Soul Evolution System

Chapter 262 The Denouement With Milene (Part 1)

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“Well, we will say goodbye here. We will go to Barl now... I have some things to do there "

"Is that so, Alexander-sama? I-I wish I could spend more time with you, but I also think I should go back to the Sect... I've already been away from there for a while "

"(Surely you will only harass the girls who stayed in that mansion...)"

"Aniki, let's go on an adventure again another time!"

When everyone was walking out of the guild, I turn to them to tell them that we will part ways here. I also wish I could spend more time with the princess who blushes while saying that and Turla who murmurs something, but for now, I think that even if I try to get closer with them to try to get their affection to exceed the digit of 100 it would be something difficult... most likely, to do that I first need to fulfill my part of the promise and deliver the 100 energy channel restoration pills to the King.

And to achieve that, I have to see if my Venus can help me... if it is impossible for it to produce the necessary materials in 2 years, I can try to find another way such as fulfilling a mission of the system in another world. If for some reason I cannot get all 100 pills this way either, I still have the last option which is to buy them from the system.

The only problem is that that way I will have to spend about 500 million G... If possible I want to avoid this.

“ Is it difficult to enter a sect in the Area where you go, Cleirsa-san?"

"Hmn? If it's you, Alexander-sama, then I think many sects or organizations would be happy that you join them... as Alexander-sama seems to have the strength of someone at 8th limit at such a young age, probably any sect will open their doors happily so that you can be his disciple.

E-Emmm… but if Alexander-sama wants, surely our “Seven Mountains” sect would accept you as a core disciple."

"Hmn? If I'm not mistaken, Cleirsa-san was a core disciple of that sect, right? Would they be so desperate for strong members that they would even make me a core disciple?"

"Yes, Aniki! My sister is a central disciple of the "Seven Mountains" sect. "

“By your strength and age, you wouldn't have much trouble becoming a core disciple on any organization in that Area, boy. After all, one of the requirements for that in almost any sect is that the person was 9th limit with an age under 20 years, although that is not the reason why the princess says that...

This sect is managed by 7 clans, and one of these is the Delna Clan to which the princess belongs. And as you can imagine, the members of these clans have advantages over normal disciples... and you, as the princess's fiance would also have these. "

Previously I had been left with some doubts about the sect of these two girls, and now that Cleirsa-san mentions this, I remember it. To be honest, when she told me that her sect would accept me as a core disciple, the first thing that came to mind was that this was not a very influential sect there... after all, I was only an 8th limit, and there a person could outdo me on one soul level completely.

But hearing Turla's words that make the princess blush even more, I understand that I would be treated a bit especially due to my relationship with Cleirsa-san, so that sect must not be that bad either.

Also, if I remember correctly, one of the instructors we found in charge of training the new members was a level 2 soul. Even though he seemed to have reached that rank not too long ago, if he were someone important, he would surely not be taking care of a group of new disciples from that sect... I must assume that there are many people like him in this sect.

“By the way, boy. You should accept the princess's offer and go to that Area soon... for your current strength level if you stay here your advance will be much less than in an Area like that. "

"I'll definitely go there, but it's probably after a few months... so you shouldn't miss me so much, Turla"

"H-Hmp ~ I hope you have that same confidence when you get there... even though your strength in this Area is very good and it seems that you have talent, there, people with those qualities are not rare"

"Fufufu, I think Alexander-sama would continue to excel there, Turla."

I don't know if I will join both girls' sect, but I will definitely go to that Area… I just want to reach at least a level 2 soul of strength before then. I really don't like the idea that there are a lot of people who can bully me… so I have to be stronger to go there.

I still have some doubts about their sect and how easy it is to meet a person with a soul level 2 there, but from what the princess says, it seems that someone my age with my current strength should not be that common either... what Turla says I feel like she says it more to get even for making fun of her earlier, so the words of the first one sound more reliable.

