Soul Evolution System

Chapter 260: Shopping at Rozz (Part 1)

Hello to all!!

For Valentine's Day, today there are two chapters!! The previous one is already edited, and the first of these as well. The last one, Arezz will edit it soon !!

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Although surely many people have died in this Area during these days, this did not seem to affect this city, and it looked just as lively as the first day we arrived. The death of adventurers or disappearances of people was a every day thing around here...

"Are we returning to the Delna Kingdom now?"

"Heee~ will we go back already?"

“Hmm… I'd like to sell the monster bodies here, even though they probably fetch a lower price than if we sold them at an auction in the Kingdom or something similar, it's probably easier to sell them here.

Also, we can find a good blacksmith or someone who makes equipment here… I would like to order some good armor from some of the 9th limit monsters we killed.

"Fufufu, then we should take advantage now that we are here."

Since we had completed our exploration, I thought about quickly returning with the girls who were in the Eltin forest. This time I was calmer knowing that those girls were able to defend themselves over there, but I had also already delayed my visit to the world of HOTD by more than a month… Haruna was there, so I also had to make sure that everything was fine there.

Putting aside the prince who seemed to want to continue his adventure, Rulnemt also had some reasonable things to do in this place. So, with no other choice, after Cleirsa-san's words, we all started to walk the streets of this city in order to fulfill his purpose.

Well, since we had previously gone directly in search of the treasure on the map, I did not have the opportunity to explore this city one bit... now that I think about it, there were some things I also had to do and it would be easier to carry out them here.

As a city of adventurers, it was not difficult for us to find a place that satisfies Rulnemet's requirements, and we immediately entered on an organization that seemed to specialize in making pieces of equipment. This seemed to be a good organization that was based in a level 2 Area, so without any problem, they bought all the monsters that he takes out of an interdimensional item.

If I remember correctly, the monster in the 9th limit that I saw at the auction earlier sold for an amount close to 25 million, but painfully here they only gave Rulnemet about 15 million for monsters of similar level...

I think the amount may vary depending on the monster, after all, I do not think you can get the same for a 9th limit goblin than for a great ape or the Queen Mother Insect we saw earlier... I wonder if there will goblins with that strength level? Well, not that it matters.

The fact is that the reduction of 10 million is not small... but the markets have always depended on the rarity or demand of the items, so it is not so unreasonable that a monster in the 9th limit has more value in Delna since monster of that level are rare there. In this Area, on the other hand, those monsters are not so rare...

In the end, Rulnemet's pockets were enriched with just over 100 million G... seeing the big smile on his face and the people in his guild, it does not seem that they cared much about losing a few million in this transaction.

Well, since the monsters with the highest value were almost always eliminated by the princess or by some of the girls who came with me, it could be said that they gained a lot this time by just taking care of the small monsters while those girls eliminated the strong ones. So it is not surprising that they are so happy with their earnings now.

"P-Princess Cleirsa? So you've also come to the Rozz Area! "

" Are you planning to go to the forest to train?! "

“ If so, then why don't you come with us ?! "

"All of you calm down! You haven't come here to play, so don't lose your concentration! If you all are not careful, you could die here!!"

While I was considering whether I should also sell the bodies of the insects and Rulnemet ordered some equipment from a manager of this store, suddenly some voices are heard behind us.

When we turned our heads towards those voices, there was a group of men and women of age still considered young, and they was looking quite brightly at Cleirsa-san. They all seemed to be wearing the same blue with white uniforms, and on the left side of their chest, they had an insignia of what looked like 7 mountains… obviously, they all belonged to the same organization.

“So some disciples from the sect also came? Sorry, but we came back from the forest just now "

“I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Cleirsa-san. Our sect decided to send some disciples who had joined recently to this place to gain some experience. "

“I see… it is a pity that we are about to leave now, so neither I nor Turla can accompany you. Everyone should be careful, this place can be very dangerous "

"It's a shame…"

"Yes, Cleirsa-sama! We will be careful!!"

"Everyone should take Cleirsa-san's words seriously, so stay focused!!"

Cleirsa-san and they exchange a few words, and then that group resumes their walk probably in the direction of the gates of this city to go out into the forest...

“ Were they acquaintances of yours, Cleirsa-san? "

"You could say that... we are from the same sect."

"Yes! My sister is a core disciple of the “seven peaks” sect!! "

"It is a sect in a level 2 Area. It cannot be said that it is the largest in that Area, but it cannot be underestimated by stronger ones either."

As we watch them leave, Cleirsa-san, Lorens-kun, and Turla explain a little about the background of those people. It seems that despite Cleirsa-san having a high status, this is only applicable in the Kingdom of Delna... 

Looking at the attitude of those people, I can say that Cleirsa is a valued person there too... although looking at the attitude of the man who led that group, even though I could see that he had a bit of respect towards her, I could also distinguish how that this was not unconditional.

The attitude of that man was more like that of a teacher who saw a student who got good grades more than anything else...

It might just be that this man was also quite proud, after all, when I used my ability to evaluate their entire group, he had s [107] level... he was a person with a level 2 Soul! Although he was weaker than the King of Delna, so I wasn't that surprised either.

The rest of that group, had a strength between the 5th and 7th limit, something a somewhat disappointing when thinking that they came from a level 2 Area... well, the age of that group also varied between 15 to 25 years, so their strength couldn't be that bad either.

In fact, since there were some pretty girls in that group, I would be a bit worried for them if they went into the forest with just them, it would certainly be as if they were seeking their death if they did. But with that man accompanying them, they will surely be fine.

