Soul Evolution System

Chapter 25: My First Pocket-Monsters (Part2) [Edited]

Her abilities from when she was human seems to have been blocked ... but in return she seems to have won others, although most sound dangerous.

[Infection - C

Passive: It turns the bearer of the skill into a highly toxic individual and dangerous for other living beings without resistance to abnormal status.

Active: All body fluids becomes lethal weapons.]

[Berserker -G

Passive: according to the euphoria that the bearer of the skill feels, will begin to lose focus from the surroundings to the point of not recognizing between allies and enemies, the greater it is the faster will loose control.

Active: Enter into a frenzied state, increasing the strength greatly, the angrier the bearer is, the stronger this skill will get.]

[Pain block -B

Passive: Inhibits pain receptors of the skill carrier according to the rank.]

[Fidelity -E

Description: By showing a constant and firm loyalty to the person considered as a Master, the stats receive a slight bonus increase. The greater the fidelity, the individual will begin to lose priority for everything else.]

When I read the description of [infection] I immediately remove my hand from the zombie girl's head and check my status. Fuuu ... it seems that I'm not infected, damn that scared me. Her last development skill should have been acquired when I exercised a dominance over her, honestly hope that it is the one that level up faster and can slightly counteract the [Berserker] skill with it.

Aurora, do you have any idea how to stop the decomposition of the zombie girl? I don't want it to become a walking skeleton later.

[The simplest and most permanent way would be for her to evolve, other options will only slow down the decomposition process. Why don't you try naming her? That will force an evolution in her, although more than something natural she will develop according to the name you choose]

Name her huh? That could work, she can also be strengthened by doing so, I don't see any disadvantages, nor do I think she cares. But with what name do I go? Mmmm ... should I use terms related to zombies? Or do I choose a totally different path?

"Are you done with the things you wanted to do? I really want to rest and process everything I've seen."

While thinking of a name for the zombie girl, Saeko's voice brings me back from my thoughts. She seems to be a bit mentally exhausted.

"Almost, I just need to do something else, I was looking for a name for the zombie girl. Do you have any good idea Saeko-chan?"

"Name? ... for a zombie? ... why don't you just call her as you've done so far, zombie girl?"

"You are cruel Saeko-chan, you will hurt her feelings"

"... I don't think she cares"

Saeko looks at the zombie girl and I also follow her gaze, there, she was drooling while staring at me ... hell, she keeps thinking on tasting me. If her thoughts were referring to a sexual way, I wouldn't mind, but she really wanted to eat me.

Because of her thoughts I can only think of dark names ... whatever, she is a zombie in the first place. After considering it for a few minutes I decide for one, looking at her I activate my skill [Will of the Worlds].

[Wait Alexander don-]

"From now on you will be [Scythe Grim]"

With my words the wind starts to blow and I feel the energy flow towards Scythe. Everything seemed to be going well, but a problem occur during the process, I also felt my energy leaving my body making me feel weaker with every second that passed.

Damn this didn't happen the first few times, what is going on? ... soon I didn't even have the strength to stand up, making me lose my balance and fall forward. I was lucky that Saeko was by my side, surprised by what was happening, she realized that something was wrong with me and quickly extended her hands to support me.

I’m grateful because if not for her I would had hit the asphalt with my face, she looks at me and asks concerned for the girl zombie ... should I now call her Scythe? or Grim? I'll decide later, she suddenly raised her voice to the sky.

"Ghaaaaa !!"

"Alex-san what happened? What's wrong with the zombie girl?"

"Ha ... ha ... ha ... how did I explain it to you? Just think that as I tamed her, she entered into a change to strengthen herself"

I felt relieved when the energy stopped leaving my body, it only left me in a state as if I had run in a marathon for 4 hours ... as I can, after taking a breath respond to Saeko's question, but it didn't seem that my words resolved any questions she had.

We turn our eyes to Scythe, that name seems more feminine, who feels the energy filling her body and continues screaming raising her head to the sky. Soon a glow began to emanate from her until it was so strong that we lost sight of her figure.

Seriously? What is she, a Pokémon that is evolving? Well, it doesn't matter, I just hope she remains loyal and solves the rotting problem. After a minute shining, the glow diminished.

What was left in front of both was Scythe that had some changes. Her skin took a slight gray color, her eyes being only red changed to heterochromatic with one red and one violet. Her hair, is no longer looked like a person's hair, it was more like an animal's fluffy tail, it was still gray, but now it had two shades, the tips of its pigtails and bangs were a dark gray and the rest a light gray.

Another thing that changed was that now she had claws on her fingers that were visible to the naked eye, in addition, the previous wound on her shoulder disappeared and left no mark, but the most surprising thing was what I noticed by the text box over her head where it can be read [Scythe Grim / Ghoul level 42].

