Soul Evolution System

Chapter 269 Trouble In HOTD ( Part 4 )

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(POV Yuriko)

I close the door to my room and I lean on this one while making a long sigh... w-what just happened? M-Me and Alexander-kun we kissed?  Yes, it is just what just happened! B-Besides, we did it for quite some time...

T-That little guy is quite skilled at it… my mind went totally blank and I could forget about everything for quite some time just getting lost in the sensation of my mouth.

…T-This is bad! If someone else saw us, then… th-then… e-eh? Ah, it's true… what the hell does it matter if that damn Soichiro finds out about this now?!!

My first instinct was to hide this, but thinking that it would be bad if Soichiro found out about this, what happened recently with him comes back to my head and makes my angry emotions return... no, that word could not describe what I was feeling right now! That damn man went and got pregnant a girl our daughter's age!!

Also, it wasn't just anger! I felt betrayed, hurt, and much more... honestly, the idea of looking for that little guy and let him make me forget all this appeared recurrently in my mind.

The more I thought about it, the more things about that little guy popped into my head… I probably just didn't want to think about anything else at this point. I was not stupid, and I knew that that little boy had always had an idea about me, but...I thought that he had been satisfied with our relationship in which I made fun of him a little from time to time.

...or maybe he just held back because he knew that I wouldn't betray Soichiro. Anyway, what was I thinking when I told him to prove what he said to me?! I really wasn't thinking clearly at the time...

That was simply inciting him to do that! I-I know very well that this little guy is not someone to play concerning these things. In fact, I'm a little surprised that damn brat stopped at that time.. i-if he had not, then I do not know what would have happened!

W-Well… I can't completely blame him for what happened there … yes, the only culprit for this is that damn Soichiro! If he hadn't done something that stupid, then none of this would have happened!!

…If he had talked to me first, I might not reject the idea that he had another woman. But instead, that bastard put me aside and didn't have the guts to tell me until now that his son with another woman will be born in a couple of months!!

That bastard decided to just enjoy time with his little slut while he couldn't fulfill his duties as a husband with me!!

...or may it really that he was no longer attracted to me? Hmp~ No, the boy said that he really liked me and that I was a beautiful woman! So it's just that this bastard doesn't have enough energy to satisfy two women! If you can't do it, then you shouldn't do something like that in the first place!! 

If he had told me that he liked another girl, because of how the world is now, I don't see why to reject that. Besides, I practically pushed my daughter to a boy who had many girls by his side... although I think it would be fair that since we have had so much time together, then he must give me a little priority.

W-Wait… there is another big problem! I-If Saya finds out that Alexander-kun kissed me, she might get quite mad!! W-Well… I think that when she finds out that she will soon have a little brother or sister she will be more shocked… or so I hope.

Haaa~ Damn it… things have gotten really complicated now.

Feeling somewhat discouraged, I flop onto the bed. At the moment I didn't want to think about anything, but probably if I trying to avoid thinking about Soichiro, then I could only think about the boy again.

His words that he liked me were constantly repeated in my head, and I can't deny that I didn't feel bad about these… besides, before knew it I was running my fingers over my lips as if I wanted to remember the feeling of that time.

To be honest, that boy had made me feel in ways that I never thought I could do... not that I liked him more than Soichiro for a simple kiss, my relationship with him was much more serious after all... although it was as if we would both try to simply fulfill our roles as husband and wife.

It's not that I don't love Soichiro... or at least I felt happy being with him. He was someone serious, responsible, and generally a good man. Someone who would be considered a great match by any woman, and so I didn't have many complaints about him.

Or I wouldn't have them if this hadn't happened...

On the other hand, I couldn't deny that Alexander-kun's character also seemed very striking to me… maybe that's even the reason why I pushed my daughter towards him.

That little guy is someone quite passionate... you can even say that he is someone lustful, though he is also responsible... or at least with the people at his side. Maybe I can not say that he is someone good, but he is not someone evil either... what no one can deny is that the little boy is a womanizer...

Although from what I've heard from the girls around him, he never tried to hide this… besides, he cares a lot about the girls around him and seems to love them quite a bit. This could be said to be due to the fact that he was someone who completely followed his wishes without being held back by them... so to some extent, you could see it as that he was too honest.

...So I cannot deny that seeing that passion and desire inside his eyes was something quite attractive... or at least they were for me who had tried to continue a life repressing these things since they were not very consistent with a person with the status that I had.

Or maybe I'm just trying to imitate Soichiro to see us as a more appropriate couple... that damn fool seems to feel nothing at times... even surprises me a bit that he had been unfaithful... well, it seems that in the end he's still a man and not a fucking robot!

Time passed, and my mind kept turning to the matter of these two people... I must say that due to Soichiro's actions, every time I compared them, he seemed to lose with that kid more and more.

In fact, even though I didn't want to see him for now, I was waiting for that bastard to show up to continue discussing things and get the little boy out of my mind, but... that fool couldn't even do that! Hours had passed since we left the cafeteria and that damn bastard hadn't appeared since then!! not tell me that this idiot decided to better go with his little bitch?!!

When that thought pops into my head, I quickly get out of bed and walk out of the room. If it is a truth that this bastard brought that little bitch and now he's in her arms, then this time I don't just will slap him and I'll kick him in the balls instead!!

Since I didn't know if he was still outside or was in another room here, I have to go ask some of the girls who were in charge of cleaning the place to see if they had seen him.

"Yuriko... do you want to come in?"

In the end, it seems that he actually chose to sleep in a different room than ours… besides, since he invites me in, then I don't think he brought his little bitch here. Or does he think I might hurt her? Hmp~ I'm not crazy to do something to a pregnant woman.

