Soul Evolution System

Chapter 267 Trouble In HOTD (Part 2)

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"Well, also because the zombies have been more active recently, that's why several camps decided to join us..."

"Y-Yes... if it hadn't been for this group, then we probably would have been food for zombies."

"It is true"

"...although some were very foolish and did not have the same fate as us"

While thinking a bit about the issue of weapons, Yuriko-san continues as she casts her eyes on some men that I had seen for the first time... even though they seemed surprised by my appearance when they met me, they didn't make a big fuss about this either.

This is not that strange, since the other leaders of MLDW had admitted them here, they shouldn't be people with too crazy or dark mentalities. If they were, then they probably wouldn't be here and would probably be dead now… after all, Yuriko-san, Soichiro, and Yoshioka had understood that they couldn't afford to be soft in this world now.

But… it seems that due to the zombie activity I have gained some additional things.

[Mission / Optional "Region Control" - G ]

Divided people can be more vulnerable, especially in a world full of monsters. On the other hand, if they are under the same leader, then the opportunity to overcome difficulties is more feasible.

Objective: Take control of 15 small camps (> 1 thousand <10 thousand inhabitants). ( 15/15)

Take control of 10 Medium camps (> 10 thousand <50 thousand inhabitants). ( 6/10 )

Take control of 5 small camps (> 50 thousand inhabitants). (2/5)

Reward: 500 Restoration Pills

1 x Millions of crystals

10 x Millions of Gold


[Mission / Optional "Land Recovery" -G]

Retrieve the ancient territory of humanity from the hands of zombies. By doing this the security of your camps will be greater.

Objective: 10 Cities With less than 1 million zombies ( 3 /10)

5 Cities with less than 10 million zombies (0/5)

Reward: 1000x Restoration Pills

5x Millions of crystals

50x Millions of Gold

It seems that the missions I had in this place have progressed very well... mainly that of taking control of the camps in the area.

The camps with less than 10,000 people, it was probably something simple and that is why they managed to complete it quickly either simply by pressing them or offering them some advantages. Those who had more than 10 thousand perhaps were a bit more troublesome... their leaders probably did not want to lose the feeling of being the kings of that place after all.

Sadly for them, if they don't have enough weapons now that the zombies are moving to attack camps, then it would mean their annihilation. While they might have some weapons to defend against other camps, which is a bit annoying since this is the principal problem to force them to join us, you could say that that didn't apply to zombies… it took a lot of ammo to fight a horde of them.

…Even our camp now has this problem, not to mention others.

Regarding the camps of more than 50 thousand people, first, there is the problem of finding a camp with that number since I do not think there are many... also, surely the few that there are should have the support of the government of this world and the military, so getting them to join us will be a bit tricky.

As for the zombie annihilation mission in the cities, doing that now would be putting the chariot in front of the horse... probably Yuriko-san and the others only did this because there were some cities too close to the camps that they drive and it was inevitable to take care of these or it would be more problematic not to.

"Alexander-san... can't you get weapons where do you come from?"

"That is…"

With the words of Yoshioka, everyone sets their sights on me. On Gaia it would be a bit difficult to search for an area that is technologically advanced like this world for now, so I can only depend on the system. The problem is... damn it! It would cost me a great fortune to extract system resources to remove tens of millions of zombies!!

…There is the alternative of using tactical level magic scrolls, but unfortunately getting these also has its problems. So the only way is... yes, another world.

"I can get weapons, but it will take me a little time... besides, I will need all the banks to be removed for gold or jewelry."

"Golds and jewels? Well... I think that will not be a problem to collect these things from the cities that we have cleared of zombies. But... did I think these things were not useful in your world, Alexander? "

"Yes, in the world where I am they are not useful, but in other ones, they may have the same value as here"


“We will take care of gathering those things, Alexander-san. So, please get artillery weapons... the ammunition for the rifles I think we can supply ourselves with the production lines of these that are in the camps"

“Okay, but speaking of production lines, I found other weapons like grenades and it would be nice if a production line was created for these as well. Kurisu will give you the details for your department to carry out, Maresato-san.

This will not solve the weapons problem of now, but I think these bombs will greatly help the squads that entering in the cities and towns in search of resources and survivors. Besides, there are also some robots that will do the same.

