someone to do it in order to move from the mansion to Barl.

Several minutes after walking, we can finally see the walls that surround my mansion...

"What is this? The Warring Kingdoms Period?

Why the hell is there a wall in that place?! "

" ...Maybe it's because of the monsters? "

“Well… your assumptions are not entirely wrong. The wall is a simple element for the protection of the place against monsters or people, as I told you before, in this world you have to fight constantly...

But that doesn't matter now, there is something more important than that… seems like something is happening over there!"

Even though this place has only my mansion, the wall around it is quite large and covers a large perimeter. So certainly for a person of the 21st century, seeing something like a small village or town surrounded by a wall is impressive, although I don’t think is that big though.

It wasn't unpleasant to see Revy and Emilia-chan’s expressions when they saw my house since it was like being proud of your house while showing it to your friends. Unfortunately, I couldn't just enjoy this feeling this time… when I laid my eyes on that place, the first thing that caught my attention was that it seemed that a group of people was in front of the wall, so I walk faster towards it.

What I saw made me worry. W-What if the girls decided to have a party or something like that while I was gone? That would be like if they had completely forgotten about me! I would really get too depressed if something like this happened...

“We have given you enough time to consider our offer and open the doors for yourselves, the people in your group won’t have to die unnecessarily this way.

But if you don't open the doors in the next minute, we will end the life of anyone who puts resistance against us!! "

As we get closer, that's the first thing I hear...

"Haaa~ This is good, it seems that it's not like the girls had a party while I was gone..."

"A-Alexander-senpai... t-those people just said they would kill everyone in that place... I-I think that's something worse."

...It's true what Emilia-chan says, but if it's something like this, then I won't get depressed. But it's obvious what I have to do now, I just have to deal with the invaders.

“…What do we do, Alex-chan?"

"Master, let me take care of them!"

"Certainly this is not a pleasant thing... well, what would you do if someone invaded your house?"

"Of course I would kill them!"

"…. Call the police?"

“Fufufu, I will eliminate all of the Master enemies! "

It is good that the common sense of two of the three girls fits very well in this world, although it seems that Emilia-chan will take a little longer to adapt...

As answer to the girls, I also take my weapons to start fighting. While I doing this, I also evaluated the people over there. After doing that, I can't help but be somewhat surprised since the level of these people was a bit high compared to the adventurers that I saw in this area.

If I am to compare them to someone, then they must be similar to Palmir's group that I saw during the monster invasion… these men maybe were a little superior to them. And I can also see that they came in various crystal-powered vehicles.

"Well!! If that is what you want, then we will do this the hard way!! "

"Wha~ and here I was thinking that I would come from my long journey and then my cute girls will receive me cheerfully throwing themselves into my arms... this is depressing, Why is the first thing I see at arriving here is a group of sweaty men saying they would kill everyone in my home?"

“This doesn’t surprise me... you went and screwed up several people in another world making them want to kill you, I’m sure you did the same in this world. 

So why does this surprise you?!"

“That's cruel, Revy-tan~ Those people had unwarranted resentment towards me! I haven't been here in over a month, so it's almost impossible that I am responsible for this! 

Do you think someone with this beautiful face could go all over the place causing trouble? 

Besides, I don't think my pretty girls did anything to cause this either... "

As I and Revy walked to that group of people who were now a short distance from us, I voiced the complaints I felt about encountering the current situation. I left Mary with Emilia-chan and asked them to move away a bit, even though the former is a bit unhappy about that, they both walk in the opposite direction from us.

The truth is that at this moment I wanted to lie on Shisuka's breasts or hug Kurisu in front of everyone else so I could see her embarrassed face because, but now I have to fight against a group of men instead!

On the other hand, Revy's words annoy me a bit as they make me look like I'm just someone who just enjoys causing trouble for others, so I decide to tease her a bit too. After all, that is totally wrong! What I enjoy mainly is being around beautiful girls and not what Revy says!!

To reaffirm my point, I try to make the most childish and pure face I can while answering her. In this way, she may change her opinion of me...

"D-Don't make that innocent face, it gives me chills ...

Do you remember that fat guy you blew up? When we went to the room where he must have been, it had become a picture of hell!

And who the hell is Revy-tan?!!"

Tch… it doesn't seem like my cute face will work on her. I wonder why? If Shisuka saw it, she would hug me and tell me that I am cute no matter what I did.

“I am a man who lives in the present, Revy, and not someone who cares about the past!! "

Since my strategy didn't work in Revy, I decide to go back to my normal attitude and start eliminating these people quickly so I can see the girls even sooner. I thought they would start the attack soon, or they would notice me and Revy since our voices were quite loud, but...