"No, it's fine"

"" ... ""

Now that we were in front of each other, I began to think that maybe it was not a very good idea to come here… the only thing I could think when I saw him was to yell at him and hit him again, so I can only keep silent after answering him.

He also does the same, and then an awkward silence as we watch each other is generated... damn it! Does he expect me to tell him not to renounce to me? That I beg him not to abandon me for another woman?! Or is this bastard just going to pretend nothing happened?!!

"S-So… s-so have you found someone else?"

"... wh-what?"

Perhaps seeing that my anger was increasing by every second that this silence continued, he finally opens his mouth. His words leave me blank for a moment, for a moment I wanted to yell at him what the hell was he saying and then really hit him again, but then I remember what happened with Alexander-kun recently and that maybe someone saw us and then said that to him. So some nervousness invades me.

After thinking about that for a bit, I calm down. This motherfucker is in no position to blame me for kissing someone else right now!

" the cafe you said that you had someone else"


Now that I thought about it, I think that because of the anger at that time then I said something like that, I had completely forgotten that. Also, it seems like what happened with Alexander no one probably saw it… so I was a bit relieved by that as things between us wouldn't get even more complicated.

But then thinking about his words, the fact that they sounded like since now I have someone else that I like and since he too, then we should both go our own way, that makes my anger even greater than before!

Well, not only did I feel angry… that also made me quite sad. Although I'm glad that at this moment I could only show him my anger… I didn't want this idiot to see me cry.

"I get it! So you want to spend all your time with that little bitch now! Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore!! "


This time I don't slap him and instead take the ring off my finger and throw it in his face! So while I hear the sound of it falling to the ground, I turn to leave.


“Hmp~ Don't worry about me, as you say, there is someone who cares about me! I don't need your pity!! "


When he calls me, I turn around again for a moment to see that his expressionless face seemed to show a little doubt in this one... it was certainly strange to see him show any emotion, but that's not what I wanted to see... I wanted him to at least show a little concern about me! At least that would tell me that he still cared for me!!

Instead, his expression of doubt only tells me that he thinks more about that girl than about me...

Then a second later I didn't want more to see him make a worried face, now I wanted to see the same thing as when I said those things to him before in the cafeteria... I wanted him to suffer as much as I did! So that's why I say similar words, even if these were lies...

Well, maybe now I knew that those words were not totally a lie… that was most likely the reason why I didn't collapse in the hallways and cry there. So I was able to wait until to get to my room again to do it.

"Sniff... sniff... Waaah ~"

Once inside my room, I quickly lay down on the bed and start crying as I smother it with my pillow… that damn bastard… does he really just want to push me aside now ?! Trash, idiot, asshole!!

After maybe the hundredth insult towards Soichiro, the idea of feeling bad about this one even started to bother me…  so if before I had a little impulse to go into Alexander-kun's arms to forget everything, now I really wanted to!!

I no longer cared that Soichiro found out about this! No… actually it would be nice if that damn bastard knew!! The only thing preventing me from doing so is that in Alexander-kun's room Haruna and Kurisu were surely there...

So the only thing I could do was try to think about the time we had on the roof of the castle so that I could forget everything else. I do not think that now my feelings for him have increased, but certainly not decreased as my thoughts by Soichiro. Or rather I try to avoid thinking about him by taking refuge in the memories that have with Alexander... then I do this until just at some point I fell asleep.

The next day, I discover that I was not the only one who had been thinking about him. I immediately realize when I see him that Alexander-kun seems to have decided to be more proactive in approaching me...

Or maybe it's just that after the two of us walked past that line that we had never crossed until the night before, then instead of turn back behind of this one, he decided to keep moving even further...

W-Well... if I had met him the night before again, then I might even be the one who would try to seek comfort from him, but ... having calmed down a bit, I knew that for various reasons this was not very good.

Although being honest, I can not say that his actions make me upset or feel bad... in fact at knowing that someone else likes me prevents me from feeling even worse than I already feel.

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(POV Alexander)

The morning after arriving at HOTD, we have a small meeting in which Yoshioka informs us that he had chosen a city about 45 minutes away by helicopter for me to show them the use of the tactical level scrolls, and the leader chosen to accompany me was none other than Yuriko-san.

Apparently, Yoshioka and Soichiro were somewhat busy with things at Kinato's camp. Although I think that the main reason why things ended up like this is that the first one was probably also quite busy in caring for the woman who was carrying her first child in her womb... I do not intend to earn the dissatisfaction of a woman pregnant so I have no complaints about this.

Also, I believe that as his friend, Yoshioka not is so foolish to force Soichiro to go along with Yuriko-san at this time... 

Most likely at this time what happened in the cafeteria is the biggest gossip around the camp… after all, there's no way that was kept a secret after so many people witnessed it.

To make matters worse, last night Yuriko-san's screams were heard throughout all the castle... now I could see how the women who saw Soichiro make a bad face or spoke badly of him discreetly. Since he was still a leader, then sure they thing that not would be good if he listened to them.

The men, on the other hand, some saw Soichiro with some sorrow, perhaps sympathizing with him, although... there are also those who see him with a certain strangeness and surprise on their faces. Most likely, these men do not understand why he having one of the most desired women in all the camps would do something like that... I must say that I even was in this part of the men that thought this.

Well... perhaps it is one of the great mysteries of life why a man with a beautiful woman can still be unfaithful.

Because everything before, to end l seems that the leader chosen to accompany me was none other than Yuriko-san... about this, I have nothing why have a complaint. In fact, I had to try hard not to smile in front of Yoshioka and Soichiro...

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