Soul Evolution System

Chapter 26: Three catches in a roll [Edited]

Saeko looked at me, but nothing came out of her mouth, she remained silent processing my words. Time continued that way and it was causing me discomfort, if I don't have any response soon won’t know how to proceed. Without further choice I was the one who took the initiative to move forward on the conversation.

"If you say nothing I will not know how to continue Saeko-chan, so please say something"

"... being honest I don't know what to think, a lot is happening around me with zombies walking everywhere. My reason tells me that you're just a child with a lot of imagination, but that doesn't explain everything you've done ..."

"I can only give you the advice to heed what your eyes see, your reason will have to adapt over time to what surrounds you, as with the zombies"

"Answer me honestly, is it you or your world that created this whole situation? Will you attack the people of this world?"

As I continue to caress my new monsters, I noticed the flash of aggression that forms in her eyes, probably at the least hint of doubt in me, she will not hesitate to attack me, and as prove, Scythe feeling the slight change of atmosphere opens her eyes and looks at Saeko as her claws dig into the floor of the square.

"Hahahaha ..."

As for me, my lips curl in a smile and I'm unable to resist from laughing, comes out of my mouth loudly. Saeko, seeing my unexpected actions, stays still without knowing what her next move should be. As I could not continue like this, since she could launch towards me and that would cause Schyte to act, I don’t want either of them to be hurt by any misunderstanding, I control myself and speak to prevent that from happening.

"Sorry, sorry, Saeko-chan. I don't come to conquer this world or anything like that, it's just Kurisu and me, there's no world to support us. Besides, everything that's happening in this world is not because of me, this happened because it had to happen, it's that simple "

"Then why do you come to such a world? It makes no sense to leave a better world to come to one that is being destroyed"

"That depends on what kind of person it was, I had told you before, by killing I get stronger and there is nothing better for me than a place that wherever I go there are enemies to kill, I just have to be careful to control the number at what do I face "

With my words I take out the colt and point it in Saeko's direction, she gets a bit stiff when the barrel of my gun points at her, but then I change the direction a little and shoot, killing a zombie that walked slowly towards her.

When she hears the sound of the body collapsing she turns her head back, looks at it for a few seconds and again looks towards me. I hide the colt, stop stroking the Venus and walk where she was, I jump on a park bench that was next to her to put me to her eye level and then I say.

" Now that we've solved this and you can now stop worrying about me, you should better worry about yourself, don't you think so? "

"About myself?"

"You can say that I do not know you and in part you are right, but with what little we have spent together, I can say that you did not adapt in this world ... or more precisely to the world before becoming this"

With my words she seemed surprised, then she lowed her head thoughtfully, after a few minutes she looked at me again, but this time with a wry and a little lonely smile.

"It is true that I am nobody to criticize the reason why you come to this world, even if you came with a bad idea. Actually, though I am part of this world, within me, I was glad of everything that was happening ... I’m sure I’m the worst kind of person. "

At her words I just raise my hands and hold her face while smiling, she makes no attempt to evade me as if thought that whatever I did would be a proper punishment for her.

"Hahaha, don't be silly Saeko-chan. You're not a bad person, you only have the heart of a warrior ... it's also not like it was your fault what happened to this world"

I caress her cheeks slowly with my hand, and as if my words were an absolution for her, she lay the weight of her face in my right hand while closing her eyes.

"As I had told you when we met, follow me and I will show you a more interesting life and according to your deepest desires. I will show you worlds and things that you could not see here, I cannot assure you that everything will be happiness on our trip, we could even die ... but what I can assure you is that it will be interesting "

As I spoke I continue stroking her cheek and then pass my thumb down in her lower lip, to confirm the truthfulness of my words she opened her eyes and looked directly at mine. With such an environment my resistance left me and I kissed Saeko.


Her character was very different from Kurisu's, and I’m sure that if I'm not a bit blunt our relationship will not advance from friends, or she can take me as an objective to protect and both reasons are not what was looking for.

In the worst case I will only get a broken rib by her sword, in exchange for conquering her, is a risk that I can gladly take.

