Soul Evolution System

Chapter 240: Achievements and Progress (Part 1)

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[Looks like you chose the wrong words this time, Alexander. You missed your chance to eat that little harpy]

Haaa~… Well, I had completely forgotten what happened the first time I summoned Vrana… besides, since I had been stroking those comfortable feathers for a while, that thought just suddenly appeared in my head.

…I really can't rid of the idea out of my head about getting a pillow full of those soft feathers! If you had touched them, then you would understand me, Aurora.

[Fufufu, it's not like you won’t get another chance to eat Vrana-chan later, so you don't have to worry Alexander. As long as she's still your subordinate, then she probably won't escape that fate]

…You make it sound like the system provides me with girls to sleep with or like I would force her to do that. You should say something like, "Since we both feel the same, it will inevitably to happen in the end."

[...although you perfectly understood what you wanted to do, I don't think that would have been the case for Vrana-chan, right?]


[Well, joking aside, I think it was good you two didn't end up doing it. Since Vrana-chan is not fully developed, if you fertilized an egg from her, then there is a high chance that some difficulties will arise due to her still immature body]

Shit! If you knew that, then you should have stopped me much earlier, Aurora!

I thought I had entered wise mode after ejaculating and my mind had calmed down, but Aurora's words make me realize that it was not really the case. I already knew that pregnancy was dangerous for a young woman, so it's not hard to imagine that this applies to most races as well.

[Well, I was also interested in directly seeing intercourse between a couple. Also, there was only a chance that things would get complicated, and even if that happens the system could provide you with a way to handle that.]

Haaa~ Anyway, I prefer not to put one of the girls at risk, so if you think my actions may cause them problems, I ask you to stop me, Aurora.

[Fufufu, sure.]

…Changing the subject, so Vrana does lay eggs.

I remember one of the previous things Aurora told me, I can't help it since it was a doubt that had been present in my head. Since Vrana's species is part human and part bird, how they gave birth to their children was always intriguing to me.

[From what I know from some records, harpies are oviparous, but they are also a bit different from birds. According to the information I have, the male has to fertilize the Harpy’s egg inside her uterus, and then once fertilized, it remains there for a couple of months until it stabilizes and grows a little, then it is finally expelled.]

I see... in a sense it is a process with aspects of oviparous and mammals. Besides, it seems that Aurora is still very interested in things related to reproduction... previously, she had asked me for permission to buy books and documents from the System, since they were cheap things and I was also a bit sorry that she was locked in my body without being able to do anything, I agreed to it and only asked her to ask me if the value of what she wanted to buy lay in the hundreds of thousands of G.

But it seems that a lot of the things she buy were related to those issues... probably when she gets a body she will be a carnivorous girl.

Well, I can't blame her. If I were locked in someone else's body and suddenly get my own, I'm sure sexual things would be the first things I want to experience too.

"I give up! Walking to the mansion will probably take a few hours this way!! Let's find something to go there immediately "

After picking up Vrana's panties that she had left, and putting them in my interdimensional storage, I left the cave and started walking in the direction of the mansion while I distracted myself by chatting with Aurora. But seeing the distance I had to travel on the map, I gave up rather quickly.

Furthermore, although I already had seen the girls just before, the impulse that I had to be with them had not disappeared and instead is was strengthened knowing that they were close to me... besides, I was a little concerned about what Vrana would tell the other girls too. Maybe when I get there, complaints will rain on me...

So I decided to stop and start looking for something in the system shop to transport me right away to the mansion. I have always thought that money is to be spent and live comfortably and not to simply accumulate it, so it is not that I care to spend a little... much less now that I have enough.

Then, I finally find a low-rank teleportation scroll to transport a person a couple of kilometers... I say low-rank, but the lowest-level from this type of scroll was [H] rank... it also cost a couple hundred thousand G...

Despite what I said earlier, it is not that I like to waste money foolishly! This was like asking a fucking helicopter to transport me from my house to the closer convenience store when I was in my previous world!

After seeing the cost, I thought I'd better keep walking towards the mansion... but unfortunately, I was really worried that Vrana would talk too much with the other girls, so I could only convince myself that this was a necessary expense.

…I hope Emilia-chan can make scrolls soon, that would save me expenses like this and we would even earn some money for ourselves.

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"Alex! You have returned!!"

"Fufufu, it seems that Vrana-chan was very impatient to see you and ended up causing  you troubles."

"Forgive her, Alex-kun~ She missed you so much, so don't pluck her"

“… It's strange to say this again since we already went through the same thing a moment ago. Well, you shouldn't be too hard on the bird girl, as Saeko-san and Shisuka-sensei said, this girl has been very anxious to see "

"... I'm back again"

I teleport to the mansion using the scroll and find the girls who were apparently sitting around a large table talking to each other. Lorens-kun's group probably thought that they would be talking about private affairs of our group and withdrew since I don't see them, that's a shame since I still had to demand compensation from that girl who killed my Gold.

Also, it seems that my worries were excessive and it does not seem that Vrana had talked about what happened in the cave... probably the only thing at this moment in her is head was that I was going to pluck her.

"M-Master... don't pluck Vrana, roock~ Vrana will give you three of her feathers!"

Then coming out behind the Shisuka’s back who had spoken in her favor, Vrana approaches me while putting her two wings together and she somehow held three of her black feathers... seeing this, any anger for the kick she gave me earlier vanished.

…And about leaving me with my pants down when we were about to have sex, well, that doesn’t bother me to much. Before that happened, she was the one who had helped me lower my arousal several levels in the first place, so I think it would be a bit unfair to get mad at her for that.