The problem is that I don't think that by being someone considered talented there, then I can defeat someone stronger than me because of that! So it wouldn't do me much good even if I had a 9th limit and was 5 years old younger since, in the end, a person with a level 2 soul could easily kill me without that my talent will be something important.

The only thing that could help me there is to have the support of Cleirsa-san's clan, but... I can't trust that either. If no one in the clan supports that compromise between us like the King, then even her own family would be the one that would try to eliminate me!

… So it is best to depend only on my own strength.

"Then you two take care, after all, that Area should be dangerous"

“Fufufu, we will be careful. You also take care, Alexander-sama "

“You don't need to worry about us, boy. Usually, we are only training in the sect and not looking for problems... from what I heard, unlike us, that seems to be your specialty "

"Alexander-san, wait! I heard that you would allow other organizations to settle in the Eltin forest as well. If possible, then I would like to create a branch of our organization there… no, maybe we could move our headquarters there! "

"...I have no problem with that Rulnemt, but for that, you will have to fix things with Saya first. Is the girl who accompanied us before, she was the one who would take care of that"

"No problem, after we rest for a few days, I think we'll go and talk to her then"

As I responded with a bitter smile to Turla's words since I could not deny them, then I prepared to turn around and head with the girls towards the dimensional doors, but before doing so, Rulnem stops me.

As it had already been decided that the grounds around our mansion would be left for the use of other organizations, there was no reason to refuse their request. In fact, there will surely be many organizations that we do not know doing the same... so without a doubt that his organization with which we have formed some ties will settle in that area was a good thing.

So after saying this, both groups split up and we went straight through a dimensional gate that instantly leads us to Barl. Well ... I think the first thing I should do is go and conclude the matter with Milene.

With that thought in mind, we first go to the branch of the organization "Servants of Alexander-sama"... I had to first call Rika since she had insisted on being present... no, you could tell that she even wanted to be the one do the honors of turning Milene into a slave.

I send Vrana to inform the girls that we have returned and also using a short wave radio that Kurisu had installed at this location, I quickly contacted at the base within Eltin's forest. I don't think we will have to wait long for Rika to come… she will surely drop whatever she is doing and come as quickly as she can here.

My thoughts weren't hurt... no, I think I even underestimated Rika's desire to carry this out. Waiting for about 10 minutes, a sound that I had heard previously and that I recognize, make echoes throughout Barl… Damn! She even used a helicopter to come here!

On the second Island where the main base of the people who carried out the B-Tooom game was, I found 3 transport helicopters and 5 planes of the same type. So before going to Rozz forest, I had taken them out and placed them in the barracks of the soldier girls. I had also used 5 coupons which I received from complete one of the missions in that world and bought 5 Apache helicopters from the system, although it appears that Rika didn't go that far as to bring one of these.

When I left the building due to the noise, there were also many people in the streets of Barl who were surprised to see the flying machine that landed on the roof of this building... I would not be surprised if they even confused it with a monster that came to attack Barl.

"This will surely create disorder in the city... "

“It's okay, Alexander-sama. The people of Barl have seen that machine that flies there when Kurisu-sama and Rika-sama decided to try to test it"

“ I see… by the way, I haven't seen your mother, Kuye-chan. Is she doing something else? "

"My Mom at this time should be in the capital of the Kingdom checking that the branch of our guild in that place works correctly"

"…In the capital?"

"Yes! Surely if she found out that Alexander-sama came here directly, then she would complain to me and be discouraged for not being able to see you, hehehe "

" Ha... ha... Let's go now where that woman is!"

When I lose sight of the helicopter landing on the roof of this building, at being a little strange that Keyu-chan was not accompanied by her mother like is usual, I decide to ask her about this. So while she tells me the reason for her mother's absence, Rika appears with her breathing a little shaken... it seems that she actually came running here.

“You shouldn't be so excited, Rika. Milene can still pay her debt to me, you know? "

“Fufufu, I have come several times to make sure that this woman does not escape, and from the face she had when she saw me, I am almost sure that will not happen! Now, let's go!! "

"Fine, fine, let's go"

Since it looked like Rika was going to drag me towards Milene's shop if I didn't move my feet, we started walking towards that place.

