Soul Evolution System

Chapter 23: The Rules[Edited]

We all went down the stairs and met in the living room where everyone else was. The area was dominated by an atmosphere of uncertainty and restlessness, 10 people were afraid and sad about the loss of their friends or the despair of not knowing anything about their acquaintances.

I look through each one of them, which makes them tremble or have faces of envy seeing the weapons that we all carried. Then I break the silence and make myself heard with a firm voice that reaches their ears clearly.

"It is time for everyone to accept the situation that we are in. All of you have to change your current mentality in order to survive."

"W-we just have to wait for help to come and everything will be fine"

From the group of ten, a girl manages to convey her thoughts, with her words various others nod in agreement with her. The hope of waiting for that to happen could be seen in their eyes and it wasn't just them, even people in my group had that thought too.

"It's good to have hope, but that's a very naïve of thinking"


"In my opinion there may be three probable cases of what is happening out there. The first is that all of this is only happening in this small area. It is an isolated event of only one region ... but I can rule out that it is such case"

While I speak and everyone listens to me, I look for the TV remote control, find it and turn on the device. The screen only shows a loss transmission signal, I start to change the channels, but only those that are programmed are transmitted I cannot find any live transmission. As I moved from one channel to another, I continued with what I was saying.

"If it were the first case, the help would certainly not take long to arrive, but hours have passed since all this happened and not even one message has been issued from the government. When we were on our way here I did not see any helicopters flying over the area, nor any media, police or military.

That leads us to assume that this is probably the second case, which this entire pandemonium is not only happening in this area, but that it is a national problem. If this is the case, then the help can not only take days, it will be weeks of waiting or even more.

In addition, other countries may think that it is dangerous for this disease or virus or whatever is causing this, to spread across the sea to their countries and instead of helping us, they would isolate us or even worse, try to eradicate the outbreak in an extreme way "

Only my words are heard in the room and everyone only watch the constant change of channels on television while they swallow and tremble. Some had a stronger mentality and only sank into their thoughts.

"N-no, that can't be ..."

"S-someone will come to help us, I'm sure!!”

"What is the third case?"

While most evade reality and try to hold on to their hope, Komuro's voice sounds and asks as he looks at me, with my eyes on him I answer.

"If you expect it to be a better one than the previous cases, I'm sorry to tell you, but it only gets worse. The third case is that the whole world is just like this area, zombies attacking people everywhere.

Everyone will find themselves too busy surviving on their own, so it would be useless to wait for help, you only have your own hands and of those around you to survive. "

"Those are just your assumptions! You can't know what's going on everywhere else!"

As they passed their point of stress they could bear, out of the 10, one guy stands up and walks towards me trying to grab me, but when his hand tries to take my armor I grabs his wrist and pulls it until his back is in front of me . Then I kicked his feet and he falls to the floor groaning at the impact.

"In that you are right, these are only my guesses, but at least I am trying to think about how to survive. I am not staying without doing anything, waiting for things that may not happen"

I put my foot on his neck while speaking and then look up from him to everyone else watching the show, then take out my colt so that the impact is greater and proceed to inform them what I wanted when go down to the living room.

"From now on, if you want me to keep you safe, you must follow and respect certain rules, and it is better that you keep them well in your head because otherwise you will end up with bullet between your eyes."

"Hiii !!"


While saying that I extend my [Soul of The Emperor] domain affecting everyone in the room, then some cries result from my action. The weaker fall to the ground as a result of not being able to keep their feet stable. Those who have a little of bravery shake only a little when they feel the pressure.

"First of all, being the most important rule, you will abide by my words to the letter, I will not accept excuses or reasons to do otherwise. If I say go to the left you walk to the left, if I say jump then jump"

With their full attention on me, I continue with what I was saying, the first thing I must achieve with them is to be able to maintain control of the whole group. I can't have someone acting however he likes and do something stupid that leads us all to our deaths.

"The second rule will be separate everyone by gender and you will not be able to have contact with the others unless I indicate otherwise. To make it clearer, you cannot be intimate with each other"

I do not want to have to take care of cases in which the men take advantage of a woman because they think that there is no more order in the world, also is another function to keep them apart.

