Soul Evolution System

Chapter 261 Shopping At Rozz (Part 2)

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For Valentine's Day, today there are two chapters!!

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"Welcome to our slave shop 'Chained Warriors' "

The man who receives us when we enter, was a guy with a big smile who rubbed his hands while observing us... I'm really curious if that movement of rubbing their hands is something that is instructed from a merchant to his apprentices since almost every time I met with these kinds of people, they do this.

Also, I don't think I'll ever get used to apart from looking at me as his potential client, they seemed to also evaluate my worth as we talked. Well, given their type of work, this may be something inevitable for them to do...

“I assure you that you can find the best slaves to explore the Rozz forest in our shop. We have strong men, and no doubt they will all be willing to die to ensure your safety! "

While thinking about these things, the slave trader begins to promote his wares pointing to the men that had previously be seen guarding the doors... at the beginning I thought they were men of this organization or someone they hired for the security of this shop, but now that I look at them more closely, they were wearing some necklaces on their necks.

Besides, this man's words weren't entirely boastful… they were people in the 8th and 9th limits. Although, to be honest, I don't think they would happily agree to die for someone who just bought them...  it's more than they are forced to do because of those necklaces.

Or so I thought, but… when I lay my eyes on them due to the merchant's words, they nod their heads in greeting. I couldn't see any animosity towards the merchant who is trying to sell them or towards me who can buy them...

This picked my curiosity, but if you think about it, these people are still quite strong for an Area level 1. So if someone buys them, I think that instead of mistreating them, that person would try to gain their trust so they would do their job better.

So even though their buyers may don’t release them, it didn't make much sense to mistreat someone your life may depend on. I assume that the life of these slaves is much better than that of others in the same position.

Well, it still sucks that they take away your freedom, so I can't say they have a good life either...

“Sorry, I didn't come to buy people this time. I need other things "


Turning my head again to look at the merchant, I try to go straight to the point of what I came here to do. You must be kidding me, who would want to be surrounded by muscular men even though they are 9th limit?! In fact, I am already at my limit for having to enter a place with people of those characteristics!

As the slave trader said before, the vast majority of people who buy a slave in this Area would be to explore the Rozz Forest and so, obviously the number of strong women is much more limited... or perhaps are the first to be sold when they are on display in the store? Well, the thing is that this place reeked of testosterone! Besides, there were even scantily clad men!!

So it was better to do my business and get the hell out of here immediately. I could see how some of the slaves were giving the girls and me weird looks! I bet they would be happy if we buy them!!

"I need some restraint items for slaves."

"I see, I see... what kind are you looking for?"

"What type? Well…"

The smile of the merchant that had disappeared for an instant, probably because he thought I would not buy something returns to his face after hearing what I said and now it was my turn to froze for a few seconds without knowing what to say.

I was just going to reply that the same as these men used would be fine, but… these were for Miliene in case she couldn't pay her debt. Thinking about it, I didn't really like the idea of her wearing something like metal shackles or collars, even if it was a punishment for not keeping the promise between us, that would be too much.

"Something for a woman to wear would be nice..."

"Alex-chan... what do you intend to do?"

“Don't worry, Revy. It's not like I'm going to put that on you while you sleep or something"

“I think I have what you are looking for! Although... they may be expensive "

The merchant intervenes when Revy began to look at me warily, and we are immediately guided to a part of his store where he had several objects of what we had been talking about. Then, he begins to introduce them.

“These are the most common, they are simple metal shackles and collars that can restrict a person from leaving a certain perimeter. If they do, then they will activate the magic slots on them and will make a small explosion killing the person using it. Its value is 10 thousand G.

These are a little more advanced than the previous one, apart from the previous function, a control bracelet is added with which you can punish the slave by causing him to feel pain through electric shocks. Its value is 50 thousand G.

These have the same function as the previous two, but they can also block the flow of energy of someone who has opened his energy core. Their value depends on the limit of the person you want to restrict, 1 million G for a 5th limit, 2 million for a 6th limit, and so on until reaching the 9th limit, that would cost 5 million "

As I had thought, most of the “equipment” the merchant shows us looked awkward to use… well, since they are for slaves, I don't think many people of think if they are comfortable or not. The funny thing was that my evaluation recognized these as equipment... also, they ranged from rank J to G.

"These are a little..."

"I understand don’t worry! I just wanted to show them to you so that you could see the difference with the next one that I am going to show you, and thus you could understand the cost of the items! "

If I had to choose between these for Milene to wear, then probably the first option was the best since all those seem the same to me. She hasn't even opened her energy core, and having to punish her using something like electric shocks seemed too excessive to me... the problem is that if there were only these, I probably preferred not to buy anything and would only take Milene as my slave trusting on her word.

Maybe that sounds too soft, but to be honest, maybe because of my modern mindset, having her wear something like this for just a debt might be too much… with just her working to pay what she owes is enough.

Then, as if he understood that I was about to decline the purchase, the merchant intervenes once more while taking a small box from one of the counters, and then with a big smile, he shows me the next object.

“This is arguably the newest thing for slaves! And as you can see, its design is intended for the use of women!! "

What comes out of the box, in simple words, would be women's underwear... yes, that merchant was proudly holding a pair of panties and a bra!

"Don't be fooled by its appearance! Even though it might have the look of being made of metal just like the other items, that's just the creator's design! It is made of a fabric that is quite pleasant to the touch, and the person who wears it will probably even think that it is more comfortable than the underwear they normally wear!! "

I thought for a moment that it was something similar to a chastity belt, but seeing how this object bends while the merchant manipulates it a bit, I can only agree with his words… Holy shit! The person who did this really put a lot of dedication into it! I could see how the design of that underwear mimicked what seemed like a restriction item more than just plain underwear!!

