Soul Evolution System

Chapter 265 Returning To The Mansion

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"I-I hope the new couple lives happily..."

“I-I'm glad Milene finally got a ma- ...a person for her. All the girls in town were a little worried about you"

"Hahaha, that's right, my daughter finally found someone!"

"" ... ""

At this moment I was sitting at a table with Rika and Scythe on my right, and Milene and Celi-chan on my left while we received congratulations from some people who came to talk to us...

How did this happen? That's because of the woman who was standing right next to us with a big smile on her face and who was the leader of this village and Milene's mother… yes, it was Milane-san. Since I had practically taken her daughter as my slave, I thought that it was necessary to tell her this. After all, it could be said that she had been good to me and Kurisu when we first left the Eltin forest.

…Although you could also see it as a fair thing since we saved their village from an attack by thieves at that time. Well, my philosophy has always been to pay kindness with kindness and enmity with enmity, so I finally decided to come and talk to her.

Unexpectedly things were nothing like I imagined they would be… I thought that when she heard that her daughter became my slave, then she would get mad at me or try to intercede on behalf of her only descendant but none of that happened in the end.

Remembering the things of a couple of hours ago, these were something like this...

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"Milane-san, that's the way it is, your daughter became my slave because of debt with me..."


Explaining a little the situation of how things had happened so that Milene became my slave, I wait for Milane-san's reaction... she remains silent, and then she puts her eyes for a moment on me and then on her daughter who seemed to be a bit embarrassed because her mother found out about her failures.

Now I was hoping that she would start yelling at me things like " how can you do this to my daughter ?!" or “ Damn bastard, you do this after I let you into my house before!! " If she took it the wrong way since it was the most likely that would happen.

Although she too might start begging me to release her daughter now...  or also could says me something like that she would take her place. To be honest, if things turn out that way, then I'll probably have to free Milene… I don't think even Rika will be able to complain when she sees an old woman cry for the sake of her daughter.

"Finally! It is finally happening!!

...I-I really thought that I would die before I could see this day "


She finally seems to process everything I say, and then she reacts. Although it was nothing like what I thought... no, surely none of us could imagine this since we can all just keep quiet with our mouths open without saying anything.

Indeed, there were tears in this older woman's eyes, but not for the reason I thought this might happen… Milane-san's tears were of joy!

“W-Why the hell are you so happy, old woman! Your poor pitiful daughter just became a slave, didn't you hear it?! Or is possible that you have interpreted things bad?!! "

Then, the first to react from us was Milene who starts to complain about her mother's reaction… well, unexpectedly this time I have no choice but to agree with her.

“…Certainly this is not the most ideal thing, but at least now I can rest assured that you will have a man by your side! Also, I will finally be able to see my grandchildren!! "

"Fuck you, old woman! You think this is like I'm getting married?! I'll be this damn brat's slave! N-No, I-I didn't mean that Hyaan~… I-I'll be the slave of m-my lord! "

When Milene insults me, she re-activates the restraint equipment to punish her but this time I quickly stop it. That gave me a great scare... I think it would not be a good thing if the previous thing happened again here at the entrance of Milane-san's house, besides, I don't want to explain to her what happened to her daughter either.

On the other hand, I think this older woman has taken the meaning of marriage to the next level! I must say that probably I like to be the dominant party in the relationship matters, but I would not go to such extremes either... if she were in my previous world and a group of feminists listened to her, she would probably be burned at the stake as a witch!

“This has to be celebrated! I have to make this known to everyone in the village! I will no longer be criticized for having a daughter who has not yet married among the other women adult!! "

"How can you celebrate that your precious daughter becomes a slave?! "

“Feel free to call this girl to your bedroom to do her slave assignments, boy! I don't care if you even have to force her ah that !!"

"Fuck you, old woman!!"

"" ... ""

Ignoring all the complaints from her daughter, Milane-san kept getting excited and telling me things that sounded more and more incredible...

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"This looks like a wedding ..."


"I can't believe that old woman was prepared for such a thing..."

The words of the girls next to me bring my mind back to the present. I honestly didn't want to be here either, but since I've taken Milene as my slave, I think I at least owed this to Milane-san.

But without a doubt, I agree a little with Rika's words… this may not be like a wedding ceremony, but it was like a party for the union of a couple for sure… even above us there was a big sign that said “Congratulations to the recent couple in love ", but only that" lovers "was crossed out and changed to" Master and slave " words...

This only made things even more uncomfortable for everyone... I could even see that the people who approached us did not know if they should feel happy for Milene or feel sorry for her... in the end, I think that seeing that she did not seem unhappy, then they decided to take the first choice and congratulate us.

"Fufufu... congratulations Milene, I'm so happy for you now... hehehe"

"Youu... how did you come here? Or rather, how the hell did you find out about this?! "

Suddenly a woman with a pretty good-looking appearance comes up to our table and starts talking directly to Milene. She seemed like one of those women who takes great care of her appearance but to take advantage of that... also, I think I've seen her before somewhere.

“Since the situation of my precious friend Milene reached my ears, then I had to come quickly, and so I even took the fastest vehicle from my shop to come here!

… I couldn't miss your big day, right? Hehehe ”

Ah, now I remember her! It was the woman I bought my "Delorean" from. If I remember correctly, she seems to have a little enmity with Milene... or perhaps it could be said that it was more of a rivalry with Milene. Geh, it really seems that the person you want the least to find out about something is always among the first to know that.

I can see how the face of Milene seems to be even more ashamed when she saw this person here... but then as if she were remembered something, her face changes quickly and with a big smile she says while pointing at me.

