Soul Evolution System

Chapter 253: Rozz Area

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I thought I should buy an object to hide my status in the System, but soon I realized that the people on this side of the magic circle were only workers of the world guild and they did not inspect us...

"...There are no soldiers here?"

"This area is a bit different from others, Alexander-sama."

"Yes, there is no specific owner of this place... you will understand soon once we leave the building"

With some curiosity, I turn to Lorens-kun and Cleirsa-san’s group, and she and Rulnemet answer my question. Since there was no inspection process or something like that, we quickly left the world guild...

After stepping outside, as Rulnemet said, I see the situation was a little different than in the capital of the Delna Kingdom. There was also a great agglomeration of buildings and people passing through the streets around here, but you would easily realize that there is something different from a normal city.

You couldn't see people that could be called normal citizens doing their daily activities and, instead, every individual you laid your eyes on was wearing equipment… all the people in this place seemed to be adventurers.

Therefore, all the buildings in sight showed badges indicating they were some organizations meeting point...

“If I remember correctly, Rulnemet, you said previously that this area was used by a lot organizations to train their members, right?

So I guess this place is somewhat similar to an adventurer city, right? "

“Yes, but it is not only used to train the members. This place is also very rich in resources, so it is also used to fill the pockets of these organizations"

“...If this place has a lot of riches, then why is no one trying to take control of it? "

“It's not that no one didn't try it, Revy-sama. But is only that meeting that goal is a bit troublesome...

There are now so many organizations that take advantage of this Area, many of them are even people that come from Level 2 Areas and no one would agree to someone restricting their entry here. Therefore, no organization would be willing to make so many enemies.

Furthermore, it could be said that this entire Area is a level 10 zone... so the amount of strong monsters is not small, and even in the monster invasion season, this meeting point of various organizations has to be abandoned due the quantity of powerful enemies."

“What Cleirsa-sama says is true… so we must be careful in our exploration. Although it is not as if you will encounter a 9th limit monster behind every tree or under every stone, it is not uncommon for some groups to suffer great losses due to the bad luck of encountering various 9th limit monsters consecutively. "

"No need to worry! We will be fine!! "

"Y-Yes, Alexander-san!"

As we walked through the streets of this city of adventurers, Cleirsa-san and Rulnemt continue to tell us a about this place. Looking around at the people here, I can see that the minimum strength of the people who walk around is the 5th limit... without a doubt, this is a high-level Area within others level 1 Areas...

Well, hearing that even people from Level 2 Areas come here and also that the entire territory is like a level 10 area just like our base in the Inimp Area, it was obvious that the strength of the people coming could not be bad.

...I just find it a funny that the ones who said we will be fine are the weakest in our group... one is the prince who seems to have reached the 4th limit, and another is a little girl who is only in at the 2nd limit...

"... do we known each other from before?"

"E-Eh? N-no ... why? "

"Well... I just heard you calling me"

"Ah! T-That's... "

"Eh? Your name is Alexander-san too? "

Is not that I wanted to flirt with the new girl who suddenly appeared in our group, besides, seeing that she was about 12 or 13 years old, you could say that she needs to mature a bit to enter on my strike zone. The reason I am addressing this little girl is that she suddenly said my name, but I don't remember her...

While Lorens-kun looked nervous, Palmir leans closer to my ear and begins to explain to me. In the end, it turned out that the prince used my name as his to hide his identity when the two of them met… it seems that this little girl was responsible for him getting into trouble the previous time.

After all that, she sought out her rescuer's guild, and joined it… this seems like a drama story of about the blossoming of a new romance and I don't want to get into it. Besides, it certainly was me who told Lorens-kun to change his name if he wanted to pretend to be someone else... but why the hell he used mine?! If she continues to call him by my name it would be confusing and annoying… so I have no choice but to stop that.

"He is Lorens-kun, and I am Alexander… besides, I think it would be safer if you had stayed in the Inimp Area ."


“I-I will protect her! So she'll be fine, Alexander! "

"Fufufu, it seems like my little brother has grown a bit."


Well, I also think that he is a bit admirable trying to protect a girl, but… the only problem is that he is also one of those who need protection in this group! So I would like you to notice that first, Cleirsa-san.

Besides... instead of romantic reasons, this boy surely does it so there is another person to witness his "great" adventure. Although the girl to whom those words were directed does not seem to realize it and she only looks at Lorens-kun with a flushed face... she even seems to forget that he had pretended to be someone else... no, maybe she already knew that and just like we did before, pretended not to notice it.

