Soul Evolution System

Chapter 251 Road To Rozz (Part 6)

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Very early in the morning, the prince and princess arrive at the building that we had taken possession the day before accompanied by what looked like some guards. I thought that they would take longer to talk to the King about our request, then they would hand me some parchment like the previous time and the King would grant me permission for these things. But unexpectedly, it was necessary for me to go to the castle this time personally...

I was worry for a moment as I thought that maybe the King found out that I was spanking his daughter's butt, maybe some kind of shadow guard had been watching us all the way! But seeing them act normal, and the guards not jumping on me, it seems that was not the case.

Well, since both royals still kept trying to pretend being adventurers, when Lorens-kun saw us he quickly said that Nurt's guild had a good relationship with the King as an excuse. So if anything happens, I will take the excuse that I believed Cleirsa-san was a normal adventurer.

Once we finished getting ready, Saya, Revy, Leona, Vrana, and I boarded the beautifully adorned vehicle to go to the castle. Then, soon we enter the noble zone and I realize something...

"So this place is also a level 10 zone..."

"Yes, the noble area of the capital and the castle is a level 10 zone. The rest of the city is level 9"

Since the previous time I visited the capital I did not have any business in the noble area, I did not realize this. But if you thought about it a bit, it was logical that the castle of the ruler of this kingdom was located in one of the best areas of his territory.

If we compare this place with our base, it seems that the area that this zone cover is much larger. Also, as Turla said, besides de noble area the whole city is level 9 zone.

Soon we passed through the main gate of the castle that was guarded by many men at the 8th limit and some at the 9th... it certainly would be problematic to get out of here if things with the King went wrong.

By the way, ever since the prince and the others appeared in front of us, Turla had been totally vigilant of me... even now, every time I make a move, she takes a position guarding the princess... I think she is worried about being scolded if she allowed me to harass the princess like before.

…I wanted to tell her that I wasn't stupid enough to do something like that in the castle or in front of others here, so she didn't need to be so defensive, but if I did this, then that would imply that I accept doing it before. I really wish she would stop doing that or the other guards might think I'm dangerous...

After we parked the vehicle, other servants immediately guide us inside the castle until soon we are in a great hall with several people already there… needless to say, there was also the King.

Probably the easiest way to describe him is that he was like a mature Lorens-kun... he was sitting on a great throne surrounded by some men, so when we entered they all set their eyes on us. Then, after both sides look at each other for a few seconds, the King is the first to speak.

"So you're Alexander... I've heard a few things about you, but it seems like you are definitely a promising boy."

“…Thank you, your majesty. Your words honor me... "

Seeing the King of this kingdom surprised me a bit, so it took me a few seconds to reply to his words. While he has the position as a regent from this kingdom, I was already mentally prepared to meet him, so what caused me to get immobile for a few seconds was due to something else...

This guy had a Soul level 2!!

[King of Delna] [King’s Pressure-C] [Level 137]

Shit! This really surprised me... or perhaps I should have expected this since the princess was at the 9th limit? Well, anyway, he was the first person I saw that had a level 2 soul… apparently he had a [Restraining Ring-F] to be able to move freely in this level 1 Area too.

" Umu, you don't need to be so formal with me… you can call me Fertt"

"Thank you, Fertt-san."

Well, thinking that I was friends with both of his sons, after I recovered from the shock, I was no longer too concerned about the fact that he had a level 2 Soul. In fact, you could say that it was an advantage for me.

Furthermore, he allowed me to speak in a normal way and it was a relief, I was not very good with the formalities. But... perhaps I should add the suffix "Sama"? Or maybe his comment was for him to appear magnanimous and I should answer with something like "I can do that, Your Majesty!"? Some of the other men in this place directed me a strong look when I call the king by his name...

It seems that the King didn't really care about this, so he continues speaking.

“I heard that you took care of the criminal for whom we put a bounty and you also managed to tame the monsters who prevent us to take full advantage of the Eltin forest grounds. You have certainly helped this Kingdom a lot and that should be rewarded.

