Soul Evolution System

Chapter 244: Achievements and Progress (Part 5)

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"E-Emmm… th-this is a bit different from what Shisuka-san told me..."

"Hmn? Is that so~? "

"S-Shisuka-san... you said that we would only make a promise to help each other... no matter how you look at this, this is a commitment between lovers!"

"Isn't that the same as a promise to support each other to face any difficulty?~"


When I put my eyes on Emilia-chan and approach her, she send a glance towards Shisuka as if asking for help and also raising some complaints... I already thought that it was strange that Emilia-chan agreed to do this so quickly... it seems that Shisuka simplified the explanation too much about the ritual before.

"Emilia, don't you like me?"

"E-Eh? T-That's... "

Well, it wasn't my style to back down on this kind of thing, so arriving right in front of Emilia-chan who trembles a little when she senses my presence, I'm a little direct with her.

“…I-I think I like you, Alexander-senpai. B-But I don't know if what I feel can be love ... "

“Well, then we just have to find out. Let's do the ritual and if it fails, then I just have to try harder for you to truly love me and do it again later.

Is that fine? "

Knowing that Emilia felt repudiation towards men, she saying that she liked me made me very happy, so I take her hand and say that with a smile on my face. Although she lowers her face to avoid looking into my eyes trying to hide her embarrassment, this time she doesn't try to separate her hand from the mine. Then a few seconds after my words, she responds to me.

"... o-okay"

The truth is that I do not believe that the ritual will fail, according to the requirements, the other party has to have an affection or loyalty with a number greater than 100, and also make a promise to follow me or love me. But I think the main focus is only the first condition since a person with that digit will not betray me easily.

I think the promise is more akin to a magic chant to activate the ability, and just the fact that her feelings are sincere when she says it should be enough for my ability to take effect.

...well, that's just a guess. Let's see what happens and if for some reason I am wrong, then I just have to carry out my previous words.

"I Alexander Ilios Apeiro swear-"

" What the hell are they doing?! The sun came out more than an hour ago!!

How much longer do you intend to stay in this room?!! "

"" ... ""

When I was about to follow the same steps as with Rei and being the one to start since Emilia-chan seemed not to know what to do, the door opened showing a annoyed Revy who interrupts my words...

"Even if we were all day here in the room, I do not think that's something to bother you"

“H-Hmp~ This mansion is very large and without anyone in it, it seems like a ghost will come out of somewhere.

…what are you doing?"

As if Revy understood that my words were true, she may only said the first excuse that crosses her mind when she sees that the other girls were directing their eyes on her, and then decides to change the subject.

After a slight explanation from Saeko who approached her, I and Emilia-chan proceed to perform the ritual just like with the other girls. It seems my assumptions were correct and she too successfully receives the [Consecration of Origin] skill after I hand her the necklace.

The only downside was that with Revy's presence, she got a little more nervous. Perhaps because she had spent more time with her than with the girls here, Revy seeing the whole process embarrassed her even more, and above all, the time where I lightly kissed her lips.


[Emilia Affection +50]

…Seeing that she received the ability successfully, whether consciously or unconsciously, I think she took it as if it confirmed that the feelings she has towards me were true and that made her affection go up a lot in an instant.

“…So this little cow received another ability just like when we were in her world? The ability I received earlier seems to be quite useful… give me that ability too, Alex-chan! "

"S-Stop calling me that! "

After seeing the ray of light descending on Emilia-chan that seems to be absorbed by her body, Revy seemed interested in this. So showing her hand, I can see a slight glowing cover surrounding it as she says that... I've already seen Leona do something similar, so I know that without a doubt that's the [ Ki Control ] ability she received earlier...

"Oh? Are you willing to kiss me to get it? "

“Tch… it's just a kiss. Do you think I'm a silly schoolgirl who gets nervous about these kind of things? Although it is unpleasant to do it with you, if I can get something good doing that, then I don't see why not to do it. "

"" ... ""

…Well, I think she is a practical girl who knows how to evaluate the benefits in exchange for some disadvantages. To be honest, I agree with her way of thinking, but I would like her to think about the moment and in front of who is speaking too...

Here, most of the girls have romantic thoughts! Besides, among them, there are several who were in fact schoolgirls that fit perfectly in that description!!

Even though some don't care much about her words, I can see some who frown and look at Revy with a little distaste...