Finding no rejection from her, my tongue invaded her mouth in search for its prey. It quickly found it and surrounded it trying to capture it, it tries to step back and escape the sudden guest of its abode, but in doing so only manages to get more entangled with the invader. Not being able to run away, it had to fight with this, so both started a competition to see who subjected whom.

As time passed by, Saeko's arms surrounded my back and with mine I wrapped her neck. Yes, I know, the positions were reversed, but I couldn't do anything about it, I have a smaller body for being 12 years old, I managed as I could.

We lost track of time, and if Schythe haven’t approached curiously about what we were doing and showing her head on the side, we would continue in our world. We parted our lips and the first thing we both do was to take a big breath, we had only been able to take short breaths, so we were panting a little.


[Saekos's Affection +20 Loyalty +20]


[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Saeko)”

Rank: “D"

Description: To maintain confidence in a person it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater the bound created will be.

Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 

Current: Affection 100 (Captivated) Loyalty 80 (Attached)

Reward: 1x Random Weapon Ticket -G

1x Random sword technique -D

Skill [Focus-J] ]

[Mission Completed 

Rating: “S”

Additional Reward: 100,000x Crystals

1,000,000x Gold

System function Firearms (Extension): Anti-material weapons

1x minor Illumination pill]

While recovering my composure the system notification resonates in my head, with what I heard it feels that apart from winning the girl's heart, I also won the lottery.

"Then Saeko-chan, will you follow me?"

I put the thoughts of the reward aside, because what interested me the most was knowing what Saeko had in her mind. With the face flushed by the emotions resulting from the kiss and the shortness of breath, she looks me directly in the eyes, which was now at the same level. Through because of her nerves she only manages to nod in response, and to avoid showing her shame, she keeps the head down.


I couldn't stop the smile on my face from getting bigger, I now have someone else to trust in this world besides Kurisu and above all it is also a beauty.

"Emmm… it's about to get dark, shouldn't we go back?"

Perhaps feeling a little inconsistent with the atmosphere and not being accustomed, she changes the subject. But her words are true, looking at the horizon the sun is about to hide and if we do not hurry the situation will not be good. Besides, Kurisu will start to worry and I don't want her to go out at night trying to find me.

[Before returning you should perform the ritual to grant Saeko the benefit of your ability [Blessing of Origin], unless you want to do it at home and want to explain to everyone else what it is that you are doing.]

Oh, that it's true I've met the condition for that skill with Saeko, it's better if she has the benefit of it as quickly as possible. If I remember correctly, I have to grant her an object and she should swear me loyalty or love ...

Damnit, it's a bit embarrassing ... but there is no choice, the advantages are too great to stop just because I’m embarrassed. To hide my shame I put on my best poker face and speak to Saeko seriously.

"Saeko-chan, I need you to do something ..."

"…What is it?"

She becomes a little anxious, perhaps thinking that my request will be something lustful ... if she shows me that face it will make me want to make such a request ... maybe just a little ... no, damn it, focus Alexander, focus ... and you dragon, keep sleeping, it is still too early for you to burn the fields full of grassland, stay wintering and I promise you that in two or three years you will have beautiful lands to vent your fury on.

In the system menu in my mind I go to the store and look for Katanas of rank [D], a list is displayed and begin to review each one to use the Ticket that I obtained previously. In the end I exchange it for a Katana with the name [Heart of wind] and materialize it in my hands.

[ Heart of Wind – D

Skills: [Tenacious - D] [Cut - D] [Wind control - D] [Soul manifestation - D]

Description: Katana forged with the blood of the wind weasels and magi-steel, it has an extraordinary edge and through the infusion of energy in it can manifest 2 wind weasels as familiars to help the user.]

It was a katana with a black holster and handle with blue decorations, when unsheathe the blade showed a bright silver color and the edge had a beautiful pattern of waves of a light blue color.

I also evaluated it using my [Spiritual Vision] and then can see two small weasels floating around the sword, next to their legs they created a small swirl of air. As I did not have the energy to keep them they vanished returning back to the blade, more than a spirit it felt like an accessory added to it, I did not feel intelligence or consciousness coming from the 2 animals.

While evaluating the Katana, Saeko's attention had been completely absorbed by it. Her eyes analyzed every inch in detail, even her mood returned to tranquility when I took it out.

