Soul Evolution System

Chapter 241: Achievements and Progress ( Part 2 )

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"Old witch, I want to ask you something"

"What's wrong, fool disciple?"

After indulging a bit contemplating the construction of our new home, I set my eyes on Lena who was also present. As you can notice, I was a bit upset with her. Why? Because while I appreciate her caring for the girls as to even come here to help them 2 times, it bothered me a bit that when I was greeting the girls with a kiss, this old woman had lined up to receive the same treatment too...

…Seriously, she's almost a living fossil and she still tries to take the lips of a nearly 13-year-old boy?

Of course, when she tried to take my shoulders and kiss me, since it had been a while since I used it, I quickly activated my grimoire generating an energy shield and she could only kiss the air!

...that was even more terrifying than seeing a bomb explode in front of my face!

Well, since she was here, then I had to ask her some things. After getting her attention, I also look at Emilia-chan who ate slowly while occasionally observing the other girls.

“Do you know anything about the [Scrivener] skill? Can you teach the basics of this skill to someone? "

“Boy… although I am a woman with experience in the world, that does not mean that I am a guru of all things. I can help you with things related to Alchemy, but I even have my limits in that, so don't ask me too much.

But if you ask about that... is there a girl with that ability in this group? "

I understand very well what Lena is saying, so I just wanted to try my luck. But even though she got a little sulky probably because I asked her for something outside of her specialty, she still seemed quite interested in it.

Thinking that there was nothing wrong with her knowing, since I trusted this old woman, I redirect my vision towards Emilia-chan while continuing speaking.

"Emilia-chan has that skill, so I thought it would be good for her to develop it."

“…It seems that you are truly loved by the world, boy… or should I say that this girl is? Well, that brings its own problems too, so you should take good care of her. "

...I have my doubts about the luck thing she said, after all, in the previous world, things were already complicated during my visit... if at that time the ground had not collapsed when I had cornered Idiot-kun, then I would not had to spend 3 days in bed.


Hearing us talk about matters related to her, it was natural that Emilia-chan was also interested. But in the same way, the other girls were interested as well, and that is why everyone's attention fell on her making her even more nervous.

" What do you mean, old Witch?"

"The [Scrivener] is a pretty good skill like [Alchemy]... some could even say that it is a little rarer than this [Alchemy]. So those who are born with that skill innately, it could be said that they are very lucky... or so it should be.

This skill is not like alchemy in which anyone can focus on developing it without worrying too much... it can cause troubles for the person if an organization large enough to rule a region discovers that a person has a "gift" for that skill "

As I had thought, this ability was a pretty good development skill in Gaia just like [Alchemy], but ever since Lena heard me say that Emilia-chan had it, she had been frowning as if it was troublesome.

So when I asked her about more information, the more Lena talked about it, things seemed to get more and more troublesome about it...


Being the subject of discussion,  Emilia-chan inevitably also enters the conversation. Her face had gone through a rapid change of expression several times, from the nervousness from before, she showed happiness when she heard that her ability was quite good, but now it had transformed into concern for what Lena said.

"Well... as it would not affect anyone if a person simply engaged in making potions, not many organizations would care that an alchemist or even groups of alchemists were formed in their territories. It could even be said that it is beneficial for them.

But about [Scrivener]… no one would like a person who has the ability to suddenly destroy a city roaming freely around. So it is normal that if a person has this skill, any large organization would want to put it under their control. "

"E-Eh? D-Destroy a city? "

“Of course not everyone who has the [Scrivener] skill can create scrolls with that power... but the possibility of that happening still exists. So if for example the leaders of this Kingdom found out that this girl had that ability, they would quickly try make her join their ranks. " that I think about it, that ability really seems dangerous! Certainly, I would not like someone who can blow up my house to be walking around freely.

"T-That, doesn't that mean that any city could suddenly explode?"

“Hihihi, even though I said that as an example, that's a difficult thing to happen. For someone to accomplish something like that, they have to have a high rank in that skill, in addition to obtaining the resources to be able to create the scroll, and if is for a scroll of that level, then the materials would usually have to be from monsters of at least a level 2 soul.

Since people with that skill are usually not very fit for fighting, they would have to get them from other organizations. And organizations that can do that are usually well known, and therefore, watched over by the rulers of a region. So if someone had a plan to destroy a city, then they would most likely be discovered before they can do it. "

Kurisu who had left the papers that I gave her, interested in the conversation we had, asks that with some worry. Well, it wasn't only her who had been worried when listening to Lena, and most of the girls now looked at Emilia-chan more seriously... no, it even seemed like they were looking at a terrorist.

I'm glad the rulers of the regions do their job, but if you think about it, that's pretty normal. Even in worlds like mine and the girl's, stuffs related to mass destruction are highly controlled.

So it's a relief to hear that a city won’t suddenly explode when we're in it. Hell! If it were like that, then from now on I would be afraid to enter a city!!

“Well, for now we will keep Emilia-chan's skill a secret. First we will find a way for her to learn more about her skill.

But... now I understand why until now I have not seen something like a shop specializing in scrolls... or organizations that are dedicated to it. "

“Well, in a level 1 Area an organization made up of scriveners would be very rare, but on a higher level, there may be some. Or maybe although it is not the main thing that an organization does, they could have a branch specialized in that.

In fact, I had some acquaintances that I could introduce to you... unfortunately I have my own problems too, so to do that you will have to fulfill your promise first, hihihi.

Speaking of which... have you keep practicing alchemy, boy? "

“Hehehe old woman, surprise yourself! I've reached [H] rank already! Besides, somehow it also became an innate skill!! "

“Brat… if you're going to lie, do it more credibly. Even Shisuka who has been pushing herself all this time, had barely reached that rank a few days ago… not to mention that it is even less possible for your skill to become an innate. "

"Hehehe be surprised, old witch!"

