Soul Evolution System

Chapter 24: My first Pocket-Monsters (Part 1) [Edited]

We all sit in a circle while Saeko and Kurisu served the dishes and passed them to everyone, it was some kind of stew. It tasted good, but compared to Gaia's food it was a bit lacking, I don't think it was because of the two girls' cooking skills, it was the raw material with which they made it.

Maybe some kind of dissatisfaction was noticed on my face when I compared the meals because Saeko with a slightly discouraged expression asks me.

"Alex-san, it doesn't taste good?"

"Hmn? Isn't that Saeko-chan, I was just thinking about other things. Your cooking is good, as I said before you will become a great wife without doubt."

With my words, her cheerful smile returns, everyone else resume the movement of their hands and continue eating after stopping because of Saeko's question, only Kurisu expresses her complaint.

"I also help you know?"

"Sure, you too will become a great wife, Kurisu."

"I-Idiot, I don't need your approval. Hump"

We eat until the dishes and the pot are empty, and everyone takes comfortable positions to digest the food. While everyone was resting Rei intervenes breaking the calm atmosphere.

"We've already got the weapons,  what do you intend to do now?"

With her words I sink into my thoughts remembering the plot of the anime, if remember correctly, from here they go to Saya's house ... perhaps it is a good option to continue with the chronology I know, I can gather more survivors in that place since her parents started that job already.

"Should we look for the family members of someone here? All of you won't feel calm unless you know about them, right?"

"So who do we start with?"

Komuro speaks by putting the majority to think, it is impossible that they cannot be worried about their relatives, you certainly cannot just fill your head with that, but when having a quiet time like now, those types of thoughts will come alone.

"I don't have relatives, they died a long time ago"

"My parents work outside the country"

Shisuka and Hirano talk about their situation, with the former there is no one to look for and for the latter one is impossible at the moment. After them the others express themselves.

"I only have my mother, but she works in another district and my sister is in the school where she works"

"My parents are cops and they are not close, nor have I been able to contact them"

"My parents live in another prefecture, I live alone here"

First Komuro speaks, if it is in another district of the city is much more possible to go and find them than in Hirano's case, but a good plan and information would be needed. The second is Rei, her parents' situation may be the best I heard, if they are police officers, it is logical that they have weapons to defend themselves, in addition to training.

The last to speak is Saeko, also in her case we have to leave it for another time. Then there are only Saya and the two girls Misuzu and Niki left. When we look at them they speak.

"My house is not far from here"

"Like us, we live near Saya-san's house "

There was no other option from the beginning for what it seems, we will continue with the plot and go to Saya's house, incidentally we will see if we can find the parents of the other two girls. Being the only way forward I inform the others to continue with that plan in mind.

"Then it is decided, the most feasible option is to go to Saya’s house. If nobody has any complaints we will leave tomorrow”

"Saya's family is influential throughout Japan, so they should be able to help us and have more information on what the situation is like elsewhere."

"I'm fine with that."

"I don't have problems either"

Komuro informs us of Saya's family background, it seems that her family has some influence or fame since the others nod agreeing with him. Saeko and Hirano also speak approving the next course of action.

When I wanted to say that I had some things to do, Rei looks at me and after some internal struggle asks.

"You two will not look for your family?”

I forgot, neither I nor Kurisu talked about our family situation, although more than forgetting it was that we have no family in this world. The two of us look at the other and then I say explaining the situation of both.

"We have no family in this world"

With my words everyone is silent, they probably interpreted it in the logical way that can be think it about it, that they were dead or had abandoned us. Well, nobody could guess that I said it literally since we don't belong to this world.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't worry, it's not like our situation is better than everyone else here"

With my words she nods and directs her gaze down thoughtfully, without another interruption I tell everyone in the room.

"I need to go out to do something, you stay and take care of the others. Also, keep the gun that I gave you always by your side, if someone from the other group get to take it we don't know how they would react."


"It's dangerous outside Alex-kun!"

"Get out?"

"I’ll go with you!"

When I finish talking, everyone has expressions of doubt with Kurisu's rising after me, asking to accompany me.

"Stay with them Kurisu, it won't take long. I just want to verify some things, if I need to escape it would be better being alone. You have become good at shooting, but if they surround us you will be in a worse situation than me for sure"

"That… well, I'll stay. But promise me you'll come back without anything happening to you, you can't leave me after you brought me here."

