Soul Evolution System

Chapter 243: Achievements and Progress (Part 4)

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“Scythe… you really surprised me when I woke up. Suddenly feeling the moisture of your mouth and the tickling of your tongue was something unexpected... "


First thing in the morning, while I was lying on my bed, the sudden sensations I felt made my eyes widen to find the scene of Scythe playing with "that place" which she now held with her hands so that she could bring it to her mouth. She licked it and sucked it like it was the most delicious thing in the world.

Unexpectedly, despite the fact that she had noticed that I woke up, she did not stop even for a moment what she was doing… our eyes just met, and she continued to do her thing while looking directly at me.

“ If it's difficult, then don't put it all in your mouth… your jaw will dislocate, you know? "

"... amu ~ amu ~"

“ Please don't bite me too hard… okay? "

…Seeing her teeth pressing against my skin, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Having lived with her for a while, I could tell that she preferred to eat fresh chunks of meat, and if it was raw enough for blood to spill into her mouth when she bit into it, then Scythe will enjoy her food even more.

I was definitely a little scared watching her nibble at the large piece of meat in her mouth... It was a relief that she just nibbled playfully and used her tongue as if she wanted to savor more of what was in her mouth.

"Slowly... I won't take it away, you know? I'll let you continue until the other girls get up"

"... amu~ ...[Lick], [Lick] ~... amu~"

"...It's so delicious?"

"Amu~…… delicious… [Lick] ~"

"What the hell are you doing? Perverted brat!!

…Really, what are you doing? "

Finally, the first girl from the ones who should have been awake and keep pretending to be asleep sits up on the bed while looking at us complaining about our actions. Not finding the scene she expected, Rei changed her eyes from anger to ones of confusion and repeats her question, but now with a completely different meaning.

"I don't know either... I just woke up with Scythe holding one of my arms and licking it..."

I'm sure she expected to find a scene where I and Scythe were doing something sexual, but since I had nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of, I simply explain the facts to her.

I had slept in the center of the bed surrounded by many girls, but now I was on the edge of it... I don't think the girls pushed me to this place since they don't move much while they sleep, so I can only think that Scythe dragged me here at some point.

...It must have been like what a leopard does when it drags its prey up a tree so it can eat it without worrying about the rest.

“Rei… what did you think we were doing? I'm a little curious "

"N-Nothing! I wasn’t thinking that what you were doing was something strange!! "

[… You did it on purpose, right Alexander?]

Of course, I was not an innocent person so I knew how all this that Scythe and I were doing for the other girls in bed must have imagined. In fact, since the sun had risen for a while and most of the girls get up early to do their activities, for some time now I had realized that many had woken up and pretended to be sleeping.

It was very interesting to see how they struggled with shame and curiosity to see what was happening. Even I could see some of them move in bed while keeping their eyes shut as if they were trying not to open them... or others began to move to look for a better place to see what was happening but without them being discovered by us.

... so, since they couldn't or didn't want to see, their imagination began to work causing some of them to begin to gasp slightly in a ragged way and brush their thighs against each other.

Since things had developed this way with Scythe, I thought it would be a good idea to see how the girls reacted when thinking that I was doing something sexual with any of them... since none of them stopped me for a while, I must say that the result is quite encouraging.

Besides... probably more than one of them imagined doing what seemed to be doing with them being Scythe! So I can say that because they have this idea in their minds now, then make it a really happen will be much easier!! Hehehe, things really seem to be moving slowly in a good direction...

"S-so is it daylight already? Uwa~ It seems I slept too much..."

"I-It's true, it's a bit late, so I should go see the girls at the barracks!"

"Yes... we should have breakfast then do our work."

"Fufufu, it seems that Scythe-chan also miss you a lot, Alex-san"

"" ... ""

After realizing from Rei's and my words that what was happening was probably not what they were imagining, Kurisu, Rika, Saya, Saeko, and the other girls start to get out of bed.

"I want Master’s meat stick, roock~"

"Alex-kun~ ...hya~ Don't spank my ass so hard~"

Well… there were two girls who really kept sleeping since they are not good with the mornings. It seems that Vrana who is lying on my chest drooling a little, and Shisuka who moves a bit her plump and completely visible butt since she was wearing a thong to sleep, both are having sweet dreams...