"Third, you will be provided with enough food to survive, but don't expect too much. They will be portions just so you can support yourself and have enough energy to be active."

The food will be one of the first problems that we will have to solve for the sustenance of the group, I cannot waste it and simply give it away.

"Fourth rule ... well, more than a rule is a benefit for those who fight against zombies or have some work in the group, they will be exempt from the third and second rule up to certain aspects. They can approach the other gender and intimate whenever the other side agrees and they will have food to fill their stomachs completely”

Finally I had to offer an advantage for those who fight against zombies or those who are useful. They had to be motivated to fight, if everyone has the same rights, then they would think that it is not necessary to take the risks.

"T-that's not fair, there can’t be favoritism"

Someone complains in a low voice, for the tone, it was a woman, but being like a murmur I cannot locate who it was. But she manages to make others agree with her words in favor of what she said.

"Fair? The world has never worked that way. There are talks of equality and impartiality everywhere, but that is something that has never been achieved. You can see different degrees of inequality in people, even before all this it will happen.

In my point of view, the social system has always had divergences that are impossible to solve, and the reasons may be different. One is luck, destiny or whatever you want to call it, it creates people who do not need to work or strive in their entire lives, wealth surrounds them and they have things that many want but can never have, you can complain and not like it, but that was their luck and you can't change it.

Another person is seen in a better way and as an example to follow, although it cannot be denied that some luck is also needed. These are the people who strive to achieve their achievements, based on their sweat, intelligence or any talent, stand above others. That is something they got, how can you deny it to them?

Personal connections are also an unbalancing factor, someone with a friend, family member or sometimes being a mere acquaintance can take better positions than even someone who has struggled to be in his place.

Finally, it can be said that the beauty of a person is enough to earn a good place in the world. Who can criticize someone for being beautiful or attractive? If you do it, only the envy that one feels for not being beautiful yourself will be highlighted.

So where is the fairness you said? People from birth are different, so it is difficult for them to be equal when they grow up. If there can be no equality in the world before the zombies appeared, do not expect it to be now”

Nobody refutes my words and they just lower their heads, when I thought everything was going well, Shisuka speaks to me while pointing at my feet.

"Alex-kun ... if you continue you may kill him"

I lower my gaze and the guy who had attacked me was kicking and turning purple due to hypoxia. Damn it, I had completely forgotten about him, I take my foot off him and in doing so he takes a big breath and then starts coughing. 

I withdraw my domain and the pressure they felt eases and I hear several sighs of relief around. With no more rules to implement, I end up with this conversation by giving them 2 options to choose from.

"You can be calm, I won't force anybody to follow me, you can choose to take separate paths from us, no one will stop you. Or you can stay for us to protect you, but those who do must abide by those rules."

I pass my eyes through everyone to see if someone gets up to leave, but none has the courage to come out on their own. When I see that there is no one who wants to abandon the group, then I continue.

“Well, now there are 2 positions available to be able to have the advantages that I mentioned before, Komuro give me your bat and your spear ... or whatever is you brought before whit you Rei"

After taking them from the second floor since they had left them up, they deliver them to me, I wait for someone to step forward to take them, but no one seems to want to do it. Maybe it's very fast? Or should I force them? No, I will only gain more disaffection from them than they already have towards me.

"I-I'll do it! They're just zombies. I can do it."

A girl gets up and walks towards me and takes the homemade spear from my hand, it seems that women here are more valuable than men ... in the group I just created are twice much as men, although can't complain about that either


"Nobody else? You should stop just filling your mind with thoughts of what the future holds or how your loved ones will be. It will not change your situation or theirs even if you do it, only by acting in the present you can make things change. "

"Damn it! I'll do it, give me the bat, it can't be so hard to bust their heads"

A guy gets up out of his pessimistic state and shouts to motivate himself. As he asks, I threw the bat and he holds it, and then begins to make practice movements in the place. With this we have 2 new recruits, but they will still be in the testing phase.

