Soul Evolution System

Chapter 259 Rozz’s Area (Part 7)

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"Woh ~ This is..."

As I approach the body of the likely adventurer, I recognize a small plant next to him that I had seen before, and when I use evaluation on them, it shows [Mana Pearl], confirming my suspicions...

“Oh~ A mana pearl plant… well, since they grow in places with high energy concentration, it must have been fed with the energy of the body. It even looks mature enough to produce seeds."

Honestly, a single of these plants would not cause me so much joy, but as the princess said, surrounding the plant there is something that looked like a small pearl, there were several small seeds that also seemed to shine a little...

These seeds made me happier than the plant itself! The reason for this is because of the skill that my Venus developed recently!! I clearly remember the details.


Description: Using plants, seeds, or parts of trees that still retain some vitality, the Venus can add any of these materials to itself and nurture them, developing them at the expense of its own development. Only a limited number of plants can be grafted depending on the level of the Venus, or else these plants could cause it damage.]

In some alchemy books that I had read to improve this skill, I learned that the Mana Pearl Plant, by only absorbing the energy of the environment naturally, could take at least 100 years to mature... well, there were also other ways to accelerate this process, like this plant over here that consumed the energy of this man's body, but it would still take at least 10 years to develop.

Furthermore, just one of these plants needs a field of several kilometers in which there was no other plant that needed large amounts of energy to grow… well, in fact, most of the plants with strong effects had this requirement. I think this is normal since in my world, even normal plants had to be separated a distance from each other in order to grow better, so it is normal that if you put together two plants that need a lot of nutrients, they would end up stunting the growth of each other.

Now I really wanted to go back and use these seeds on the Venus and see how many mana plants it could grow, and how long they would take to mature! Since the Venus keeps eating monster bodies and can absorb their nutrients quickly, then it might not be unreasonable to think that it would give me about 100 of these plants per year!

…Well, maybe I'm asking too much to the Venus. With 50 of these plants per year is still a pretty good thing! By then, my Venus would be the best companion of every alchemists!!

"I want the seeds of this plant as part of my reward for coming here!"

“Umm… since if it weren't for Alexander-sama we surely would have needed to escape before, I don't see any problem with that. In fact, I don't think anyone will complain if Alexander-sama takes the whole plant... after all, since the seeds need a lot of resources to grow, they are not that valuable"

"Yes, Aniki!"

"That is true, Alexander-san."

“… Looks like your luck is good, boy. If you manage to deliver this plant to a good alchemist, you will only need 99 pills to fulfill your promise with the King..."

Since the time had come to share our profits, excited by my thoughts, I ask for the mana seeds as part of my reward. I always thought there would be some disputes in a group made up of several organizations when the loots had to be shared, but...

If I consider it now, the prince and princess group didn't seem very interested in this. The prince was content just to have come on this exploration, and the princess probably doesn't find it worth to argue about these things.

So the only ones I had to fight for the division of the loot were the people of the Nurt guild, but I honestly doubt that they would say anything if the previous two people decided to give me everything...

Well, I didn't want to look too greedy either, so I took the weapons that this man must have used which was a shield and a [F] rank sword, and handed them to Turla who had mentioned the dowry matter making the princess blush a bit.

"I think this is better for you, Turla."

"E-Eh? A-Are you sure? They are [F] rank weapons, you know? "

“… Even in an Area level 2, these would be considered excellent weapons Alexander-sama. Maybe these are the most valuable things here..."

With some nervousness, Turla receives those weapons. Well, since she had been looking at them all this time since the moment we noticed them, she probably wanted them. Also, as the princess says, they seemed to be pretty good weapons. They even had the same rank as her Bow after all… a good item that had shown its performance so far.

Sadly, these weapons weren't appropriate for any girl in my group... plus, even though they would surely be priced well, I feel like selling them would be a waste.

Turla would sooner or later become my women, so instead of selling these now and splitting the profits between us and then having to buy some good equipment in the system from her latter, it's better to give them to her right now.

