Soul Evolution System

Chapter 248: Road to Rozz ( Part 3 )

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The levels of the organizations are granted by the strength of it’s members. For an organization to be classified as level I-3, then It must have at least one member who has opened his energy core. An I-2 organization like the “Servants of Alexander-sama”, requires at least 2 to 5 people who meet that condition. I-1 should have at least 9 people who exceed the 5th limit.

So, to go up to the H-3 rank, it is necessary to have more than 10 people who exceed the 5th limit or 1 person in the 9th. To raise the rank of an organization at this rank, it is necessary to have more people of the 9th limit with the same numbers of the previous rank. That means that no matter whether an organization has more than 100 people with 5th limit, they still could not advance more than H-3 rank, to be H-2 is necessary 2-5 persons at the 9th limit.

That is the reason why our organization, despite being newly founded and having fewer members than the soldiers girls, has a higher rank. That's also why is not so strange for the receptionist seeing them subordinate to us despite having far fewer members, in fact, an organization with the strength of our members could stay in the capital without having to worry about others groups trying to intimidate us... probably.

I think with this, the number of attacks on our base will be decrease a lot since the rank of an organization is public information, so anyone can understand that our group has at least 2 people in the 9th limit.

“ Did you finished what you had to do, Alexander?! "


"Well, then we can go to Rozz now!!"

Fulfilling our purpose in the guild, we all left the build and immediately met the prince's group outside. It seems that they also finished doing the things they had to do. Besides, it seems that they came accompanied by other people of which I recognize one immediately...

"Oh! So Alexander-san was here too? I'm glad you all are okay.

I hear you had a few issues recently, but it seems like you solved it splendidly. It really seems that my eyes did not fail me in evaluating a person's worth!

Thanks to your organization, the public order of this city and my surrounding territory have become very good, you have a splendid group if I may say."

"... thank you?"

That person was Count Renma Barl... I thought that he would be angry since the girls had eliminated most organizations in his city, but it seems that since these girls had become enemy number 1 of thieves for obvious reasons, did not affect his territory an instead improve it.

Unfortunately since I had done the same before, those girls didn't get much rewards of the newly formed groups of thieves. I wanted to tell them to treat thieves like cattle, to let them get a little fat so they could enjoy their delicious meat better after taking care of them… after all, that seemed to be the common behavior of most adventurers.

But since that increased the chances that some women would be abused, it did not seem right to ask that to the soldiers girls. Besides, I did not want to be responsible for the misfortune of some women either... in the end I let them do whatever they wanted and let them vent all the resentment they had with the thieves they found. That seemed to be good therapy for them too, so in the end everyone gained from this…… except for the thieves thought.

The female soldiers would probably improve mentally, the village girls would be safe, and although is not much, we were still earning some rewards. The thieves? They weren't human and so it didn't matter much what happened to them.

“I would like to invite you to a meal at my mansion, Alexander-san. Unfortunately you seem to be busy, so let's save it for another time.

My daughter, you really make your father proud, keep protecting the princess!"

"Don't worry father, leave it to me"

"Thanks for everything so far, Count Barl."

"Thanks for everything, Uncle Renma!"

"" ... ""

As usual, our group pretends not to listen to the conversation of this prince and princess in order to keep up the appearances about they being adventurers. Well, this time it wasn't annoying for me as it meant I could act cheeky with the princess that way...

But what the count says surprises me... I didn't expect that Turla-san was the daughter of this count! Thank God they are nothing alike. But now that I think about it, I vaguely recall he mentioned that his daughter worked for the princess...

"Well then go!"

"Be careful Alex, everyone take care"

"Fufufu, I also wanted to go to that forest, it sounded interesting, but it would indeed be a bit unfair since I accompanied Alex-san before."

""Everyone be careful there! ""

" Hmn? Where are you going, Lorens-kun? "

"E-Eh? We're going to the capital now, right? "

After saying goodbyes, the prince advances to the branch of the world guild that we had come from. Apparently, his group had come to Barl through the guild's teleportation gates and asked Count Barl for a vehicle to move here… they had not come in a vehicle like Palmir did the previous time.