"Your names"

"Yuki Miku"


"For now you will remain the same as the others, until you can play an active role then you will have the advantages that I said"

The girl looked like a classic female criminal of anime, but she had a pretty figure with orange hair up to her shoulders. The boy was quite normal with nothing that makes him stand out ... or maybe that is my point of view since I don't pay much attention to them.

The two nod their heads with their new weapons in hand and sit back with the other 8, whit everything said, we should eat, we have been moving a lot, Kurisu and I only have in our stomachs what we ate in Gaia before coming here.

"Then let's eat, first will give something to the 10 of them and then we will do it. When they come to call you, go up for your food"

I go upstairs after telling the 10, those who came with me return to the second floor, I go straight to the room and observe the things they brought from the store. Now, how much should I give them to have enough energy to move? I’m not a nutritionist ... I have no idea.

"Does anyone know what is the minimum amount of food a person needs to survive without putting his life at risk?"

I turn with the others, but soon they shake their heads. Well, if they have something in their stomach they will survive for a few days even if they get hungry, I will only give them what I think is right until find someone who knows.

"A man needs 1500 minimum calories to survive and a woman 1200, although they probably would lose weight with that amount"

When I was about to proceed with my thoughts, Shisuka´s intervenes, everyone's vision is focused on her and the distrust or doubt about how she knows it shows in everyone. Did she receive a divine revelation or something like that? I can't help wondering that, because she looks like a person too distracted.

"How do you know Shisuka? Did you receive any divine revelation ... that big breasts of yours work like heavenly antennae?"

"Moo, Alex-kun is bad! My breasts are normal, besides, did you forget that I'm a nurse?"

Everyone directs their eyes to Shisuka's breasts because of what I said, feeling those looks she covers her breasts with her hands ... but that only makes them stand out more and causes Kurisu to raise her voice.

"Those breasts are not normal!"

I can testify that Kurisu's are not small, but being surrounded by all these voluptuous girls overshadows her. As a man, here is when I should say that she is fine and that the size of the breasts does not matter, but the words do not get out of my mouth ... it is so sad that my instincts dominate me.

"Well, Shisuka will take care of distributing the food. Mizusu and Niki accompany her in case there is a problem."



"Others can get familiar with their weapon or find something to do."

After saying that I throw myself into bed and take a bag of chips to eat, it shouldn't have been so long since I ate some, but it seems so nostalgic. Shisuka and the other two girls I put with her begin to organize the food to to deliver it and the others as I said approach Hirano to give them advice on their weapons.

Watching everyone moving Saeko and Kurisu approaches me, the first takes my fries and talks when I try to get them again by reflex.

"It's bad to eat only this for your body, wait a bit and I'll prepare something for you"

"I'll help you"

"Thank you Saeko-chan. Hmn? Do you know how to cook Kurisu?"

"That's why I said I'll help! At least I can cut and peel vegetables."

"Ooh, you’ll be two great wives someday"

"Fufufu, you're welcome, you just have to wait a bit"


[Affection Kurisu and Saeko +5]

With the system notification the two leave and go down, I intended to sleep, but Saya approaches and when I look at her, she speaks.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why did you created those rules"

Her face does not seem to be complaining about all the rules that I implement, it is rather out of curiosity or to know my thoughts. I didn't have to hide the motives so I give a brief explanation of my motives.

"The first is to maintain order in the group, the second to prevent the men from taking advantage of a girl, the third to prevent us from running out of food and the latter simply to motivate them to fight against zombies"


"Do you think I'm wrong or I’m too hard?"

"No, I think those rules work for now"

Not that I was going to change the rules just because she didn't like them, I just wanted to make time while the food was here. It was nice to talk to her, she was a very intelligent and self-confident girl.

I should see some coming up and Shisuka gave them some packages of food, they didn't have a happy expression when receive them, but there were no complaints and they only returned grumpily. I continue talking about other things with Saya until Saeko and Kurisu returned carrying a pot and plates.

With the arrival of the two the others also stop what they were doing, Shisuka and the other two girls had finished distributing the food so everyone comes forward with interest when seeing the pot. Then when we are together everyone begins to eat.

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