Soul Evolution System

Chapter 254: Rozz Area (Part 2)

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(King Fertt POV)

I was sitting on the throne, I wanted to call Cleirsa so she can reconsider her decision, I can only do this much since my wife had blocked me from doing something about the matter, I only received information about them leaving for the Rozz Area together with the group that accompanied them here...

Even though misfortune took place in the throne room, I had formed a habit of always thinking about important matters in this place.

That damned brat… he should be in the dungeons or something instead of taking a walk with my beloved daughter! But unfortunately, that was not possible... seriously, what is Cleir thinking, allowing our precious daughter to get engaged to a complete stranger?!

Well… even if I knew the origin and background of that boy, I still wouldn't let him have my little girl, that is something obvious! I had thought that Cleir felt the same since we had rejected the proposal of other annoying insects that swarmed around my little girl, but it seems that it was not the case and now she allowed this to happen...

My little girl… I still remember when she happily said that she would marry Dad while smiling… well, it is not that I have a sick desire for my own daughter and I understood that she would probably marry another man in the future, but... I thought that day would come in 30 or 40 years! During that time I thought I could continue to spoil my precious daughter...

No… I can't give up yet! Two years is too soon for Cleirsa to marry a fucking bastard!! I have to stop this somehow... but how? With Cleir getting in the way not allowing me to do anything, then my hands are practically tied!

“Y-Your majesty… I think it's bad to let the prince and princess go to the Rozz Area. Especially the prince, he doesn’t even had opened his energy core..."

“…Certainly that's not a place for people to walk around comfortably, but they should be fine. Besides, it would be good if that brat of Lorens has some difficulties, he can forge his character that way"

Suddenly, one of the advisers response for dealing with the kingdom affairs snaps me out of my thoughts saying that. Although Rozz is dangerous, from what I saw, in their group should be Lorens's guards, the leader of the organization where that brat hangs out, and two of the companions of that damned brat who wanted to take my precious daughter away of me that are on the 9th limit. Counting Cleirsa too, then there would be 6 people in the 9th limit, and that is enough to move freely in that place.

On the other hand, Cleirsa and Lorens should have some items to protect themselves and escape in case things get really bad there. So I was not overly concerned about the safety of both of my children.

Besides, the rest of the people who were going there didn't have a bad strength either... probably the weakest in that group would be that foolish son of mine. If that brat suffers a bit, that would be nice. After all, that fool is the one who brought to the wolf to our home!!

Thinking on Lorens, I suddenly remembered something! Maybe not everything is lost yet and I can prevent that damn engagement!!

"You! I will decree a new Law for the Kingdom that everyone must follow immediately, this should be released to the public as soon as possible!!"

"O-Of course, my King!! W-What would that new Law be? "

“From this day on, the marketing of Channel Rebirth Pills will be prohibited in the kingdom!

The motive will be as a punishment for the previous incident about some men trying to kidnap the prince to blackmail these pills to the Royal Family… this Law will only be effective for two years"

“The ban on the marketing of Channel Rebirth Pills?

Well... I think some people would be a bit angry by this, but I think it's a reasonable thing to do as punishment for the attempted kidnapping of the prince. I'll take care of that immediately! "

Hahaha, if that brat can't get those pills now, then it will be impossible for him to take Cleirsa!! On the other hand, knowing Cleirsa personality, if the boy cannot keep his promise then she would be very disappointed and any interest she may have in him will disappear in that instant!!

And if Cleir says something about this, then I can say that this is because of what happened to Lorens! Surely she could not leave that matter so easily either, and she must agree.

...but as the advisor says, this could be a bit of a problem for people on the 9th limit in other organizations who seek out those pills in the hope to increase their strength and recover from some old wounds with at the same time, so they might complain about this.

It would not be good to put all those people against us... but they probably will only get a little uncomfortable since it is not a permanent Law and will only be in effect for two years, so they can look for them after that time.

