Soul Evolution System

Chapter 238 Vrana’s hiding place (Part 2)

Happy New Year to all!!!

My best wishes to all of you and I hope that all your purposes for this year are realized!!

Thank you for reading SES  until now, and remember to support the novel on P.atreon!!

It is thanks to all of you that this one can continue!!



"...Master, roock ~?"


As I watched Vrana, I internally struggled with the idea of walking away and leaving the cave to calm myself... or indulge Vrana's desire to make me feel better. So after a hard fight in my mind, in the end...


In the end, my mind was weaker than the desire of my flesh!             


I unbutton my pants, and immediately they fall together with my underwear while leaving my penis in the open air and total freedom. Although... this time the reaction I get from Vrana when this happens was a bit disappointing.

Although she seemed totally interested in my penis, she only fixes her gaze on it and tilts her head showing curiosity more than anything else.

"Males are really very different from females... roock~ "

Well, if I think about it, this is not that surprising. I'm sure I am the only man she has seen naked, and although this time is not the first time she has seen me, it is the first time she has seen it from so close.

So her reaction about comparing the differences between both genders should be very normal, and especially if you considering her age...

“Master… what do I have to do to make you feel good, roock~?"

But the good thing about Vrana was that unlike other girls who were shy or tried to hide their interest in my genitals, aside from her curiosity about the difference between her body and mine, she acted just as lively as ever.

"... hold it with... with your mouth " seems that until now I have only had the opportunity to reach deeper levels of intimacy with very inexperienced girls in this regard. Well, I think that in the case of Saya the previous time she gave me oral sex, the fact that she did not know what to do at that moment was more because the nerves left her mind blank and she did not know very well what to do at first. I honestly don't think she was as innocent as Vrana.

After all, she was 16 years old... while she certainly should not have experience in that regard, the time when she lived in her world is very easy to search for any kind of information.

Well, it's also not like I care to instruct a girl what to do… in fact, I think in a sense this fuels my vanity as a man for being the first guy to teach this to them.

So just like with Saya, I thought it would be nice if she got used to my penis a bit, and that's why the first thing I thought is that I should make her hold it for that happen. So when I tried to tell her that, I realized that I was not completely calm since I even forgot for a second that she had no hands at this time...

Although it was not impossible for Vrana to hold my penis since on her wings she had three small fingers, the problem was that these did not seem very functional and these like her feet had claws on them.

So, even though I have never seen her use those claws in a fight, I don't want to check through my penis if they are as sharp as the ones on her feet!

"Yes, amu~"

"D-Don't make it so hard Vrana! That place is quite sensitive!"

"It'shh oshay~"


Due to all that, without any other alternative I ask her to use the mouth... well, although feeling the delicate hands caressing my penis is quite pleasant, without a doubt feeling the moisture and warmth of the mouth of a woman is many times better. So it can be said that I just skipped a step as I would definitely ask for Vrana to do this either way.

Also... this may not sound very good because it can be interpreted as if I am training her, but since I know there are girls who have a certain aversion to oral sex, so if Vrana did it before any of those girls said something bad about this to her, having done it already, then she shouldn't pay much attention to that and she would surely continue to do so. After all, people say that the first impression of something is the one that is most strongly etched in the brain.

And as I thought, at this moment Vrana did not seem to have the least bit of revulsion or disgust at putting my penis in her mouth, and so without hesitation, she swallows it right after she hears my words.

M-Maybe the only bad thing about this is that she treats my "little" friend like any other food that she puts in her mouth... actually this gives me chills, and not because of how good it felt. I had some concern, and not wanting it to come true, I quickly spoke to Vrana.

"For nothing in the world should you think about chewing at this moment! In fact, try not to let your teeth touch that part of me "

"Hmhun? Un~ "

… At this moment I was very grateful to the fact that when I named her, her teeth had changed in shape from how they were before. If they had been pointy, I would be crazy if I put my penis in her mouth!

Curse! I can be lustful, but my perversion is not so much as to want to feel the adrenaline rush for dangerous situations together with the pleasure of doing sexual things!!

It was good that she quickly tries to follow my words, and after giving a nod, she opens her mouth a little more so that her teeth do not touch my penis.

"Chu ~ Amu..."