"I have a skill that can make you stronger, it's just that in order to activate it I need you to do something ..."

I return to the subject taking her out of her contemplation, she lasts a couple of seconds to remember what we were talking about before, but when does it, without going through without beaten around the bush she goes straight to the question.

"What I have to do?"

"It's not difficult ... but it's a bit…. compromising. I need you to swear love to me ... and I'll give you this sword as a prove of your feelings and mine."

Woh, I feel the blood rise to my face with every word. With all the acting skills that I have, I try to keep calm while looking at her, when she hear me her cheeks  also turn crimson, that makes me feel a bit of relief, not being the only one ashamed ...

"What is your full name?"

"Hmn? Alexander Ilios Apeiro"

Her question puzzles me a little, but I answer by inertia. Before I could understand why, she take a few steps to where I am, reach out her hands and wrap them around me, I feel Saeko's arms tighten tightly in the hug that she give me and with determination and a loving tone says.

"I Saeko Busujima swear to love Alexander Ilios Apeiro until my soul fades into nothingness."

Finishing her promise she gives me a light kiss on the lips, then look at me as if waiting for something. I was dull for a few moments for her actions, noticing how she expected something from me, I remembered the sword I was holding, making a little space between us I hold it with both hands and hand it over while I say.

"I swear to be by your side and always support you in any world."


[Affection Saeko +50]

Although the skill said nothing about me having to swear something, I felt bad that Saeko was the only one who had to make a vote. With all the ritual finished a flash of light comes down from the sky in a very visible way because the surroundings began to get dark. It covered her for a few seconds and then she seemed to absorb that energy.

Looks like it’s a success, but how do I make sure she has received the skill? Do you have any idea, Aurora ?

[You should be able to see her status now]

Following Aurora advice, I look for some change in the system menu, and find it right away in the final part of my status, the lover part now has a 1 and the name of Saeko Busujima added. I select it and it shows me her status.



Name: Saeko Busujima

Race: Human

Age: 18

Level: 17

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Samurai - C] [Warrior Heart - A] [Perception - S] [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Focus - H] [Precise cut-G] [Quick cut - H] [Laido - G] [Cook - E]



[Sword technique: Busujima style - H] [Manners - B] [Housewife - E]

Affection: 150 (Captivated) Loyalty 100 (Trust)


The skills describe her personality well, it also seems that she correctly received the skill and as expected is a lower rank than my SSS blessing becoming SS consecration.

"If we go back, what will we do with your plant?"

With Saeko's words I stop looking at her Status and instead place my eyes on the Luciferian Venus. Before all this happened with her, there was that problem. Aurora mentioned that I had a new object to solve it ... searching in the inventory I take out the object with the name that fits for the solution of the current problem.

[Poke ball -F

Description: Item that can store a monster in its own dimensional space, the monster must have been submitted previously, otherwise it will resist and break the poke ball. It is practical and easy to use, creating the possibility of transporting a gigantic being in the palm of your hand. It puts the monster in a state of lethargy without damaging it and can only store one monster at time.]

Holding the poke ball I approach the Luciferian Venus, when it is within my hands range I touch it with it and instantly makes a sucking sound, then the plant becomes particles of light that are absorbed into it.

"What happened to the plant?"

"It's inside here"

I show the poke ball to Saeko, and she simple accepts it with a nod. With everything that happened until now, it shouldn't have been difficult to understand, now let's go back to Shisuka's friend's house before it gets later.

"I finished with everything I intended to do, we will have to hurry if we want to be in the house before nightfall."

With my words I hurry my steps in the direction of where the others are, Saeko follows me closely while paying attention around. I don't know the reason, but zombies seem more active during the night, they have increased their number in the streets.

It is good that I no longer feel weakness in my body, and with Scythe's help, we move quickly without stopping, she looks like a shredder throwing zombie limbs wherever she passes. Saeko and I just have to take care of those who manage to break through that meat grinder.

A few minutes later I can see the house, everything looks normal and does not seem to had any problems after we left. I release a sigh of relief, but doing so, as if activating something a scream is heard in the area.


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