“Well, Cleirsa-san may be right and these things are the best here… then I'll take the interdimensional ring apart from the plant, let luck decide what I receive.

If we let Nurt's guild have all the bodies of the monsters we have defeated so far, I think we will all get enough profit from this journey. "

"What!? A-All the monsters we've defeated so far?! Y-You know we've defeated a lot of 9th limit monsters so far, right?! If that ring has nothing, then your group will suffer a loss ..."

"It's true, Alex-chan! You can't leave something like our earnings to luck! "

Rulnemt and Revy raise their voices thinking that the division of the loot was somewhat unfair after I arrange the loot. The former felt that this was unfair to us since actually, all the bodies of the monsters that we defeated during our journey are a lot and they fetch a large sum of money if we sold them.

I honestly didn't need any money now, so in the end, I would probably end up using them as fertilizers for the Venus... as for using them to create equipment, probably only [H] rank armor and weapons could be created from using most of these monsters, these were no different than the equipment that the girls and soldiers girls wear already… in fact, they might be a bit  even more uncomfortable wearing that equipment than the nanotube suits.

Perhaps the equipment made using parts of the Queen Insect would reach a [G] rank, but it surely would end up being something similar to plate armor... it would undoubtedly have a greater defensive capacity, but they would not be appropriate for any of the girls in my group due to how they fight.

Because of this, I didn't feel bad for handing over all the monster bodies to the Nurt's guild, and since 3 of the 4 girls who came with me don't say anything nor disagree with my decision, then everything is fine. 

I thought so, but with Revy raising her voice and protesting, in the end, it was decided that the insect monsters would be taken by us and the Nurt guild would take the other monsters that we have hunted so far in Rozz Area and the ones we could obtain until we go back to the adventurer city.

There was no point in arguing for more profit, so we all took our things and prepared to return with Revy showing a satisfied face for making our profits bigger... I honestly don't think she understands much the value of monster bodies too well, so she probably just feels good because we got more things.

Anyway, I thought it was time to see if now my luck skill did something good, it seemed to be off so far, so I was hoping to find something good in the ring.

Inside the ring, there were several million Gold and Crystals, plus a good amount of equipment. Unfortunately, the best ones were only [H] rank... I was really somewhat disappointed, but when I was thinking that perhaps the most valuable thing was the ring itself which was rank [F] having a large space inside, I fond 10 scrolls.

6x ["Cleansing Flames" Tactical Scroll -F]

3 x [“Citadel” Tactical Scroll -F]

1x ["Sky Fury" Tactical Scroll -F]

Shit... was this guy some kind of terrorist? These scrolls can cause great chaos in a whole big city! Well, from what I read in their description, it wasn't like they would bring down a meteorite erasing a city from the map, though... they could certainly cause a lot of deaths in a city if one is activated.

The "Purifying Flames" scroll for example, after being activated, it created flames in the entire area of effect that could cover a city. If countermeasures were not taken against it, as its name suggests, it would purify everything with those flames...

The "Citadel" scroll was probably a defensive-type scroll as it could create earth walls about 3 meters high in a wide Area... unfortunately these would be destroyed after the energy used on the scroll disappeared. But even so, it seemed quite useful.

The last one can create a thunderstorm making it rain thunders for a long time... it's not bad, but it is probably the one that has the least use since I think the first scroll is better if you want to cause more damage. Maybe it's probably more appropriate to scare the people in a city or something like that...

Either way, even though I don't intend to, using any of these scrolls in somewhere like the capital would be disastrous...

[Surely a place like that has some kind of countermeasures like scrolls that block the use of other scrolls, also, the city's energy shields could be used to block them. Or, for example, if someone were to use the "Flames of Purification" scroll, even though there would still be some casualties, using a scroll that causes heavy rain could counter it.

Although they're good scrolls, given their level, it's not like they could destroy an entire city in an instant.]