"Of course its design is not the only remarkable thing about this object! Like the previous models, this has the same functions!!

Well ... maybe since it was created with the intention of being used by women, instead of an electric shock that can only cause pain, if the master wants to punish the slave, this object will stimulate her most sensitive parts. Of course, it also has some other useful functions!! "

While my mouth and Revy's were open after witnessing this object, what he says makes our jaws drop even more! Now I definitely think that the person who designed this was a huge pervert!!

Moreover, It was obvious that this was something for women! Who the hell would pay so much to dress a man with that?! Damn, if someone did that, then that guy was sicker than the inventor of this object!

"Due to everything I said, its price can be a bit expensive... 50 million G for one set ... but since you seem like a knowledgeable person, if you buy these 3 sets, then I will sell them to you for only 100 million G!!"

… T-This guy just indirectly called me a pervert?... damn it, this thing really is expensive!! 50 million for just underwear... b-but well, since this item strangely has a [ F ] rank, maybe the amount this man is asking for is not so far-fetched...

No, fuck! If it were an object for protection or something like that, the value would be justified, but... this thing is only for restriction! W-Well... apparently this has some other functions that could be considered magical.

It would really be a waste to even buy 1 of these… not to mention all 3 sets!!

"Give me all the three sets!!"

“ W-What the hell are you doing buying that?!! "

...strangely, there was something inside me that told me I had to have them!! But why would you buy the 3 sets you may ask? That is something simply to answer... is because the slave merchant didn’t show me more of them! If he had 5 sets, then I probably would have bought all the 5 sets!!

This was something Revy couldn't understand and that's why she yelled at me when she noticed that I took out my world guild card to pay and raised my voice after buying this underwear.

I have to say that I didn't even buy them for Milene… in my head right now, there were only images of the girls that were in the mansion wearing these!! I even feel that my saliva was about to come overflowing out of my mouth... being able to punish those girls erotically was quite exciting!

"Thank you for patronage!!"

"Fuck! How the hell could you spend so much money on just kinky underwear? !! "

"'s my money, so it's my problem what I do with it, right?"

"Tch... don't forget you owe me a good amount of gold!"

"Don't worry about it, I have no problem paying you that"

"Hmp~ I hope so!"

As Revy continued to complain about my purchase, the slave merchant dismisses us with a huge smile on his face as we step out onto the streets again. Now that I think about it, a slave at the 9th limit should be worth about 25 million… maybe it's even cheaper in this place. So it means that my purchase would be like 4 of those slaves... no wonder he is so happy.

Revy, unlike that guy, was quite unhappy. She even brought up the gold thing that I thought she forgot… she should be more like the other 3 girls who follow me, they don't seem to care about this.

On the other hand, on this shopping trip I have spent everything I received for the guy who tried to kidnap the prince... 150 million G! Well, since that money was like a big bonus that appeared knocking on our door, I didn't feel bad spending all that money.

Now I was more interested in trying to figure out all the functions of the "Restrictive Equipment"... unfortunately, even I would feel strange walking in the streets with it in my hands and focusing my attention totally on this "Equipment". There is no other option but to analyze it later...

"Seeing that guy's huge smile, he surely ripped you off!"

Haaa ~ It will probably take a while for Revy to digest this...

I do not think that guy cheated me, although is for personal reasons, I think this "Equipment" is totally worth its price. Besides, we must not forget that it is a rank [F]... considering that it cost me just over 33 million for each set, I think that's pretty cheap for something in that range.

Even Vrana's [Transmutation Bracelet-F] cost me 65 million G, almost double that... Mary's equipment almost hit 100 million...

Soon, we came to the world guild, and outside of it were the people with whom we part. It seems that they too have finished their business. After a few simple greetings, we entered the guild to head to the kingdom of Delna.

For a moment I thought Revy will continue with the topic of the underwear, but when we meet with the others, she didn’t bring up about it again... I mean "equipment". Well, I don't really care if she told others, maybe the only one who would make me a bit uncomfortable if she knew about this would be Cleirsa-san.

Although, since slavery is legal even in her kingdom, I don't think she would too surprised that I bought some slave equipment… Turla would surely only make a scathing comment on that, and would also put the matter aside.

My excuse for them if that happened... or more like this is something true rather than an excuse. I would tell them that I was just curious that someone had put so much effort into creating them and that I wanted to see what these things did...

Seriously, now my mind was somewhat intrigued by who is the one that thought about creating these high-ranking "equipment"... if possible I would like to talk to that person.

With that in mind, we go through the same process as before anf teleport to the Delna kingdom, and in a matter of minutes, we are greeted by some soldiers who, upon recognizing Lorens-kun and Cleirsa-san, make way for us.

Everything seemed normal, but I realized that this time these soldiers looking a little strange at Cleirsa-san, and then they also set their eyes on every man in our group with some resentment in their eyes... I wonder what happened?

Well, I probably will find out later. Since I was in the guild now, I thought it was also time to say goodbye to this group and go straight back to Barl, and so I try to say goodbye to the others.

I think it was a good trip and we all made some profit from it. I could see that the Nurt guild group was indeed in good spirits. Probably the only one with a downcast mood around was the prince. What can I say? I bet he didn't want his adventure to end … it seems like he's still a kid in that sense too.

“Well, we will part ways here. We will go to Barl now"

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