Soul Evolution System

Chapter 236: Meeting Of Girls From Different Worlds

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(POV Revy)

"S-Shouldn't we try to help him?"

"T-That monster took Alexander away!!"

"You shouldn't worry about an insolent boy, prin-... Clarise-san, Lorens-san "

“I-I think Alex will be fine, after all, that harpy is a monster tamed by him. But putting that aside, I apologize about those things he said... he can be a bit impulsive sometimes. "

“No, that was my fault… having that guy in front of me, I couldn't resist making him pay for the things he owed us. Please tell him later not to worry and that he will properly receive the reward this man had for his head "

Several things had surprised me since I came to this world with that boy... but without a doubt, the biggest surprise was how a girl with wings took that boy flying away. In fact, that same girl was surprising enough by herself... I understand that this world was different from the two I have been in until now. Even just a short time after I arrived, I could see a girl with wings... and besides, this doesn't seem to matter much to other people around.

After those two disappeared into the sky, the first to speak was the girl Alexander had gotten angry with, and the one who responds to her was a red-haired girl who apologizes for his previous attitude.

…I wonder if she's that boy's big sister?

Well, I can't blame him for acting in such way, from what I hear, that guy who now has no head, was worth 150 million alive! I do not know how much money is that here, but when anyone talks of millions it is certain that no matter what currency is, it will surely be a huge amount!

"Ah! Damn it... that damned boy left without giving me my gold!

Well… since his family is here, then he will have to come back sooner or later. When he does, he will have to pay me and take me back to my home"


Thinking about things related to money, I immediately remember that that boy still owes me a mountain of gold, so I can't help but express this! As a result of, other of these girls react at my words.

…Although unfortunately, not in a good way.

"You... even if Master brought you here, you can't speak like that of him."

“It's useless, Leona-senpai. That woman has always been rude to Master "

"... if so, why haven't you taken care of her?"

The blonde girl who was together with us in Emilia's world, along with another blue-haired girl in a military uniform starts talking while staring at me. It really surprises me a bit how that girl was able to connect so quickly with the people of this world... it already seems as if she is from the same group.

Fuck! I didn't expect us to be friends, but we were already in another world and we went through some things together, so I think she should be on my side at least! She should be more like Emilia that when the boy was being dragged by that bird woman, slowly approached to my side... it is a pity that this woman is useless in case a fight breaks out.

In fact, she would be more of a hindrance… well, maybe I can't blame that girl called Mary for do this. That group is bigger, and on our side were this useless girl and me who is already thinking about abandoning her in case of a fight... perhaps that girl is the smartest of the 3 of us.

“Well… why don't you two try to eliminate me? Let's see if you two bitches can do it. "


“… That's not good, Leona-senpai. Despite the fact that this woman is a nuisance, the master has not allowed me to kill her "

Not because I am at a disadvantage I am going to allow others to treat me as they want, so taking my weapons, I also stare at those two. When the girl named Leona starts to unsheathe a couple of big knives, Mary stops her.

In addition, another girl with a dark complexion and hair almost the same color as mine intervenes.

“ No one will kill anyone here, everyone calm down, and Leona, take away the hands from your weapons. All enemies have been eliminated and now there are only allies here.

…You also try to not provoke the other girls here. "

"Hmp~ They were the ones who started talking about wanting to eliminate people"

“Fufufu, Leona-san is just a little overprotective towards Alex-san. She is not bad, surely you will get used to it soon, Revy-san.

About the gold that you say Alex-san owes you…  I don't think it will be of much use for you to carry gold from this place if you want to return to your world. The gold of this world may be different from yours "

"...E-Eh? T-That damned brat fool me? "

The one who spoke to me next was one of the two girls who came to help me when I was fighting earlier… I thought I could take care of that man quickly, but things got a bit complicated.

The boy wasn't lying when he told me that he could be strong and that I need to be careful, so I can't deny that the appearance of this girl and the one with a huge scythe made things easier for me.

After the fight, when that guy surrendered, this girl introduced herself as Saeko, so I told her my name too. At that time she seemed to be quite a refined girl, but...