"Unfortunately you haven't earned this yet, you'll have to try harder for me to give you that ability, Revy-tan~"

"H-Hmp~ It's not like I wanted it that much either"

Since neither her affection nor loyalty has exceeded the digit of 100, I am sure that the ritual will fail with her, so I have no choice but to put it that way for now. I don't reject her for the fact that I was jealous of seeing her use [Ki Control]… well, maybe that also influenced a bit.

You may think, why don't I take the opportunity to kiss her even if the skill fails? Well… I also think that it would certainly be great taste her full lips, but the shower of complaints that I would receive later because she did not obtain the ability would be very annoying.

"Well, it's late for breakfast and Leona will surely still be waiting while is standing  there, so let's go there"


Then we all started dressing up in our usual outfits, with the only exception being me and Scythe. Both of us took the new armor that I received yesterday, and left the room.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

When we got to the dining room where Leona was waiting for us, there were already some people other than her there. It's good that she didn't seem upset or even cared about the fact that she had to stand here all this time...

"Alexander, now that you are back, then we can go to Rozz's forest now!!"

“Haaa~ You really won't let me rest for a few days with the girls before having to undertake another trip, right Lorens-kun? "

"What are you talking about?! After completing his mission an adventurer must prepare for his next adventure and go towards it without any time to waste!! "

No... I think most adventurers would just rest after finishing a mission, until the money they got for it was about to end, then they would think about looking for another one. After all, every mission could spell their death.

I think that very few would have the same ideology as this little prince... but hey, I'm not the one to break his illusions. Also, I had made a promise to him and since he had fulfilled his part, I speak to accept his request.

"Well... we'll go after I finish preparing some things."


"Sorry for the inconvenience of my little brother."

"No, it doesn't matter... but let me apologize again for what happened before. I was a little excited at that time because of the fight and didn't think clearly"

Yesterday while talking to the girls, they told me that the girl who had killed the 150 million G bounty was none other than the princess of this kingdom herself. Seriously, hearing them say that I couldn't stop a bit of sweat from running down my forehead! Maybe I was about to end up with a bounty over my head just like the guy from before for having the idea of making her my slave!!

...well, everyone has their tastes. It seems that the guy from earlier had chosen to kidnap the little prince instead of her… now I understand why he seemed to be specifically targeting me! If I had lost and fallen into their hands, then my ass could have been at risk!!

It's good that this girl didn't seem to mind my words from before and she accepted my apologies. It also seems that my apologies calmed the other girl who was with her, she had stopped glaring at me after that.

“Fufufu, no problem. As an adventurer, I understand your anger since my acts would affect the reward you will receive. So don't worry, you will properly receive your reward. "

… I wonder what this pair of siblings have in their heads to pretend to be adventurers? Besides, does she really think that no one knows her identity too? Well, it's not like that has anything to do with me, in fact, this is much better for me!

"I never thought I would see an adventurer as beautiful and with a character as refined as you... you almost seem to be a noble"

"E-Eh? T-That's… T-Thank you… “

"W-We are not nobles!! We are adventurers!! "

… Of course they are not nobles! They are a prince and a princess!! I wanted to shout that, but I refrain from doing it. This way I can calmly talk to this princess without having to worry about things like social status.

Although I don't know if it's because of my direct words or the fact that I compare her to a noble, but seeing this beautiful girl act shyly is something good.

The princess was a 17 or 18-year-old girl with body proportions similar to Kurisu's, with the difference that her hair was long pinkish-brown and have bright green eyes. She was quite beautiful and seemed to be quite a cheerful girl, but with an attitude commensurate with her status as a princess.

"Boy... you shouldn't act so confidently with a person you just met."

"...Turla-san is not far behind either, you are also quite remarkable"


On the other hand, the girl next to the princess seemed to be more serious, but she was certainly also beautiful. She had a slightly older appearance than the princess, but it didn't look like her age would exceed 20 years old.

She had dark brown hair that fell just below her shoulders, and she combed it in a way that would not get in the way of battle. Her eyes were also brown according to her hair, but of a lighter color.

She wore knightly style armor and carried a big sword and shield, no doubt this giving the impression of she being the princess's guard. By the way, the princess used light equipment and a bow as a weapon.

Furthermore, the rank of the weapons and clothing they both wore exceeded the [H] rank… even the princess's bow was a [F] rank.