I think I had worried too much unnecessarily. Instead of Vrana associating this with eating, it seemed that for her, this should be something like kissing. I could feel how she used her lips a little more to travel my penis than her tongue and even mimicked the suction on my glans just like when we kissed before.

…Maybe since she was not used to using her tongue when we kissed since it was just a few minutes ago that we began to do this, she was not used to using her tongue.

But I must say that Vrana's technique of treating this as if what she was doing was about kissing like before, it was something quite good. Her lips were so soft, and feeling that little suction on the tip of my penis made even my knees shake a little.

But what intensified my extinction even more, it was not that. Without a doubt the stimulation of her mouth was great, but the image of her doing this was perhaps even a little intense to that! Since Vrana did not possess hands, she could logically only use her head to try to manipulate my penis, and seeing her with her wings resting on the ground while she constantly moved her head to find a better way to suck my member was something that I would certainly save strongly in my brain!!

"Aaamu~ Squish, squish... chu~"

This was similar to playing with your lover telling her that she had to suck your penis while her hands were tied… so she only had to use her lips, tongue, cheeks, and other parts of the face to stimulate your penis!

Although... I don't think that Vrana wanted to use every part of her face to stimulate my penis that seemed to throb for every action she did, I don't think it was due to instinct either. Instead, I think it was rather because she was a bit clumsy.

"Chu~... Aaahmu~"

Because at times she would suck on my penis and then moving her head to try to make it a little stronger, so when she released it, it bounced a bit from inertia and hitting her face a bit, and then again she had to search for it to try to put it in her mouth.

Well... I admit it! It was also my fault!! Seeing that a couple of times, I couldn't contain the urge to play with her a bit and so I moved my hips a bit to make it a bit more difficult for her to hold my penis between her lips again!!

...if I cover her eye blocking her vision with a piece of fabric, would abuse her too much? I really wanted to try that!

"Mashter, chu~... do you want to urinate? Do you want to mark Vrana with your scent? If the master wants it, Vrana will drink it all, roock~!

Aahh ~ "

So as if visual and tactile stimulation weren't enough, Vrana through my ears in a powerful way she attacks me. Those words left my mind blank for a couple of seconds, then immediately images of Vrana drinking my urine assault my mind!!

The only thing that prevented it from being a "critical hit" was that she did not say that sensually and erotically, her face continued to maintain the same innocence as before as if for her this did not have a sexual or perversion sense...

To be honest, not that I had a fetish of that style. In fact, I never considered asking a girl to do that, but… if it is the same girl who proposes this, I realize that I was not so against doing something like that either!

D-Damn ... I must be careful or this girl could take my level of perversion to another level!

Probably being a beast part, for her that does not seem very strange... surely for Vrana it was like marking your territory or your belongings. I think that even when she rubs her wings against me before, she does so in part for that reason wanting to leave her scent on me.

“V-Vrana… what comes out of my meat stick is not urine, it is something different. It is something as if my meat stick is preparing to expel its seed. 

Vrana's body also does something similar... "

"Eh? Also Vrana do, roock ~? "

There was no need to do more intense things yet… just her fellatio for me was enough to give me enough pleasure... for now. So while Vrana opened her mouth as if waiting for something and I squeezed the lower part of my abdomen when I felt the need to ejaculate, I explain a little about sexuality to her and making it as simple as I can so that she understands.

Well, I also speak to make my desire to ejaculate go down a bit, it was a relief that she had stopped her fellatio at that time...

I'm not sure why, but almost instinctively, a man tries to prolong his ejaculation as long as possible... it may be because for a man hearing from his partner that he last a long time is something gratifying. Or it may also be that between more you resist, in the end the pleasure from orgasm is more intense... I am more inclined to this last reason since I feel that for me in my previous life it was like that.

"Sniff, Sniff... Since Vrana smelled a strong scent of the master's here, she thought the master was marking her, roock ~"


Maybe I can't blame Vrana for misinterpreting this… since my penis had come into contact with almost the majority of her face, my pre-cum had practically smeared all over her face.

I cannot deny that in a certain sense, I had marked Vrana and permeated my scent on her skin...

"Vrana... could you  continue?"