I was actually surprised by her change in attitude after the fight ended, her appearance when she was fighting and when she was calm, it was as if she were two different people.

Well, maybe because we fought together before, her attitude towards me was a little friendlier than the other girls here... besides, she seemed more pleasant and easy to get along with than Mary and Emilia... … Well, this would be the case if it weren't for the intense gaze of the other girl next to her with pale complexion carrying a scythe.

It seemed like she was another girl who also didn't really like I was expressing bad words about the brat… I could see that if it wasn't because of Saeko holding her hand, she probably would have brandished her scythe against me.

Well, it's not like I came into this world to make friends so it's not like I care about this. But listening to what Saeko whispers to me at the end, really bothers me!

“…Certainly, it might not make sense to take the gold from here to your world, but the gold from our world might be the same as her world’s, Saeko-san. 

Even if it's not possible, probably Alexander-san could get something of great value that you can carry into your world with you. But… does that mean that you came just for a payment? Aren't all of you here for Alexander-san? "

“H-Hmp~ I of course came just for my payment! 

...Although this girl here sure came here to move her ass for that boy"

“I-I didn't come to move my ass to nobody! A-Alexander-senpai just invited me to come here, a-and I… "

A girl with pink hair and glasses gives me good news and tells me that apparently the boy had not lied to me, so that makes me happy. But... it seems that she was more concerned about what kind of relationship I and Emilia had with that boy than anything else.

...I may not dislike the boy as much as I did at first, but if I get my gold, that would be enough for me, and I can leave happily. Also, there is something that has been worrying me since I got here and saw all those girls...

“E-Emmm… why are almost all the people here female? Is that normal here? "

"It is true. I have also asked myself if your organization is made up of only women... "

Emilia-chan who had been upset due to my comment earlier, seems to that gain some courage to speak and ask about one of the things that had caught my attention the most since we arrived here. Also, it seems that the two of us weren't the only ones, the group of the girl Alexander got angry was also very interested in that question.

Fuck! more than 90% people here were women! They cannot say that the population of men is small since in the group that the boy killed previously the majority were men, but in this group almost everyone are women!

" " T-That's ... " "

"Well that's because most of the girls here are Alex-kun's lovers~ Well, that group of women with military uniforms are grateful that Alex-kun saved them earlier and want to thank him for that, that's why they decided to follow him~.

So don't worry if you are here because you like Alex-kun, all of us will accept you as our sister~! "


"E-Eh? I-I and Alexander-senpai are only… "

“Who~ Lorens's friend is truly amazing…

Honestly, he is something different from what I expected... I could tell that he was quite brave and bold boy... he also seemed a bit proud. Now I understand why Lorens seems to admire him so much.

But the fact that he has so many girls at such a young age… I don't know whether to admire him for that or worry instead. "

"S-Sister, don't say embarrassing things!"

"I am envious of Alexander-kun..."

"...You're just a pervert, sub-leader"

Sh-Shit! The mother cow dropped a big bomb here! She also said it as if that was not something important! If what she says is true, then that boy has more than 10 lovers...

Now even I feel a little sorry for Emilia... I don't blame her for having a totally confused face upon hearing this woman's words... in fact, I think she took quite well that the boy she felt something for was involved with more of a dozen women.

...I remember when we met and he fondled my whole body and I complained to him about that, he told me while belittling me a little that he had other women and with a better body than mine if he wanted to vent with a woman, but at that moment I thought he just wanted to bother me...

Now I can see that hid words were not a lie… I don't want to say it, but in this place there are several women with a better body and appearance than mine! No… not only me, but there is also even someone with a body even more gifted than Emilia.

I don't know why, but... F-fuck! This bothers as much as like when I thought that the brat lied to me!!

Also, when it comes to looks, all the girls are quite beautiful! It almost seems as if he has chosen them carefully from a large number of women!!

I-I don't think of myself as someone ugly, but… n-now I feel like the ugly duckling in a lake full of beautiful swans! N-No, don't be so hard on yourself Revy, you could be the ugliest swan among the other swans, but at least you still are swan.… m-maybe I shouldn't be so mean since the boy shows interest in me, right?