Vrana's dreams were probably a bit stimulated by my penis that was pressing hard against her belly due to my morning erection... also, perhaps it was a bit more intense due to what Scythe was doing which despite not being something sexual, it was still quite suggestive.

"Amu~… chu ~ chu ~ chu ~… aaahh~ "

"Now that I think about it, what you're doing is still pretty strange, so stop doing it!! "

...Scythe had taken my advice and instead of continuing trying to bite my whole arm while opening her jaw wide, now she had started licking and sucking on my fingers instead. was inevitable that by having her tongue curling around my fingers I would also start to play with it a bit... holding it and stretching it a little while pulling it out of her mouth at times. So I can't deny Rei's words and I have no choice but to stop.

"Aah... Master ..."

"Good morning, Master. Leona-senpai went to prepare breakfast "

"Yes, I also heard it"

By the way, there were two girls who got out of bed without caring much about what was happening. Leona just greeted me when she notices me, and then she left the room after telling me what Mary repeats.

On the other hand, the latter only stayed standing next to us while observing everything with curiosity, but without saying anything until now... when our eyes met, she just smiled at me and then continued to see Scythe licking my arm.

"Rika, wait, Rei and Emilia-chan too"

"…What happened?"

"…what do you want?"


"We will do the ritual so that you also gain the same skills as the other girls"

Seeing that the girls were getting ready to go out and do their activities, I stop these three there so we can do the ritual. If we wait too long, I may forget it or we may not have time to do it later. So it is best to do it as soon as possible.

"E-Eh? B-But... "

"I-I never promised I would do that with you!"


“Rika, I told you that we would do it once I returned from Emilia-chan's world. The advantages of obtaining that skill are very good, so that's why we must also do it, Rei"

"T-That... fine."

I had already given Rika time to clear her mind and concerns, so after insisting just one more time, she nods and shows a firm look. Now the problem was the other two girls...

Or so I thought it would be, but instead of me being the one to insist, I receive the support of other girls to convince Rei and explain things to Emilia-chan.

"I-I do not-"

"Stop wasting time, Rei. If you don't do it now, then I won't let you do it another time "

"E-Eh? B-But I… s-something like that… "

“Your hesitant attitude has always bothered me even though it's obvious that that's what you want too, Rei!

...It would be good to undress you and put you in a box to be handed over too... it's not fair that I was the only one who was treated that way for doubting... "

"Uwaaa~ Sleeping near Alex-kun really makes my body rest better~

...Don't worry, Emilia-chan. The ritual Alex-kun is talking about is not something bad or embarrassing~ You just have to… "

"Eh? S-Shisuka-san? "

… If you ask me, I think Saya is bothered by Rei's attitude because she is also partly an indecisive girl when it comes to things related to love and stuff. Also, hearing her last words that were more of a whisper, I think she still holds a bit of a grudge towards her mother because of what happened at that time...

On the other hand, Shisuka who seemed to have awakened approaches Emilia-chan with sleepy eyes and surprising her a bit when she hugs her and rubs her cheek against her, begins to explain the ritual to Emilia-chan.

Then Rei, after being confronted by Saya and seeing how the other girls observe her and nod as if to say that they agreed with the latter's words, in the end, it seems that she makes a decision. As for Emilia, learning that the ritual was not something too strange, she does not seem to be very opposed to it.

" Fine! I will do it! Is everyone happy now?!

"E-Emmm… i-if I can be stronger doing that, then please let's do that ritual, Alexander-senpai."

"Okay, then let's get started. Oh, it's true... Mary, you must do it too "

"Yes Master"

Since I knew that doing the ritual with Mary would not be a problem, I almost forgot her. With her, I just had to ask her and, like now, I knew she would accept without hesitation.

A few minutes later, the girls I was going to do the ritual to receive the [Consecration of Origin] skill and me were sitting in seiza on top of the bed. Why were we like this?  That's because Rika takes this position when she gets on the bed and the other girls imitate her… so with no other alternative, I also do the same.

...this actually feels like something more formal. Well, if it weren't for the other girls surrounding the bed to observe this, the atmosphere would certainly be more serious.

“I Rika Minami promise to love you all my life, Alexander Ilios Apeiro!

