Soul Evolution System

Chapter 252 Road to Rozz (Part 7 )

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I was preparing to end this joke before the King was seriously angry and decided to send me to the dungeons. I think that my friendship with his two sons had prevented this until now, but that had a limit too. So when I try to stand up, someone else's voice sounds first...

"Father, how can you treat your word as if it meant nothing?! You cannot simply retract your words! It would be a shame for our family if the rumor that the King cannot keep his promises spreads!"



... M-My daughter... b-but if I don't take it back my words, then you-"

"Since you have promised it, if Alexander-sama delivers 100 Channel Rebirth Pills, then... t-then I will marry him!"

"" ... ""

The king and I are surprised at the same time hearing the princess's words. I thought maybe she was so clueless that she didn't understand the meaning of what she was saying, and most likely the King thought the same thing as he tries to explain what would happen if he didn't retract his words.

Unexpectedly, is not that she didn't know. Before the King could finish what he wanted to say, she intervenes again to make things clear...

Damn it! I wanted to stand up, but now I felt that my feet were shaking a little... could it be that she has fallen in love with me? No… if that was the case, then her affection would be much higher. So… is it due to her integrity as royalty? If so, then I think she should know when to take seriously what others say...

After all, there is no one here who thinks something bad of the King for retracting… Damn!  Even I, who was the one that made him promise this, don't find his actions strange!!

" M-My daughter... something like marrying him is... we don't know much about him either... b-besides, this brat was surely joking "

“That can be easily solved just by spending time together, plus, Alexander-sama doesn't know me very well either.

Besides, how could someone joke about something as serious as a girl's marriage?"

The King tries to make his daughter reconsider, but she seemed very determined. So he turns to me and give me a strong look as if telling me to end this joke...

Well... I think I really should end this joke or else this could be bad. Finally, I get up from the ground, wiping the dust from my knees with my hands, I nod towards the King to tell him that I understand, and then when he sees me, he relaxes a little and leans back on his throne while exhaling a sigh of relief.

I put my eyes on the princess who seemed to wait for me to answer her previous question... I approach her, I look her straight in the eyes, and then I hold her hands as I speak.

"Of course I was serious and it's not a joke as the King says, I want to take Cleirsa-san as my woman, but I don't know if that's what you want ..."


"S-Son of a bitch! I'll kill you brat!! "


"E-Emmm... w-well... I think Alexander-sama is cute... and since we have two years to know each other, then I think we can both develop deeper feelings..."

Shit! Of course I won’t be the one looking bad by telling the princess that I was joking before!! Besides, if she herself agreed with this, then why the hell I would reject her? Even though she is a bit clueless... or rather, someone with very high integrity, she is a beautiful girl above all and with a quite pleasant character, so I would be an idiot if I missed this opportunity.

Well... it seemed that the King did not think the same way as me... upon hearing me, he hits the armrest of the throne with great force causing it to fall to pieces... probably if I were not close to the princess, then he would have thrown himself against me.

Because of this, Scythe, Vrana, and Leona stand in front of us as if trying to protect me since they felt the hostility of the King… the other two girls, Saya and Revy, they could only wait nervously about what might happen now... the latter was even watching the exits in preparation in case she had to escape from here.

While the situation might seem bad, I was not so concerned. After all, I had two powerful allies now...

“Father, stop acting this way! You were the one who agreed to this first!!

Y-You can't attack the person who will become my husband in two years! Now Alexander-sama will be my fiancé!! "

"F-Father... d-don't be mad at Alexander..."

Crap... since I didn’t thought that something like this would happen, I had said that I would give him the 100 pills in 2 years without care... in fact, after the King refused to give much and I gave up on the princess, then he wouldn't be so reluctant to give me those 100 pills... probably.

Who would have thought that the princess herself would step in to make the King keep his word? If I had known this, then I would not have given those two years of time! Since I have 100 of those pills in my storage thanks to one of B-tooom's world quests that I completed here, then I could have taken this princess as my woman right now!!