Ah damn it! ... now I want to hit that guy as hard as I can for making me think that... but strangely, I also want him to shows interest in me more! I still have the ego of a woman after all, and I don't want a man snubbed me by another more beautiful woman!!

"Okay, let's go inside for now. We'll let the other girls take care of cleaning the place so that it doesn't attract too many monsters. "

With what the girl who seemed to be called Rika says, all the other girls begin to walk towards the wall and immediately we were in front of a large mansion... it seems that the boy is really not someone poor, this mansion seems like one of those where the bosses from where I come from live.

Apparently that group from before wanted to take over this place, and now I can understand why… this place actually had a great atmosphere and was quite nice.

"That plant would be quite useful where I come from..."

As I passed through the walls, I could see how the girls in soldiers' uniforms threw the bodies, or pieces of these, into a large plant that quickly swallowed them up. Seeing this, I can't help but exclaim my thoughts.

"I knew it... Revy-san, the place Alex-san went, was in constant fighting, right?"

"Hmn? Well... I was talking about my place of origin, the boy summoned me into the world of this girl. 

Although that place was not a paradise either, people from there were killing themselves using the same bombs that he used to get rid of that group"

"So you are just like Kurisu-san."

Due to my comment, Saeko who was walking with me asks me that, and then all the others turn their attention to me seemed interested in what I was saying.

"Wasn't that girl his sister?"

"No, no one here has a blood tie to him" seems that I had drawn the wrong conclusions... the red-haired girl I put my eyes on, seems that like me, was taken out of her world and brought here by the boy.

“Well, I think we should introduce ourselves. I am Rika, I served as a soldier in a certain country "

“I am Shisuka, a nurse, and I am currently learning alchemy from Lena-sensei. 

How long does Vrana-chan think about monopolizing Alex kun?!~"

"Kurisu, a scientist ".

“I'm Saeko, nice to meet you. Before, I was a high school student. She is Scythe, she doesn't talk much "

"Saya, I was also a student "

"Rei, just like the two of them"

“I am Leona, subordinate of my master Alexander!

...please don't speak ill of my master as I can't allow it!"

Arriving at a large table, the girls we met begin to introduce themselves.  It seems that the other group where the only men were, held at the margin from this talk. Probably they thinking this was a matter of this group.

"I am Blue Mary, and like Leona- senpai, I am a homunculus created by Master"

"I-I'm Emilia Mikogami… I-I was also a student."

"I am Rebecca Lee... a mercenary"

With the other two girls introducing themselves, everyone's gaze fell on me, so I have no choice but to introduce myself.  When I was going to introduce what I was doing in my world, I was about to say, murderer, bodyguard, pirate, or whatever people paid me well for. But thinking that those things surely didn't sound like a good thing,  in the end I choose that term that encompasses everything and it doesn't sound too bad.

…But leaving that aside, there really is a great variety of girls in this place.


"Shisuka !! Master wants to pluck me !! "

After the introductions, these girls begin to tell us various things about this world called Gaia. Many things the boy had already mentioned, but there were many others that he did not and they sounded quite interesting...

So while we were answering some of their questions and they were doing the same, suddenly, the girl with wings from before comes back alone and throws herself at the blonde nurse with big breasts while saying that.

"Easy Vrana-chan, Alex-kun probably was just bothering you"

"…Who knows? Maybe this bird girl did something to piss off that perverted brat. After all, he was forced to fly away before. "

"Vrana did nothing wrong, fat woman!!"

"I-I already told you I'm not fat!"

With this girl showing up, our conversation has to stop abruptly. A short time later, Alexander also returns and seems to solve the problem he had with this girl easily since latter she was around him again hugging him with her wings.

The remaining time of that day, seemed like the boy wanted to inspect all the changes that took place in his home and spend time with the girls that he hadn't seen for a while. So I didn't get a chance to ask him when he would give me my gold.

In the end, after assigning me a room in this mansion, that damned brat heads to another room along with a large number of girls behind him... even Emilia was in that group too! 

Hmp~ that girl, even though she complained about my words before, in the end, she is a little bitch!

…Fuck! I feel left out because of that!!



Written By Drack


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