Well, certainly as Aurora says, I think it's normal that there were ways to stop these scrolls, Lena had said it too after all. Even so, I did not intend to use these scrolls here, I was happy because they would undoubtedly be very useful in the world of HOTD.

There shouldn't be anything capable of blocking them, besides, the use of the "Cleansing Flames" scroll would be very good. I've already seen how well zombies burn after all...

Glad for what I had achieved in this trip into the Rozz forest, we all rushed back to the adventurer city... plus, since it would take us a few nights to get there, I could still can harass Turla some more!

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Several days and humid nights with Turla later, we were already near the city of adventurers. Right now, our group was fighting, but unlike other timer, our opponents were a group of adventurers who ambushed us.

Or that's what they intended but sadly for them, I had detected them with my domain long before they launched their attack on us.

"It is really shameful for people who take the easy path and prefer to attack other adventurers who return from their expeditions to try to steal them... "

"Yes... these people are not weak, so they could go into the forest and make a good profit for themselves."

"Yes, they are all villains!!"

Turla, Cleirsa-san, and the prince, probably the most honest-minded of our group raise their complaints in protest at the actions of the men who attacked us.

Previously, Rulnemt and Palmir as veteran adventurers, had commented that we should be careful of other groups after getting back. Then, as if their words invoked them, not long after, we came across a group with eyes full of greed and lust on them.

" Haa~ Well... I think instead of wanting the loot we got in the forest, they were targeting the girls in our group."

Probably remembering how the first thing these people said was something like “Leave the girls behind and the others will be able to make it out alive”, Rulnemt heaves a sigh as he looks at the girls in our group.

Leona, Scythe, and Vrana who now wore the effect of the bracelet I gave her and walked with basically normal hands and feet, Revy, Cleirsa-san, Turla, and Palmir, all they really stood out from our group... also seeing how this guy at the end directs his gaze towards me, I was probably within that group even in spite of myself.

Also, in this forest, the status of Cleirsa-san and the prince weren't going to make these men to stop, rather, probably that would motivate them even more… after all, it was not strange for groups that explored this forest to disappear without anyone noticing.

“… It is not that this matters anyway, in the end, we are the ones who can obtain the things they have. So if we keep finding more of these groups, then our profits will only end up increasing. "

Saying something that if someone else listened probably wouldn’t know who the robbers were, Revy puts a bullet through the head of a man who was heading towards her. Well, no one could deny her words either...

As Cleirsa-san mentioned before, the strength of these men was not bad. In this group, there were 6 men in the 8th limit and even 2 in the 9th, and their equipment was not bad.

Perhaps the most troublesome thing was that unlike monsters that did not have much intelligence and did not use magic items, humans were known to be cunning. So in a sense, fighting this group could be more dangerous than the Insects from before...

"This weapon is quite amazing... although I am more used to my bow"

So to avoid this, we try to take down the most troublesome people as quickly as possible. And with that goal in mind, Cleirsa-san aims a sniper rifle at the people she felt had the strongest auras.

On our return trip, I had given her that rifle as a gift. Thanks to that, as I did with Kurisu previously, I was able to teach her how to use the weapon while getting some advantages from her. Also, since Turla had seen this with some of envy, I gave her too a pair of RSh-12 revolvers… of course, I was the one who taught her how to use them too!

Although the princess had only used the rifle to check her performance in the fights we had until now. As she says, they were probably more used to their other weapons, so they will probably use them more out of curiosity and they will continue to focus on their other weapons more.

Well, either way, I was able to get a little closer to them and these weapons could get them out of a bind, so all is fine.

I'm also not worried about them delivering them to the kingdom to try to mass-produce them, I don't think that's possible with the technology of this Area anyway. Also, seeing how happy they seemed and how they treasure the weapons when they received them, even though they might not use them much, they will surely keep them with them.

After defeating these adventurous thieves, we finally reached the adventurer city and immediately entered it. It seems this journey has come to an end.

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