I ask Revy that if wanted to come, but she only replied that she was not interested in seeing how a woman became a slave, so she decides to ask some of the girls from this guild to take her there to the mansion in a vehicle. So just me, Rika and Scythe who was like my shadow which always followed me around without saying anything.

A few minutes later, then we reached our destination. This time Milene was in plain sight and she wasn't hiding. She was leaning on the counter while holding a small box in which she had her eyes... and her gaze towards it was somewhat complex. It seemed that in one second she was looking at it as if was a treasure, but then in the next second, I could see some anger and even hatred in her eyes...


"Hello, Celi-chan."


When we get more close, the one who notes us first was Celi-chan that runs to me when she sees me. On the other hand, when Milene listens to her she also notices us but she doesn't seem to react much, she just directs her eyes towards us for a few seconds, and then she looks at the little box again.

Looking at her, I can see that Rika's previous words were most likely accurate and Milene didn't have the money she owed me...

"Milene, it seems your days as a free woman are ending today!"

“Tch… but at least I won't become your slave, idiot.

So you came, boy… hmp~ Okay, let's do this quick and don't waste time, people say that time is money after all! "

I don't know if it's because of the enmity these two women have, but it seems that Milene's spirits seem to recover a bit. Honestly, if it were me, I'd be even more depressed to see the person who would make me a slave.

"Milene... haaa~ Looks like you couldn't get the money you owed me, huh?"

“…I was about to get that and more, but in the end I was unlucky. Don't worry, I am a merchant and I can accept both, profit and loss."

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't escape..."


…For what? In the end, I also will end up losing everything if I do that. What would I do next? Accept some coins for letting someone do whatever he wants with my body? In that case, it would be much better to hand it over to you than to a total stranger. 

Or I may not even be able to get some coins if I am caught by a group of thieves...

Besides, how could I get away with the girls this woman put up to watch me?! "

"Hmp~ I thought you had a bit of gut by accepting your mistakes, but now I think the only thing that prevented you from escaping was these girls"

...when we got to Milene's store, there were some girls in soldiers' uniforms guarding the door. I thought that either she hired them to protect her store or she took advantage by telling them that we had some kind of relationship with me to do it, but now I see that I was wrong and it was Rika who put these women here as guards to prevent her from escaping...

Fuck, now I'm really starting to think that I should be careful about pissing off Rika! She seems to be someone who can be very spiteful...

"What is that box?"

Wanting to calm the atmosphere a bit, I decide to change the subject a bit for something that had caught my attention since we got here and so I ask about this. Right away the one who answered me was Celi-chan since Milene seemed still busy giving Rika a displeased look who also did the same...

"... Milene previously bought some energy channel restoration pills."

“Energy Channel Restoration Pills?

...If you have these, then I think you should be able to pay your debt with me then, right? "

"Ohh! So would you accept these pills in exchange for my debt? No, they are worth more than my debt, so you have to give me more money! "

"...I don't see why n-"

"Wait, Alexander! That's-"

“You can't Alexander-sama! If you do that, then you will become a criminal for the Kingdom!! "


I think everyone here knew the value of these pills, and Milene only owed me a few hundred thousand G, or so I thought. But when I couldn't see why not to accept these pills, Rika and Celi-chan intervene before I can finish what I was going to say and making the smile that had returned to Milene's face disappear with a grimace as she clicked her tongue.

...when I saw Rika intervene, at first I thought it was just that she wasn't happy about the idea that Milene had gotten rid of this, but with Celi-chan joining her, then I thought that there should be something else... well, I can't say that she continues to have respect for her master as before, so it may be that she not like the idea that the one responsible for her being my slave just in name will get rid of this problem so easy.

Still, seeing Milene's reaction, I decided to let the girls explain what they had to say. So in the next instant, I discover several things that happened here while I was on my excursion to the Rozz forest...

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