Shit, if I lost control of her and she attacks me in this situation I am more than fucked up… I hope she doesn't want to eat me anymore… God if she still wants to eat me I ask you to change the way she wants to do it. Saeko probably realized my uneasiness and pulled out the wood sword with the right hand while still holding me whit the left.

Scythe did not seem to care and began to move her body as if testing the changes in it, after finishing checking it she directed her heterochromatic eyes to where we are and then walks towards us.

As she approached I quickly go to the system menu in my head and inspect Scythe's status to see if her loyalty had changed.



Name: Schythe Grim

Race: Ghoul

Age: 5 hours (Body of a 24 year old girl)

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: K

Agility: I

Magic: (-)



[Immunity to Poisoning / Sickness - S] [Berserker - G] [Body Domain - S] [Scythe Management - C] [Life Absorption - S] (Sealed)


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Pain Block - C] [Sharp Claws - C] [Regeneration - D]

Magic: None


[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity -C]

Loyalty: 356


Wooh, her blocked abilities were activated again, and it seems that she is no longer a walking point of infection and especially her loyalty instead of getting lower, increased. That is a great relief.


While checking her status, an unknown voice is heard, I look up instinctively and manage to see her pronounce the last syllables. It sounded as a rough pruning as if it was hard for her to pronounce, but she certainly managed to spoke. When I checked it, her intelligence of not having any rank became K. I thought the minimum value was J ...

[The minimum value for an ordinary human is J, which means that she is below an ordinary human.]

Well, at least it seems she is smarter than a dog. By the way Aurora, why was my strength drained when I named her?

[I try to stop you before you did, the situation when you gave yourself your own name and mine was different. In the first case you had the support of Cross's energy to exist as a soul in the place you were summoned.

And in my case when you gave me a name, as I am an existence within you, the energy had to flow to my soul that is inside of your body, so the energy practically did not have to leave your body. But in Schythe's case your energy source had to come out causing you that weakness.

But do not worry, it should not take long to recover. As you don't have much energy at these levels, in a short time you will feel as if nothing has happened.]

I see, in fact, I no longer feel so weak as to have to hold on to someone ... but it is very comfortable to lie on Saeko's body, so let's continue in this position for a while.

"Don't worry Saeko-chan, she won't attack us. You can lower the sword."

"Are you sure?"

After noding to her her, my vision change back to Scythe who was already about 2 meters from us and then I give her an order to confirm my words.

"Scythe, sit down"

Listening to me she seems to hesitate a little, not because she want to disobey me, but because she didn't know what to do, but as if she solved the problem in her head she squats and puts the hands between her legs with the palms on the ground.

Did she take that position because I was thinking in a dog when ordering it? The point is that she did what I asked, the rest doesn’t matter.

With sorrow I separate from Saeko's body and approach Scythe, there was an instinct or desire that woke up in me when I saw her after stopped shining. When I was one step away from her I reached out and touched one of the pigtails of her hair.

Great!! It is so soft, smooth and very comfortable to the touch, is also a relief that her previous innate [Infection] disappeared, because I could not resist touching it when I saw it. While stroking her hair she closes her eyes and purrs ... or growls, but leaving that aside, I try to share this pleasant feeling with Saeko.

"Grruu ..."

"Saeko-chan, come touch her. She has super silky smooth hair."

I thought that she would refuse again, but to my surprise she also approaches and stretches her hand, seems that she was also curious for Scythe's bushy hair. When She notices her, Scythe opens her eyes and puts herself a little on guard, but when I continue to caress her, she closes them again and Saeko then touches the other pigtail.

"You're right, it's very nice to caress"


When both of us stroking Scythe, zombies began to appear everywhere, they should had been attracted by all the noise we caused earlier. They arrive in a perfect moment, let's test the skill of my new monster.

"Scythe, kill all the zombies in the surrounding"

At my instructions she opens her eyes and stands up, then turns her head from left to right causing her pigtails to shake while searching for targets. Her eyes rest on a group of about 8 zombies that walk slowly and then run hunching her body a little forward with her arms outstretched showing her sharp claws.

She reach them in a few seconds and attack the first with the claws of her left hand, a good piece of meat from the neck of the zombie comes off causing his head to hang. Schythe immediately goes on to the next one, jumping and grabbing his head standing on vertically and aligning over him, in the next second she turns her body swinging in the air.

When her body touches the ground again she stays with the zombie's head still in the hands, then she observes another one who moves towards her and throws it to him. Seconds later there are 8 bodies on the ground around Scythe that is covered in blood.

