Soul Evolution System

Chapter 232 Driving Out the invaders (Part 1)

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(POV Rika)

Adjusting the rifle sight, I could see a small group walking towards the men who were preparing for the siege. At first, I didn't care much about them and thought they were just more of them, but then, noticing the long bright red hair that had a small silhouette, I couldn't help but compare that silhouette to someone else who was very familiar to me...

"Master is back, roock~!"


The first to confirm my suspicions was the little harpy Vrana-chan, and Scythe followed after quickly approaching the edge of the wall where we were and it seemed as if they would rush anytime towards the direction where I saw those people.

"Hey, little bird, what are you doing! You can't go there, it's dangerous"

"Scythe-chan... there are too many enemies for you alone in that place!"

Not paying much attention to what they said and seeing the attitude of both girls, Rei and Saeko, quickly approach them and stop them from doing something reckless.

"Eh? Alex is back?! "

"Yes... I can feel Master’s presence where those people are"

The girls who understood why this pair of girls were acting that way, also ran quickly to the edge of the wall looking in the direction those girls had their eyes to see if they could distinguish the person they were looking for.

Soon, recognizing that boy among that crowd of enemies, most of the girls here start to perk up so high that it even looked like as if they forgot that we were about to be attacked.

"Why is that silly boy with them?! He hasn't been in this place for a month and when he comes back, he does it with more than a hundred enemies?!! "

", I think he came and found this situation after arriving here”

I can't completely blame Rei for thinking that maybe Alexander was coming along with them, from the looks of it, he just seems too relaxed being surrounded by enemies in that place. But since I had seen him come down the path that leads to Barl, I had to speak up for him.

"T-This is bad! Alex is over there by himself surrounded by enemies!! "

"" ... ""

“Quick, open the doors!! We will fight outside the walls!! "

"Yes, Rika-sama!"

Kurisu is the first to realize that Alexander's situation was not very good, and worried about him she exposes this fact that due to the joy of seeing him again, the rest of us had overlooked. I know the boy is strong, but having to face that whole group which also has several 9th-limit people, I think it's a bit too much for him alone!

So I give orders to go out and fight. It was certainly better if we fight under the protection of the walls, but we couldn't just abandon Alexander on the other side!

"I-It seems that Alexander-san didn't came alone..."

“Oh~ It's true. There are 3 girls who came with him this time~

...I wonder if they will be our new sisters? "

"" ... ""

Saya, who had another item that allowed her to see at greater distances and display the image on a holographic screen, suddenly says that. Then, all the other girls approach her to be able to see the people who were shown there with a bit of curiosity in their eyes. Immediately after, the serious face of various girls intensifies even more and some even frown at Shisuka's words who did not seem to realize the atmosphere that she created now.

Close to Alexander, a slender girl could be seen carrying a pair of Berettas... she appeared to be of a similar age to me or Shisuka's. Her hair was also a similar color to mine, but a little darker. Also, seeing her attitude, it seems that that girl seemed used to fighting...

"S-She seems to have a slightly rude attitude… she's even tattooed."

"Well... I think that if she's with Alex-san, then she mustn't be a bad girl."

I agree with Rei's word a bit… although this woman seems to be used to fighting, I don't think that is because she is someone who belonged to a group of law enforcement or military force like me. Without a doubt, she looks more like a criminal...

…I hope what Saeko-san says is true. If not, maybe that girl could cause some trouble here.

"Well, the other two girls seem to be more normal..."

Saya changes the focus of that girl, and immediately shows on the screen two blonde girls who were running towards where the door was and where the soldier girls began to adopt a formation to prepare for the fight.

"That girl... I feel like she's very similar to me."

Among those two girls, Leona points to the blonde girl who had short hair and constantly directed her gaze to where Alexander was. She seemed to be more worried about him than about the other girl who accompanied her and was almost dragging while they run...

“She's probably also a homunculus like you, Leona-san, If I remember correctly, Alex had told me that he had a similar scroll with which he summoned you."