Also, alchemists and auction houses would be a bit affected... it is always better to have these people as allies than enemies. But it's not like they are just particularly dedicated to trading with those pills and they have a lot of other things they can sell to the people, so I wasn't too worried about them either.

"Do it immediately!"


E-Umm… what about the other matter? About the princess engagement, what do you want me to do, Your Majesty?"

"That... announce the princess's engagement... also, that boy’s title of Baron, raise it to Count when you make the announcement..."

"I-I understand!"

When I felt my spirits being restored, the smile on my face freezes due to the advisor's words…I really wanted to tell at him “What engagement? That's just nonsense that a brat who's just growing his hair down there said, why the hell are you taking it seriously?!", but if I did that, it would only make things worse to me so I had to grit my teeth and bit the bullet.

It had previously agreed that the brat would be given the title of baron for his merits, but that would be somewhat insufficient to announce him as my daughter's fiancé, so there was no alternative but to make him a count.

Most of the titles of nobility are only granted to help the management of the Kingdom, being honest, those people do not have much relevance... the only ones that could be considered are those who have a title of count or higher since this is given because they have a strong person behind them, and they are loyal to the Delna clan.

An example of that is Count Barl, although he himself is not someone strong, his father is one of the closest men to Cleir's father with a level 2 soul. By the way, unlike the son, his granddaughter seems to have inherited the talent of that man in terms of being able to develop her strength.

Well, with the advisor leaving to carry out my orders, I can relax a bit. It wasn't easy already to get 100 Channel Rebirth Pills in two years, but now… hehehe, if the boy can do it, then I might even accept that compromise.

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(POV Alexander)

With all preparations ready, our group conformed of my party, the princess and the prince's party, and finally the important members of the Nurt guild, we all moved forward into the forest.

Not long after we enter, a group of monsters comes towards us with enough energy as if they have found a good prey. Since this Area was entirely the same as a level 10 zone, I thought I would see different monsters than the ones I had normally encountered in the forest around our mansion.

Unexpectedly, as if they wanted to remind me that they were the plagues of most Areas on Gaia, it was just a group of goblins. Maybe that's why seeing that there were several beautiful girls in our group, this group of monsters was quite lively...

But these monsters were still the same even in this Area, they did not have much intelligence, and therefore, they did not understand the difference in strength between the two groups. Although their number was not small, it was not difficult for all the members of our group to fight with them.

Well… I could see the prince having a tough battle with one of them, so I could realize that despite being just goblins, they were not the same as the ones I had faced up to now. After all, it's not that Lorens was too weak, he still had the strength of someone at the 4th limit after all.

So, with a bit of curiosity, I activate my evaluation on some of them and realize the small difference that I almost missed...

"I didn't expect mere goblins to have the strength of the 3rd to 4th limit..."

“Because the energy in the environment of this Area is very high, the monsters here have a higher strength in comparison to those normally seen in Inimp… that's why a simple goblin here has this strength.

And because only adventurers come here, these monsters have a better chance of getting better weapons and equipment for their use. "

After unconsciously said my thoughts out loud, Turla drew her sword from the chest of a goblin and tells me the reason why the monsters were stronger here in Rozz.

Furthermore, looking at the monsters that were now lying on the ground lifeless and thinking about her words, I can tell that it was true that many of these goblins were holding swords and knives instead of just sticks...

“We must be careful and not lower our guard. The goblin-like monster races around here have their elites exceeding the 5th limit, and the leaders of a nest can reach the 7th or 8th limit… races like ogres are not uncommon to reach the 8th and 9th limit as well. "

Rulnemt complements Turla's information after verifying that there were no longer any enemies in the area. Ghe! If a normal group meets a group of ogres with that strength, then I can only say that they were unlucky...

"I think that if we meet a group of ogres we still can take care of them without much trouble."

"Yes, Sister! Simple ogres will not be able to stop us!! "

...that's what the boy who had a tough battle against a goblin says. Well, I can't deny Cleirsa's words either. Our current group shouldn't have much of a problem with a group of ogres.