But the most surprising thing is that the strength of both was quite good, they had a level of [92] and [85] respectively… it seems that they were not girls who stayed shut-in all the time inside the castle.

"Alex! Stop observing them so much… you are going to make our guests uncomfortable "

"Hahaha, Sorry, they are pretty beautiful girls that unconsciously I couldn't take my eyes off of them"

"Hmp~ Perverted brat ..."

With Kurisu's warning and Rei's complaint, since they seemed getting jealous, I took my eyes off those other two girls and smiled at the two who had spoken.

"Well, then we should head towards the capital if we want to go to the Rozz Area"


The truth is that I wanted to rest a little, visit the world of HOTD, and see how things are there and make the BIM production lines work. And finally, spend about a month with all the girls here and then finally go to the next world where I would learn martial arts.

Unfortunately with the prince here, it would be a bit troublesome to do all that if I have him next to me telling me all the time that we have to go to the Rozz Area.

The good thing is that even though I still feel a bit sorry for having to leave the girls for a longer time when I go to that world, at least seeing their progress I feel calmer leaving them in Gaia.


Name: Saeko Busujima

Race: Human

Age: 18

Level: 81

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100     Energy: (40)

Force: J> I

Resistance: J> I

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: J> H

Magic: (-)



[Samurai - C] [Warrior's Heart - A] [Perception - S] [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Focus - C] [Body Control-H] (New) [Agile Movement-H] (New) [Precise Cut-D] [Fast Cut - C] [ Battōjutsu - G] [ Ryūtsuisen -H] (New) [ Ryūkansen -H] (New) [ Ryūshōsen -I] (New) [Cook - E]

Magic: None


[Sword Technique: Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu Style - I> G ] [Manners- B] [Housewife - E]

Affection: 210 (Captivated)


Name: Rika Minami

Race: Human

Age: 28

Level: 77

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100                                         Energy: (30)

Force: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J> I

Agility: J> I

Magic: (-)



[Shoot- B] [Tactical - A] [Analysis of situation - S] [ Consecration of Origin - SS] 


[Focus - C] [Hand- to- hand combat -I] [Cut - I] [Stab - I] [Courage - E] [Command- H] [Withstand pressure - H] [Emotion Control -J]            

Magic: none


[Gunman - G] [Sniper-H] [Leadership -H] [Soldier-H]

Affection: 205 (Engaged)


Name: Rei Miyamoto

Race: Human

Age: 17 years old

Level: 51 > 68

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100        Energy: (20)                                                 

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Survivor-A] [Spearwoman- I > H ] [Consecration of Origin - SS] (New)


[Shoot- H] [Drill- I] [Cut- I] [Courage-H] [Close combat-I] [Agile Movement- J] ( New)



[Gunslinger - H] [Sniper-H] [Student- I] [ Self Defense-I]

Affection: 155


Name: Leona Heidern

Race: Human Homunculus

Age: 7 Months (Body of an 18-year-old girl)

Level: 67 > 88

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (4 0)

Strength: I > H

Resistance: I

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[Body domain - S] [Knife handling- A] [Regeneration - E] [Abnormal state resistance - C] [Ki Control -H] [Riot of Blood- A] (Sealed) [Consecration of Origin - SS] (New )


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Shoot- C] [Barehanded combat- B] [Cut- C] [Ki Punch-C] [Night Vision- H]

Magic: none


[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity C] [Gunslinger- C] [Self Defense - B] [Assassination Techniques Heidern-C] [Bodyguard- I > H ]

Loyalty: 214 > 425      Affection : 60> 70

These girls were probably the ones who had been the most active during my time in the world of B-tooom ... they had leveled up quite a bit and also elevated the rank some of their abilities. Well, it also influenced that the 6 months to be able to use the Limit-break pill again had passed, and all the girls had taken their second pill.

That's why the other girls who maybe didn't fight too much had also increased their strength a bit too...