Although some people have noticed us and laid their eyes on us, the attention of most individuals in that group was elsewhere.

" Damn bastard!! You set me up, right?!! "

"T-Treko-san, you are wrong! What do you mean I set you up? I only asked you to help us with your strength to take this place faster "

“ Then why the hell is the Royal family there?!! "

"E-Eh? Royal family? T-That's not possible… don't tell me that the Royal family also found out about this place and decided to claim it as theirs before we came here? "

“Brat… are you from the Royal family of this world?! "

“ No… I'm just the King of my life… having to be the King of many people would be very troublesome, so why would I do it? Only if I could delegate my work to others, then I would consider it "

Apparently, those who should be the leaders of this group since they were in the 9th limit, were arguing among themselves. And because of this, the other men did not seem to know what to do now.

It was already strange that there were people with that level of strength here, but apparently, Lorens-kun had also come to my home. If I look where the man named Treko pointed, there I could see several of the girls watching over here. 

Also, there were other acquaintances and people that I did not know. I wonder if that boy came here to play?

“L-Leader… they are opening the doors! I-I think they are surrendering!! "

“S-surrendering? Damn it! If the Royal family is there, then how the hell would they surrender?! 

W-We are in trouble… m-maybe if we say this is just a misunderstanding, then it can be fixed”

"Damn it!! Do you think the Royal Family will let me go after what I did just by saying that everything was just a misunderstanding?!! "

I agree with the first man who speaks and since Lorens-kun is there, I don't think the girls would surrender either... I wonder if the man who approached the leaders to report cheerfully is an idiot, or just can't read the atmosphere.

“L-Leader… that's true. If the royal family finds out that Treko is with us, they may consider us traitors for hiding him. "

"... what if we deliver him ourselves?"

“D-Damn it… what are you all thinking of doing?! "

Now, the atmosphere around those 4 men had become tense and it seemed that 3 of them would launch themselves against that one called Treko. I wonder what that guy did to become an enemy of the Royal family? Don't tell me that he wanted to kidnap the princess to make her his sex slave?!

If so, then I can only say that this guy is crazy. But… I can't help but admire him a bit too. I certainly cannot approve of something like holding a beautiful girl against her will, but... the words "Slave princess" have an strange magic in them that when listening to them it could even break the principles of the fairest man!



When I was lost in my Illusions and I was fighting against the magic of those words, the sound of a shot is heard and gets me out of my thoughts. Also stopping the fight that was about to start between those 4 men.

Within those 4 men, the only one reacting to this was the guy named Treko that quickly throws himself to the ground and rolls. Then, of the other 3 who were distracted by the unknown sound, around one of them an energy shield is activated and stops the bullet that went directly to his head.

" W-What the hell was that?! "

"L-Looks like it's some kind of projectile..."

“T-Those damn weapons again… that's some kind of weapon that throws a piece of metal at high speed! Don't stand in the path of those weapons!

...t-those damn weapons seem to have a higher range than I thought. "

Who~ That guy seems to know a few things about firearms. As the [Bracelet of Sacrifice] of the man who was shot disintegrates, Treko stands up and paying full attention in the direction where the bullet came from< explains to the others about the guns.

… It seems that this made them stop their internal fighting for now. Well, since these guys had come to attack my girls, their fate had been decided the moment they had that idea. So even if they don't kill each other, I'll gladly do it for them...

"W-What do we do? Several people are coming out from the other side of the wall... "


From this side we could see how several of the girls who were trained by Leona come out and make a fairly orderly formation. It seems that she and Rika trained those girls really well… they certainly seem like a group of soldiers with some experience in combat.

Well... the longer this fight lasts, the longer it will take me to be with the girls. So let's get this over with now...


"W-What?! Are they behind us too?

"E-Eh? J-Just two people? No... 3 people? "


"Oh! They finally noticed us… but… did you have to blow that guy's head off? That's a gross thing to see"

As Revy says, when these men put their eyes on us, the man who had been saved before from the shot, had his body without head now... what can I say? That guy just had the worst luck of the four over there.

Not having one more [Bracelet of Sacrifice], it was better to take care him now. After all, the fewer men in the 9th limit the better… although I feel like I forgot something important. Well, let's think about that later. With this, now there are only 3 leaders left...

"Master, I'm back!"

"Shouldn't you be taking care of Emilia-chan?"

"I take her to the allies of master who are there! She should be safe"

“Well… then it seems each of us will take care of one of those three now. Revy, be careful, those men are strong. "

"Hmp~ I know how to take care of myself"

"Yes, Master!"

I had wanted to fight a person at the 9th limit to see my strength now, but I didn't thought that I would be able to do this immediately after coming back. Well… I should also take care of the minions first.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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