"Sure, Hirano I need my gun"

"Here it is, I have finished doing the maintaining"

Hirano gives me my colt, it was as shiny as when I bought it from the system, it seems he did a great job. I keep the gun and thank him.

With that said I go downstairs, as I pass through the living room the other 10 people in the house watch me. There is no dialogue between us and I continue to the door of the house, I open it and observe if there is a zombie outside blocking the road, but the closest one is in the street wandering slowly.

I leave the house and close making the least possible noise, then proceed to walk and when I'm about to get out of the porch, I hear the door opening again. I turn my head and Saeko walks quickly towards me after closing the door again.

"Saeko-chan? What's going on, why did you go out?"

"I will accompany you"

"I'm fine alone, I don't need a babysitter. Besides, as I told Kurisu is-"

"It's not that I despise Kurisu-san's ability, but my physical condition is better than hers, in case zombies surround us I can get out of that situation by myself"

Before I can finish what I wanted to say, she intervenes, I look into her eyes and in them I can see the firmness of her decision, knowing that she will not change her mind I only make a sigh and nod to her. I don't know how I will explain what intend to do, but I can't keep my skills in secret forever.

"You'll probably see things that you won't understand, but keep calm and remember that I'm on your side. Do you understand?"

She tilts her head in doubt with what I say, but it doesn't take long for her to nod. We both left the porch of the house and walked along the sidewalk, it was getting dark and it wasn't long before nightfall so it would be better if I hurried to do what I wanted.

I move paying attention to my surroundings and Saeko next to me does the same, we pass the school bus and continue. Only one or another scattered zombie blocks our path, but one of the two of us takes care of him quickly. From what I heard from Hirano it seems that the only sense they retain is the ear, so if you don't make much noise you won't get their attention.

When we are a few streets away, I consider it an adequate distance for others not to observe me, I doubt they will come out to see us, but it is better to be cautious. Although I intend to do it in front of Saeko, I first want to measure her reaction to decide if I should show it to others.

With that in mind, I look for other zombies and in a world full of them, I quickly find two that by their appearance were workers in some office. I kill one and Saeko takes care of the other. Once dead ... or better said, once they don't move, I touch one and send it to my inventory. It disappears from where it was causing surprise in Saeko.

"What did you do? Why the zombie disappeared?"

As calm as she was, she couldn't help asking for an explanation, now the problem is how to answer her. Kurisu was able to accept it quickly because she was taken from her world to go to another, the things she had to go through were already out of the normal standard, and could accept the tings that happened. Saeko or everyone else in this world, although they are going through a zombie apocalypse, in a way is not like a fantasy, they can understand it as an outbreak of some disease or a virus.

I will be direct and tell her the truth, it is the best thing that comes to my mind and can only hope that she accept it in some way.

"Saeko-chan, if I told you that I have the ability to put lifeless things in another dimension or another space, would you believe me?"

"Another dimension? ... I don't understand those science things very well ..."

"... think about it like, I keep the zombie body in a small bag that is usually used in games . But that bag is inside my body"

"And how did you get that ability?"

"I was born with it"

"... I feel like you're not telling me everything"

I only give a smile to her last words, she is quite perceptive. Well, for now, with the zombie stored in the inventory I proceed to check the first thing I went out for. I select the zombie in the object menu and use the option to decompose, the result is the remains of the zombie and the thing I was looking for, 7x crystals.

As I supposed, zombies have crystals. It is a relief because I was worried that I could not get them in this world, I would be in trouble when they ran out, and I could not get things from the system store if that were to happen.

But one problem remains, I cannot go picking up the zombies in front of everyone, besides that, when the number is very large, it is impossible to have time to do it ...

I take out the zombie's remains from the inventory and throw them somewhere in the street, it's no use storing this. Saeko looks curiously at what I do, and although she doesn't say it, I can see that she wants to know what happened.

"That ability can break down what I put inside into pieces"

Without giving further explanations, I keep moving forward, as I take a few steps I could listen to Saeko following me in a hurried way. When she gets by my side again, asks me.

"Now what do you intend to do?"


She nods to my words with a serious face, well the next thing on the list, if it works it will surely surprise her even more. But to do so we must look for a specific objective.

"For the next thing I need to look for a zombie that was a girl before becoming one and that is not so damaged"

"... why does it have to have those characteristics?"

"Saeko-chan it would ruin the surprise if I tell you, don't you think?"

When I answering her, she do a little smiled at curl up her lips. We looked for our target around, I did not want to get too far, I hope to find the zombie girl nearby. I think I should have done this at school ... it would not be so difficult to find a target with those specifications there, but there were eyes seeing everywhere so I had to postpone it.

