Soul Evolution System

Chapter 263 The Denouement With Milene (Part 2)


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“You can't Alexander-sama! If you do that, then you will become a criminal for the Kingdom !! "

“…Explain to me. Milene only owed me a few hundred thousand G, for the value of those pills, then there should be no problem for her to pay me, right?

Or do these have a problem... like if they are false? "

For a moment I thought that Milene had been scammed, she had a background on this after all. But when I put my eyes on these since she had opened the box with the pills for me to see, I could confirm the following words Celi-chan that these were real.

“No… the pills in that sense have no problem and they are totally authentic, but…

Formerly the Kingdom of Delna created a law that prohibiting any kind of marketing of these pills, so you cannot accept the pills in exchange for the debt of her, Alexander-sama. It could be said that technically those pills are now worthless in this Realm...

Furthermore, this woman pawned the shop again… since Alexander-sama previously covered that debt, this shop belonged to you. So now Milene owes you a couple of million G… "

"It is true! When I found out that she had sold the store earlier, it was too late and she had bought those pills… you must have taken the ownership papers earlier, Alexander. "

…I forgot about that. Previously I only had the thought that I had only paid off Celi-chan's debt with the moneylenders... since I didn't pay much attention to that then, it seems that this woman who was now looking away from me, took advantage of this.

It seems that Rika tried to avoid it, but she did not do it in time... maybe she even tried to take those pills from Milene, but since she was technically the one who bought them, so they belonged to her and, therefore, if she did it would be stealing from her.

Well, now I was more interested in the fact that the Kingdom had banned the marketing of these pills...

“What do you mean that these pills were forbidden by the Kingdom? I have previously bought some in an auction... "

“This law was only recently created… probably days after you went to the Kingdom capital with Saya. So when this information got here, this woman had already bought some of these pills from people trying to get rid of these. "

"Curse! Why did the damn kingdom have to create that law right now?! I had gotten those pills for less than 10 times their value, you know?! "

"...people say it is a punishment for all the people in the Kingdom for the try of the kidnapping of the prince "

Well... that's probably the reason why its value dropped so much. I think Milene also understands this, but surely she had to express her emotions now somewhat...

Also... I think I understand very well why the Kingdom banned these pills now, and surely it is not because of the excuse that Celi-chan mentions. I'm sure it's that damn King trying to make things difficult for me so I can gather the pills for the princess dowry!

" Well, then that means these pills are now worthless and you can't pay your debt, right Milene? "

“Tch… that's right. Ah! My pills... "

"What are you talking about? Now that you will become my slave, these are mine, right? "

"Hehehe, that's true"

"It's true, now this all belongs to Alexander-sama."


Without caring much about Milene's reaction when I take the box from her hands, I can see that she had managed to buy 5 of these pills... to be honest, if she had paid with her money for these, I would not have cared much about the Law of the kingdom and I would accept them as an exchange for her debt, but...  it looks as if she bought these pills with my money, so they belonged to me even if Milene didn't become my slave!

Well, since she helped me collect 5 of these pills, then I shouldn't be mad at her for doing this. After all, I practically buy them as if they were given away...

…In a sense, these pills are still quite valuable though they can't be marketed. So when I take the pills from Milene's hands, she seems to have some resistance to this. In the end, hearing the words of the other two girls, she has no choice but to withdraw her hand that she had stretched out following the box with the pills.

"Alexander, you brought the restraint items, right?!"

"Oh, that... yeah, I bought them."

"Good! Then give them to me! "

"D-Damn Rika ..."

For a moment I hesitate to do that as these objects cost me a fortune and have to use it in Milene was a little... ... well, I will not say it was a waste but I had a greater longing to see the other girls at the mansion wearing them rather... when I purchased these, I was so focused on these that I forgot to ask if there was something similar but cheaper.

Seeing Rika's enthusiasm while extending her hands for I to hand them over, I couldn't say no to her now. Well, you could say that the main reason I bought these is for Milene to wear them. On the other hand, she could be my guinea pig to see if they have any problems...

