Soul Evolution System

Chapter 249 Road to Rozz ( Part 4 )

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(POV Turla )

"Fufufu Alexander-sama is such a playful boy, isn't he? But he's cute when he's calm, right Turla?"

"...I don't think the word ‘playful’ is adequate to describe him"

As the boy pretended to be sleeping, I could see how he enjoyed the princess's lap. How do I know that he is pretending? Well, that can easily be seen because one of the hands with which he wraps around her waist, is going down little by little until it reaches the princess's butt... so it is obvious that he is awake.

Well... maybe it could be because this boy's perversion runs so deep inside him that even while sleeping he tries to do that kind of thing.

Once the princess feels the hand caressing her butt, with her face a little flushed, she takes his hand and lifts it to put it in the place it was before. This has been repeated a no number of occasions by now, I really think it's better to kick the lad away to avoid this!

...unfortunately, the princess has always been very fond of children, so probably for her, the boy's actions are still classified as a "little" prank.

I wanted the other girls that came with him to intervene, after all, from what I heard when we were in Eltin Forest, these girls should be his lovers! Unfortunately, the blue-haired girl who is driving and the one who uses a big scythe doesn't seem to care about it... in fact due to some things that happened before, I can tell that they would probably allow this boy to rape a girl without feeling bad at all!!

As for the other girls… the pink-haired girl seemed used to this, and the harpy, being a monster, doesn’t care either. From what happened at the lake earlier, I thought the girl named Revy would stop the boy's perverted acts, but I was wrong. From what I saw, as long as she is not involved in this boy's perverted actions, she just ignores him.

…Seeing the boy putting his hand on the princess's butt again making her tremble a little and she discreetly withdraws his hand from that place again,  I can't help my face to blush too. No, it wasn't because I feel ashamed for witnessing intimate acts, it's because it reminds me of something that happened before...

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" Why do we have to sleep together with you?! "

"'s a sleepover, so of course we have to sleep together!"

Stopping the cars to sleep as night had fallen, we all had dinner and got ready to then go to rest. The vehicles we used can certainly continue to travel at night, but the drivers also need to rest, so we regularly stopped our journey for the night.

And until now each group slept in the vehicle they came, but unexpectedly, today the boy had begun to drag the princess pulling her hand towards his vehicle.

Our vehicle had several small sections, so the princess and I could rest in one while the other people do it in others. So you could tell that we still had some privacy… but from what I heard, the boy's vehicle only had one big bedroom!

Certainly, most of their group are women and the only man could still be considered a child, but I feel that the princess is in much more danger with him than in the other vehicle with more men!

"It's okay, Turla. Alexander-sama surely just wants to play a little more"

Seeing this, I quickly try to stop it. Unfortunately, the princess tells me that while smiling. If this boy's attitude was similar to that of the prince who gets jolly and starts to build some tents along with the others in our group, I wouldn't be so worried!

But I could see that this boy's mentality was more similar to Rulnemt-san's... he also gets quite perky after hearing the boy about having a sleepover, and then he runs to Palmir-san to ask her to join his group to sleep together. Seeing how she only responds by kicking his face and turning around getting into our vehicle without looking back, even I feel a little sorry for him...

But the feeling quickly disappears when I notice how while he is writhing on the ground, does not miss the opportunity to see under her skirt.

No doubt this boy had thoughts just as dirty as this man about this sleepover! But with no other alternative, I also ended up entering his vehicle together with his group. I couldn't allow this boy to ruin the purity of the princess!!

We ended up making ourselves comfortable on the bed with the boy in the center, the princess and me on his right, and the girls who came with him to his left while the harpy hugs him lying on top of his body while she sleeps.

Obviously, I lie down next to him to prevent the princess from being in danger. So while I give him a mocking smile to tell him that I would not allow his dirty thoughts to come true, he has to lie down while frowning.

Hmp~ Of course I wouldn't let him do whatever he wants with the princess! I thought the lad would look for a way to get to her so I stay awake to avoid it, but unexpectedly he just closes his eyes and seems to try to fall asleep.

...maybe I was overthinking things? Maybe he really just wanted to sleep peacefully next to the princess... if I think about it, although he's a bit perverted, he should still have the mentality of a child.

