Soul Evolution System

Chapter 270 Trouble In HOTD ( Part 5 )


I also feel the same way as several of you about jumping to the next level on girl relationships with Alex, and in fact, I already write those chapters. Unfortunately, remember that chapters like this one have been written for a long time, so I rely more on how those who read the later chapters in my p.atreon feel. You will have to wait a bit to read sex scenes.

Hahaha, sorry about that. I can only encourage you to support the novel to be able to read advanced chapters. Probably at the end of this month the chapters in which Alexander has his first time will be published in my p.atreon.

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After we had a little meeting in the morning, everyone proceeds to prepare for the things they had to do. Yoshioka and Soichiro would return to Kinato, Yuriko-san was preparing things for our departure, and Hirano would talk to Kurisu to see how the BIMs I had brought from B-tooom worked.

Kurisu and Haruna would not accompany Yuriko-san and me, they were both still busy. Especially the first one, since apart from teaching Hirano how to use the bombs, she also was still taking charge to create the production lines for the bombs.

Apparently, the technology in B-tooom was ahead of Kurisu's time by a few decades, or at least that's what she believed when she saw it. The good news was that the people of that island had thought not to depend on anyone, probably because they did was not legal, so that all the equipment needed to create all components of the bombs were there.

So it was not even necessary to do reverse engineer to make us possible to create the bombs soon and saving us a lot of time. The people of the tech department just had to understand the use of the equipment, and that was not very difficult.

Therefore, as I had thought before, creating most of the bombs didn't have much of a problem... or more precisely, most of them. According to Kurisu, there was only a slight problem with shield bombs and those that created black holes...

They could probably create these bombs but just a few since they can only make some by the materials I brought from the world of B-tooom. Also, getting more of this material for these would be somewhat difficult... the problem was that they used enriched uranium!

The energy to operate these bombs was very large, so they needed a small nuclear terminal to create these effects for a short time. Kurisu had talked to me about this very excited for a few hours, but... since she mentioned many technical things, in the end, the only thing I could understand was that the bombs were quite advanced things.

While she was talking about it, I was more worried that I suffered from radiation poisoning since several of those bombs had been used on that Island... the good thing was that due to the strengthening of my body and that of the girls who were with me, it seems that there was no problem with us.

...I wonder if I am not sterile? Lately I've been in places with higher than normal radioactive indices... damn! This is a real concern and not a joke for me!!

Even though the system said that I had no problem, should I take iodine pills? Maybe it's for the best to do... although I haven't thought about having children yet, it's not that I don't want to have them!!

While I had a bit of concern for my future offspring, I arrive at the castle gate to wait for Yuriko-san to go to the city that had a population of more than 7 million inhabitants before, and that were now zombies. So in this place, I meet the person I wanted to avoid for the moment...

"Alexander ..."


When I saw him earlier, I thought that he was not very affected by his discussion with Yuriko-san since he had the same serious face as always. But now that I look at him more closely, I can tell that he had dark circles and he looked a bit tired... probably he didn't sleep very well.

I wanted to just shake my head at him as a greeting and leave, but something in me is preventing me from taking a step forward and leaving him in that state… to be honest, I don't dislike this man. You could say we only have slightly different thoughts on some things, but even I think he's a good man.

…Although I can't say we were friends either. If I were to define my relationship with him, then he would be my father-in-law because of my relationship with Saya… someone that I should have a little respect for because of this. Unfortunately, he was also Yuriko-san's husband… someone I envied from the bottom of my heart.

Perhaps for that reason I could never see him as my father-in-law totally... although you could probably say that I am the only one who is wrong for wanting this man's wife even though I already take his daughter from him...

I understand that, and I'm not so miserable as to think that he has done something wrong, but… damn it! Who would not hate the guy that has the girl you like?!! It's irrational, but that's how emotions are.

…So, probably what keeps my feet from moving is due to the guilt I feel towards him. While I have decided to be on the side with Yuriko-san because of what he did, that is because my feelings are skew to her side... 

