Soul Evolution System

Chapter 268 Trouble In HOTD ( Part 3 )

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Yuriko-san and Soichiro advance through the cafeteria and take the table right in front of us... I don't know if things between the two of them have improved or they decided to just talk things over to each other these, but whatever the case was, I didn't want to be here to watch this...

I understand that my interaction with Yuriko-san can only be somewhat platonic, but… I can't help but really want this woman! I think that now I can't say anything to Yamada about giving up on the girl he likes and I even understand him a little more...

The other guys also notice these two, and our conversation stops while they are also curiously watching the two of them.

“ Well, what did you want to talk about, Soichiro? "


Inevitably since we were close, we can hear their entire conversation. Apparently, things between them are still somewhat complicated. Sadly, I can't be happy about this… if I was the one in Soichiro's place, this is where I would apologize and try to fix things. In fact, I think this guy was a bit slow to do it until now.

For a while, Soichiro is silent as if searching for the words to say, and then after making a decision, he lifts his head and looks directly at Yuriko-san. Surely words like "I 'm sorry by acted like I did so far, but... " as a start, and then a lot of excuses or words trying to say why you were acting like this to try to fix things between both...

... I don't want to hear this, but to get out of this cafeteria I have to pass right in front of them, haaa~...

"Sorry, Yuriko. I know it is my fault that you treated me coldly recently as I am the one who has estranged... "

"Hmp~ At least you're not so stupid as not to know that... so what's wrong?"


Tch, alright man, just tell him a damn excuse...

Things unfold as I had thought, so a little annoyed at witnessing this, I take the glass with the drink as if I wanted to make the flames of my jealousy and anger go out with it.

"I'm sorry Yuriko... e-emm... the truth is that I pregnant another woman"



My drink shoots out right at Komuro's face who was right in front of me, but even he doesn't seem to notice this... just like Yuriko-san who had been said these words to, everyone in the cafeteria is left with their mouths opened silently as they had their eyes on the couple.

Well, it's not like everyone was totally attentive to what they were talking about at first. This was more of Soichiro's fault who says this out loud while lowering his head to apologize!

Things had really taken a completely different turn than I had expected... what would be a sweet reconciliation, it could really end very badly! Now all the women here looked at Soichiro as if he were the worst person in the world, while the men seemed like they were trying to pray for him...

Well, I can only blame Soichiro for this! As I said before, it is not that people persisted with the concept of continuing with polygamy in this world, although this is still the most normal thing in the camps, also not so rare to find couples with several partners.

The problem is that this guy was making his actions sound like infidelity completely! While this is what it was, he could also have phrased do it a little differently so it wouldn't sound too bad!! Probably if he had mentioned to Yuriko-san that there was another girl he was interested in and wanted to take her as his woman, then I think things would not be so bad. He just had to wait for her to accept or reject that proposal... the way things are in this world now, I think there is a good chance that Yuriko-san was not so opposed.

But it was not like that! The fool just comes and says he has helped a woman's belly to grow!! Previously I could see how Yuriko-san happily spoke to me about these things, but I'm sure that she is not happy that her husband contributes to this with other women!!

“ W-Who is… who the hell did you get pregnant?!! "

"W-Well... you have the right to know, it's... it's Yuki"

"Yuki? ...that girl... "

Dude, I agree that she has a right to know, or in fact, I think it doesn't make much sense to hide it now, but… damn! You're telling this to the whole cafeteria! Couldn't you pick a better place to say something like that? I think that would be good for this one was a place with fewer sharp and pointed objects to avoid getting stabbed!!

...I can see how Yuriko-san who was as upset as I have never seen is holding the cutlery knife tightly... probably what prevents her from thinking about whether or not she should stab him was that she begins to search her memories for someone with that name he says.

Well, I was also curious about who the woman was that this serious man was cheating on Yuriko-san… I really couldn't imagine this man doing that. Then I was also a bit surprised to hear a familiar name...

Unexpectedly, remembering that girl, I must say that now I understood this a little more. That girl... you could say that she was a carnivorous girl! Probably instead of saying that Soichiro had eaten her, was it finer to saying that that girl ate Soichiro?

I had not seen her for a while... so was because she was in Kinato? So after I left she decided to look for other prey, and that was none other than Soichiro?

"... How many months pregnant is she?"


After a while that Yuriko-san seems to calm down, she proceeds to question Soichiro. Hearing her response, the fury that was descending on her reappears like a volcano which erupted...

"S-Seven months?! Damn it! Why don't you just invite me when the child is born to tell me, fuck?!! "

S-Seven months… so that probably happened shortly after I first left HOTD? I wonder if it was because Soichiro just hit the bullseye the first time, or did they have multiple encounters?