You will receive the reward offered to the guild world for taken care of that criminal. And for your achievement about the Eltin forest, you will be awarded the title of Baron and that territory, so you can manage it however you want"

It seems that I have achieved my purposes here, it's just that... the truth is that I was not very interested in something like a title of nobility... in fact, I think this is more bothersome than beneficial.

While this has some advantages such as having some influence and protection of the Kingdom, a title of the nobility also means that practically I am subordinate to this King and he can order me anything... so if there is something like a war or some troublemakers who oppose the kingdom, then I would have to fight too.

Well... if something bad happened to the kingdom, then Cleirsa-san and Turla would also be affected, so in the end I would most likely intervene. I couldn't let something happen to those two girls after all, so this isn't such a bad thing either.

"Don't worry, it is an honorary title, so you have no responsibility to the Kingdom."

Perhaps seeing me frow when hearing about the title, the King continues and tells me that. Great! Although I would probably get involved if something bad happened in the kingdom anyway, at least I won't have to worry about being ordered things I don't want to do.

When the King finishes speaking, one of the men comes up to us and hands me a sheet to deliver to the World Guild and get my reward. Regarding the title of nobility, it seems that this will only be reported to the other nobles so they are aware of a new noble.

It's good that we don't have to do a ceremony or something like that, I really didn't want to do something like that.

"Besides... I also wanted to thank you for the weapon you gave my son, if it weren't for this, then his life would have been in danger, thank you"

…So this is how it end having to pretend that I don't know who Lorens-kun is? Well, that makes me glad since I had gotten a little tired of having to do that. Besides, I don't think that now that I have “discovered” that Cleirsa-san is a princess she will say something like “know your place, commoner ” when I hug her.

"Is that so... then you could give me a reward for that too!"

"" ... ""

"A-Alexander-san ..."

"A-Alex-chan... e-even I think that's a bit off-putting, you know?"

As a modern person, I prefer something material than a simple thank you or words of appreciation. Besides, he was the King! So he should have good things!!

Unfortunately, it seems that not everyone was thinking the same as me... Saya and even Revy get nervous when listening to me while the others had remained silent. Well, if I don't get anything, then I won't complain so much either since I've achieved my goals by coming here, I just wanted to try my luck.

"Y-You, insolent Kid-"

“Hahaha, well, you're right. You have saved my son's life which is without a doubt much more important than the things of before, so it would be strange not to reward this. Tell me, what do you want? "

When I pretended to lower my hand that I had extended to demand my reward. Unexpectedly the King starts laughing... then after said this, he happily takes a drink on a tray brought by a servant.

Fine! Looks like I'll be able to get a few more things!!

"Well... how about a thousand Channel Rebirth pills?"


"" ... ""

Hearing my request, the King spits out all the liquid from his mouth... he is a King, you know? I think he should take care of his image more. On the other hand, I thought that I would receive more complaints from the other men around the King, but it seems that they could not say anything and only stay there with their mouths wide open.

“ T-Thousand Channel Rebirth pills?! Damn boy, do you think these are the same as the fruits that grow on trees?!! "

The King-worthy attitude that he had put on so far is fading, but the good thing is that he didn't seem angry and was just stating the obvious. Of course, I was also aware that it was an exaggerated request, after all, if a pill was worth around 5 million G, then it would be 5 billion for the amount I ask.

I don't know how much they can collect in taxes in this Kingdom, but that amount is probably the value of several years of this... but hey, they say that if you want to ask for something of value, then you have to ask for something that is even more valuable first. This way, the second thing that you ask for will seem like something more acceptable.

"Well... how about 500?"

"B-Boy, I don't think you get it... if 100 of those pills are auctioned in the kingdom in one year, then you can say that was a pretty lucky year!"

"...You really can't get 500?"

"Of course not! If I had that amount I could expand to other Kingdoms! No, maybe I could even control this entire Area!! "

Putting on a face like I really can't believe what he's saying, I make a minor request. It is a pity that it seems that amount was not possible either... and because of this, my face changes from doubt to one as if trying to see if this king was actually poor.