To be honest, I can't blame him for what he did… having so many girls around me, it would be very hypocritical if I did, right?

"Tell me Soichiro... why the hell doesn't you go after Yuriko-san and crawl around asking for forgiveness?! Damn, even going and holding onto her leg while crying and begging her to forgive you wouldn't be wrong!"

Haa~ I hate myself for doing this... I should just take advantage of his problems with Yuriko-san and not advise him to try to solve his problems with her... although if I don't, then the guilt I feel probably won't go away.

If someone has screwed up so splendidly, I think at least it wouldn't hurt to humble yourself a bit... maybe it won't fix things, but at least you could say that you trying something. Or at least I think it is better for the sentimentally wounded woman to see you sorry and mortified for what happened, than simply showing that face which seems that it does not seem to be affected at all...

…Even if I think that seeing Soichiro act like that would be quite a show, I would probably laugh a little because of that, but I would also feel a little sad since the chances of these two reconciling are higher.

"That... I think it's too late for that..."

"…too late?"

"It seems that Yuriko feels something more for someone else... although I can't blame her for this as I have neglected her for a while"

"H-Haa? M-Man, haven't you considered that to be a lie? "


I thought he would be someone too proud to do something like that, but it seems like there was another problem instead… when I heard that Yuriko-san had someone else that she liked, I remember what happened on the roof of the castle yesterday.

That time because everything happened suddenly and I was very excited, I did not check that there was no one in that place. So I thought that perhaps that had reached his ears and was indirectly blaming me.

But looking at his expression, it doesn't seem like that was the case... furthermore, even though what happened the night before between Yuriko-san and me, I don't think her feelings for me are so big to make her consider leaving her husband for me. So there is only the most logical option, that she was simply lying.

Seeing his silence, he probably has his doubts about that too, but it seems like he chose to believe that it was true... maybe because he had been with Yuki now, then he thought it was not impossible for Yuriko to do the same with someone else.

“You may be right, but… I'm probably afraid that Yuriko will ask me to leave Yuki now that she's pregnant… I can't leave her alone now."


Now I am the one who did not know what to say to him, and I can only remain silent... as a man, I think Soichiro was quite admirable in taking responsibility for the girl who got pregnant from him. As a husband… I couldn't say the same.

"...You haven't thought of just taking both of them?"

Considering his problem for a moment, after having a great internal battle and clenching my teeth tightly as if I try to avoid speaking, those words of mine come out of my mouth almost in the form of a whisper.

Haaa~ Damn! I wanted to stop this conversation now!! Maybe if I hit my head against a wall and faint then I could avoid having to say these things?

“…Sadly, not everyone can be like you and just decide to love any woman you like, Alexander. I know that if I'm with both of them, I can't help but to feel me guilty towards both of them.

I admit it, what happened with Yuki was more of a mistake... that time we were returning from a foray to eliminate the zombies of a small town and maybe I drank too much... then the next day I woke up with her in my bed without really knowing what happened.

After that it was very difficult for me to see Yuriko's face, and that made our relationship somewhat uncomfortable... then when Yuki told me she was pregnant, things just got worse.

…But like I said, I can't leave her alone now. "

Man... I know that's true, but you didn't need to make me look like a womanize! You could avoid that part. Also, it seems that this girl was actually more dangerous than I thought at the first... I don't want to doubt her, but something tells me that she was the one who got Soichiro drunk!

Also I understand that each man has different ideologies, and I can't blame him for that… but listening to what he says, I can tell that the situation between him and Yuriko-san is not my fault! So I can rest easy about that and not feel guilty.

“Well… I can only wish you that your child is born safely. Besides... you can't blame me for what happens in the future... "

With nothing more to say to him, I simply say goodbye by raising my hand and wishing him that his future child borns without complications. Also, my last words that were more of a whisper were a kind of warning for him...

Since he can't decide how to proceed with Yuriko, he can't complain if I tried to take advantage of this opportunity! I think I held back a lot when their relationship was stable… probably.