Also… seeing as Rika wanted to be the one to put these on her, then I came up with a very good idea. Thinking about this, with a big smile on my face, I give some instructions to Celi-chan who also seemed to be looking forward to seeing this.

"Celi-chan, close the store."

"Hmn? It's okay!"

"Why should we close the store?"

"Well... I just think it's better to spare Milene the embarrassment of other people seeing this"

"Hmp~, just make it quick!"

Even with Rika's impatience and the words of Milene, we all wait for Celi-chan to close the store... Milene seems determined or resigned to this, but surely in a time Milene will thank me for this, and also even Rika will be not so impatient by doing this... well, maybe Milene not be happy either.

"Well, here are the ' objects of restriction' "

"" E-Eh? ""

I take out the objects, and put them in Rika's hands… they all seemed a bit puzzled at first by them, and when Rika spreads the panties and bra, the girls let out their voices in surprise.

"T-This is..."

"I found it a bit cruel that Milene wore something like shackles and necklaces... so when I asked the slave trader that time, I trying to choose something more comfortable and he gave me these 'Restraint Objects'"

"T-That wasn't necessary! I'd rather wear shackles and collars than that stuff!! "

Before Rika could say anything about this, I quickly explained the reasons why I bought these. What I said is just what happened before, so I don't have my conscience uneasy about this! 

Rika frowns upon hearing me, but probably as a modern age person like me, she can't complain about my reasoning.

…It is a pity that my good feelings do not reach the person for whom I had worried. I believed that now witnessing the objects of restriction, Milene's resolve began to waver since became more real that she would become a slave, but… it seems that the problem was the "objects of restriction" themselves.

Although this changes when she hears my next words, and then even with a smile on her face she rushes Rika to put them on her...

"Well, since you made me promise that you would be the one to make wear them to Milene, then I will keep my word and let you do it Rika... go ahead, now you can do it"

"E-Eh? P-Put them on her? T-That's ... "

"Oh! So there was that promise ?! Well, it seems that the boy did his part Rika! You won't back down from yours now, will you?

Come on, go ahead and put these things on me! "

"D-Damn ..."

Showing her determination, Milene starts to take off all her clothes after she speaks and then looks with a bit of mockery and an intention that challenged Rika to do it inside her eyes...

I don't know if Milene even forgot that I was here or just her considering that she would become my slave and so thought that it hadn't meant in hiding her body from me more.  So, without any hesitation in her movements, she takes off piece by piece of clothing...

To be honest, Milene was not an ugly woman, but... when I saw her naked body of a mature woman, I realize that the main reason that she did not stand out so much was because of the clothes that hid her proportions very well. Looking at her now, I think Milene would even fall into the range of attractive women… it just like she doesn't try to stand out her attributes.

She definitely had a shapely butt... and her breasts, I think would fall into the big range! It is a pity that with loose clothing nothing of that is shown much...

Even looking at her legs, they were quite thick. And in the middle of them, a quite exuberant black garden was visible too... but as before, these legs were hidden by her long skirt and could not be seen. 

Now that I think about it, it's a bit strange that while in my other life this was the most common color in that part that I had seen in some women there, now this one had become a rare one...

Most of the girls in the Mansion or the ones I have had the opportunity to see naked have hair color and pubic hair with extravagant colors. Only Haruna had the same color as Milene… her daughter Iruka-chan probably does too, but the last time I saw her, it seemed that she had not reached that age or it was not very noticeable yet.

"What are you waiting for? It's cold, you know! ”

"H-Hmp~ Fine, come closer!"

So as if she didn't want to lose to Milene, finally Rika with a slightly flushed face takes the panties and spreads them a little while bending over so that Milene can put her feet through the holes in them. Seeing this, with a big smile Milene walks towards her and introduces foot by foot...

Rika's actions were similar to a mother helping her young daughter change her clothes, without a doubt that would be something adorable and cuddly to witness, but... how I look at it now, at being Milene who she helped put on her underwear, this only could be something a bit erotic!

An adult woman being dressed by another... I could see how Rika began to gradually raise herself to raise the panties too, but then when she reached Milene's knees, she quickly climbs them and taking the latter off guard...


