Soul Evolution System

Chapter 266 Trouble In HOTD

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[Detecting increased radioactivity rates in this world ... analyzing ... no problem for the user]

When I go through the portal that brings me to the world of HOTD, this is the first thing I hear! I do not know if those who still survive in other cities in this world found some dangerous toys, or if simply those who had not used nuclear bombs decided that there was no other option but to detonate them even in their own territory as before...

The only thing that is clear to me is that they are tightening the rope around their neck doing this… now the zombies in this world will be able to become even stronger. Previously these had been stuck at the 5th limit, maybe there were even some in the 6th limit but as far as I know, they had not exceeded that level of strength.

But now... I don't know how far level the zombies can reach in this world. Well, this probably just complicates things a little for my camps here at HOTD but it also shouldn't be something so extreme that they have trouble continuing to exist here. After all, the people in our camps have also gotten a little stronger, though mainly the soldiers.

"Alexander! I'm glad to see you!"



“ It's good that you're okay. Just the two of you came this time? "

“Yes, Saya was busy with some things, so she told me to say hello from her to you, Yuriko-san. Also, the same was for you from Rei, Kiriko. "

“That girl… now that she has a boy she likes, she doesn't even have time to see her mother? Well, I'm glad she's okay. "

“… It won't be that Rei is pregnant now and wants to hide it, right?!"

“I-It's not that, Kiriko-san! The world we are in can be more dangerous, so she has been training with Saeko-san"


As usual, several people were right in front of us appeared. Haruna and the little girls that running towards me are glad to see me while the pair of mothers complain a bit about their respective daughters. It seems that the two little ones, Iruka-chan and Alice-chan, have grown a bit since I last saw them. I hope my body continues to grow as fast as theirs...

Well, in the case of Kiriko-san, more than a complaint, what she said was probably more a concern of her than anything else... so before I can deny that, Kurisu who was the girl who had come with me answers her while blushing a little. Since she had to explain some things to the technology department, she had no choice but to accompany me here.

…Honestly, I think from all the girls, something like what Kiriko-san says is probably more difficult to happen with Rei considering her personality. So she shouldn't worry so much… I think. Well, if we did get to that level in our relationship, then I'd find a way for that not to happen since I'm not want to be a father at this physical age of mine.

But Kurisu's words were true and both girls decided not to come for those reasons she says. Saya was still busy seeing requests from organizations that wanted to put their base in the Eltin forest, and also supervised that everything was in order.

When I spoke to her a bit earlier, apparently the income from leasing those land could not be underestimated... for a piece of land enough for an organization to build a structure there, they had to pay 400 thousand crystals per year! I thought not many organizations would pay that amount for just a piece of land, after all, this was 4 million G. But during all this time, she had already collected more than 4 million crystals...

According to what she investigated, in a zone of this level, it was not even strange that organizations paid 500 thousand crystals. So Saya decided to price a little lower for the first year so that more organizations would decide to settle there.

She was the one who had taken care of all this, so I was a little worried that some organization would try to intimidate her. But when I asked her if everything was alright, she told me that due to my status as an earl in the Realm, practically everyone she had spoken to had been very respectful to her.

On the other hand, I believe that even afterward we will be able to collect an even more expensive rent. Since in the end I hadn't sold the bug bodies when I was in Ross Forest, I gave them all to the building guild from earlier to use these on the second protective wall when Saya asked me what material I wanted them to build this one.

She told me it would be good to choose a better material than the last one to have more leeway when towards negotiations with the guilds, but perhaps this would be a little more expensive than when we made the mansion.

Taking her advice, I immediately asked the construction guild manager what materials I could choose. Then I realized that the bodies of some monsters could be used for walls as material for this.

So in the end, it could be said that I saved 70% of the cost and according to the words of the people of that guild, the level of our wall would even be comparable to that of important cities of this Kingdom in resistance since practically all those insects exceeded the 7th limit.

So the bodies of those insects were more useful than just becoming fertilizer for my Venus in the end… this one could only eat the triton that I had killed in the lake before going to the capital. Well, since I've come to HOTD, then I'll make sure to bring it a lot of its favorite food.

Speaking of the triton, when I discovered it spying on the girls in the lake, Aurora told me that it was a rare monster for this Area and so I first considered capturing it and giving it to Haruna or Iruka-chan who were here. But when she started mentioning the behavior to me of this monster, then I could only kill it in that instant.

...this one turned out to be practically a water Goblin perhaps just a little stronger than these. So of course I do not like the idea of handing it over to one of this pair of mother and daughter.

"Well, then go. There are some things we have to discuss"

"Yes... I think I have an idea what it is about"

Ending with the greetings, then Yuriko-san takes the initiative and leads us to the room where we had discussed all the important things of the camps. So in that place were already some people that I knew, and others that also I saw for the first time...

"Welcome Alexander-san"

"Alexander-san, good to see you!"

"You finally arrived, boy"

"" Hello, Alexander-san ""

"A-A boy is the leader of this camp?"

Among the people I knew were people like Yoshioka-san, Shiro the leader of the camp on the coast, Hirano, and the pair of fools who salute me. Also other people like Gloterus and Omura that had high ranks among the soldiers and the leaders of the tech and biology departments that were Alice and Kana's dad.

…There was also the guy we elected as the political leader for Kinato… what was his name? Well, never mind, he becomes nervous when some of the people who don't seem to know me either start making some comments about me.


So when I thought to greet the people I knew, my words get stuck in my mouth when I discover among all this group of people to Matsushima with a big belly...