...I haven't fought someone with that strength, so I'm not quite sure how different a person with a Soul level 2 from a 9th limit is, but I think that man won't have much trouble fighting multiple monsters leaders at once in this forest.

"Well, I have some things to do, so I think we can meet at the world guild later."

"...some things to do?"

"Do you want us to accompany you, Alexander-sama?"

Seeing that it would probably take a while for Rulnemet to tell this organization the specs he wanted the armor he ordered to have, I decided to go and find some things that I needed and could probably find here.

And Turla, as if trying to find out more about this, asks with doubt. I really think our relationship has advanced much since we met... she even looks at me now as if she were a girl who found out that her lover had gone to one of those places where some women indulge the lust of men.

Although... it seems that even though her affection towards me is at quite high levels, her trust towards me is not so high... or maybe she thinks that I am someone very lustful... unfortunately I cannot pretend innocence or deny it due to everything that happened the previous nights. Practically the only thing I haven't done to Turla is penetrating her...

On the other hand, Cleirsa-san was more worried that we might get into trouble in this city if we went on our own. While I appreciate her concern, it's not like I need a babysitter either.

"Hehehe, we'll only part ways for a moment, so you two don't need to be so anxious about it, we'll see you very soon."



After seeing the slightly blushing faces of both girls, Revy, Scythe, Leona, Vrana, and I began to walk the streets on our own. Then after several minutes, I find the first place I was looking for.

It was not a very large store, but the things they displayed could be much more dangerous than other shops… it was the branch of an organization that specialized in the creation and sale of scrolls. Yes, it was an organization of Scriveners!

Previously, Lena told me that in level 2 areas finding such an organization was much easier. Although this place is still an area level 1, there are many organizations that are based on a level 2 and, therefore, I thought that I could probably find one here. And it seems that I was not wrong...

"How can I help you? Our organization "4 arms" will try to fulfill your request~ "

"Do you have books for Scrivener apprentices?"


Upon entering the store, a mature woman on the other side of the counter speaks to us. So when I ask her my question, she responds by pointing to one of the shelves. I honestly thought that getting something like that would be more difficult so I just wanted to try my luck, but unexpectedly she gives me an affirmative answer.

"I thought these books would be more controlled and would not sell so easily..."

“ Well, those are just books for a person to try to learn how to create some low-level scrolls, it's even less dangerous than a shop that sells weapons, right?

If you wanted to get information on how to create more advanced scrolls, then that would be much more difficult. For example, even in our organization only a few people are allowed to read those kind of books, it could be said that they are the treasures of our organization."

"…I see"

Looking at the books, I realize that she is right... these books were for creating scrolls that were not very practical or that only have a very weak effect... well, since it is for beginners, then this should be normal.

I could get these books or even more advanced in the system, but they were too expensive! A book like the ones in here is worth almost ten million crystals!!

[Well ... they could also be considered magic books to a certain extent, and since things related to magic are from a level 2 Area or higher, then their price should be according to that Area...]

"So will you take these 3 books? It would be 20 million G for each one... but since you are cute, I will give you a discount and only 50 million for all these woul be enough "

"F-Fifty million G?"

“They say knowledge is power. Even if you find similar books elsewhere, the price would surely be the same... no, I’m sure would be higher. Also, since these books were written by our most experienced members, they are definitely better than others! "

After looking at the books for some time, I take the 3 that seemed best to me to the counter…

Although it seemed like an absurd amount to me, I ended up giving her my world guild card so that she could deduct the money from it. They were expensive, but these were still much cheaper compared to having to buy them from the system... also, her words were not lies, and I could see how there was a lot of advice surely from Scriveners of this girl's guild, so I think they are actually very good books.

" Do you need anything else, little one? "

"...can I buy tactical level scrolls here?"

“… Tactical level scrolls? That's…"

This woman's cheerful smile that was more genuine due to her sale freezes for a second upon hearing my question. She frowns for a second, and then while shaking her head she continues.

“Sorry, the only scrolls you can get are the ones that are shown… those that you requested now are only sold to organizations that have some ties to ours. 

I'm sorry, but if someone were to cause a problem to another organization with a scroll of that level, it would be quite troublesome for us… "

It seems like this was impossible after all… I thought maybe she would give me a pretty big price to get them, but she doesn't even mention their cost and just refuses to sell them to me directly. Although it is not that I do not understand. If what she says happened, then maybe the anger of the person affected by the scroll would also be directed towards them, and they could even destroy her organization if that was a person whom they couldn't afford to offend.

" It's okay, do not worry. 

Out of curiosity... how much is one of those scrolls normally worth? "

"Well, that depends on the effect of the scroll, but... the cheapest will cost no less than a few hundred million G."


Shit! So I got almost 1000 million G in the forest with the scrolls I found there?! It seems that my earnings from this trip were more than I had thought... also, now those books do not seem so expensive to me anymore since they could be considered an investment for Emilia-chan who may end up making scrolls of that level!

After shopping and asking everything I wanted, I say goodbye to the female member of this guild called "4 Arms", and I call Revy who was observing things here with curiosity to leave... it was better to get out of here quickly before she break something and then I have to pay for it, each thing here cost millions of G!

Once outside, we go directly to the next place. Instead of saying I wanted to go there, Rika had said to me on several occasions not to forget to buy some items... she even made me promise that when I bought them, she would be the one to give them to the person to use...

The place I was looking for was not difficult to find, in fact, when I was looking for the Scroll Shop I saw several of those stores that specialized in this... so I just choose the first one that appears before our eyes.

"Welcome to our slave shop ‘Chained Warriors' "

Yes, the next place on my list was a place where they sold slaves...

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