“You've been hiding this from me for 7 fucking months! You didn't dare to tell me the moment it happened!! You are a fucking bastard!! "


As if she had reached the peak of her anger, Yuriko-san stands up and slaps Soichiro hard, while he only can stay sit and say nothing ...

…Honestly, about telling your partner that you've been unfaithful I've heard several tips before. Some say that you should simply deny it while this cannot be proved... and others to just be honest... but I think that no matter which option you take, things will end badly in the end.

Usually when someone in the marriage confesses an infidelity due to guilt, their relationship ends... or very few lovers continue after something like this. I have also heard of someone unfaithful who always denied being unfaithful and their marriage continued for a long time... but I cannot say that they were a happy couple since there was always doubt between them.

That is why there is probably no good option to take and both are just as bad... so the only solution is to try to be faithful or maintain an agreement between your spouse if it is impossible... although both are probably just as complicated to do in a world like this was.

"K-Komuro ... man, don't swallow what I spat out... it's disgusting"

"E-Eh? D-Damn it!! Gueh... "

Thinking about those things, suddenly Yuriko-san puts her eyes on our table and sees me... then somewhat mechanically I turned to Komuro, and even though it was probably useless now, I tried to pretend that we hadn't heard their discussion talking to him...

It is good that this does not seem to matter to her, and instead as if thinking of something, with a somewhat mocking smile she speaks to Soichiro again.

“Well, I have something to say too… the truth is that I have also been with another person! Since you had simply pushed me aside to spend your time with your young lover, you can't blame me for that!! "


Soichiro frowns upon hearing her but continues to remain silent. I'm sure those words of hers were probably nothing more than a reflection, after all, she thought about that after seeing me... and things between us weren't like that. In fact, Yuriko-san's affection towards me always remained at 80 (Confidence, Good impression).

Do not know why, but when a person finds out things like this, almost his first instinct is to say that did the same or will do the same... probably the person thinks that this way the other that was unfaithful will feel the same as him.

Besides, maybe it was also to hide how bad she felt... before Yuriko-san turned to leave, I could see her tears starting to form in her eyes. I really want to leave this place because of the atmosphere here, now this place was so cold since it looks like this coffee shop was in the arctic in the middle of winter...

Soichiro stays in his chair while he seems to think about the things that just happened… I don't know if it would be best for him to go after her, or to give her space to think too.

"W-Waah~! W-What the hell is wrong with Yamada? L-Looks like this guy's soul has left his body! "

When I lay my eyes on the boys to tell them that we too should go, I only find the image of a totally lifeless Yamada on his chair...

"That... t-the girl who this guy liked was Yuki..."

Then with the words of Komuro, Hirano and I stayed with the mouth open... what I can say? The world was too small now or are these guys just out of luck with these things...

What I do know is that this is probably just as fucked up as the previous thing... without a doubt knowing that the girl you like has been pregnant by another guy is one of the worst things to hear... maybe is even better to just to be rejected.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

Night had fallen and I left Haruna's room to think a bit… a lot had happened during the day after all. Also, probably not wanting to leave me alone with Haruna, Kurisu left the things she had to do in the tech department for tomorrow and had come to Haruna's room to sleep with us as well.

The problem is that with these two girls there, neither of them would let me play with them a bit… that is so bad. Well, with the two little girls there too, that might have been impossible from the beginning probably.

So with no other option, I decided to go out to the roof of the castle from where you enter to the two towers of bedrooms... this way I could also cool my head a bit so as not to do things that I should not do in front of Iruka-chan and Alice-chan.

" ...Alexander-kun?"


So when I get to the place, I meet the person I least want to meet now… Yuriko-san. Well, I can't deny that a part of me wanted to seek her out to take advantage of what happens since maybe she was emotionally unstable, but... my feelings for her were not just lust and I really appreciated this woman very much.

So if something happened between us, I didn't want that to be a mistake for her...

Yuriko-san had been sitting on a bench in this place holding a ring in her hands. She seemed calmer, but surely she kept thinking about what happened this afternoon in the cafeteria... 



Due to the reason of before, I wanted to turn around and leave this place, but… if I do that, then I might end up affecting her even more and so I approach her with little hesitant steps. She puts her eyes on the ring again for a few seconds while responding to my words, and then she turns her gaze back to me who was walking slowly towards her...

Only that this time the tears had started to fall from her eyes again. Her face was a little disfigured due to sadness, and that makes my feet come to a complete stop a few meters from her.

It was the first time I had seen this refined and elegant woman make another kind of expression on that slightly proud face that she had or the playful side that she sometimes showed me... unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy this time discovering another expression of her.