While I was having these thoughts, the other girls started making hissing sounds indicating that they had fallen asleep. Seeing the boy stay still, then I thought that I should do the same too and I also close my eyes.

At that moment, I feel the boy moves carefully removing the harpy that was on him! Oh no! He must have waited for me to lower my guard to try to go with the princess!!

"What are you trying- ...e-eh?"

When I thought that the boy would start moving to go to the princess and I tried to get him to reconsider this and not do anything stupid, unexpectedly instead of trying to go with the princess, he grabs my waist and pulls my body towards him.

"Hehehe... although the princess is very beautiful... you are not bad at all, Knight girl, you are also very beautiful. 

You should be more aware of yourself... you know?"

"E-Eh? Y-You... Hyaa~ "

His words leave my mind blank for a second... the truth is that there were many nobles and sons of nobles who had said similar words to me, but I knew that they only said that because of my close relationship with the princess. So more than me, they only aim to my position as the princess's sole personal servant...

After all, men probably preferred a refined woman who acted delicately like the princess than someone like me who has a toned body from exercise and who acted a bit rough...

"S-Stop lying… I-I'm-nnmm~!"

"Oh, you don’t believe me? So tell me why this part of me has gotten so hard?"

I wanted to tell him to stop lying and playing with me, but then I remember that several of the girls that came with him who must be his lovers had a similar body to me and they did not act delicately like the princess either.

From what I've seen, I don't think he cares about things like titles of the nobility either... No doubt he was more like someone who would try to get what he wants relying on his strength than depending on other people.

B-Besides… although he was a bit cheeky, he was pushing that monster that I saw in the lake pressing it against my lower abdomen. I-If a man didn't like a woman, then that part of him shouldn't react, right?

… I don't think there isn't any woman who doesn't like someone telling her that she's beautiful either.

My head at this point was in chaos! I was mad at him because he was doing these things to me, but at the same time, a part of me also felt flattered as a woman...

I-If he wanted to woo me, then he should do it properly! I'm still a noblewoman and I couldn't allow him to do what he wanted with me!! Also, the princess is right on the other side of me!! So I try to push our bodies apart using a little force in my arms to separate from him.

Crap! I had forgotten that he was quite strong!! All my attempts to escape from his hands are futile and I only get him to press his body against mine. Of course, since we all slept in light clothing, then I could feel the heat from his body almost directly!

"N-No, you can't-Nuaaa~… m-my chest is… nngh!~"

Then, as if he wanted to confuse me or tell me that his words were true, he began to caress my body as if he were touching a fragile thing, one of his hands ran along the back of my waist, up to my back, and then came down to my buttocks.

His other hand was also not still and in an instant, it entered under the robe that I was using to sleep. Since I knew this boy was here, I had slept with my bra on, but that hand deftly move it upwards and release my breasts. Right away, I could feel how he began to knead and caress them...

When one of the fingers of his hand begins to rub the areola of one of my breasts, my body shudders causing my strength with which I was trying to get out of his arms vanish.

“You shouldn't move that much, you know? You don't want the princess to see you in this state, right?

…I bet she would be surprised to see that her proud knight was transformed into a lascivious knight~ "

"Y-Youuu!… Hyaa~ W-What are you doing?! W-Why did you take out that big thing?!!

H-Huh? W-Wait-hyaaa~! "

"Oh… it came out on its own… it seems like it wanted to participate in this too. "

His words make my body stiffen! Obviously, the only lascivious person here was this lad, but... my body had started to react due to the constant caresses that went through my body! Thinking about what would happen if the princess saw me in this state, makes my body tremble a little.

… B-but strangely thinking about that, then my body seems to get even hotter! D-Damned lad! He is making my body react in strange ways!!

But I could not think about those things now for a long time, suddenly I feel that between my thighs something hot and slimy moved making my anger due to the boy’s words to vanish and instead becomes surprise when I lower my eyes because of the strange feeling.

What my eyes find was the member of this boy that had come out of his underwear and rubbing between my thigh... my whole body shudders at the sight of that and now I could only complain with gasps due of this thing with a little anxiety and fear in myself.

I immediately try to withdraw, but with one of his hands he supports my butt and even puts pressure on one of my legs to make them stay closed! I could clearly feel his penis going in and out of the crack that formed between my legs as he moved his waist a little.