"Oh, it's true~! Alex-kun told me to give him the same materials as when he used that scroll from which Leona-san came out~ "

Now that I remember, Leona was not a human… so hearing Kurisu and Shisuka's words, Leona's feeling should be correct. Although... even though Shisuka told me that Leona was made up of various elements as if it were magic, I still find it hard to believe that a person I live with every day was born that way... well, since she doesn't seem to care too much about that, then I shouldn't worry for that either.

"B-But that other girl... she's also quite surprising in her own way."

Lastly, we put our eyes on the last girl who had come along with Alexander. Honestly, for me she seemed to be the most normal girl among these three... but it seems that to Kurisu, that girl was the one that caught her attention the most. Seeing how she held her chest while watching that girl run as her breasts bounce, it was obvious the reason why her restlessness...

Well... probably is because of the vast majority of the girls here stand out in that regard too. Leaving Vrana-chan aside since she still seems to be a little girl, the ones who are probably in the last place in that regard are Kurisu and Scythe... although the latter does not seem to care about this, the former does seem to be affected a little bit.

But seeing that blonde girl running, I must say that this time it wasn't only Kurisu who got a little worried about this. M-Maybe it 's because that girl is a bit short, but the proportion of her body makes those breasts stand out even more!

"Eh?~ Why? I think she seems to be a pretty good and nice girl~

... W-Why is everyone looking at me like that~?! "

... probably the only one that is not affected and most likely continues hold her position in the first place in terms of size, was the only one who seemed not to understand why the other girls' faces had darkened a bit when they saw that girl who was running. Her words in a sense for all the others were something like "That does not affect me, so why worry about that?" That's why we could not help to see her with some resentment in our eyes!

"Hihihi is not the time to blame that guy for leave and bring more girls, remember that they are surrounded by enemies. If you all want to complain to him later, that boy must be alive first for you all to do that"

"I-It's true! We should help them first!! "

""R-Right! ""

Because of all this, even I had forgotten about the situation we were in. So hearing Lena-san's words, I quickly grab my rifle and go back to aiming at the leaders of that group while also reminding the other girls.

…Well, let's take care of those 9th-limit leaders first.

"W-wait, Rika-san!"

"A-Alexander-san is heading to where those people are!"


As I pull the trigger, Kurisu and Saya's voice can be heard and distracted me a bit, but despite that, the bullet was fired directly at the head of one of those guys. It was a pity that it could not reach its target since before it could do that an energy shield forms around my target and it ends up stopping the bullet.

"Don't worry, they are not that close for me to mistakenly shot Alexander"

"N-No, it's not that... maybe Alexander wants to talk to that group of people and end this peacefully."


I thought these girls were worried that I would hurt Alexander by mistake, but it seems that the reason was different... I am glad that it was not because the girls distrusted my abilities, but if their words are true, then now that I have attacked them I believe that it will be difficult for the boy to end this peacefully...

When I looked at those men through the rifle, I could see how it seemed that they were arguing among themselves and did not agree with each other...

Maybe not all those guys were so determined to attack us… they might just try to show a strong appearance to make us surrender, but if we showed resistance, perhaps they would stop this attack.


"T-That man's head exploded..."

"Is that also a weapon just like the one your friend Alexander gave you, Lorens? They seem to be a bit dangerous... "

"P-Princess... I don't think they are just a "bit" dangerous. That man was at the 9th limit... E-Even so he died without being able to do anything"

When I thought that perhaps I had rushed to attack, another shot is heard and through Saya's holographic screen we can see how the head of one of those 4 leaders explodes... that was not pleasant to observe, so I think it is normal that the faces of several girls who saw this turned pale.

Although I think the reaction of some of the prince's group, it was more because that man was at the 9th limit and died so easily...

“Did you really think that boy would forgive those people? If he leaves some of them alive, I think that would be very benevolent on his part already."

"" ... ""

Remembering Alexander's personality, no one could say anything against Rei's words. Even though he looks quite adorable… q-quite innocent, we all understood that he could be very cruel to his enemies.

"Well, they're the ones who came looking for trouble, so we just have to help Alexander."

"…That's true"

Saying this, I take my weapon, and then I proceed to go down the wall and to where the other girls were formed and were waiting for orders to attack. A few seconds later, all the other girls and the little prince's group do the same.

