Soul Evolution System

Chapter 237: Vrana’s hiding place (Part 1)

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(POV Alexander)

"Damn it, Vrana! Don't you dare let go of me!! "

"Don't worry, Master, Vrana will take you to her hiding place, Master can caress Vrana without distraction, roock ~ "

With no other alternative, I could only hold onto Vrana's feet while she also held my shoulders with her claws. I not only do this to avoid falling, but also to avoid she would use too much force and dig her claws into my body!

… She actually has quite sharp claws. If it weren't because my clothes are now in very bad shape due to the explosions in Emilia-chan’s world and the burns that my sword made earlier, then I would have been a angry that Vrana ruined them.

Well, perhaps I should not complain so much, after all, I was the one who told her that it was not necessary for her to always tear her enemies with her claws or feathers when she fought and that instead she could simply grab them with her feet and raise them into the sky and then release them.

Remembering how the T3 zombie that fell with me from a building last time ended, I knew that without a doubt it would be enough to finish off most of the enemies in this level 1 Area... probably not even a 9th limit would come out unscathed after falling from several tens of meters of height without the use of any element to help him.

We continued this way flying through the air for a while until soon, a small mountain was visible in this forest and Vrana heads directly to the chasm of the mountain and throws me at the entrance of a small cave.

…Although when I used the magic scroll to fly sometime ago I wanted to experience again the feeling of flying through the skies with the wind against my skin, I must say that this was not as pleasant as that time.

" Woh! ...Damn it, Vrana, can't you be more careful when putting me down?"

"Master, Master, follow Vrana, roock~ "

After falling and rolling around the ground for a bit, Vrana also descends and rushes me to follow her into the small cave. Well, she probably missed me a lot because of the month I was absent, so let's indulge her a bit. Also, I’m sure if I don't, she will be around me trying to get me to praise her like before, so let's do it to calm her down a bit.

Since the cave was not so deep, the interior of it was not so dark as to need an instrument to illuminate the place and with the sunlight from outside it was enough to see everything in the room.

"Here, here, Master, roock~ !"

Vrana quickly walks up to a pile of objects and gestures for me to sit beside her with her wings.

"…what is this?"

"They are treasures that Vrana collected for Master, roock~ !"

Perhaps Vrana had retained the crows' characteristic of liking to find shiny things, since in front of the place where we sat there was a good amount of shiny metal... well, more precisely, they were some weapons and armors that some adventurers probably used before.

“…Good work, Vrana-chan. You have been a good girl "

The truth is that those things were most just rank [J] and very few were a rank higher than that, so to be honest, they don’t had much value. In fact, in my interdimensional storage, things like these have accumulated endlessly... I wonder if I should open an equipment store? I think I certainly have enough items for that.

Well, they say that the intention is what matters. Besides, I had already decided to pamper Vrana a bit, so I'll take this opportunity to do so.

I should scold her for attacking adventurers, you may say? They know the dangers of entering a forest, so that is the risk of their work. The only thing that worries me is about someone spreading the rumor that in this forest lives an harpy, and because of that, adventurers come looking especially after her...

“Vrana, you must be careful when you come to the forest. At least try to come along with other girls, please "

“Heee~ But they are very slow because they have to walk through the forest. Also, Master must not talk about the other girls while he stays with Vrana, Roock~! "

“Fine, fine, Vrana has been a good girl.

Just make sure that if you run into someone who's giving you trouble, don't be stubborn and just fly away to where the other girls are. "


Thinking that a group of strong adventurers might come looking for her, I try to ask her to come to the forest in the company of some other girl, but unfortunately, she doesn't seem to like the idea.

Vrana is still one of the girls with the highest level of all of them, so unless she comes across a group of adventurers made up of people at the 9th limit, she shouldn't be in danger.

Something like that should be highly unlikely, besides, she can fly away even if she finds some group with that characteristic. Since the elements that allows flying should be very scarce or have many limits here, there should be no problem for her to reach our base if she encounters a dangerous group.

"Master, Vrana found this too!!"

"Hmn? Oh~ good job! "

Removing various stuffs, she reveals a good amount of scrolls with different spells on them… well, these are certainly much more useful than the things from before! Not that they are priceless treasures, but it never hurts to have many of them, and especially when they are free!

This time my compliments are more sincere than before and then I quickly put these things in my inventory.

"Has Vrana been helpful?! Master will no longer abandon Vrana, roock~… "

"Vrana has always been helpful to me...

Besides... your master will never abandon you, Vrana. It's just that sometimes I would need to go away for a while to do some things, but you can be sure that I will always return to your side "

"Seriously? Will Master never abandon Vrana, roock~? "

After showing me the scrolls, the happy face that Vrana made when she saw my joy darkens a bit when says this while sitting on my lap and holding me with her wings looking directly at me... it seems that things were not as simple as I thought and she has not just missed me, probably not seeing me for a long time, she thought that I had abandoned her.

I really felt bad seeing that face that seemed to want to cry at any moment, so without paying attention to anything else, I caress her face while firmly reassuring her. I wished I could promise that I would never leave her alone again, but unfortunately, that was impossible for me to fulfill, so I only speak words that I could keep... or at least which I would totally strive to carry out.

" Is it a promise, roock~? "

"Of course"

Turning her expression in joy, she immediately brings her face closer to me while highlighting her lips after saying that. I didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know what she wanted, so I immediately took the back of her head in one hand, and kissed her.