As anyone would do, I also wanted to show off my achievements proudly, and so I bought a crystal ball like the one Lena had in her store from the system which was not very expensive, and I gave it to her so she could confirm that it has nothing strange on it.

Without needing to say anything to her, she quickly understands my intention, and placing her hand on it causes a red glow to emanate from it. Then, after making a nod, she hands it to Shisuka who does the same as her but the color she produces this time was light pink along with some golden strands.

Thinking that this would end tests, I thought it was time to show her that I wasn't lying, but then instead of Shisuka handing the crystal ball to me, she passes it to Saya...

"Eh? Saya, did you develop the Alchemist skill as well? "

"Yes, Alexander-san! The previous time that Lena-san came, when she was teaching Shisuka and since I had a little free time, I joined them. So after practicing a bit, I was also able to make a simple potion!! "

As is agreeing with her that she was not lying, the crystal ball shines with a gray color indicating that she had reached  [J] rank in the Alchemist skill... this surprised me a bit, but seeing how happy she looked, I also smiled cheerfully back at her.

"Hihihi, you really are lucky to have such talented girls dedicated to you, boy"

"That is true"

Certainly her skill was not an innate, but it was something to praise her anyway, a person can take years to achieve the same as her. Well, now it was time to show my achievements, and so I take the crystal ball from Saya who has a slightly flushed face from what I had said.

"Y-you must be kidding!"

Then, the crystal ball shows the same reaction as as with Shisuka, greatly surprising Lena who looks at it with wide eyes. This certainly feels great! Although it is a shame that the other girls do not react to surprised and just start arguing with each other again after putting their eyes on the crystal ball for a short moment… it was probably not that shocking for them since they knew about my System.

Also... it was a disgrace that I couldn't enjoy this moment for a longer time. As the place had gone a bit quiet due to this, Rei and Vrana's discussion echoes in the place.

"Vrana, you have to eat everything, you can't leave the vegetables on your plate!"

“Heee~ But Vrana doesn't like them!

…Vrana prefers the meat stick from Master, it was more delicious, rock~"


"So you took advantage of that little girl… no, she seems to be a little older than him, so I can't say that he took advantage of her."

"Koho, Kohon!!"

As I took a deep breath to puff out my chest with pride, listening to Vrana's comment, I feel my lungs contract and causing me to cough involuntarily. Shit! The whole place went completely silent as the girls cast their gaze on me and Vrana repeatedly...

I quickly urge all my neurons to work to find some excuse to say, and for the first time, I felt the usefulness of my [Parallel Thinking] skill and how good it was!

" V-Vrana-chan... do you want this? "

"Yeey~ Vrana obtained stick with meat from Master, roock ~!"

Remembering that I had brought some skewers from Barl's restaurant of the old man from before to take with me to B-Toom's world, I prayed they weren't finished and that I still had some. When I saw that there were still 3 of these left, I thanked all the Gods for this as I took out two skewers from my interdimensional storage and give them to Vrana.

Seeing this, most of the girls relax and some even breathe a sigh of relief, and then continue what they were doing without worrying about it anymore… there were only two girls who still seemed to have some doubts about this.

It was Revy who had wanted to complain before but when she laid eyes on me again, she changed her mind. She seemed to have noticed the difference between the words "with" and the absence of it in Vrana's phrases... also, Saya discreetly sniffs at Vrana who was sitting next to her, and then after frowning a little, she puts her eyes on me while smiling, and after seeing that no one was watching her, then she move her lips saying without producing a sound 'if you wanted, I could have done it for you, you know?' "

…She certainly knows what Vrana and I did before! Well… since we both did it too, then it must be easier for her to think that I also can do it with other girls. Ah damn it! I feel like my friend is getting energetic again due to Saya's slightly shy attitude when she said that moving her lips!!

"Well, well, well, boy. I don't know how you did it, but I'm happy that you seem motivated to keep your promise. Hihihi, now that I think about it, this place is pretty good. I will move my store to this place.

Surely when word gets out that there is a safe place in this forest to rest, many adventurers will come here. So you should think about getting more out of this place too, boy. Hihihi. "

"... I don't mind if you move your store here, but you will have to pay for the construction fee yourself"

"Tch, you are cheap with your teacher, boy"

I don't know if Lena didn't hear what Vrana said since she was shocked due to my advance or just didn't pay attention to it, however it was, I'm glad she started another topic of conversation.

Actually, I don't mind if she moves to this place. In fact, it's better for me since Shisuka would be here too, so I wouldn't have to be traveling to Barl to see her while she continues to learn from this old witch.

Also, as she said, I have to keep my promise to her. It would be problematic if when I finally do it I could not find her... I have to see that cute huldra-chan after all!

“It's true, Alexander-san. I wanted to talk about this with you once you got back. As Lena-san said, leaving all this land to ourselves would be a bit of a waste, so I thought, maybe we should lease the land so that other people can settle here too.

If you don't want other people to stay near the mansion, you could even have a second wall built. Although the energy in that place is probably not as great as where the mansion is, I think is still quite good."

"... lease the land around the mansion?"

As if remembering something, Saya in which I had my eyes now recovers her normal attitude and in an exited way begins to explain me all that, and other girls who hear this also begin to agree with what she says.

…It seems that the girls also had their own ideas while I was gone. This makes me happy as I can interpret it as that they have begun to imagine and look for ways about how we can live together in this world, but... maybe there are some drawbacks to this idea.


Written By Drack

Edited by XArezzX

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