Watching her hold those three feathers as she slowly approached me and looked at me with some unease in her eyes, the only feeling in me was a bit of pity for making her feel this way.

“I was joking earlier, Vrana-chan. Sorry if your Master scared you, I promise that I will never pluck you even if I'm angry... I'll treasure these three feathers of yours "

When she gets close enough to be able to stroke her head, after taking the feathers she was holding between her wings, I do just that. Then, seeing her tremble a little as she closes her eyes, I quickly speak up to apologize.

"Yeey~ Vrana loves Master the most, roock ~"

I am glad that Vrana is a simple girl and she quickly forgot about what happened before. Returning to normal, then she hugging me while rubbing me with her wings. It is a pity that it seems that I will have to forget about the idea of making a pillow with her feathers now...

Then with her humor restoring, I finally proceed to greet the other girls properly starting with Kurisu who was the first to approach me.

"I missed you all..."


Without being able to wait any longer, I take Kurisu in my arms and making her bend a little with force, I collect all the good morning and good night kisses that she owed me for the time that we did not see each other.

“Fufufu… am I the next? Hmn~"

After several minutes, letting go of Kurisu's waist and her lips, I quickly move on to the next girl closest to me who was Saeko. A few minutes later thinking that this should be enough for her, I immediately try to go with the next girl but then I was stopped before that...


When I put my eyes on Shisuka, she quickly runs up to me, and without being stopped this time, she plunges my face in her large breasts. Now I'm so glad that I had that moment alone with Vrana before... although if things stay this way, I’ sure my sex drive will return to those dangerous levels from before.

Well, it's not like I need to worry about it... the girls will have to take responsibility for this themselves when that happen again.

When she finally releases me and I try to breathe when Shisuka releases me, this time she is the one who initiates the kiss… this girl is still dangerous and I think she really wants to suffocate me!

After a while, I immediately started kissing the other girls who were missing. Without many hindrances I took Saya's lips, but Rika was a bit embarrassed to do so in front of everyone. She tries to make some excuses that are useless in the end, and I also enjoy her lips.

In the end, I pass with my faithful subordinates and kiss Scythe lightly… I had to withdraw a bit with her because I felt that she wanted to bite my lips!  I don't know if it was something in a playful way or something serious...

Since I had started kissing everyone, this time even while Leona has her usual serious face I pecked her lips a bit. Sadly, I don't see much of a reaction from her despite that...

" W-What are you planning to do?! "

Finally, I put my eyes on Rei who had been seeing all this almost without blinking. Then when she discovers me watching her and walking towards her, her body shakes a little as she asks me that. Well, the answer was obvious, so there was no need for words and besides… I don't see her escaping.

"W-Wait... I-I'm not ready yet-Hmn~"

Holding her, she puts up a bit of resistance, but since I don't have to apply a lot of force to bring our faces to the same level, I continue and kiss her. I didn't want to overdo it either, so this time I leave it as something light...

"Rika has to do the ritual that I already did with the other girls, you should also do it this time Rei"


Separating my lips from her and remembering that I had to do the ritual with Rika for her to obtain the [Consecration of Origin] skill, I thought it would be a good idea for Rei to do it as well. I don't know if she heard me… after she recovers from the surprise of the kiss, she quickly puts her eyes on the other girls who were watching her intently while smiling, and in the end she runs away while yelling at me.

...I think I'll have to tell that to her again.

“If you stay that way, flies are going to get into your mouth, Revy. Or do you want me to kiss you too? "

"F- Fuck you, you perverted brat!!"

There were only two girls who had remained seated, Revy and Emilia-chan. The former, seeing everything that had happened had been left with her mouth wide open as she watched, so I can't help saying that with a smile.

As for Emilia-chan, whose face was totally red… I don't know if I should also kiss her, or if I should refrain since maybe it would embarrass her too much if I did. In the end, I just decide to wink at her making her face blush even more.

Finishing the greetings, we all sat around the table again, and then we began to talk a little about all the things that happened to us during this month.

…Apparently this was not the first time the girls had been attacked while I was gone. I'm glad they could defend themselves, but it's a shame that I can't get revenge since they eliminated all those groups.

“These are the blueprints and documents I got from the bombs I used before. It would be nice if we could get the people from Saeko and the Others’ world to run the production lines.

So I hope Kurisu and Saya can check them first to do that."


While we were eating something that the soldier girls brought us, I take out some of the BIM related things that I got, and Kurisu immediately takes them off my hand and starts examining them. Saya also wants to give them a look but seeing that Kurisu seemed too focused and doesn't seem to want to lend her the documents, with a bitter smile she gives up.

…Maybe Kurisu won't accompany me to bed tonight.

"It seems that the mansion has almost been finished, Saya."

"Yes! Probably in less than a month the organization we hired will complete everything. They said that since this place has a very good atmosphere, they could work at a faster pace without getting tired and that is why they could finish before the agreed deadline "

Seeing that Saya had practically been pushed aside by Kurisu, I decide to talk to her, and then she cheerfully tells me the construction progress. It is easy to see that her words were true watching the current state of the mansion, it practically seems finished.

Also, since Saya asked me to pick up some things from HOTD for the construction the previous time we went, It will have the services of a modern house. Some crystal-powered generators had also been installed in this place, so this whole place had an electrical system.

When those in charge of building the mansion were told to do this, there was no problem with them making all the necessary installations. Although those things were a bit strange to them, as the mansion had originally been designed to run on crystal power for things like lighting and heating, then they only had to make a few adjustments.

It was good that there were no problems with this, or else it would be hard to use computers and other things that worked with electricity that I had brought.


Written By Drack

Edited by XArezzX

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