On the other hand... for now, choose one of the most dangerous cities near this camp with a large number of zombies. There's something else I want to try and this will help make our camps have less risky for a while. "

"Grenades and robots? Well, I think these will help us. "

“A city with many zombies? That will not be a problem to search in this world... "


“ Well, then that would be it for this meeting… unless there is something else? "

"Erm... this problem is not new, but now it is a bit more common to meet evolved zombies... furthermore, we have found a type of zombies that are a bit problematic too..."

"" Ah, that... surely that is also a problem ""

When I thought this would be all for this meeting, Kana shyly talks to me and also hands me some documents. On these, I could see images of the evolved zombies that we had treated so far along with a small description of the qualities of them, and also forms to deal with them.

Probably these were also used to instruct the soldiers in case of meeting them, or also as study material in Haruna's school.

About what Kana says, it was something everyone already knew. After all, either because the zombies have had more time or because the energy in this world has increased a bit more again, it is normal for the number of evolved zombies to increase.

But, although that is problematic, the soldiers had to get a bit used to this, and also the weapons are still very effective against these. So it should not be something that big, or so I thought.

"This is…"

Kana points out some specific documents, and there I discovered an evolved zombie that I had not seen until now... they baptized it as a "mother zombie", and according to its name and description of it, this zombie could give birth to more zombies… also, it seems that these children are at least evolved zombies E1 too.

“We came across these types of zombies when we were cleaning up a city near one of the new camps that joined us. It was a bit troublesome as the number of evolved zombies was abnormally high… in the end, we found out that these types of zombies were responsible for this. "

"Haaa~ Until now we thought that with just eliminating all the zombies that turned from humans would end this nightmare, but now it doesn't seem that simple."


... I really don't know whether to be happy or upset about this. What Yuriko-san says is something true since it seems that eliminating the zombies from this world will be much more troublesome since these now even seem to breed, to be honest, this was never my goal at first... I wanted this world like a crystal mine, so these zombies for me mean that this place will continue to be productive for a long time... besides, surely my Venus will also be glad that its favorite food won't run out easily.

Although… due to the huge number of zombies in this world, this probably wouldn't have been a problem from the beginning.

"Well, it's not like things have changed much, so I don't think there is much of a problem with this."

"That's true.

Also, it doesn't seem like these Mother zombies can produce an inordinate number of evolved zombies in a short time. We just have to think that now the number of evolved zombies has increased more. "

As I thought, Soichiro and Yoshioka didn't seem very concerned about this since as the first one says, this doesn't mean that things changed too much.

This being the last topic that is mentioned in this meeting, then everyone proceeds to do the things they had to do. For now, Yoshioka will take charge of searching for a target as I had requested. I had thought of using one of the tactical level scrolls to show them. With these, I believe that they will be able to annihilate some of the most troubled cities without using the resources they have.

Soichiro and Yuriko-san seem like they had some things to discuss since it doesn't seem like they've seen each other for some time… I wonder if these two are still having problems?

On the other hand, I think the busiest at the moment will be the people in the technology department. Kurisu has to give them the information from the world of B-Tooom so that they can immediately start training people for the production line of these bombs.

Haaa~ it seems that I will be unoccupied until tomorrow we go to the city that Yoshioka chooses… since Kurisu is busy, I wonder if Haruna will also be free?

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To my misfortune, Haruna also had things to do in school... well, this was because I had told her that this time I would take her, Iruka-chan, and Alice-chan with me. The latter seems that also wanted to go to Gaia when she heard me mention this.

I thought his father would object, but he accepted without any problem when his daughter asked him to accompany her best friend and Mother... well, the reason why I decided to take the mother and daughter pair to Gaia was that now that place it will probably be even safer than this place, or at least it would be in the Area where we are now.

So when Moristato-san asked me if that place was safe, I answered precisely that and he ended up accepting without any problem.

"A-Alexander-san... c-could you stop kicking my foot please?"

“…I'm sorry, Hirano. I'm really happy for you, but… my foot acts on its own! "

“You fucking deserve it! I too have wanted to hit you for a while!! "

"'s true, Hirano-san... it's very unfair!"