We spent enough time in our search, but none of the zombies we saw convinced me, they only served to increase my crystals a bit. When I was about to give up, I saw her ... she is a girl ... or she was a girl in her 20s - 25s with gray hair tied in two tails, wearing a red leotard with black stockings. The only mark on her was a bite on the collarbone, so it met all my requirements.

"But why she wears a leotard?"

"Look where it came from "

With my question Saeko answers by pointing to a building where that zombie was near, on it had a big sign that put in large Japanese letters "Gymnastics School", that explains the leotard. She doesn't look like a student, so she must have been a teacher.

"Well, let's kill the zombies around her, I don't want them to interrupt."


With my orders we proceed to clean the area of any zombie, in about 10 minutes we kill everyone leaving only the zombie girl and then we go to her location.

"I hope you show me something interesting"

"That's for sure, wait for it"

I answer Saeko as I prepare to do my second task for which I wanted to leave, I was not sure if it would work on zombies, but the skill says nothing about undead monsters so I can only hope it work on them. I intended to use my [Tame] ability in her, to make her my tamed monster.

[Tame-J - Passive

Description: It enables the user to have more possibilities of dominating monsters (2), at the current level of the skill it is only effective in monsters of low level or without intelligence and weaker than the user.

Once the monster is tamed it creates a link between the making it easier for the tamer on giving orders.]

[If you plan to tame the zombie it is better that you also use your emperor's domain, this will increase the chances of the monster submitting to you]

Seriously? Then I will do that. When I'm a few meters away from the zombie girl, I activate my domain, but she doesn't seem to be affected… so let's focus on her. I had discovered thks practicing, apart from extending my domain in an area of about 400m in diameter, I could reduce the area to strengthen the pressure on a specific individual .

With the domain over her, although probably because she is a zombie, was not afraid or intimidated, even so my effort was not in vain. With each step that gave more close to me, her feet were trembling and at the moment she was only a couple of meters, I shout reducing further the area of my domain over her.

"On your knees!!"


Her knees cedes and touch the asphalt of the road, she raises her head to see me, but it doesn't seem like she wants to attack me, only watching me with her eyes fixed on my body. Not feeling danger from her I put the hand on her head and say in an authoritative tone.

"From now on you will be mine and will follow my orders"


[Zombie has submitted to you reaching a loyalty of 100. Do you want to accept its submission]

[Y / N]

[ Main Mission "A faithful Monster" 

Rank: “G”

Description: Tame a monster and make its loyalty reach 100. Claws and teeth can not only be dangerous, they can also become a reliable support to count on.

Objective: Tame a monster.

Failure condition: Death of the user.

Reward: 1,000 x Crystals

10,000x Gold

1x limit beak pill (Monster) – G]

[Complete Mission.

Rating: S

Additional reward: 1,000x Crystals

10,000x Gold

1x Poke ball - F]

I accept her submission, there is no a event like lights shining and things like that, but I completed a mission of the system, spending a few seconds somehow I could feel her instinct or thoughts. When I saw she, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the deepest emotion in the girl zombie was that her new Master looked like someone delicious ...

"What did you do this time?"

Saeko's voice causes me to return to my senses, she looked at us curiously from a very close distance. She had the hand on her wooden sword, I think I worried her when I put my hand on the zombie girl's head.

"Don't worry Saeko-chan, you may think that I tamed her and would not attack unless I ordered."


"Yes, if you want, you can come and touch her, she won't bite you"

"… No, am OK here. Can you control the zombies?"

"I can't control a full horde if that's what you ask, apart from this one, I could only control another zombie more."

I could see the intrigue in her eyes grow, but probably because she couldn't find the way to ask she said nothing.

Well, leaving Saeko aside for the moment, what should I do with her? I don't want her to rot over time, that would be very unpleasant. For now let's look at her status, it seems that she has been marked as my subordinate and I can see it in the menu.



Name: (-)

Age: 5 hours (Body of a 24 year old girl )

Race: Zombie

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: (-)

Intelligence: (-)

Agility: K

Magic: (-)



[Infection - C] [Berseker - G] [Body Domain- A] (Blocked)


[Flexible Movement - G] (Blocked) [Agile Movement-E] (Blocked) [Pain Block - B]

Magic: None


[Acrobat- D] (Blocked) [Fidelity E]

Loyalty: 100

Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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