W-What the hell are you doing?! Y-You did the cloth to go into strange places!! "

Sh-Shit... I could even see how Milene's feet stopped touching the ground for a few seconds! As Milene says, the fabric remained virtually embedded between the lips of her vagina... t-these had a normal panties design, but Rika did it seem one thong to be stuck between the buttocks of Milene.

W-Well, it seems I can confirm that the fabric seems quite sturdy at least... although I really think that if Rika kept pulling on these, then these might break. They cost me several million, so I would really feel like my heart would damage if that happened! Unfortunately, I couldn't say that either...

“Hehehe, I have to make sure it is properly set, right? Otherwise you could take it off and try to escape "

"Hyaaan~ D-Damn bitch! Stop pulling on these panties!! Haan~ "

As if Rika is trying to release all her frustration at having to do this, she repeats the same several times. So with no other option, Milene had to practically hug her neck to prevent her own weight from causing the underwear to embed itself further into her intimate part.

Unfortunately for Milene, even with her desperate attempt to avoid the rubbing of the garment on her vagina, she couldn't keep some moans from escaping her mouth as she hugged Rika.

…Damn! I think I'm getting a little hard by watching this. Even though my goal was to make this seem something sensual, I thought Rika would only do it quickly to complete her task… it was unexpected that things turned out more stimulating than I thought they would be!

Rika says that her actions were to make sure she does not take it away, but that obviously was a lie. After all, this restraint equipment has another way to guarantee that.

“…I-I think this will be enough. Next is the bra "

"Ha... Ha... I can do that myself! Damn!!"

Probably feeling that Milene's feet were a bit unstable and that she had begun to gasp in her ear, Rika with her face even more blush than before, decides to stop torturing Milene...

I think Rika realized that the environment was getting a little strange and that's why she stopped... also since practically both girls were hugging one to the other and the fact that their breasts were rubbing for a while, that must have affected her a bit too...

As for Milene... she already had her most sensitive part being stimulated but also added to that, her chest was fully exposed and this one pressed against Rika's and caused that she rubbing her nipples against her clothes. That is something claire since now I could see that the latter's nipples stood out even more than before and was redder...

...even Celi-chan's face was now a little red from witnessing this. It does not surprise me much since if you ignore that Rika was doing it in a bad way and Milene was only trying to make her situation not worse, in the end, that appeared as if the first was hugging the waist of the second while the second was hugging the neck of the first.

When Rika takes the bra to continue her job, this time Milene who suiting her panties that now maybe were a little wet properly, snatches it from her hands and proceeds to wear it herself. I think she learned her lesson.

"Fine! I already put this on, now what's next?! "

Then seconds later, Milene was in front of us wearing that metallic colored underwear splendidly… I must say that she looks better than expected in these. Since it would be a waste for her to go back to wearing clothes that don't make her look so good, at least as my slave I will order her to dress a little better. I don't think any girl will complain about such an order.

"Well, you just have to say that you agree to become my slave and put a drop of blood on this bracelet."


Milene approaches me and after saying “I agree to become this person's slave”, she pricks her finger with a needle and spills a drop on the bracelet that I had already placed on my left wrist beforehand as I instructed her.


When the bracelet seems to absorb the drop of blood, we are all a bit surprised because Milene's "equipment" shines a bit and some runes appear. It's only for a few seconds, and then they go back to normal. It seems that with this the process had been completed.

"Hmn? I-I can't take this off... "

“ Obviously… if not, then what would be the point of these? "

"I-Idiot! It's not because of that! H-How the hell am I going to go to the bathroom if I need to?!! "


“Don't worry, these clothes detect if the person who wears them needs to do that or take a bath, so you won't have any problems related to everyday things. Plus, these have a function of always keeping clean, so you will not have to worry about hygiene matters "

"I-Is that so?"


"T-Then these things must not be cheap..."

Rika, Celi-chan, and Milene react respectively to my words. I wonder what would happen if I told Milene that I spend a lot more on that underwear than the amount of G by she became a slave for? Will that make her happy or sad?

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