...A-Although we will only do husband and wife things until you grow up a bit, OK?. "

“Hehehe, no problem, I'll wait. I also promise to love you as my woman, Rika. Let's be together until the end of our lives from now on"


"Kyaa~ Rika kissed Alex-kun~"

Finishing our promise between us and handing her the glasses that she had given me earlier, I take Rika's lips and put my tongue in her mouth a little. When we separate, leaving a thin thread of saliva which makes Rika's face blush even more when she sees it, light descends from the sky through the ceiling of this room and surrounding her, indicating that the ritual had been a success.

"I, Mary, promise to follow Master and protect him throughout my life... this body belongs to Master, so he can do whatever he wants with it"

"Thank you. Your words make me very happy, but let's wait to do something like this between us until you feel the desire to do it because of your desire as a woman or love, and not as an obligation towards me "


She speaks very similar words as what Leona said when we did this previously, only as if Mary thought that maybe this was not enough, she also said that last thing to me while winking at me.

...the truth is that I have realized that Leona and Mary are a little different in personality, so I may not be so reluctant to do it with Mary. If I do it with Leona, I feel like she would just act like a doll without many reactions, but with Mary… I think she would act appropriately in that situation and cooperate in the act, not like a doll.

But if we do it, more than being a couple making love, I feel like she would be more like a prostitute doing her business, doing her job for her pay. I don't have any bad feelings towards prostitutes, but I don't want to think of Mary that way… for me, she is the same as the other girls and not a prostitute, so I don't mind waiting until she develops more intense feelings toward me.


[Mary Affection +5 Total Affection: 80]

As she caresses her lips a bit after our kiss and is enveloped by the same light as before, I hear the system notification... her affection seems to increase faster than Leona, so I don't think I will have to wait long to taste Mary either...

"I-I... E-Emmm..."

"I promise to love Rei Miyamoto... I promise to help and protect her as long as I’m alive."

"E-Eh? E-Emmm... W-Well... i-if you say something like that, t-then... I-I promise to love Alexander... I-I'll also stay by his side and help him in whatever way I can... I-I'll do my best to do it-Hmn~ "

When it is Rei's turn, since she was very nervous and couldn't seem to find the right words to say, I decide to start this time. Then she seems to find some courage after hearing my words, and then begins to speak, but... her voice becomes smaller with every word she says...

Well, when I stop being able to hear her, then I kiss her, and then the process as with the two previous girls repeats on her. The item I give her was the same spear that I got yesterday from the treasure chests, so I didn't have to spend anything.

…I hadn't given Mary an item until now, and the ones I had in my storage didn't seem very suitable for her. So I had to search the system for something and finally choose a pair of [ F ] rank gauntlets and boots.

[Gauntlets and Boots “Sonic Impact” – F

Effects: [Hardness F] [Water Shield-F] [Sonic Impact-F]

Description: These gauntlets are made of mermaid scales capable of storing energy to add a sonic attack to the user's hits. It also generates a thin layer of water to protect the user's body.]

When Mary puts them on, a light layer of water surrounds her but soon it disappears and was no longer visible to our eyes. I think the water shield is like a passive ability, while the sonic impact is active.

These items were expensive, but since they also act as armor, then I can save myself the expense of buying one for Mary who wore normal clothing.

Besides, for Emilia-chan I also have to buy an item to complete the ritual. Since she is not suitable for fighting, what I chose was a [Interdimensional Storage Necklace-F] similar to Shisuka's, surely this will be more useful to store tools and objects since I think the best is for her to develop her [Scrivener] skill.

…I still had the ring that I planned to give Saeko, but if Emilia finds out that it belonged to a man who had recently been beheaded, then she may very well not like wearing it. The bracelet that I gave to Rika was only snatched from its previous user, its origin would not be so bad to give it to Emilia-chan, but unfortunately, it would be wrong to ask Rika to return the bracelet to give it to Emilia-chan after I already gave it to her...

So there was no alternative but to also spend a little on this necklace… I swear it was for this reason! It was definitely not like with Shisuka, this way I have a pretext to put my eyes on her breasts and say that I was only seeing the necklace when someone find me doing it!

Well, with the "pretext" up my sleeve... with the necklace in my hands I put my eyes on the last girl missing to carry out the ritual.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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