…I'm sure his guards will keep calling him Lorens -sama or prince instead of Alexander, and this boy wouldn't even had notice that inconsistency.

"That is reliable Lorens-kun, but it is not Alexander… now you have to call me brother-in-law or Aniki, remember? "

""E-Eh? ""

My words not only surprise the prince but also all the others who had not known about this. Also, Cleirsa-san's face blushes a little, she is cute...

“ W-What do you mean by that, Alexander-san? "

"Before we met you in your guild, Cleirsa-san and I got engaged!"

Even though the princess herself had accepted this, there is still a strong possibility that the King will object it. I could see that guy had a serious daughter complex, so even if he doesn't try to eliminate me to prevent me from taking Cleirsa-san, he can pretend that meeting never happened!

So it is best to make as many people aware of this possible to prevent him from feigning ignorance later!

But it seems that my words do not help to remove the surprise from the faces everyone else… they continue to look at me as if they cannot understand what I said. Well, they weren't all acting like that… Lorens-kun recovers and seems to accept this pretty quickly. Besides, from his two guards, Vernet-san doesn't seem to care much about this, and Bartol looks at me with admiration on his eyes.

...It doesn't seem like it was like if I would become his superior or something like that, his eyes that showed certain dislike surely because of what happened when we met, now showed some admiration and respect in them.

On the other hand, Turla watches me with a bit of anger and concern in her eyes... I think her inferiority complex re-emerged when I got engaged to the princess, but at least it's good that her affection didn't go down... I think that I'll have to talk to her tonight to reassure her.

After all, it's not like now that I've gotten the princess, then I’ll put her aside. Hehehe, this knight girl is still too good to think to do something like that...

Furthermore, the combination of a princess and her knight girl is better than just getting just one of them! Although perhaps it is still too early for this, my imagination starts to run wild as I think of some ideas that can be carried out in the bedroom with these two at the same time!!

… Damn! My partner is starting to react since I was thinking of those things!!


Happily, as if Lorens-kun really thought he had gotten an older brother, answered me that way. Well, this doesn't feel bad either... besides, it seems that he doesn't care that we were practically the same age to call me that way.

"Will we go directly to the place the map indicates?"

Trying to get the images of Cleirsa-san and Turla being in the same bed with me out of my head, I decided to ask about our main objective of coming here.

“No… we will meet with other members of our organization first. They must have investigated about that map the prince bought. "

Rulnemet, who was another of those who observed me with admiring eyes, replied. Furthermore, it seems that he understood that it was no use trying to pretend that Cleirsa-san and Lorens-kun were adventurers.

Then soon we came to what seemed to be a branch of the Nurt guild in this Area, it seems that the people who were here were other captains and sub-captains with good skills like Palmir since they were in the 8th or 7th limit at least.

I wonder if it would be a good idea to have the soldiers girls to create a branch in this place too? I think it would be good for them and the girls in the mansion to do that...

Once we enter the building, we go straight to a meeting room and start making some plans for our foray to find the map location. From the investigations of the men we met with, it appears that the map did indeed match a specific area of Rozz forest.

The only drawback was that according to the rumors, the area that the map marked had many disappearances of groups of adventurers who went in that direction... practically this confirmed that there really was something there, although unfortunately, it was not that this confirmed there was something of value... the only thing that we can be sure is that there would be something dangerous in that place.

Well, they say that opportunities are always in line with risks, so maybe there really is something good there...

"Since we confirmed that the place the map indicated is indeed here, then we should go now!"

"Haa ~Good... only people with enough strength will go, so if things get dangerous, at least I think we can escape... I really hope our luck is not bad and it is only a 9th-limit monster or something like that"

Apart from the two little kids, all of us were over the 7th limit, so I certainly think we could get away if something bad came along. Also if we speak of luck, then I and Rulnemt have that skill... if I had brought Emilia-chan, then we would be 3 people with this ability.

Well, I've never really understood how that ability works… even though I have it, I still get into situations where I almost died... on the other hand, Rulnemt who also has it always ends up beaten by Palmir...

It can be said that to a certain extent that ability met its objective since I am still alive and Rulnemt despite being beaten was able to take some advantages from Palmir, but... in my case, I would like this one to simply prevent me from getting into those citations in the first place! Also, I'm sure Rulneme wouldn't be happy that instead of being beaten, Palmir treated him affectionately...