“Hehehe, as you can see, I'm pregnant. Now you can't criticize me for not having a partner or not have a love life"

“… You're not going to say the child's mine for just seeing you naked and we bathing together, right? "

Yeah, it's not that Matsushima got fat or something like that, she was pregnant! This surprised me quite a bit and so I had to leave the greetings to ask about this to her.

I think she was a somewhat withdrawn woman on these issues, therefore it is sure she did something like that until after careful consideration, but who knows? Mistakes exist... or maybe the other party did not want to be responsible for this... 

With that thought in my head, I was a little worried that she would try to pass me this responsibility of this child directly to me thinking that I could swallow those kinds of excuses that I mentioned!

“Of course not, you idiot! What nonsense are you saying?!!

…The father is Yoshioka-san "

Haaa~ It's good that the guy she managed to catch takes his responsibility... w-wait, Yoshioka?! 

I didn't expect him to be interested in flat girls… no, now that I think about it, he didn't seem interested in any of the girls around me who have proportions in the large range.

W-Well... now is a bit uncomfortable to see him since I said that I had seen naked Matsushima and even bathe with her...

"C-Congratulations to both of you, then let's get on with this meeting."

"Thank you"

"T-thank you"

With no other option to avoid this discomfort, I speak for us to continue with the things we all come for. It's good that Yoshioka doesn't seem to care much about my previous words, when I congratulate them, he just nods with the same serious face as always, and also Matsushima somewhat embarrassed says the same.

“Fufufu, there have been a lot of births in the camp lately and I think it's a good thing. Without a doubt, this is a symbol of hope for all the people... it is like seeing that we are adapting to this new environment in which we now have to live.

Also, since the human population has dropped enormously now, this could be a bigger problem in the future for us.  Because of this, we have had to implement some benefits for women who give birth to children. "

With her eyes on Matsushima and a smile on her face, Yuriko-san starts talking about it as we all took a seat around a table. I can see most of the people nodding in agreement with her words, maybe only Soichiro next to her frowns a bit, but knowing how expressionless he was, then maybe that's the way to show that he agrees too.

Well, I can't deny what she says either. If there were no babies in this world, then there would be no hope for the human race here. 

But is just…

"... There have been no problems because of that?"

"Hmn? No. Most of the mothers in the camps have had easy deliveries without any complications and only needing a little assistance during the process. Well, this is something natural to all creatures, probably the number of complicated cases previously was due to the population being so much larger.

The few cases where there have been complications have been solved with the remaining doctors and also thanks to the potions that we now do. Also, most people have now said that they feel better physically. "

"That is good"

It is common knowledge that pregnancies are risky for women, so my concern was that now that there are not so many doctors then would be many deaths because of this, but it is good that seems that this is not the case.

Well, it is certainly not as if the civilization of this world had to start from 0, probably the only problem is that the number of hands of people who are experts in certain subjects is very limited now.

Also while what happened in this world can only be considered as an apocalypse and most of the things were just disasters, there were some good things like the things that Yuriko-san comments in the end.

Survivors have improved somewhat physically because the power of the world has increased and that they have killed some zombies. On the other hand, this energy not only affected animals, people, and zombies, but also plants could benefit from it, and therefore now in this world there are ingredients to make low-ranking positions.

The time before I came, I had given Kana some documents for creating potions that Shisuka gave me for her and so she see if they could create them here. Hearing what Yuriko-san says, it seems like that was a success.

After all, despite the fact that the people in that department could not be considered alchemists like in Gaia, they are still scientists, which is not something very different and they also have the help of their technology.  

From what I saw, they have even been able to sow and harvest the plants necessary to create the lowest rank potions. These plants don't take that long to mature, so I don't think there are any shortages of these potions in this world.

Still, I think it would be good to ask Lena if there is some kind of potion that helps women when they give birth to their children, this will definitely help this place a lot now.

“So, is there a problem that has arisen at this time? "

Since it didn't seem like there were many problems with this topic, I decided to go to the main topic. I don't think this is the cause for the concern that Saya and Rei told me that saw in their mothers, plus, I already had an idea of what it would be...

“About that… you could say that it's the same problem we've always had until now, only that now some things have changed. It's about the zombies... "

"Yes, there have been some changes in recent months regarding them..."

Listening to my question, Yoshioka and Soichiro are the ones who answer me what I have expected... when I arrived in this world again, the system quickly noticed the change in this world and so I already had an idea that this surely affected the zombies.

"Until now the zombies have stayed within the cities, but in the last couple of months there have been horde raids into some camps... some camps fell because of this."

“We were lucky enough to be well equipped, so we had no trouble dealing with a couple of zombie hordes that tried to attack our camps. But now because of this, our stockpiles of arms and ammunition have greatly decreased.

Besides, because to get these it is necessary to enter the big cities, that is practically invading enemy territory and perhaps we will only reduce the number of these without being able to get more... "

As the two of them continue to bring up the problems they had now, everyone's face in this room turns a bit grim… this is one of the things that I feared. Before I left HOTD the first time, only once had a horde of zombies left one city to attack us, but that could be said to have been due to provocation from us.

Also, despite the fact that we looted some police and military barracks, the number of weapons in these was simply insufficient to fight all the zombies in the cities adjacent to the camps... until now, they only had weapons to make quick raids and loot supplies or rescue survivors.

Probably they could annihilate all the zombies in a big city or two mediums with the equipment from the camp, but then our group would run out of ammunition...

It is true that all cities should have a police station, but the number of weapons in these is very low. Also perhaps we could loot more things from the military, but also unfortunately it is not that every city had one of these...

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