"Well, I indeed became a slave, but... I can't complain too much since my lord is this boy"

"Him? Well… tch, it seems you were lucky that the person bought you it was quite handsome… "

“Hahaha without a doubt, this at the very least it's better than having to be riding guys twice your age or with a belly big enough to be considered half their body! "


Waah~ It seems that my impression of this woman was correct… also, it seems that she does not remember me. Well, we only met once so it's not something to bother me either… at first I didn't remember her either after all.

On the other hand, what she does with her body is none of my business either. Although it seems that Milene's words directly stab this woman's heart as her face turns a little bitter...

“Also, you might not know it, but… he's Alexander, you should understand what that means, right? "

"...Alexander? E-Eh? D-Don't tell me that he's that person-"

"So is! He is the person the girls of the new and now strongest guild in Barl serve!!

Hehehe, therefore… now you should understand that he is full of money, right? "


This time that woman can't even react and just gapes as she watches me. It seems that my name has become quite famous in Barl because of the soldier girls… no, seeing the reaction of the Villagers when hearing what Milene says since she had practically been screaming, I think that even in this surroundings places this is so now.

"P-Please take me as your slave too! I will do what that woman does much better, I promise you!! "

" Have you gone crazy, woman?! Stay away!!"

While I was thinking about those things, suddenly this woman lunges towards me as if she wants to hug me but is stopped by Rika before she can achieve it. More than jealousy, I think she stopped her because in this world it was dangerous for an unknown person to get too close. 

This surprised me a bit, I didn't expect her to act like this... it was obvious that what this woman wanted, the color of greed that stained her aura was even much greater than Milene after all! Nor do I really like the idea of having a woman on my side because she wants just to have the benefits of my position, so I did not hesitate to decline her offer.

In the end, we have to get out of this strange celebration since not only that woman but also several of the villagers completely changed their attitude when they found out my name. So after a little delay, we all made it to the mansion.


"Yes, we have returned"

As usual, I greet all the girls that I haven't seen in a while. Then later I start to examine the things of this place... it seemed that I had been gone for a longer time at seeing how quickly things have changed here.

"For a moment I thought I was in the wrong place... things have changed pretty much"

"Well, I think it also helped that your name became known in this Kingdom, Alex."

"... I can understand my name becoming known in this zone, but I don't think I have done anything for the entire Kingdom to know my name."

"Oooh, do you think taking the princess of this Kingdom as your fiancée is a small thing?! It seems your expectations are pretty high, don't you?! "

"The King made an announcement throughout the Kingdom about your engagement to Princess Cleirsa-san, Alexander-san… you were also awarded the title of Earl in the Kingdom"

My words were because I could now see that the mansion seemed to have been fully completed but there were still men working elsewhere. Some were creating the second protective wall, and others were in charge of raising some buildings in this location….

But upon hearing my comment, Kurisu and Rei spoke with a bit of reproach… mainly the latter, she actually seemed a bit upset. Well, that has almost become a habit on her by now, so I don't pay as much attention to this one and was a bit surprised by the latter's words instead.

I did not expect that King to announce my engagement to the princess... my thoughts of what he would do were the opposite since I believed that he would resist and deny this one with all his might. Has he changed his mind about me? No… if that was the case, then he wouldn't have made the announcement about energy channel restoration pills...

...or is he testing me? Well, it doesn't matter if he accepts it or not the engagement, anyway I plan to keep my word and take Cleirsa-san and Turla as my women.

Besides, there was also something that caught my attention from what Saya says that speaks to the last of these girls, so I decided to ask about this.

"Shouldn't it be my title of Baron ?"

"I'm not sure what happened either, but they gave you a higher title, Alexander-san."

"Fufufu, thanks to that many people came to congratulate you and give gifts for your commitment and your rank of noble, Alex-san"

"It's true ~ They brought so many gifts that these even filled some rooms in the mansion~"

"True, although perhaps because you previously bought a lot of food in the Kingdom, most of it was such things."

If I remembered correctly, the time we had the audience with the King he told me that he would give me the title of Baron, but from the words that Saya responds to me now, it seems that there is no mistake that this one had increased to a Count... honestly, I was more in accord with the other title since with this I did not have many obligations with the Kingdom.

...Don't tell me it was so that this way the King could order me to go on a suicide mission? That can be very likely… well, if I get any strange requests then I'll just tell him that I can't do it because my stomach hurts or something like that.

Also, listening to what Saeko, Shisuka, and Rika say, this brought me some unexpected advantages. I should go see those gifts later...

Then, hearing things about gifts, as if she remembered something important, Saya spoke to me again but this time with a slightly worried face.

"Alexander-san, it seems that there have been some troubles in our world..."

"It's true... when Saya and I talked to our mothers they seemed somewhat concerned"

"...did something happen there?"

What the two girls who have their parents in the HOTD world tell me causes me to frown a little and stop thinking about gifts.

"I don't think things are that serious, but they surely have some problems..."

“Well… then I'll go to that world tomorrow. Anyway, I had planned to go there to check on how things were going there. "

""…Thank you""

After listening to me both girls seem to relax a bit, and they thank me. Right after this, we talked for a bit more but since some of them had some things to do then I'm going to do something that I was quite impatient about.


"Sister... grown... well..."

Scythe and I get to where the Venus was and then she starts stroking some of her large leaves while looking somewhat content with her little sister's growth. Then, after also caressing some of the petals of its two large flowers, I immediately took out a small sack where I had put the seeds of the pearl of mana plant.

It was better that as soon as possible my venus began to produce these plans! So without wasting any time, I proceed to do just this. The requirement to make use of its ability was only to feed one of Venus's mouths apparently. So after selecting a few, I threw them into them.

To make sure they wouldn't digest or destroy the seeds with their acids, I repeatedly tell it through our connecting link that had to integrate them into its body and not destroy them. I just hope my Venus understood me enough... well, now I just have to wait sometime to see if this works.

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