Also, we've interacted for a while, so I don't think he was blind enough not to see the attraction I had towards Yuriko-san...

“… I just want her not to be sad. So if she is really happy with another man, then I can't say anything... "

When I walk away, Soichiro seems to mutter it that is barely audible… although I don't know if it was because he understood what my words implied or it was just what he really wanted for Yuriko-san. Either way, I no longer have to hold back towards Yuriko-san or feel guilty...

Leaving that castle, I go directly to the place used as a hangar for helicopters, and there Yuriko-san was already waiting for me to leave. So she and I get into the back, and the pilot starts to make this machine rise and immediately heads towards our destination.

“ L-Little one… w-what are you doing?! "

According to my previous words, I quickly feel as close to her as I can... you could say that our sides were as close as a pair of Siamese twins. Of course, that wasn't why she complained...

The reason for this was none other than when the helicopter heads towards the city full of zombies, then I begin to slide my hand from her waist towards those mature hips that have always tempted me until now...

"A-Alexander-kun... s-stop playing around!"

"Playing around? I'm not playing, Yuriko... I told you before, I really like you a lot "

"E-Eh? T-That's... "

When my hand begins to caress her large buttocks a little, she holds my wrist to stop my movements... this one is really big ... is because it has given birth to a daughter?

Well, it was also pretty cool to see her lose that dignified attitude that she had and to see her get flustered… while the usual attitude is quite refreshing, she seems quite cute when she acts this way!

“ Can I kiss you like last night, Yuriko? "

"... W-What happened that night was-"

"It was a mistake? I see... so for you that was a mistake... it's true, probably my feelings for you can only be seen by others as something wrong... "

"N-No! I-I mean ... I-I don't know... t-to me, these made me happy at least... "

I know that maybe it's a bit unfair to take advantage of her emotional instability, but if I don't, then surely what Yuriko-san can feel for me can cool... for now, I just want to occupy a space in her mind. And with this as a purpose, I have to be a little insistent for her to remember the things of yesterday and that she does not see them as a mistake!

I go back to trying to caress Yuriko-san's body, and I can see her internal struggle to stop myself again or to let things happen... in the end, it seems that perhaps this was still too fast. Well, probably since she has not cleared the things with Soichiro, I can't blame her for this either.

As I stopped, I thought she would probably tell me that it was too early for her to think about having a relationship with someone else or something like that, but it seems like the problem was something else...

"A-Alexander-kun... t-there are more people here, so stay calm!"

In a somewhat nervous way, this time she looks in the direction of the pilots whom it seems that we had attracted his attention... these guys... if they crash the helicopter, then I swear that I will find a way to revive them to later kill them again!

…I wonder if this means that if we are alone we can do it then? Also, it seems that the separation of this couple it goes faster than I had thought it would be... when Yuriko-san holds my hand again, I realize that she was not wearing her wedding ring now...

"Don't worry, Yuriko-san... if they dare to talk about what happened here, then the next time they get on a helicopter it will be to be thrown from this one"

"K-Kohon... A-All indicators are in order?"


“ M-Mou… you shouldn't joke like that Alexander-kun. "

Joke? Damn, who's kidding? You could say that I've waited a long time for this, so if a guy I don't know gets in my way and ruins things with Yuriko-san, then it's because he or they just wants to die!

It's good that the helicopter pilot and copilot seemed like smart enough people to know that my words weren't a joke and were more of a promise between us... so after listening to me, both guys nervously start to check that everyone in the helicopter was in order as they possibly tried to forget what they saw.

Unfortunately, time passes very quickly when you are having fun... after harassing Yuriko-san a couple more times to make her show me that expression that was more of an innocent schoolgirl, the city that was our destination appears before our sight.

"A-Alexander-san... I-I'm sorry to bother you, but you want us to descend the helicopter somewhere."

"It is not necessary... I think we can carry out what we came to do from the helicopter, just fly over the city a little "


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