…Who knows? I might have been able to consummate our relationship after delivering those 100 pills.

Well… right now I need those pills to strengthen the camp in HOTD, so losing those 100 pills is not a very good idea at the moment. Besides, even though I could give the dowry to the King now, the princess would probably insist that we get to know each other better to do something like that.

…No, the main problem would be that if I pressured the King even more now telling him that I would take his daughter right now, then probably not even at the requests of his children he would stop attacking me! So it is better to give him time to assimilate everything.

"Well... Father! I will give you the 100 pills for Cleirsa-san's dowry in two years… no, I promise that I will endeavor to do it even before two years!! So you don't have to worry. "


[Cleirsa Affection +10 

Total Affection: 95]

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"Damned brat! For a moment I thought they would send us to the dungeon!! It's good that things turned out well in the end... "

"D-Do you really think everything went well? I think the King does not think the same... will he be fine?"

"Don't worry, Saya-san. My father is a strong man, so he will be fine"

"That is true. Also, we must concentrate on going to Rozz now!! "

In the end, we had to stop the conversation with the king because he seemed to be a little unwell... after my last words, he ended up spitting blood and fainting. Well, since neither of his two children seemed concerned about that, then he will surely be fine.

…He was also a man with a level 2 Soul, so it was true that he was someone strong. In fact, it was even more surprising to me that someone on his level spits blood due to rage...

The other person who got a reaction due to those words was the princess, interpreting my words as if I would try my best to win her over, then her face flushed when she heard me and her affection rose a bit. It's a shame it didn't go up to 100...

Well, since the King could no longer talk, then all of us decided to leave the castle to go to Nurt's guild, and then go to Rozz Area afterwards as the prince says.

When we got there, since they had finished making all their preparations, then we all headed towards the world guild right away.

"So Saya, tell the other girls that I’ll come back as soon as I can"

“Yes, you guys also be careful! Also… Alexander-san, please try not to get into trouble anymore, okay? "

"…I will do what I can"

"Haa ~ Good... the other girls will be quite surprised when they hear everything that happened here"

Upon arriving at the world guild, the first thing we do is accompany Saya to one of the dimensional gates that transport people to other places within the Kingdom. It could be dangerous for her to continue with us to Rozz, so she would return to Barl from here.

When I say goodbye to her with a light kiss, she says that to me. I can't promise her what she wants, most of the time problems only come my way!

Right after Saya says goodbye to the others as well, she enters the dimensional door. Although she will be alone there for a time, I don’t have to worry much about her as the place she is going was Barl, the strongest organization there was "Servants of Alexander-sama". And since she wore clothes very similar to those girls, then no one would try to do anything to her.

Also, that organization is in front of the world guild branch in Barl... after those girls see Saya, then they will quickly escort her wherever she wants to go.

On the other hand, I thought the princess would react a little when I said goodbye to Saya, but she was just as calm as always and just smiles at me. Well, I had already told her that the girls who stayed in the mansion were my women, so it would be strange if she was surprised now by this.

…Besides, I had a little concern that she would say something like “Since you have become my fiancé, then you cannot have other women, Alexander-sama!”, but is good that was not the case.

Surely I was just overthinking things because until now I had only had interaction between girls who came from worlds where a monogamy was the general norm, so I also had an idea that other girls would have similar thoughts.

But since polygamy was not abnormal on Gaia, then it is natural that Cleirsa-san would have no problem with this. Also, I think that if a girl sees others who accept something like that, then it is easier for them to do it too. That must be the case why Emilia ended up accepting this so quickly despite having ingrained values from her world.

"Princess! Do you want to use the teleportation magic circle? "

"Yes, we will go to Rozz's forest."


After seeing Saya leave, then we move towards a place with a large pentagram with various symbols on it...

Unlike the dimensional gates where people moved to other places and which were only managed by guild personnel, several Kingdom soldiers were placed here. Well, if you think about it, then you will understand that this is normal.