If you think about it, that would be the most practical way to come here. But…

"I refuse to use the teleportation gates to go to the capital!"

""Eh? Why? If we use them we'll get there right away... ""

“… I have teleportation gate phobia! 

...I heard they can split a person in two! "

"E-Eh? I-Is that true, One-san?! "

Of course that was just an excuse! I simply wanted to be with the princess for as long as possible!! After all, that had been my goal since the beginning!! 

Who the hell cares about a treasure in the Rozz area?!!

I thought that we would go to the capital in a vehicle like the last time I went there with the girls… if we went through the teleportation gates of the guild that would reduce my time with the princess! It would be putting the cart before the horse!

"W-Well... I heard that things like this happened in the past, but I think the teleportation gates are very safe now."

It seems that the only one who believed my words is Lorens-kun... no, wait, there is indeed a risk from using teleportation gates? That is scary... well, maybe it is like the airplanes in my previous world, although it is very scary thinking the one you are on board will fall, it is more likely that you could die in a car accident than in a plane.

“Stop wasting time, kid. If we don't go through the teleportation gates of the guild, then how would we get to the capital?

" ...In a vehicle of course"

"That would only increase the risk for the prin- for Cleirsa-san and Lorens-san!"

"What are you talking about?! We are adventurers, we live everyday risking our lives!! That is the meaning of being an adventurer!! 

Isn't that right, Lorens-kun?"

"E-Eh? O-Oooh! Of course!!"

With no choice I had to use my triumph card, I appeal to Lorens-kun's desire for adventure, he seems to have completely forget my previous words about the dimensional gates and becomes greatly encouraged as he support me.

"Well... I think it would be fun to go on a trip to the capital in a vehicle."


"Whooo! Then let's go!! "

Finally, the princess's group have no alternative but to drive to the capital since their leaders had agreed on this. Then, motivated, I wanted to spank the princess's soft butt again, but as if reading my thoughts, Turla-san stands between the two of us while showing a mocking smile at me for blocking me...

Hehehe... girl, you are too naive! And like 100 years younger to think about opposing to me!!



The princess is not my only target to harass during this trip! A Knight girl with a serious attitude who cares about her master is also very good objective to sexually harassing! Also, do not think that because your father is here you are safe!! 

Although… that guy doesn't seem to care about that and just smiles at my actions. I think he thinks we were just playing...

"Damn you impertinent brat, I'll cut you in two!!"

"I already told you that this is only a greeting between adventurers~"


"Fufufu looks like Alex-san is having fun."

"T-That brat… he ended up forming a family with more than 10 girls and now he's harassing others!"

"Heee~ Rei, so you are aware that this implies that you have become his woman..."

"O-Of course not! I-I'm just worried that since he's the leader of our organization, then he will tarnish our reputation! "

"Surely those two girls will also become our sist-hmmm~"

"Don't say it Shisuka! If you do, then the boy may be hanged... or worst, it can become true! "

As I try to escape from Turla-san who threatens to take her sword, the other girls start arguing among themselves. Kurisu just sighs while looking at me, Saeko doesn't seem to care much about what I do and just smiles, and Saya and Rei argue while Rika stops Shisuka who was trying to say something...

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(POV Turla/Female Princess's Knight )

We finally reached the capital... I was really tired. The reason for my tiredness is none other than the boy who was pretending to sleep while hugging the princess's waist right now, while she strokes his head!

T-this damned brat really took every opportunity he got to take advantage of the princess! I knew this would happen...

Days after we set out on Barl's journey to the capital, we once met a small group of goblins who got in our way. Because of the organization that was recently formed in my father's territory related to this boy, there weren't many thieves and so only little monsters without much intelligence attacked us.

...well, since our group is moving in two Crystal vehicles used by high-ranking adventurers or nobles, there wouldn't be many stupid thieves trying to confront us, and they would probably remain in their hiding places without causing us much trouble.

So since we would most likely have only small monsters as our opponents, neither I nor Bartol-san or Vernet-san, who were the prince's guards, were to much opposed to the idea abit traveling in this way, and in the end we accept the wishes of the two of the royal family.