As a man, maybe I should support Soichiro a bit... after all, his mistake was one that possibly most men have made or at least been tempted to do it, but... looking at Yuriko-san's state of now, I just could curse him for making her act this way.

"Sniff ... Sniff ... Waaah~ !!"

For a moment it seemed she struggled to control her emotions trying to make their tears don't continue to fall as if she doesn't want to show me that side of her, but in the end it seems that these strong emotions were more strong and she just could not contain them.

I don't know if since she couldn't help this then she tried to hide it by putting her face on my chest while tightly holding my clothes or she just wanted to cry her anguish over me, but for a moment I was a little blank without knowing what to do. Because of our height difference, now I was a bit stiff while she was kneeling while crying and hold me...

In truth, I did not know very well what to do in this situation since it was the first time that I was in something like that, but thinking that it would be bad for someone else to see how we were now, I try to lift her and help her get to the bench by sitting next to her.

“W-Why… s-sniff… w-why is this happening to me? D-Did I do something wrong? "


Between tears and sobs, she asks me this... the truth is that I don't know well about her and Soichiro's relationship, but as I said, now I didn't mind blaming everything on him. Unexpectedly, it seems that she doesn't think the same, and instead, she begins to blame herself for this.

"No… maybe it's because Soichiro isn't attracted to me anymore… or could it be because I'm old now?"

"I don't think that's the problem... I think Yuriko-san is a very beautiful woman... besides, I think you have a mature aura around you normally, but physically you are far from looking old."

“Sniff… T-Then prove it! Surely you only say it so that I do not feel bad... after all, you are also surrounded by only young gir-Hmnnn~ "

While I didn't want to take advantage of her now that she was a bit confused, I think that showing her how I felt about her wasn't something wrong. Besides, I couldn't find any other way to prove my words to her than to kiss her...

So without letting her continue with what she was saying, I take her face in my hands and begin by giving her a light kiss on the cheek, but thinking that perhaps it would not be enough to discard her doubts, in the next second I overlap my lips with hers...

My first thought had been to give her a light kiss and then to withdraw, but feeling her warm lips the desire for her that I suppressed for a long time had been released... without caring if she was surprised or shocked by this, I simply concentrated on sucking on her lips like I want to make up all the time I couldn't do this.

I wrap my tongue around hers and as if it was some kind of switch in her, her entire body shakes. Probably because my lips had moistened with her tears first, this kiss had a slightly salty taste.


I was only parting my lips from hers so we could both breathe or because I just wanted to look into her eyes... so before I knew it, I had laid Yuriko-san on the bench while I was on her lifting myself up with my knees around her waist and my palms on either side of her head...


[Yuriko affection 95]

“Yuriko-san… I really like you, you know? So if you don't stop me, I don't know how far am I going to take this... but I don't want you to think of this as a mistake... or I don't want to be the person you get even whit of Soichiro either... "

"I-I ... T-this is... w-we ..."

While only supporting myself with three of my limbs, I begin to caress her cheek and look her directly in the eyes. It seems that she had stopped crying at some point, but now her mind was in a complete mess since she did not even seem to be able to think something clearly and only babbled a few words... it was a bit curious to see her in this state too.

"... Should I stop or should I continue?"


I really didn't want to ask that question, and I just wanted to continue... unfortunately she only nodded to my question and so I had no idea which option she had chosen. Well... we were outdoors at the moment and it really wouldn't be good to go any further in this place, so I think it was most likely the first option...

I get up to allow her to do the same, and then we stare into each other's eyes for a while without saying anything...

"I-I ... I-I think... I-I'll come back now... e-emmm th-this... n-now I don't know... m-my head is..."

" It 's fine ... I just wanted to say what I feel for you Yuriko-san... I do not expect you to give me an answer now..."

"U-Unn... I-I have many things to think about, s-so..."

It seems that even after several minutes Yuriko-san's mind had not settled down. Furthermore, as if she wanted to escape from this place, she starts to back away while trying to make an excuse but without taking her eyes off me...

I think she didn't expect I to actually kiss her… or maybe she said that before without much thought. In the end, since I couldn't quite understand what she was trying to tell me, I decided to make it clear how I felt about her so that she wouldn't mistake my actions as an attempt to comfort her or something like that.

So when she listening to me, it seems that the red color of her cheeks spreads all over her face... then she accelerates the rhythm of her steps to get out of here at a faster pace. Since her steps seemed a bit unsteady, I wanted to accompany her to prevent her from tripping and hurting herself, but probably if I did that, then would only make her condition worse.

Well… I think I should also go back to my room.

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