Name: Kurisu Makise

Race: Human

Age: 18 years

Level: 65

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100     Energy: ( 60 )         

Force: J

Resistance: J > I

Dexterity: J > I

Intelligence: G

Agility: J

Magic: [Magic Attribute: Space ] (sealed)

[Magic Attribute: Time ] (sealed)



[Scholar-A] [Prodigy-S] [Apostle of Wisdom-SSS] (Sealed) [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Analysis-E] [Calculus-A] [Parallel thinking-C] [Shoot-H> G]



[Academician-E] [Sniper-H> G]

Affection: 520 (In Love)


Name: Saya Takagi

Race: Human

Age: 16 > 17 years

Level: 48 > 72

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100        Energy: ( 60 )                          

Force: J > I

Resistance: J > I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: H

Agility: J

Magic: [Magic Attribute: Earth ] (sealed)

[Magic Attribute: Water ] (sealed)



[Alchemist (Transmutation)] (Sealed) [Prodigy-S] [Leadership-E ] [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Shoot- C] [Analysis-E]

Magic: none


[Academic-E] [Sniper-I] [Student-G] [Gunslinger-I] [Alchemist (Potion concoction) - J]( New)]

Affection: 280 (Captivated)


Name: Shisuka Marikawa

Race: Human

Age: 27 years

Level: 50 > 68

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100       Energy: ( 40 )                                 

Force: J

Resistance: J > I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: I

Agility: J

Magic: [Magic Attribute: Nature] (sealed)

[Magic Attribute: Healing] (sealed)



[Alchemist- I> H ] [Charm - A] [Knucklehead-S] [Herbalism - H ] [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Shoot- I] [Mixing I > H] [Seduction -B] [Analysis (Herbs) - H]

Magic: none


[Gunslinger-H] [Sniper-H] [Academic -H]

Affection: 245 (Captivated) (Possible M)

The girls whose skills are more focused on production, their advancement are still pretty good. Also, it seems that their body accumulates energy even faster than the other girls. Saya and Shisuka twice, and Kurisu even 3 times faster.

To top it off, it seems like her magical abilities are starting to form as now I'm even able to see the attributes they're good at, and I must say that these attributes are very well suited to them.

Although the girls who had an even faster advancement, were my cute monsters.


Name: Scythe Grim

Race: Ghoul

Age: 10 Months (Body of a 24-year-old girl)

Level: 64 > 88

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: ( 80)                     

Strength: I > H

Resistance: I > H

Dexterity: I > H

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[Berserker - G] [Body Domain - S] [Scythe Handling- C] [Life Absorption - S] (Sealed ) [Ki Control- H] ( New ) [ Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Pain Block - C] [Sharp Claws - C] [Reap- E] [Night Vision- H]



[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity - C] [Bodyguard- I]

Loyalty: 580 > 600           Affection: 70 > 80


Name: Vrana Yatagarasu

Race: Harpy-Raven

Age: 3 years (Body of a 14-year-old girl)

Level: 82> 90

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (100)                  

Strength: I > H

Resistance: I > H

Dexterity: J > I

Intelligence: J

Agility: H > G

Magic: [ Affinity: Wind] (Sealed)

[Affinity: Sound] (Sealed)

[Affinity: Fire] (Sealed)



[Hawk Vision-S] [Feather Hardening-S] [Sharp Feathers - H] [Ki Control-H] [Fire Immunity-C] [Absorption Solar Energy-SS] [Leadership-J] [ Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Agile Movement (Air)- G] [Sharp Claws - H] [Winged Cut- H]



[Fly-H] [Loyalty-C]

Loyalty: 251 >270   Affection: 85> 290 (Fond)


First name: (-)

Race: Venus Luciferian

Age: 2 years old

Level: 65> 94

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100                            Energy: (100 )

Strength: I

Resistance: I > H

Dexterity: J > I

Intelligence: (-)

Agility: J > I

Magic: (-)



[Digest - A] [Energy Absorption - A] [Regeneration - C] [Graft -H] (New)


[Paralyzing Thorns - H] [Acid Secretion - G] [Wrap - H] [Paralyzing Pollen - G] [Poison Needle - G ]

Magic: none


[Glutton - A] [Fidelity B]

Loyalty: 324 > 560

…Vrana and my Venus even entered the 9th limit by themselves. Furthermore, Scythe is not far behind them and would probably also enter the ninth limit shortly. It seems that apart from hunting and eating every day, since the environment in this place is also very favorable for monsters to develop faster, this has helped them a lot. I understand more why the monsters that attack this place to take it are so insistent.

Also, I'm glad there are 2 other ninth limits in our group, but I'm concerned that if my monsters keep leveling so fast there might be a slight problem...

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