In the place we are in now, people who teleport enter and leave the Kingdom, so it is normal that they should have some control of this.

I just had a little problem with this... upon seeing another group of people use this magic circle, I realized that all people were analyzed by an item similar to the crystal ball that Lena used to inspect someone for the Alchemy skill, only it seemed to this one analyze the person in a deeper way and showed something similar to the status that my system shows me...

It kind of awkward that someone else was seeing this… after all, I think I have a little bit abnormal status than other people. In fact, of the people I saw before, most had on average of one innate ability, one or two developmental skills, and 3 or 4 acquired...

Well, that group from before may just be normal adventurers, but even so, I think my status would be a bit abnormal... and I didn't want them to find out that I had certain abilities.

Thank goodness, probably because the princess and prince were with us, our group can avoid being examined and the soldiers and guild personnel begin to prepare the necessary things to activate the magic circle.

But still, I probably should look for an object that allows me to hide my status from other people in a case that similar things happen in the future and these two people are not with me to avoid it. Also, if Emilia-chan needs to travel to another area, then she will need also one of those objects.

[That's a good idea, if someone sees your status, then that can cause some problems. There are always people who try to suppress other when they see their potential or there are also people who would try to put you under their control, so if you can avoid that it is better.

Regarding the items, you should choose one with a high rank and not be stingy with this, Alexander. After all, the higher the rank, then the more difficult it is for a person to identify it as an object of concealment.]

Apparently, Aurora had the same idea as me about this...

While I was thinking about Aurora's recommendation, our group enters the magic circle, and immediately it begins to glow. So when we open our eyes again, we were in a similar place to the previous one, the only difference is that the people outside the circle was different.

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(POV 3rd person)

"Kuh!…what happened?"

"Your majesty! You have finally woken up !! "

"I had a strange dream... in the dream, an impertinent brat took my daughter away from me"


"...That was a dream, right?"


When the King awakens, that is the first thing he says to one of the men who had been taking care of him... he was probably trying to escape from reality since for him, his daughter was his precious treasure, so he preferred to think it was all a bad dream

Of course, most of the men who were there did not want to be responsible for having to tell him that everything was real... they preferred to keep cursing that boy in their minds than do this. Although… they also couldn't help but feel some respect for him now, after all, he had made the princess accept him as her future husband... it was probably their dream that their sons, or even themselves, could marry the princess of this kingdom.

Unfortunately, one of the men did not care about any of this, and therefore it was he who brought the King back to reality.

“It was not a dream Fertt-sama... 

Well, it's not like that boy had taken the princess away yet… but probably when the boy hands over the dowry, then their engagement will be fulfilled. "

"Noooo!! I can't allow my precious daughter to be taken by that damned brat!!

…Quick! Someone sends some men to kill that brat !! "

“Sorry, Fertt-sama. The princess probably thought you would do something like that when you woke up and asked me to speak to the Queen about her engagement.

Although the Queen seemed surprised by the princess's sudden request, since she herself was the one who wished this, the Queen fully supported her. So she asked me to give you a message when I spoke to the Queen before...

"If you get into my daughter's young romance, then I'll kill you myself, you bastard!" she said"


After listening to this man, the jaw of the king fell and his body trembled... his wife can not really kill him, probably, but certainly she could hit him hard! Besides, one could say that he was married with her family, so she was the one who had the real power in this kingdom!!

That was also the reason why he could only see that man speaking loudly to him and not do anything to him despite wanting to hit him! He was one of the personal servants of the Delna family, and if Alexander were here, then he would have learned that the King was not the only one with a level 2 Soul in this castle.

As if that were not enough, his father-in-law who resided in an Area level 2 where his wife was too, since he spoiled her so much, he would surely kill him if he made his precious granddaughter angry!  You could say he loved his daughter as much as that man love his granddaughter!

So, with no other choice, the King could only bow his head in disappointment...

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