I think that the only one that this skill has been useful is Emilia-chan... in her case, even this one helped her killing to someone. Is because of her ability it has a rank higher and is innate? well, whatever...

"Okay, then let's get going."


With all the preparations done, we then decided to start the journey to the place on the map. It would take us a few days to get there since it was a bit far and also because practically all of this Area, with the exception of this place where the organizations have their branches, everything else was like a virgin forest full of monsters.

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(POV Saya)

After returning to Barl, I met Rika-san, Lena-san, and Shisuka-sensei there, apparently, they were preparing to take Leona-san’s things to our base for her to open her alchemist shop over there.

"How were things in the capital?"

"Well... there was no problem getting permission to do what we wanted with the land around our base, but... other unexpected things came up"

" that so?"

"Don't worry, Rika-san. It's nothing bad... I think. But maybe it would be better to talk about it when we get back to the other girls. "

Hearing me say this, Rika-san frowns so tell her that it was nothing bad... although when I tell the others what happened there, that will surprise most of them.

"So... do we go back now?"

"Before that, I would like to go somewhere else first, Rika-san"

With that said, Rika-san nods and without asking much, she and the other people I mentioned before and along with some girl soldiers who insisted on escorting us go to the place where I had to go first. Since we can carry out our plans, I thought the first thing we must do was secure some useful facilities for that place.

With that in mind, we all got to the place I wanted to go... I came here once before when we recently arrived in Gaia, and according to Kurisu-san, the people here were trustworthy... well, it may be that she was influenced by the appearance of said people more than anything.

"Hello, Vila-san"

"Oh! If I remember correctly… you came with Alexander-kun last time, how are you all? Do you need anything? "

The place we came to was the "Sweet Dreams" inn that Alexander-san and Kurisu-san had stayed in for a short time. Since the forest where our base is located is frequented by many adventurers, I thought it would be good if there is an inn, or rather, it was something necessary... so I immediately thought on these Hobbit people for the job.

After a few short greetings, I begin to explain the situation to Vila-san and she begins to think about it. So, after a minute of thinking, she finally makes a decision.

“It is a very tempting offer, but since my husband and I have been in this place for many years, we could not leave this place so easily… it could be said it is the product of our hard efforts.

Although… if it's okay with you, you could take these two girls with you. They have already reached the right age to become independent, and upon hearing the rumors that have spread in this city, I would be calm if they were both at the side of that boy"

When I thought that I would get a refusal for my offer, she pushes two girls who appear to be twins… well, since this race seems to reach their maximum height at a young age, because of that even normal parents and children and siblings could look like twins too...

" " I am Delu / Dela! " "

"These girls are already 16 years old and it would be good for them to find their own path in life now"

... apparently, they indeed were actually twins. Also, it seems that in this world people are considered adults at a fairly young age… on the other hand, are these girls really only one year younger than me?! They appear to be a little over 10 years old only!!

Well... their mother is not very different either. In fact, I really have a lot of doubts that this little girl is the mother of all the other little ones around her.

"Hihihi, the boy already has many girls around him and you even are looking more for him? ...don't you care about that?"


"I think there shouldn't be much of a problem with that..."

Since I had said that I wanted Velna-san to open an inn at our base, I couldn't refuse her offer and we ended up bringing the two girls who take their belongings from this inn in an animated manner follow us.

When we go out, Lena-san comments that. Then after Rika-san and I exchanged glances between the two for one instant, I think we reached the same conclusion... all the girls around Alexander-san have a bigger appearance than him, so it's hard to think that he would show interest in these two girls.

“Hihihi… a man's curiosity may be greater than you imagine, girls. If these two girls persistently approach the boy, he might end up eating them to taste their taste, you know? Hihihi. "


Then as if reading our thoughts, Lena-san comments that. That was… not impossible. Alexander-san seemed to not even care that Vrana-chan was a little different, and he doing with her the same thing that we did before...

Although since even to the rest of us she and Scythe are considered one of us more than a monster instead, we can't think of him approaching her as something too strange...

Well... I think the other girls will be more surprised by the princess thing than by taking these two girls to the base. Also, surely some girls will be happy because of this...

Shisuka hasn't stopped hugging these two little girls since it was decided that they would accompany us, and also I can see that Rika-san looks at her with a bit of envy... the truth is that even I feel like hugging them a little too.

Then all of our group set out on our journey to our base. I hope Alexander-san and the others return safely.

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