Damn it! He was a King, so he should have some stored in his treasury, right? Then probably as if guessing my thoughts, he raised his voice after asking for 500 pills.

"Tch... then I'll take the princess and 100 pills, that's my bottom line"

"Fuck you damned brat! I'd rather give you a thousand pills than my daughter!! Besides... she doesn't seem like enough and you still ask for 100 pills?!! "

“You are wrong, the princess is enough to me. But since it is as if I take her as my wife, then you have to give me a dowry! "

"Brat, you... Hmn?"

It seems that the King was really starting to get annoyed… suddenly something similar to my domain expands with him as the center and this causes my [Soul of The Emperor] skill to activate to try to counter it.

This makes the King and I scowl at the sudden events that surprise us both. Probably because his skill was a higher rank than mine, my domain is slowly starting to recede...



[Skill [Soul of The Emperor] rank up]

When I thought that my skill would be suppressed by his, I hear a click, and my domain begins to spread again and regained ground after I hear the System notification... it seems that even though his skill has a higher rank, my skill is a higher tier than his and despite mine having a lower rank, both skills are tied now.

“Boy… the normal process is for the man to presents the dowry with the woman's family, not the other way around. "

"Eh? Do I have to present the dowry? "

Those customs had been almost forgotten in my previous world and I hadn't married there either, but I had a little knowledge of it and I knew that what he was saying was true. After all, in ancient times it could be said that in arranged marriages men offered things so they could take the daughter of a family... they were practically selling them.

Maybe that way it was not so bad to say that they were selling their daughters, so that was changed to "dowry." Well, maybe I can't complain about that since this area having old customs as those in the ancient age of my world, it is probably one of the reasons why Turla affection got so high. seems that her mentality was programmed with the idea that "man with whom you do intimate things = Husband".

Well, even knowing that what he was saying was correct, I pretend ignorance and try to show a very surprised face by his words... then as if I had eaten something very bitter and looking as someone defeated, I continued speaking.

"…Well! I will give you the 100 Channel Rebirth pills, but since they are many you have to wait two years for me"


[Skill [Acting-J] learned]

The King who had recovered from the confusion caused by the clash of our skills and who calmed down from his anger as well, seeing my expression, shows a smile as if he enjoyed that he won the argument.

"Fufufu... you seem to be showing more sense now, boy."

"... So we have a deal?"

“Fufufu… fine, we have a deal. In two years, if you give me 100 Channel Rebirth pills in two years, then you can take my daughter... "

Showing satisfaction when everyone in the room had fallen silent and they seemed that their jaws were about to dislocate, the king begins to nod in repeated occasions and say those words.

Then, as if finally realized what he was saying, he also keeps his mouth open for a few seconds, and then even more angry than before rises from his throne screaming.

"Damned brat! If I already told you that I wouldn't trade my daughter for a thousand pills, then how the hell would I do it for 100?!! "

"E-Eh? I-It can not be... are you retracting of your word? The world is lost... how the hell can I trust other people if not even a King can keep his word?! "

Not caring about the King's fury, I slowly recoil as if I had seen the most incredible thing in the world. Then, dejectedly, my knees and hands touch the ground in the form of ‘ORZ’ as I make a lament.



"How can you make my Master sad! I'll kill you!!"

"It is true! Master's girls told me that you should keep your promises because something important, roock~!! "

"Scythe-san, Vrana-chan, don't do anything !"

"Damn girl, stop!"

Well… I think I should stop this joke since I didn't expect Scythe, Leona, and Vrana to try to attack the King… Since Saya and Revy knew that if they tried to do something it would be very bad, they quickly tried to stop them.

It was good that all the other people were still motionless and surprised by all the events taking place, so they did not notice those Three girls. goal to get punish this king for trying to suppress me before, was already achieved it, so it was time to stop this joke. With that thought in mind, I was going to get up and say that I was just joking, but then before I can do it, someone else intervenes...

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