So after collecting our loot from these goblins, we all keep moving forward. Then as if this Area wanted to put my thoughts to the test, after some confrontations with some small monsters, we met a group of about 20 ogres...

As Rulnemet said, most of them were 8th limit and were led by one who seemed to be the leader in the 9th... I really think my [Luck] skill and Rulnemet's Luck skill are flawed.

Although to be honest, we didn't have much trouble with these ogres either. Leaving the prince's guards to defend him and the little girl, the rest of us faced them. The truth is that it was a bit disappointing, and they died in almost the same way as the other monsters we had met do far.

When an ogre approaches Scythe, he is quickly split in half vertically with her scythe...

With Leona and Revy, things are not very different either, and the heads of their opponents are pierced by several bullets causing them to fall seconds later... Well, the enemy that Leona aimed at had the head exploded. Since she had asked me for weapons similar to mine, I also gave her a pair of Rsh-12 revolver a long time ago. Revy seemed used to Berettas and she continued with those weapons...

Although they have a lower caliber, ogres do not specialize in defense and that is why after several shots to her enemy who stupidly charged towards her, also ends up falling.

Vrana also had no problem dealing with her chosen enemies while in the sky. With her sharp claws she ripped the neck or penetrated the skull of them and kills them while almost ripping off their heads.

On the other hand, as I had thought before, Cleirsa-san and Turla were not girls who lived comfortably in the castle, and both girls performed quite well in fighting. Turla used her sword and shield skillfully to defend and attack when necessary. The other girl, Cleirsa-san, stayed behind the attackers and shot arrows with piercing power that she had in a quiver.

She was skilled, but...

"Those weapons are truly powerful and versatile... "

As if reading my thoughts, Cleirsa comments that while looking at Leona and Revy. She was certainly skilled with the bow, but if you compared this to the firearms these girls had, then her bow certainly would seem a bit lacking.

So as if she didn't want to lose with them, this time without her taking an arrow from her quiver, she just stretches the string like before...

In the next second, I can see how an arrow begins to form in the right place... the difference was that it seemed to be made of pure energy unlike the ones she had used so far. So when she aims at the ogre with a ninth limit, the arrow shoots out, and like a beam of light goes through his head...

"T-That was…"

“ Fufufufu, since everyone showed such a great performance, I couldn't stay behind, right?

This is a bow my grandfather gave me, it is a good bow but it was only recently that I entered the 9th limit that I was able to show its true power. This bow allows me to load my energy into it and shoot it in the form of a fairly powerful arrow. "

Not only was I surprised, Revy who sees that tries to say something but in the end she can't seem to organize the words well in her head and ends up staying quiet was too. Then Cleirsa-san, as if she wanted to answer our questions, begins to explain the abilities of her Bow to us while caressing it lovingly.

Undoubtedly that was quite striking, and that ogre died without being able to do something since the arrow was so fast that when it noticed the flash of it, the arrow had already pierced its head.

…Probably having to deal with that arrow is a bit more troublesome than firearms since the arrow seems to move faster… although it's not like the bullets are slow either. So if we apply the same principle of avoiding the path the weapon is pointing from, then that arrow should be able to be evaded... probably.

Besides, it seems like she can't use it consecutively... even though Cleirsa-san is probably trying to hide it, I can see that her breathing has become somewhat agitated... I can see those breasts rise and fall faster than before.

“…Although unfortunately, I cannot shoot as many times in this way as those weapons. If I want to do something similar again, then I have to rest for a couple of hours "

As I thought, that wasn't something she could do consecutively. After all, that arrow is made up of the user's energy… to shoot multiple arrows in a short time she probably would have to advance her soul to level 2 to achieve something like that.

... in that sense, I think that the firearms are still superior to that bow. Well, let's keep that thought of mine a secret from her to keep her from feeling bad.

"Let's keep going!!"

After seeing Nurt's guild men finish off the remaining enemies, the prince animatedly says this... I agree with him since there is nothing else to do here and we should continue, but... the fact that the only person who just was observing all this when everyone was fighting is the one who says it, seriously bothers me!

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