While we steal glances at their fight Saeko and I are not doing anything, the zombies come to us from another direction so we take care of them. Even with every one we take down, the situation gets worse and worse, as I continued with a bit of weakness, without another solution I shout to Schythe.

"Schythe, open a way for us. We will leave from here"

Finishing my sentence I look towards Saeko who nods in understanding and we run to where Schythe is, when she sees us also runs in the opposite direction to us killing or incapacitating any zombie that gets in her way.


[Alexander level up 15]

After passing a few streets we lose the crowd of zombies, and then we take a breath. Fuuu ... it's a nuisance how numerous they are. I look at the sky and realize that there is only less than an hour of sunlight, I should do the last thing that I wanted to do when I left the house. Well, here it seems the perfect place, when we ran before we reached a small green area like a small garden.

From the inventory I take the object that I had no opportunity to inspect because my concentration was focused on the grimoire when it formed a link with me.

[Summoning Scroll Level 1: Monster

Description: Summon a random monster with a level 1 soul, the loyalty of the summoned monster will be 100 and it will follow the orders obediently when it appears, which remains loyal will depend on the user of the scroll.]

Taking the scroll out of the inventory, I inspect it, reading that it is safe to use it, and the monster that results from it should not cause me any problems, I activate it. The scroll shines and flies from my hands a few meters in front, then the brightness begins to form a silhouette, it was probably about two meters tall, but it had very thin and thick parts that gave a slightly deformed appearance.

Damn, I already have a zombie. What came from the summon will not be a chimera, right? I wait for the light to disappear and when it does what is in front of us baffles me a little ... maybe I shouldn't have talked, a chimera would be better than this.

What I summoned in front of me was a plant, it had two thick stems, at the end of these, from one end it had its roots that were buried in the ground, on the other side there were two organs resembling large mouths with spikes like teeth.

Yes, what was in front of me was a giant Venus flytrap, I have nothing against them, in fact I have always thought they are pretty. I just can't think how they can help me during a fight ...


[Venus Luciferian of two hearts has submitted to you reaching a loyalty of 100. Do you want to accept her submission]

[Y / N]

I was thinking of denying her submission, but before I could do it, I heard Aurora in my head telling me in her sensual and cheerful voice.

[You are in luck Alexander, it's a Luciferian Venus of two hearts, one of a single heart is already very good, but you've received one of two]

Are you being sarcastic Aurora? , I don't see how my luck is good by summoning a plant ... it can't move from where it is, right? Or can get its roots and walk to attack enemies? Could it be that you want me to also give it a name to strengthen it?

[Fufufu, of course I am not being sarcastic and it is true that It cannot move from where is planted to attack its enemies. But in exchange for all that, it is a monster with great potential. If you feed it constantly it will strengthen quickly, faster than other monsters in comparison.

And about naming it, you can't do it right now. Did you forget that your ability has a cooldown time? It could be said that previously it was the first time you used it correctly and without relying on external aid, for that reason it will take longer for you to be able to use it again.

Moreover, it is better to wait until it evolves on its own or reaches a stalemate in its power to do so.]

Inspecting my skill I confirm her words, I have to wait a month to use the [Will of the Worlds] skill. But if the other things that Aurora says are true, and I’m sure they are, then I have to dig up the Luciferian Venus, put it in a plant-pot and carry it ... shit, that would be so strange, I don't want to do it !!

[Fufufu, you don't have to worry about that Alexander. You just received an object that would solve that problem, right?]

"Now you made a strange plant appear ... what explanation do you have for this?"

I turn around and see Saeko and Scythe watching the plant. Both look at the Luciferian Venus with curiosity, the curiosity of the second wins and approaches to see it better. On the other hand, Saeko constantly changes her vision between the plant, Schythe and me.

"Maybe they put a strange fertilizer in this park?"

"Please don't lie to me. I saw clearly how the thing you took out earlier became that plant."

On this occasion there was no smile adorning her face, she had a serious expression with which demanded that I explain the truth of things.

Fuuu ... I don't have any impediment like a super hero to hide my identity, if that's what she wants I'll tell her.

[Venus Luciferina of two hearts has submitted to you reaching a loyalty of 100. You want to accept her submission]

[Y / N]

Because it takes me time to accept the message in my head, it sounds repeating itself, this time accept it when I listen to it and approach the plant stroking one of its mouth-like organs making it hiss.


As if she was jealous, Scythe also approaches me and returns to take the position of a dog, so I strokes her head with the other hand. As I do it, I change my gaze towards Saeko who watches me closely and tells her in a serious tone similar to the one she had used.

"Me and Kurisu come from another world, a world very different from this in some ways and similar in another ones, the things you saw me do are because I gain some skills in that world or by result of some special objects"

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