Then, when we found those goblins, this boy wanted to fight them... we could just have drive over them, but due to his insistence, we had to stop the vehicle.

I honestly thought that this boy just wanted to show off in front of the princess by killing some monsters, but my assumptions were wrong...

The boy went to fight with one of the smaller goblins, then when I thought that the head of the monster would fly through the air and the boy would boast about it, the idiot left himself be hit with the stick that monster was holding! Obviously it hadn't been a huge blow but somehow his actuation looked like he received a fatal blow!!

While I was shocked and with my mouth wide open due to the unexpected development, when I came back to my senses, that brat was already in the arms of the princess putting his crying face on her chest while complaining about the goblin that hit him and that now it had been beheaded by one of the girls who came with him, the one who had a big scythe!

Don’t mess with me! I saw that boy fighting with a man in the 9th limit and defeating him without much effort!! I really wanted to say that to the princess who was trying to comfort him at that time!!

But I must say that a boy of his age being defeated by a goblin does not look so abnormal... the abnormal thing was seeing Rulnemet-san imitate the boy and trying to go into Palmir-san's arms so she could console him!

Of course Palmir-san did not react the same way as the princess, and when he tried to jump into her arms, what awaited him was her fist as she said ‘You are pathetic for losing to a goblin while being someone in the 9th limit' “.

Unexpectedly he evade that punch... but in the end he only stumbled before reaching her, avoiding the fist and nailing his face into Palmir-san's chest... in the end, he couldn't help but end up with his face swollen.

Also, on another occasion when we were near a lake, the boy again asked us to stop... the reason, of course, was to clean our bodies with the lake water. And because we had been on the road for a while, the idea of being able to take a proper bath did not seem so bad. The vehicles had baths, but in no way that could be compared to a large place to relax a little

Of course, we did this while men and women were separate a distance between both. Also, since the men from the other group surely understood that if they spied on the princess the King would probably have them killed since they must known how overprotective he was towards her, so I thought there wouldn't be much problem with this.

Maybe it's not right for me to say it, but I think the prince who would be the only exception probably wouldn't have the guts to do something like that... After all, when he saw Alexander spank his sister's butt and mine, his face turned completely red and he turned very nervous.

... unfortunately it seems that I underestimated Alexander.

Some time after we girls started cleaning our bodies, that damned brat suddenly come out at the place where we were! He must have swam underwater from where the boys were!!

Furthermore, as if he did not care about this, he proudly brought the body of a merman towards us saying that he had eliminated the monster that tried to attack us.

…Seeing that monster was certainly surprising, after all, it was an 8th limit monster and since we were in the water it would be problematic to deal with it, and even more because we did not have our weapons. Also, since they are monsters that also attack women to reproduce, I can actually thank him for that since it would really be very bad if he tried to do something to the princess, but...

The monster that he was carrying was overshadowed by the other monster that hung between his legs which he didn't seem to mind showing us! Even, unintentionally, the words "B-Big" came out of my mouth while the princess said: "I-It's very different from what I saw when I bathed Lorens when he was little...".

As the princess says, when the prince was younger I and she would bathe him… so when comparing the two of these things on them, those thoughts from before appeared in the heads of both of us. Rather… could these things even be compared? These two seemed like two different things completely! The prince's could be considered "cute", while this boy's was a "Monster"!

W-Well... the prince was a couple of years younger at that time, so since he has grown then that part of him perhaps did too... but can that thing grow so much in so little time? 

When the princess and I recovered from the surprise, we quickly tried to submerge ourselves in the water so as not to be exposed. Besides, it looked like that damned brat wouldn't go away and instead, he approaches us while keeping the monster in his dimensional object!

The other girls who were with us didn't seem to mind his presence, so it was also somewhat awkward to get him out of here! Even the Harpy that the princess had been helping to bathe quickly ran to him when she saw him!!

I thought that damned brat would really stay the whole time here... unexpectedly, one of the girls did seem to get angry and while complaining about leaving her weapons on the shore of the lake, she went there to take them, and that made the boy return to the other side while saying something like "Damn it Revy, it's not like I'm looking especially at you!"

I thought that would be the worst thing about this trip, but it seems that I was still too naive...

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