Since Haruna and Kurisu were busy, I had decided to spend a little time with Hirano, Komuro, and Yamada. One of my goals was to tell the second I mentioned that I would take her mother and little sister with me to Gaia.

I thought this guy would object to this, but curiously enough, he just made an annoyed face and didn't say much about it. Well, I think he understands that now that place is safer than here after I explained to him things about that side a bit.

Although... it could also be that without his mother watching over him, then this bastard would head straight for a brothel as soon as we leave! Well… since whenever he hears that word his body seems to shake, I think he received a trauma the last time he goes to one. So I can't be so sure about this...

Also, it seems that this pair of fools were more interested in teasing Hirano as I was doing. They probably would have beaten him up a bit too if it weren't for the fact that he's their superior in this camp...

The reason for the anger of these two and also my little disagreement, it was none another thing than the fact that Asami was pregnant now... I think I understand a little more why Matsushima ended up the same. Surely she upon learning of her Kohai's circumstances, she felt overwhelmed by it and ended up rushing those things as well.

Yoshioka… it seems that you were only the means for her to regain her senpai status. Well, I don't think he was complaining about this anyway.

Haa~ Well, you could say that I helped things with Hirano to end this way, so it was logical that the things would end this way if these were going well between the two of them. I Just don't expect it to be that fast...

Also, I am not like these two who writhed in envy because Hirano walked the steps of adulthood. At least I have several girls with which this can happen at any time... so my emotions of discomfort were only that he had gone ahead from the person who helped him a little.

Because he had had various people from the military group train Hirano, he seemed a bit matured from earlier. But now that he learned that he would be a father, the surrounding environment from him has changed even more... I wonder if this would really change much a person?

"K-Komuro-kun… you seem to be getting along really well with Niki-san lately, right? So I don't think you should be so mad"

"Oh? So the little Komuro has finally grown up and his spring has arrived?~"

"Tch... stop looking at me like if you are a father watching his son grow! Also, you could say that this is thanks to the last time you left me and Yamada passed out on the ground after you hit us! "

"Oh? So that doesn't make me a cupid?~"

So that happened after the 3 of us fought in that place? Then he should thank me for that, but instead, his next words are just complaints… ungrateful son.

"Fuck you! That time if it hadn't been because Niki and Misuzu went to that place by chance and saw us passed out on the ground and helped us, then we would have had to spend the night like that there! You know there are zombies and dangerous animals outside the castle walls, right?!

...Thanks to that, Niki and I have been able to talk more frequently since then, but... unfortunately, there is a problem. "

Well... the soldiers do regular patrols, so they must not have been eaten by zombies or monsters. More than a fluke, those two girls must have been the leaders of the patrol group at that time, so I think they should still be thanking me instead of complaining.

But when I thought that spring had finally come to Komuro's life, he seems to have had some trouble. Interested in that, Hirano also intervenes while rubbing his foot...

"…a problem?"

"Yes... she is always together with Misuzu, right? So we can't just talk to each other alone"

…Tch, I thought it was something serious, but it just turned out to be that. If it were me, then I would just go after the two girls, after all, this now wouldn't be as frowned upon as before. Well, since it's Komuro, then I think it would be asking too much of him to do that...

“Emmm… you are two too, right? Why don't you try to get Yamada-kun to accompany Misuzu and you to Niki-san. "

Waah~ Hirano really seems like a different person now... he doesn't get as nervous about these issues as before and even says something that sounded logical and better for these two to carry out. I agreed with his words, as that sounded more feasible than telling this one to go after both girls at the same time.

Unfortunately, it seems that this also had a problem...

“Yeah… I've thought about that too, but this fool is still in love with another girl! So he doesn't want to do it, haa~ "

"...another girl?"


When I put my eyes on Yamada, he just lowers his head and gets discouraged just like Komuro... it seems that things with that girl have not gone very well for him either... damn! Then he should just accompany Komuro! Misuzu is a pretty girl too, so I don't understand why to reject that option that is more viable!!

Thinking of saying this to Yamada, suddenly in this cafe where we became silent just like when we arrived. The reason for this was also the same, it was because two other leaders had arrived here… Soichiro and Yuriko-san had arrived at this cafe.

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