This was not the first time that we both did something like this, since she slept with me and the other girls, she had seen how I did this with the other girls, so it did not take long for her to demand that she must have the same treatment as the others girls.

I'm not going to deny that I felt a little strange doing it the first time, but the rejection of doing something like that with her was much less than the time that I did it with Scythe for the first time. After all, you could say that she was just a "little" different girl compared to the others... she only had wings instead of hands and her feet were a little different, so it was not like the idea of having to kiss the corpse of a girl as the case with Scythe...

Although with the latter, to be exact, she was not anything like a corpse at all. It's not like she gives off a rotting smell and her body will deteriorate over time, in fact, I have to say that doing this with her was quite nice.

If there was something that caused me to be reluctant to do this with Vrana, it wasn't her appearance... no, actually it was due to her appearance, but instead of it being due to her differences from a normal girl, it was more because she looked too young for me.

So usually when I kissed her, it was always something light to the level of just bringing our lips together and doing a little sucking to make the characteristic “chu” sound of a kiss. She might be a bit forgetful and somewhat clueless, but she wasn't stupid. So knowing that the way I was kissing her was a bit different than with the other girls, she would get a little sulky while complaining for that.

The good thing was that after I patted her head a bit, she calmed down. And the funny thing was that after seeing that, it was the time for other girls to show of envy for it...

"Hmn ~"

But this time due to what happened earlier, I was more intense with her than usual. After tasting Vrana's lips for a few seconds, this time I stick my tongue in her mouth and reach for hers to intimidate her a bit.

As a result, since she was practically sitting on top of me, I feel her whole slim little body shake. Not caring about this, I just hold her waist with my other hand and eagerly keep tangling my tongue with her.

"Haa ... ha... M-Master.. y-you want to suffocate Vrana, roock?!~ "

"My little harpy, you always asked me for this but now you complain when I do it?"

Seeing how her wings flapped probably due to lack of air, I part my lips so that she can breathe. I wonder if because of constant practice doing this my lung capacity has increased? After all, it is regularly the girls who struggle first to separate to be able to breathe when we kiss.

…or it may be because my physique continues to improve with each limit I increase.

"Hya~ M-Master ... y-you tickle Vrana, roock~"

Allowing her to get some air, I start kissing her neck instead. I can't help my hand that was on her waist from slowly going down until I reached her little butt which without hesitation I began to caress.

...since Vrana's breasts were almost nonexistent, then her buttocks became the place to vent my lust.

Without a doubt, if you compare it with the other girls, she is quite small… although I must say that the sensation that is transmitted to my fingers is still very pleasant, and I do not feel as if she lost with other girls that I have had the opportunity to touch.

Hers was quite elastic, I really liked the feeling of pressing my fingers against it and that it struggled to maintain its shape... plus, the fact that my hand could cover most of one of her buttocks was not a bad thing either.

I wanted to be able to hold it in a better way putting my fingers between the line that separated her two buttocks to be able to squeeze the one I held with more force, but unfortunately, her short skirt prevented me,  blocking the passage of my fingers.

"Hmn~ M-Master… V-Vrana is feeling strange… Hya ~ V-Vrana's butt is tingling, roooook-Hmn~"

Soon I was no longer satisfied with just feeling that little butt through her clothes, so while I steal her lips intermittently so as not to deprive her of air for so long this time, I slide my hand from her leg until I reach the spot where my hand was before but this time going under her miniskirt and even her underwear.

Finally I was able to fulfill my wish to be able to hold tightly one of her buttocks as if I wanted to squeeze it! Then, as a result of my actions, Vrana's body shakes harder, the claws on her feet bend inward, and her wings begin to flap a little.

Seeing how her wings flapped, I couldn't help but think that Vrana was like a small bird that had fallen into my hands and was fighting to escape seeking her freedom... it's a shame for her that it was too late, and now I would make her my little canary that I would make sing to please me whenever I want.

"Nyuu~ Ha... Ha... M-Master... V-Vrana felt very good, roock~"

"...Is that so? I'm glad"

I think Vrana maybe had her first orgasm... after she made the characteristic sound that normally makes in a more prolonged way, she loses the strength of her body and tells me that as a whisper in my ear.

"...this part of Master got hard again... it's as firm as a rock, roock~"

While I continue caressing Vrana's butt, but in a slightly more delicate way, she separates a little from me and lowering those red eyes that were now a little wet, with the feathers of one of her wings she begins to caress the place of my crotch that stood out greatly.

Well, my erection probably had happened since a long time ago, but when she lost the strength in her body then her crotch instantly made contact with my penis that seemed to want to break my pants and look for the right place to hide...

"...Can Vrana do something to make Master feel good too?"


Caressing my crotch, this time it was Vrana's turn to make my body shake… her words sent an electric shock through my entire spine! She had really put me between a rock and a hard place...

While I had already reached this point of fondling with Vrana, this was thanks to the situation from before... she was probably the only girl out of all the others that I couldn't afford to get to more advanced things with! After all, you had to understand that she had the look of a girl about 14-15 years!!

So even though my mind was telling me not to move things forward, on the other hand, my body wanted me not to stop with just this and just keep going.

" Master... Vrana can not do anything for Master to feel good, roock ~?"


Noticing my silence, Vrana looks up and asks me again...

So gritting my teeth and making up my mind, after swallowing the saliva that had accumulated in my mouth, I grab Vrana's shoulders, push her away from me, and immediately stand up while still keeping my gaze on her.

“…Master, roock ~? "



Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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