"Hmn? Oh, sure, Aahmu~ "

Since Vrana had been a bit distracted by my words and now she was looking at her crotch with curiosity while also her small nose moved to sniff. And since I too had recovered from that blow that took me off guard from Vrana and had regained control of my body, now instead of my penis throbbing from trying to ejaculate, it was more like it was complaining and it said something like " what happens? Why are you stopping, partner? ”, so I decided to ask her to continue.

So, in the next instant things go back to doing as before. Vrana's fellatio continues for several more minutes, and even though I continue to try to resist the urge to ejaculate, there is always a limit to how long you can endure it...

"Kuh! I-I'm coming! "

"Hmn? MMnnnn!!!~ "

Suddenly I feel that from my penis a wave of pleasure begins to spread throughout my body, also while I feel that, the forces of my feet leave me, and so by inertia, I hold Vrana's head to avoid falling.

“Glup~… Glup~… Glup~…”

Unfortunately for Vrana, since my mind had gone blank for a while, and since she cannot use much force on her wings or lean on them to try to separate as a person would. So with no other alternative, she only has to try to quickly swallow all the semen that floods her mouth... but unfortunately, my penis does not seem to want to stop anytime soon...

What could I say? It had been over a month since I was able to release everything that was accumulating on my balls. Even though I was focused on surviving in the world of B-Tooom, it wasn't like there weren't times when my lust rose to give me an erection... after all, I was with Emilia-kun, Mary, and Ravy on that island for the most of time.

“Glup~… Glup~… Glup~… MMmnn~!!"

Also, the time I was at risk was only about a week! The remaining time was spent in a luxury hotel with them!! So it can be said that the only time when I did not receive stimuli for my penis to react was only when I was unconscious or asleep!!

“Glup~… Glup~… Glup~… Glup~ Kohon ... Kohon!! "

So without a doubt, the time and the amount that I ejaculated was not short... then as a result of that, when I regain my senses a bit from the waves of pleasure that ran through my body, I was on my knees in front of Vrana who was now coughing and trying to inhale air.

"I-I'm sorry, Vrana!"

I-It seems that at some point my feet gave way and I releasing Vrana from that torment... worried for her, I quickly approach her and start patting her back. Then when I see her face, I realize that it is not that she has regurgitated the semen that filled her mouth...

P-Probably while ejaculating I inserted my penis deeper into her mouth... partly I think it was a good thing since she didn't have to desperately try to swallow everything that filled her mouth, but... it seems that when I withdraw my penis because I fell, my penis must have positioned itself pointing up to her throat and instead of going to her stomach, semen began to rise through the airways of her nose until it overflowed.

Therefore, the face of Vrana was had become a disaster... she had teary eyes as she had cum dripping from the corners of her mouth and her nose. Seeing her like this, I could only apologize repeatedly as she tried to catch her breath.

"A- Are you okay, Vrana-chan? "

Sh-Shit... m-may I have caused her a trauma now!!

"Kohon!... V-Vrana is fine... th -that just surprised Vrana... she thought she would die drowned by the master's seed, r-roock~"

"I-I'm sorry…"

“Vrana is fine~ Vrana swallowed most of the master's seed! Aaahh~

Vrana did it right? "

“O-Oh~ Vrana-chan did well… b-but you didn't have to force yourself so much. I got lost for a moment and gave Vrana-chan a bad time, surely Vrana-chan found it unpleasant to have to drink all your master's seed "

For a moment I thought Vrana was blaming me and was saying that sarcastically, but looking at her face like she expected praise for doing a good job, it doesn't seem like that was the case.

Even if she didn't seem like she cared about it, instead of feeling better knowing that, that innocent face from her makes me feel even worse... and so I keep apologizing to her more.


Vrana doesn't think that the master's seed tasted bad… Vrana likes the master's scent very much, so Vrana liked it very much!! It's a shame that she couldn't taste it so well since she had to swallow it fast… "

W-Well, those words, although they also caused some guilt to stab my heart, my penis that began to calm down from having ejaculated reacts immediately and as if to say "it seems that this girl did not have enough!" it was prepared for another battle.

" Master... do you still want Vrana to make you feel good, roock~?"

Seeing that, the girl who had been bully by this one, it seems that she wanted to ask for revenge while staring at him... I had thought about stopping since I did not want her to feel bad about sexual things and in the future not want to do them, but... It seems that I cannot oppose the fight between these two.

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