" Y-You... a-aren't you afraid that the girls who come with you will catch you doing this kind of thing with another woman?! "

Since my attempts by force were useless and I could not yell for him to stop as that would wake the princess, I have no alternative but to resort to the the girls who came with him, they probably would get angry and could be jealous if they discovered him doing this.

"N-No… noo~… hyaa~ Don't do that, th-that place is…"

Feeling the boy stopped for a second after hearing me, I felt relieved. But then he just smiles at me and keep doing the same! No, now I could even feel his member rub against my vagina with only my underwear separating the two parts!!

"" ... ""

His actions confused me a bit as I thought I had succeeded in making him stop, but then... things only got worse. I thought he thought they were asleep and would not wake up, but when I put my eyes where these girls were as if trying to seek help from them, then I finally realized that we were not the only ones awake.

“Y-You guys… nhaa ~… w-why? Kyaaa~ "

There were three girls awake watching us! They were the girl who was driving the vehicle, the one who used a scythe, and the one who had yelled at him in the lake!! B-Besides… when I put my eyes on them to seek help and to stop him, I don't get the answer I wanted.

No! I also felt a little more nervous and embarrassed since I was doing these things with the boy who was their lover and they were watching me!!

I didn't know whether to be happy because they didn't care about this or to worry about it! I wanted to yell at them what the hell were they thinking for just standing there while they watched, but seeing the attitude of the girl with blue and gray hair, it give me a little insight into their thoughts.

Since I was someone who had been protecting another person until now, I quickly understood that in their eyes there was only the boy and if they looked at me it was only to make sure that I did not do any harm to him!.... Don't they see that he's the one attacking me?! I am the one who needs help now!!

Well... the look of the other girl named Revy was maybe a bit more annoying since she seemed to only watch this because she found it interesting.

"Guh~ D-Don't carve that place with your penis!~ M-My body feels strange… mmm~"

No! Those girls did not help at all and only made my body shudder even more knowing that they were watching all this now!! I could feel how that part that brushed against that monster began to get numb and yearned for something more than simple caresses...

"N-No… s-something big is coming~ No-Hmmm ~"

" Woh~ She cum..."

A chill traveled through my body making it shake strongly, I had lost my thoughts for a second and I was about to let out a great moan, but then before that happened, the boy covers my mouth with his.

While my mind was still blank from the pleasure that ran through my body, the boy began to tangle his tongue with mine... I was so stunned that I just started to imitate his actions and for the first time I do not care that those girls are watching or that the princess was right by my side.

It was like Revy said, and my body had climaxed… but this time it wasn't like when I did it myself, it was a totally different matter and much more intense. It was so intense that I didn’t even managed to realize at that moment that the boy had stolen my first kiss...

"Ha.. ha…"

"Turla-san ... ha ... ha ... can I put it inside?"

"Ha ... Ha ... E-Eh?"

When my mind is restored a little, I feel like the boy puts aside my underwear that protected that thing from entering until now, and then my whole body shudders even more when noticing this...

“Y-Youuu… how much more you want to embarrass me?

Snif… if that's what you want, then do it! But I never want to see you anymore and do not bother the princess more!! "


Although my body felt good, I also felt offended… this boy had practically done what he wanted with my body! So feeling a bit of moisture in my eyes and with a voice that sounded so feminine that even I was a little shocked, I told him that.

"I'm sorry... you are so beautiful that I lost myself... I don't want to just have sex with you and put you aside..."

... when I thought that the boy would continue doing what he wanted, he quickly put his thing in his pants and while he stroked my cheeks he answered me that. He gently kisses my cheeks and places my head on his chest… above all, I could feel that this time there was no lust in his actions.

As I was still very angry with him, I wanted to withdraw immediately, but unexpectedly I felt calm being in that place. Despite the fact that he was responsible for my emotions destabilizing, the sound of his heart that seemed to also calm down slowly lulled me... besides, his words about him not wanting me just to please his desire and lust without worry about me, also lessened my anger a bit.

Then feeling his hand caress my head, probably due to the intense emotions in my mind and sensations in my body, before realizing I fell asleep that way.

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