"R-Rika-sama! A blonde girl brought this girl and said that she was also Alexander-sama's partner... "

"…Hello. I'm Rika, but let's save the introductions for later… for now you'd better stay behind with this girl"

"Hi~ I'm Shisuka~ I'm Alex-kun's lover too, so let's get along~ "

"T-Thanks… h-huh? A-A lover? T-That's... "

When we arrived to the place where the “servant girls” were, there was the blonde girl that we saw through Saya's holographic screen. This girl seemed quite nervous... well, thinking that Alexander send her away from where he was, I think she is not someone used to fighting. While making a short introduction, I point to Shisuka who was not too far from me to go with her.

By the way, about the "servant girls” thing, it's not because I want to belittle these girls. The reason is that when we went to have them create an organization in Barl, they ended up choosing among themselves a name that implied this tittle within it.

I repeated to them on several occasions that they better choose something like "Soldiers" or "Warriors" since it was really a bit strange for me to call them that way, but they were very insistent on keeping "that" name... well, knowing the boy, this may not displease him so much.

“Everyone get ready! We can't let Alexander fight all those enemies alone!! "


"Yes, Rika-sama!!"

Taking my eyes off the girl who was looking at all the people around her, and who seemed to be a bit confused, I direct my vision to the front while I give orders to these "servant girls"... I really can't say that word out loud.

I feel a bit sorry for that girl. Since the other girls close to Alexander can't help but lay eyes on her, as a result, it only make her even more nervous. Well, since Shisuka has always been a friendly girl, maybe she can help her relax a bit.

[Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!]

When I decided to march to expel our enemies, suddenly several explosions are heard. Then when I look where our enemies were, it had now been filled with a small layer of dust that prevented us from seeing what happened there...

But not long after, the wind clears the visibility and we can all witness what had happened in that place...


"H-Help!! I-It hurts... "

"Gyaaa!! M-My leg… M-My leg!! 


"" ... ""

Contrary to the screams that could be heard from that side, everyone over here was silent as all of us looked ahead in shock. The scenery that we are seeing now was the same as those that some of us only saw in documentaries or photographs of modern war...

W-What can I say? Certainly, we saw countless bodies torn to pieces by weapons on our home world, but... those were zombies that did not complain in pain and only produced grunts despite being torn to pieces.

So without a doubt, seeing people with burned bodies and missing limbs screaming in agony was quite shocking for some girls...


"W-What happened?"

While the girls with a slightly weaker mentality expelled what they had in their stomach after seeing that scene, the others asked themselves that same question in their minds.

"A-Alexander-senpai must have used the bombs he brought..."

"" B-Bombs?! ""

"W-What are 'bombs'?"

"I-It must be a powerful type of weapon to do something like that..."

"T-That boy really has a lot of strange weapons... but above all, fearsome"

"I-It's true... Alex said he would try to get some weapons from the place he was going"

"A-Alexander-senpai? Aren't you older than him?! "

The one who answers our doubts was the girl who was next to Shisuka... it seems that the weapon that Alexander got in this girl's world is some kind of explosive, that explains why that place seems as if it had been bombarded.

Also, although most of us understand that girl's words, the prince's group seems to be unaware of that word or what it actually meant. Additionally, some girl seems surprised because of the way the new girl referred to Alexander… while maybe it's a bit strange, I think they should focus more important things for now.

…I think it was Rei.

"W-Will we still fight?"

"Against whom? Those wounded men? Does it make any sense to do so? "

"...maybe we should help them rather?"

"...or at least end their suffering."

The morale of the "servant girls" had dropped a lot now, although it's not because we are at a disadvantage or something like that... it was simply because there seemed no reason to continue fighting. Besides, it was not only them, but we who lead them shared that same feeling.

“Master and those two other girls are fighting against the strongest men. I'll go help master! "

“… It seems this won't end until we take care of the leaders. You girls, take it upon yourselves to capture and help those who are not in such bad condition from those people. 

...Those who cannot be saved, then don't let them suffer too much "

"Yes, Rika-sama"

"We should help Alexander and those other girls."



Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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